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US to offer F-35 fighters to India

Wanna bet, laddy lad?

Go to Economics 101 in your local Community College plox.

Economics 101 says that Australia is too small to make any meaningful contribution to offset the F22 cost.

If the F-22 is sold..the Brits and the Japanese will get it first,then the Canadians,perhaps the Israelis and only then the Australians. As of now the Congress has prohibited any sale.Maybe in 10-15 years when the technology becomes obsolete!
may be or not be,they need contracts 4 this toy,india will have it's own 5th generation fighter after 5-6 yrs.

Please elaborate on this India's own 5Gen figher, when countries like Russia are still far behind.

I mean, you don't have a 100% 4 Gen Indian aircraft, how can you have 5th Gen in 5 years?

Please enlighten us that if the aircraft would be 100% Indian, or like in the past Russian/Israeli/French mixture???
how are f 22s better than f35s ?

It's common sense.

There is a reason that US Gov has banned any exports for F-22 while only F-35 can compete. F-22 has better avionics and far more stealthy.

Notice the engines.

on F-35 the huge engine has a big cylindrical shape under the fuselage. That give's away a lot of stealth.
Please elaborate on this India's own 5Gen figher, when countries like Russia are still far behind.

I mean, you don't have a 100% 4 Gen Indian aircraft, how can you have 5th Gen in 5 years?

Please enlighten us that if the aircraft would be 100% Indian, or like in the past Russian/Israeli/French mixture???

Its own in here refers to FGFA, Its a Joint venture with Russia, So equal Rights.....

And India is Also developing a stealth fighter MCA, whose Wind tunnel model has been displayed way back in 2007...
Indian Navy Fighter RFI: Lockheed To Respond With Both F-35B & C

Lockheed-Martin plans to respond to the Indian Navy's recent RFI for a new generation carrier-based figher with two parallel dockets on the STOVL F-35B and the carrier variant F-35C. While it was initially thought that the F-35B would be the variant offered (since it appeared a logical replacement for India's Sea Harrier jump jets), Lockeed-Martin Biz Development (India) VP Orville Prins told me and a few other journalists today that Lockheed-Martin is conducting simulation and analysis studies to support the team's supposition that the F-35C -- built for a steam catapult launch off aircraft carriers -- is also capable of short take-offs from ski-jumps. The simulation and analysis will take into account various stress and strain parameters. The RFI to Lockheed-Martin simply requested information on the F-35 as a potential future carrier-based asset for the Indian Navy, and did not specify a variant. While LM has provided the Navy with programme-level briefings it will shortly begin a round of technical briefings on both the F-35 variants it plans to offer.

Prins cannot ever resist a swipe at the Saab folks. Asked about the other potential contenders in the Indian Navy fighter competition, he scoffed, "The Sea Gripen? What are they talking about? That's a paper plane."

LiveFist - The Best of Indian Defence: Indian Navy Fighter RFI: Lockheed To Respond With Both F-35B & C
I mean, you don't have a 100% 4 Gen Indian aircraft, how can you have 5th Gen in 5 years?

There comes the troll.

We dont have a 100% 4th gen plane yet:rofl:
All....please laugh at loud!!!....

Please enlighten yourself from the books on how aircrafts are made, the JF-17s you have got from China has a Russian engine. Even Pak mambers agree that they dont want to buy cheap Chinese Junk.

Anyway what he meant was India will "get" its own 5th gen plane in 5-6 years and not "Make" 5th Gen plane in 5-6 years..
U.S. to withhold F-35 fighter software code

(Reuters) - The United States will keep to itself sensitive software code that controls Lockheed Martin Corp's new radar-evading F-35 fighter jet despite requests from partner countries, a senior Pentagon program official said.

Access to the technology had been publicly sought by Britain, which had threatened to scrub plans to buy as many as 138 F-35s if it were unable to maintain and upgrade its fleet without U.S. involvement.

No other country is getting the so-called source code, the key to the plane's electronic brains, Jon Schreiber, who heads the program's international affairs, told Reuters in an interview Monday.

"That includes everybody," he said, acknowledging this was not overly popular among the eight that have co-financed F-35 development -- Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey, Canada, Australia, Denmark and Norway.

