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Just take a quick look at this forum, Arabs are busy with the Shia thing, so once their done ( 500-2000 years ) they will focus on Palestine-Israel issue, EU/US and Israel will be working hard to keep both Sunni and Shia balanced like the Iran-Iraq war balance they kept.

You made me the laugh about the 500 to 2,000 years part because it kind of seems true. And the problem is both sides easily bite. It's unbelievable.

Also though, the good people from both sides who are wiling to coexist are not heard. Nor do they have much of a say.
The only reason i agree with you is at this time it's not realistic. Eventually, we could find a solution together if we were committed. And, friends of America and Israel I don't consider Palestinians.

Maybe one day isolation won't be a factor to us. We can make it happen, but all we care is about our personal gain. Sometimes I really take time to think about our Prophet(SAW) and our leaders following him. They really deserve respect for doing the what now seems impossible.

When was it ever realistic? When were we Arabs or Muslims - at least in the last 200 years stronger than the Western world that CREATED Israel and has guarded over it ever since? If they were not there in the first place then Israel would not exist and have been defeated long ago. We would not even need the help of the 350-400 million Arabs but you Palestinians from Gaza could probably do the job alone. If it was just that easy. If you Palestinians cannot solve the problems then how do you think that we Arabs can do it when we ourselves have been through wars, conflicts and have our problems to fight with?

Look being realistic is the smartest thing you can do when you are the weakest part. Did Prophet Muhammad (saws) attack all those Pagan empires that were later defeated when he only had a few followers?

As I have said many times before. You the Palestinians need to truly unite. No more Hamas, Fatah, PLO or whatever POLITICAL parties there are. I can't believe that a people of only a few millions in such a small area cannot unite when their lands have been occupied for so long? At least more than it has been the case historically. I am not saying that any other people would be different since we are all humans but it kind of surprises me again and again. In short I can't understand it.
First of all being a so-called liberal has many stages. You can be liberal in terms of views on sexuality, economics, personal views or just your view of the state. That is in the West. In the Arab and Muslim world being a so-called liberal is different and not comparable because the systems, societies, traditions, customs and religion is way different.

When I say I am a conservative is does not mean that I am against reforms, progress or changes. It just means that I don't want a radical change of everything. Only a tiny amount of Arabs are liberals as real liberals in the West. Also you can be a liberal and a Muslim BTW.

What you are referring to is probably secularism. Islam cannot be changed - meaning the Noble Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Only in terms of interpretations there can sometimes be conflict.

In terms of wordily affairs such as technology, medicine etc. then those things have nothing to do with Islam as such. This is why some Muslims want secularism so that religion only becomes a private matter.

I on the other hand prefer a Islamic system if it works correctly but that is also understandable to the society that surrounds it, the wishes of the people and necessary changes.

But since we are humans there will always be problems. Anyway there will be modifications depending on the time, situation, country, need etc. It's far from black and white and I might change my opinions somewhere in the future.

Beautiful response, I appreciate your time. Thanks for your response, I am in the side with your same thought. :)
No, it isn't about unity. It's about one sides failed intentions and their intentions in general. Fatah is not credible anymore. It used to be.

And, don't worry about the fighting, give us the weapons and we can do the fighting. I doubt Arabs can even handle war anymore, they aren't used all used to like Palestinians and Iraqi's are for example.

Hamas is willing to unite but Fatah is listening to the US and refusing to allow them to negotiate with Hamas on a agreement regarding the political sphere.

Right now, I'm going to eat Suhoor, I'll be back. كول عام و انتا بخير
Mahmoud Abbas has been trying to outsmart Israelis for years, the thing is Israel advances in HIS territory more and more everyday. He is just failing over and over again for years by trying 'diplomacy' and 'peaceful' means with Israel.

The irony is, Secular Turkey and Iran have done much more for Palestinians than their 'Arab brothers'.

Egypt, one of their 'Arab brothers' is helping to siege Gaza and destroying their tunnels these days.

Yes supported them through nasty resonant slogans. I had no idea BTW that Iran and Turkey were the ones who rebuilt Gaza?
And BTW, there is no need for tunnels as long as the borders are open.
No, it isn't about unity. It's about one sides failed intentions and their intentions in general. Fatah is not credible anymore. It used to be.

