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US wants India's help in fighting Baitullah Mehsud: Holbrooke

Balochi and the Shias of Northern Areas ?

out of 50 something baloch tribes there are only three who are lookin for separations. and although there are not many shias in pakistan but still they are not close to india in any way
out of 50 something baloch tribes there are only three who are lookin for separations. and although there are not many shias in pakistan but still they are not close to india in any way

In the beginning I said India should not go to Afghanistan. India should wait and watch.

And I hope you understand why Money & America is important for Pakistan.
actually you have to see the possible Indian intervention in context of :

1. The recent offer of changed US policy towards Iran

2. Russia-India-Iran plans of taking concrete steps in Afghanistan

3. Russia allowing NATO to transport miltary equipment also through Russia/CARs.

4. Recent assessments/fears of GoP-PA failing to tackle the iminent threat and their ramifications on region and adjoining countries inclusive of Iran, India, Russia, CARs & China (which has a restive Xinjiang province).

These points may be determinant and crucial over the next few months as the war on terror in Pakistan is fought by PA as the frontline troops now ....

The developments are indeed significant. So are the treat perceptions of the countries around AF-PAK. China is caught between the devil and the deep sea. But, if it comes to choice, China would not think twice before choosing Xinjiang over Pakistan. A failed Pakistan is of concern to all. But a failed Nuclear Pakistan is a nightmare. And with the rapid deterioration in Pakistan, it has become urgent that the international community takes immediate measures to remove Pakistani Nukes from Pakistan. China their all wether friends can be asked to be the custodian of these weapons, with a assurance of providing Pakistan a nuclear umbrella as long as stability and rule of law is restored in Pakistan.
This is awesome.We should dump all Talibans to Kashmir or better yet make a high way from Swat to Kashmir and there the great regional power army can defeat Taliban :lol: I just hope India sends its troops to Afghanistan that means pakistan can bleed Indian both in Kashmir as well as Afghanistan.
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This is awesome.We should dump all Talibans to Kashmir or better yet make a high way from Swat to Kashmir and there the great regional power army can defeat Taliban :lol: I just hope India sends its troops to Afghanistan that means pakistan can bleed Indian both in Kashmir as well as Afghanistan.

well sir,that shows your attitude towards kashmir, i am afraid........thnx
This is awesome.We should dump all Talibans to Kashmir or better yet make a high way from Swat to Kashmir and there the great regional power army can defeat Taliban :lol: I just hope India sends its troops to Afghanistan that means pakistan can bleed Indian both in Kashmir as well as Afghanistan.

Funny right? just a correction. You have been able to beel us in Kashmir, because, we are carefull not to harm our own citizen, the Kashmiris. AF-PAK is different. At last the enemy will come face to face... :toast_sign: If they have guts...
This is awesome.We should dump all Talibans to Kashmir or better yet make a high way from Swat to Kashmir and there the great regional power army can defeat Taliban :lol: I just hope India sends its troops to Afghanistan that means pakistan can bleed Indian both in Kashmir as well as Afghanistan.

Another point. The day Indian troops lands in Afghanistan.... Would mean that Pakistan had ceased to exist. Till Pakistan exist, as the country we know, it will not allow Indian Troops in Afghanistan:agree: Hence, be carefull what you wish for.... least it come true :agree:
Don't forget IRAN.

Every body knows tat from where they got centrifuges from so that they could also become the second Islamic Nuclear Power .

And let me tell u when it comes to Pakistan and India Iran will support Pakistan Like we did the Iranian cause when the Bush administration was abt to attack Iran.

As for BM. He is result of joint indian and US covert ops in afghanistan .
Now this honeymoon of US and India has been compromised with full evidance due to which we are witnessing strained relations btw Pakistan and US.
The security of the US and Nato forces in Afghanistan is at stakes coz neither Iran nor China and also Russia are not willing to help US in Afghanistan .
The US is now playing its Indian Card in Afghanistan for which they have worked real hard in past couple of years.There is no question that Things will get bad in the reagion both for Pakistan and India .

There are many analyst here pridicting that The Russians were lucky to have a safe ticket out of Afghanistan but US has not only lost the war but also that opertunity

The result of this war has been decided even the Indian troops cant change this globaly recognized result.
Take case of war on Terrorism why it take so long time when USA is involve in this :-
First feeling is that US has huge economical and technology base till war is continue why ? there may be lot of causes but I would like to focus on loyalty of supporter towards Baitullah Mahsud and osama. I feel USA has long way to go to brake loyalty of supporter....

Reading to pakistan people it is fight against Ideology of Taliban. They may accepted as it or not as it is or some part. Acceptance or non acceptance is internal part of Pakistan...

Reading to India :- Mumbai 26/11 shown that India is not fare away. So India may be performed active role in future but now India has to adopt a system that can counter such element in India border. Safeguard Indian border first..
Till now it not a war of India
If this problem is not solve in future it will concern to all countries of the world and more acute for surrounding country of AF_PAK.
Every body knows tat from where they got centrifuges from so that they could also become the second Islamic Nuclear Power .

And let me tell u when it comes to Pakistan and India Iran will support Pakistan Like we did the Iranian cause when the Bush administration was abt to attack Iran.