The single-engine F-35, also known as the Joint Strike Fighter, is in early stages of production. It is designed to escape radar detection and switch quickly between air-to-ground and air-to-air missions while still flying -- tricks heavily dependent on its 8 million lines of onboard software code.

Schreiber said the United States had accommodated all of its partners' requirements, providing ways for them to upgrade projected F-35 purchases even without the keys to the software.

"Nobody's happy with it completely. but everybody's satisfied and understands," he said of withholding the code. It is also a rebuff to Israel, which has sought the technology transfer as part of a possible purchase of up to 75 F-35s.


Instead, the United States plans to set up a "reprogramming facility," probably at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, to further develop F-35-related software and distribute upgrades, Schreiber said.

Software changes will be integrated there "and new operational flight programs will be disseminated out to everybody who's flying the jet," he said.

Representatives of the British defense staff in Washington did not return telephone calls seeking comment. Britain has committed $2 billion to develop the F-35, the most of any U.S. partner.

In March 2006, Paul Drayson, then Britain's minister for defense procurement, told the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee that Britain might quit the program if the United States withheld such things as the software code.

The issue rose to the top. In May 2006, then-President George W. Bush and then-Prime Minister Tony Blair announced that both governments had agreed "that the UK will have the ability to successfully operate, upgrade, employ, and maintain the Joint Strike Fighter such that the UK retains operational sovereignty over the aircraft."


The source code is "kind of the holy grail" for this, controlling everything from weapons integration to radar to flight dynamics, said Joel Johnson of TEAL Group, an aerospace consultancy in Fairfax, Virginia.

Lockheed Martin said all F-35 partners "recognize the complexity of the highly integrated F-35 software and the program plan to upgrade F-35 capabilities as an operational community."

"This enables the aircraft to remain at the cutting edge of combat capability while allowing the program to meet affordability objectives," John Kent, a company spokesman, said in an emailed statement.

Schreiber said Singapore had signed a special security agreement last month, clearing the way for it to receive classified information on F-35s it could buy.

Lockheed, the Pentagon's No. 1 supplier by sales, projects it will sell up to 4,500 F-35s worldwide to replace its F-16 fighter and 12 other types of warplanes for 11 nations initially.

The United States plans to spend roughly $300 billion over the next 25 years to buy a total of 2,443 F-35 models, its costliest arms acquisition.

Competitors include Boeing Co's F/A-18E/F SuperHornet; Saab AB's Gripen; Dassault Aviation SA's Rafale; Russia's MiG-35 and Sukhoi Su-35; and the Eurofighter Typhoon, made by a consortium of British, German, Italian and Spanish companies.
I mean, you don't have a 100% 4 Gen Indian aircraft, how can you have 5th Gen in 5 years?

well i guess we have to come to conclusion that sukhoi 30 mki, mirage2000,mig are all 1.5 gen aircraft and jf17 is a 7 gen one ...right???
well india already invested in 5th gen fighter jets if they go for F 35 for MRCA this will not suite indian airforce requirements and will be twice the expansive i dont see they are going for this F 35
well india already invested in 5th gen fighter jets if they go for F 35 for MRCA this will not suite indian airforce requirements and will be twice the expansive i dont see they are going for this F 35

On contrary if you go by reports then IN is showing interest in F-35...You are right when you say that we have 2 5th generation fighter programs...However indegenous one is gonna frucitfy by 2020-2025 and FGFA will come around 2017-2018....Thereafter work will start on Naval Version which might take few more years....So in essence there is not much choice for IN as far as 5 generation fighters are concerned till 2020(best case scenario).....On top of that none of this plane is in development which is where F-35 beats them....
india might go for russian airplanes but no american planes...
not user friendly for indian pilots..
maintenance costs...
american technologies are bit different from russia so indian engineers face technical problems..
F-35 not in fully working condition...
previous dealings with russia...
I guess it is just an excellent tactics by india to keep inviting american defence establishment to make them interesting to sell those to india,,yyyyyyyyyyy
because they want american military establishment to concentrate india more rather selling to others...as indian defence budget are so huge...
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