And, don't worry about the fighting, give us the weapons and we can do the fighting. I doubt Arabs can even handle war anymore, they aren't used all used to like Palestinians and Iraqi's are for example.

Hamas is willing to unite but Fatah is listening to the US and refusing to allow them to negotiate with Hamas on a agreement regarding the political sphere.

Right now, I'm going to eat Suhoor, I'll be back. كول عام و انتا بخير

So it's not all about unity you say while your countrymen are unable to unite and fight each other politically and not long ago militarily? REALLY? You need to explain that to me 7abibi.

What weapons? Do you think that the world society will allow us to sell you ACTUAL weapons (not the crap Iran donates to you once in a month for purely political gains) that could change the conflict? If you can find a solution then be my guest. In fact if such a solution was that easy as you make it seem like then the Arab world would have done it LONG ago.

Well, Arabs can always fight. It is in our blood. We people conquered nearly all of the known world against all odds. Besides Arabs have been in conflict for decades in most of the Arab world. Small and big. From Yemen to Algeria. In fact I struggle to find another people who are as familiar to regional, internal etc. conflicts.

Anyway I forgot to wish you a blessed Ramadan for you, your family, friends and all of Palestine.

My tone might be a little bit hard and I apologize for that but such matters can easily get emotional.
Yes supported them through nasty resonant slogans. I had no idea BTW that Iran and Turkey were the ones who rebuilt Gaza?
And BTW, there is no need for tunnels as long as the borders are open.

And just slogans? They fought Israeli aggression with our weapons, not yours. You can't answer Israeli aggression by 'symbolic gestures' and 'peaceful' means.
Have you ever wondered why Israel advances in to Eastern Jerusalem on a daily basis, but has no interest in Gaza? Is it because of their love for Gazans? or ineffectiveness of Mahmoud Abbas policies of Fatah movement? Or Yasser Arafat before him?
And just slogans? They fought Israeli aggression with our weapons, not yours. You can't answer Israeli aggression by 'symbolic gestures' and 'peaceful' means.
Have you ever wondered why Israel advances in to Eastern Jerusalem on a daily basis, but has no interest in Gaza? Is it because of their love for Gazans? or ineffectiveness of Mahmoud Abbas policies of Fatah movement? Or Yasser Arafat before him?

You are pathetic, Iranian. Did I ever tell you that?

I prefer U.S. hegemony over Arab hegemony, as Saudis always like to remind Iranians, why be more Arab than Arabs themselves? Let them deal with Israel themselves? As far as I'm concerned Israel could have anywhere between Nile to Euphrates, neither Nile nor Euphrates is ours to fight for, let the Arabs deal with them.


I'm sorry but I couldn't care less. Iran is more important than anything else to me. Remember the country comes first! And its not in our interest to **** with superpowers.


Users who thanked that post:

Abii, kollang, Serpentine and 3 others thanked this.
iranigirl2, Esfand, SOS Brigade

All of the 6 users who thanked that Iranians post are Iranian users themselves aside from that Esfand Indian who happens to speak Persian.

Stop prentending that you care about Palestinians, Arabs and Sunni Muslims. When we Arabs and Muslims thought that some of you Iranian members here could not get more pathetic. We read you like an open book. I do at least so no need to fool people here and play with them emotionally and use them for political and strategical gains.

I have saved this post in case I see more pathetic claims from you Iranians here and fake support for us Arabs and Muslims.
And just slogans? They fought Israeli aggression with our weapons, not yours. You can't answer Israeli aggression by 'symbolic gestures' and 'peaceful' means.
Have you ever wondered why Israel advances in to Eastern Jerusalem on a daily basis, but has no interest in Gaza? Is it because of their love for Gazans? or ineffectiveness of Mahmoud Abbas policies of Fatah movement? Or Yasser Arafat before him?

Yes, give them primitive weapon so they can get slaughtered and destroyed like what happened in 2009. For the record Israel retreated from Southern Lebanon and Gaza by it's own, and it didn't get out from them to return, so spare me from your imaginary victories. I don't support any of them.
You are pathetic, Iranian. Did I ever tell you that?


