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US wants India's help in fighting Baitullah Mehsud: Holbrooke

It is practically impossible for India to get involved in Afghanistan, militarily. It will be a logistical nightmare. There are not supply route to Afghanistan, other than through Pakistan or Iran. My Pakistani friends will gladly offer their opinion, about Pakistan cooperating with India for supporting and maintaining India’s military logistics in case of Afghanistan deployment.

Iran is the other supply route. Iran is a good friend of India. But, a request for a supply line for Afghan involvement will test the strength of India’s friendship.

No army can survive on Air supply. In my opinion, this was just a pressure tactic being used by Uncle Sam on Pakistani Military to deliver results.:devil:
Chabahar port,Chabahar-Melak-Zaranj-Dilaram, ever heard ?
It is practically impossible for India to get involved in Afghanistan, militarily. It will be a logistical nightmare. There are not supply route to Afghanistan, other than through Pakistan or Iran. My Pakistani friends will gladly offer their opinion, about Pakistan cooperating with India for supporting and maintaining India’s military logistics in case of Afghanistan deployment.

Iran is the other supply route. Iran is a good friend of India. But, a request for a supply line for Afghan involvement will test the strength of India’s friendship.

No army can survive on Air supply. In my opinion, this was just a pressure tactic being used by Uncle Sam on Pakistani Military to deliver results.:devil:
Chabahar port,Chabahar-Melak-Zaranj-Dilaram ever heard ?
You want Taliban to take control over Pakistan. Are you serious.

The only reason taliban turned against pakistan, was because it agreed to help america. Once they stop helping america, they will turn their attention to afghanistan. Since u say ISI is linked with taliban, then it should not be a problem.
The real threat the world faces today is a Pakistan, which suddenly disintegrates and the Mullahs takes Political and Military control. Loose nukes, that this disintegration will through up is what the world s h I t scared off. India is concerned as should be any responsible power of the world. If a war results from such a scenario, in addition to loss of life and assets, it will loose the gains of the last few decades.

Pakistan too faces a similar situation. Pakistanis will not only loose their country but faces the prospect of being dragged back to stone ages by these Mullahs.

Only agreeable statement by Holbrooke is that all three countries i.e. US, Pakistan and India faces the same enemy – Taliban and Talibanisation of Pakistan. Most probably, Holbrooke public statement was for public consumption. His agenda would have been focused on getting India’s assurance of cooperation and hands off policy from Afghanistan and maintaining peace in the western boarder, so that Pakistan Army can be persuaded to get on with the job of eliminating Taliban.

What would be the “plan B” of US administration? Opinion solicited.
The only reason taliban turned against pakistan, was because it agreed to help america. Once they stop helping america, they will turn their attention to afghanistan. Since u say ISI is linked with taliban, then it should not be a problem.

Money is the problem.
India could benefit from this or it could take a huge hit. If india sends troops to fight Taliban in Afghanistan. Then it is giving an open invite to taliban, to cross the border into india.

actually if the threat can not be contained effectively by PA, either way they shall cross into India. if (and the chances are highly remote) as US says the state of pakistan was to fail, India may just find itself fighting the war on its own and as a frontline state, something that is not really a very bright prospect.

paradoxically our security today depends upon the will and ability of GoP and PA to succeed against these elements ........
what - India has a silver bullet! - they will shout Baitullah Mahsud and he will pop his head from his **** hole!

oh as per few posters in forums here he is on RAW payroll ...... so bound to ocme to collect his pay cheque ......
actually if the threat can not be contained effectively by PA, either way they shall cross into India. if (and the chances are highly remote) as US says the state of pakistan was to fail, India may just find itself fighting the war on its own and as a frontline state, something that is not really a very bright prospect.

paradoxically our security today depends upon the will and ability of GoP and PA to succeed against these elements ........

Actually it does, bcuz they will not be able to take over pakistan.
lol....to put it bluntly --how can indian fight him?

india is not popular in our northern areas (to say the least!!). Even the most moderate people still dont like indian.

Pakistan ---especially tribal areas --does not treat invaders kindly.
It is practically impossible for India to get involved in Afghanistan, militarily. It will be a logistical nightmare. There are not supply route to Afghanistan, other than through Pakistan or Iran. My Pakistani friends will gladly offer their opinion, about Pakistan cooperating with India for supporting and maintaining India’s military logistics in case of Afghanistan deployment.

Iran is the other supply route. Iran is a good friend of India. But, a request for a supply line for Afghan involvement will test the strength of India’s friendship.

No army can survive on Air supply. In my opinion, this was just a pressure tactic being used by Uncle Sam on Pakistani Military to deliver results.:devil:

actually you have to see the possible Indian intervention in context of :

1. The recent offer of changed US policy towards Iran

2. Russia-India-Iran plans of taking concrete steps in Afghanistan

3. Russia allowing NATO to transport miltary equipment also through Russia/CARs.

4. Recent assessments/fears of GoP-PA failing to tackle the iminent threat and their ramifications on region and adjoining countries inclusive of Iran, India, Russia, CARs & China (which has a restive Xinjiang province).

These points may be determinant and crucial over the next few months as the war on terror in Pakistan is fought by PA as the frontline troops now ....
Actually it does, bcuz they will not be able to take over pakistan.

precisely ...... that is why it is very crucial for India that PA and GoP succeed.

I know our fellow posters from Pakistan may not agree, but the present Indian strategy is to maintain pressure on Pakistan so that PA undertakes the necessary steps to fight the terror and not "push the problem at hand into Kashmir" and onto Indian plate.......India does not want a war on its territory and may very well intervene
Chabahar port,Chabahar-Melak-Zaranj-Dilaram, ever heard ?

Chabahar port is meaningless. Even iranians admit it.

Gwadar is deep sea port, and has far greater rich.

building a few highways is good for society but wont help you at all. india has no land connecting it to central asia.

shut down your consulates on Afghan-Pak border then maybe we can make some small-scale dialogue. Until then, we should keep our Navy and Air Force (and also ground intelligence) up to task

we will not allow indian influence in Afghanistan. Period.
We do not think of this 'BRILLIANT' idea of getting India involved in this! Your buddy Holbrooke did! Maybe its the US way of saying to India 'Tow our line against China, buy our weapons or we will FOOK you up good too!' :cheesy:

That's what i ment to say and India is not an exception in this case. But if india dosen't take concret steps now then it would be a problem and i mean a big problem.

Holbrooke or US (i dont mean comman ppls) is no one's buddy, they are just selfish kind of ppls.
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