As for BM. He is result of joint indian and US covert ops in afghanistan .
Now this honeymoon of US and India has been compromised with full evidance due to which we are witnessing strained relations btw Pakistan and US.
The security of the US and Nato forces in Afghanistan is at stakes coz neither Iran nor China and also Russia are not willing to help US in Afghanistan .
The US is now playing its Indian Card in Afghanistan for which they have worked real hard in past couple of years.There is no question that Things will get bad in the reagion both for Pakistan and India .

There are many analyst here pridicting that The Russians were lucky to have a safe ticket out of Afghanistan but US has not only lost the war but also that opertunity

The result of this war has been decided even the Indian troops cant change this globaly recognized result.

Originally Posted by Thebignag
Only agreeable statement by Holbrooke is that all three countries i.e. US, Pakistan and India faces the same enemy – Taliban and Talibanisation of Pakistan.

For that I said don't forget Iran.
Indian involvement would only mean more trouble. The situation is fast becoming like a powerful whirlpool and the Americans neither care nor understand the volatility of the situation. India should stay out of this mess for their own sake.
Every body knows tat from where they got centrifuges from so that they could also become the second Islamic Nuclear Power .

And let me tell u when it comes to Pakistan and India Iran will support Pakistan Like we did the Iranian cause when the Bush administration was abt to attack Iran.

As for BM. He is result of joint indian and US covert ops in afghanistan .
Now this honeymoon of US and India has been compromised with full evidance due to which we are witnessing strained relations btw Pakistan and US.
The security of the US and Nato forces in Afghanistan is at stakes coz neither Iran nor China and also Russia are not willing to help US in Afghanistan .
The US is now playing its Indian Card in Afghanistan for which they have worked real hard in past couple of years.There is no question that Things will get bad in the reagion both for Pakistan and India .

There are many analyst here pridicting that The Russians were lucky to have a safe ticket out of Afghanistan but US has not only lost the war but also that opertunity

The result of this war has been decided even the Indian troops cant change this globaly recognized result.

Result is not what someone gives you, but something that you earn for yourself. I think India should play an active role in Afghanistan, if it helps solve the problem. Because AfPak is also a concern in India.
I dont think India should get involved in this issue to much as it already got lots of its internal issues to be solved and india is not yet up to the mark. Even china with so much dominance of economy is not puting its hand in Afganistan issue.

Am not saying India is not credible enough but simply it would make more sence to say away from the fire. But ya it can help in re-building Afganistan.

World should have learned a lesson from the last mistake made by US in 1990's by leaving afganistan in distructed form, are now paying the price :tsk:
I dont think India should get involved in this issue to much as it already got lots of its internal issues to be solved and india is not yet up to the mark. Even china with so much dominance of economy is not puting its hand in Afganistan issue.

Am not saying India is not credible enough but simply it would make more sence to say away from the fire. But ya it can help in re-building Afganistan.

World should have learned a lesson from the last mistake made by US in 1990's by leaving afganistan in distructed form, are now paying the price :tsk:

Spot on white_pawn. Whilst Taliban/AQ are a grave threat, we all know that the Americans are here to exploit and destroy each and every country in the neighbourhood. After all, it were these same Americans that created the menace of Mujahideen. Both problems need to be addressed on an equal stance. The Americans aren't spending billions of dollars for spreading democracy for free. The Americans are fulfilling the role of devious a snake by choosing sides when it suites them. They are only here to loot forcefully. I'm sure the Indians understand this as well. The Indians shouldn't fall for short-term gains and greed. Everyone knows that the American offers are tempting like drugs, but also attached with a zillion strings. If the Indians are really interested in a peaceful region they should extend their hand and act in the best interest of the region. The Indians need to show character and lead by example. The Indians like all other regional countries have a lot more at stake for having a peaceful region. Differences will have to be put aside and all parties involved will have to work towards prosperity for the region as a whole. Not an easy task, but nonetheless one that serves everyone equally. Hostility will lead to no good and the region including India will suffer. However, I seriously doubt that the Indians would ever sacrifice and put their short-term benefits aside for the sake of the region. It will require extraordinary measures and courage.
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The developments are indeed significant. So are the treat perceptions of the countries around AF-PAK. China is caught between the devil and the deep sea. But, if it comes to choice, China would not think twice before choosing Xinjiang over Pakistan. A failed Pakistan is of concern to all. But a failed Nuclear Pakistan is a nightmare. And with the rapid deterioration in Pakistan, it has become urgent that the international community takes immediate measures to remove Pakistani Nukes from Pakistan. China their all wether friends can be asked to be the custodian of these weapons, with a assurance of providing Pakistan a nuclear umbrella as long as stability and rule of law is restored in Pakistan.

well the proposal although a wishful thinking, will not be feasible as the PA and GoP will (rightly so) defend their sovereignity and that no one can challenge ... the only practical solution is that the international community maintain pressure on GoP and PA to act decisively as also ensure that the said organisations dont collapse in face of the internal onslaught ...... another disturbing news ....

Pak Taliban fighters uniting to take over Islamabad: Reports - Pakistan - World - The Times of India

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