Users who thanked that post:

Abii, kollang, Serpentine and 3 others thanked this.
iranigirl2, Esfand, SOS Brigade

Stop prentending that you care about Palestinians, Arabs and Sunni Muslims. When we Arabs and Muslims thought that some of you Iranian members here could not get more pathetic. We read you like an open book. I do at least so no need to fool people here and play with them emotionally and use them for political and strategical gains.

They are hypocrites, we know. We are trying to tell Mr. @Hazzy997 but he won't listen.
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Yes, give them primitive weapon so they can get slaughtered and destroyed like what happened in 2009. For the record Israel retreated from Southern Lebanon and Gaza by it's own, and it didn't get out from them to return, so spare me from your imaginary victories. I don't support any of them.

You are always whining. So what do you suggest? We give Hamas Shahab-3 missiles? Or Mig-29 jets? Even those unguided missiles were smuggled to Gaza with lots of trouble and hardness.

Israel got out of Southern Lebanon because Hezbollah increased the price for them to stay there. They were losing forces in there and couldn't take the burden anymore. You know how Israel works, even one dead soldier is too much for them.

You didn't say, what are you suggesting? Peace talks? Abbas and Arafat tried it for decades, how did that work out?


Users who thanked that post:

Abii, kollang,Serpentine and 3 others thanked this.
iranigirl2, Esfand, SOS Brigade

All of the 6 users who thanked that Iranians post are Iranian users themselves aside from that Esfand Indian who happens to speak Persian.[/U]

Stop prentending that you care about Palestinians, Arabs and Sunni Muslims. When we Arabs and Muslims thought that some of you Iranian members here could not get more pathetic. We read you like an open book. I do at least so no need to fool people here and play with them emotionally and use them for political and strategical gains.

I have saved this post in case I see more pathetic claims from you Iranians here and fake support for us Arabs and Muslims.

Instead of sneaking in to other threads to check who thanked what, try to answer the posts properly and if you can't, don't get low to insulting level. I thanked that post because he said we should put Iran as our first priority which I totally agree.Problem?
They are hypocrites, we know. We are trying to tell Mr. @Hazzy997 but he won't listen.

He does not even need to look at the Iranian users here who are just the common Joe without any political influence inside Iran anyway. A large portion of them are also political/war refugees or sons of such people living abroad. What those Mullah's have been doing in the Arab world since 1979 speaks for itself and luckily the vast majority of Palestinians already know this very well but they can at least just take advantage of the crap that Iran sends once in a while anyway.

Anyway they are in a desperate situation so they would probably even say yes to the Israeli opposition if they shipped a few weapons here and there once in a while and somehow I can't blame them. But as always you have to look at the greater picture and know your enemy.
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So it's not all about unity you say while your countrymen are unable to unite and fight each other politically and not long ago militarily? REALLY? You need to explain that to me 7abibi.

What weapons? Do you think that the world society will allow us to sell you ACTUAL weapons (not the crap Iran donates to you once in a month for purely political gains) that could change the conflict? If you can find a solution then be my guest. In fact if such a solution was that easy as you make it seem like then the Arab world would have done it LONG ago.

Well, Arabs can always fight. It is in our blood. We people conquered nearly all of the known world against all odds. Besides Arabs have been in conflict for decades in most of the Arab world. Small and big. From Yemen to Algeria. In fact I struggle to find another people who are as familiar to regional, internal etc. conflicts.

Anyway I forgot to wish you a blessed Ramadan for you, your family, friends and all of Palestine.

My tone might be a little bit hard and I apologize for that but such matters can easily get emotional.

Fatah shouldn't be taken serious, they have drastically different views which can be solved, but, what's preventing them is one of their sponsors doesn't want Hamas involved in a reconciliation deal. Unless, Hamas gives up its foundation and loses its independence and turns into a ineffective organization which will get the boot from the US and Israel.

And it's okay, we arabs have a hard tone, it's natural and that's we have dialogue with each other anyways. No hard feelings.
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