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@al-Hasani, here people don't believe in these kind of weapons. Advanced weapons of these kinds won't give us victory. Such as the jets, or a navy. It's effective in modern wars between modern nations. For us, that's not what we want. I can be specific to you of what weapons are needed here in Gaza. If you can be more specific with your questions regarding this I will reply. And you are being specific with the others. Which I will answer here.

First, Hamas can target tel aviv. The difference between us and Hezbollah is we have the guts do target tel aviv and did it 6 times along with Jerusalem. People here take risks, because they have nothing to lose. And the international society honestly doesn't have good will towards us. And doesn't respect us and in general Muslims. This makes people here feel powerless. That's why Hamas has the support it still has.

A fight for independence has already started, it isn't going to be a all out declaration of war at one random point in time. It starts with self dependence. And declaration to faith. Faith produces these men who will fight for their identity and self determination.

And yes, in this state I don't believe israel should exist. That doesn't mean we want Jews exterminated. Contrary to media perceptions, we aren't bloodthirsty. With Jews, we will accept them. Or they can move to any neighboring nation or go back to Europe. We are unlike them, Jews live here in Gaza. Many people here are married to Jews, also contrary to allegations that now Jew lives in Gaza. People here are tolerant and Palestinians are more reasonable than people think.

My goals, aren't easy to define. One person can't create his own goals. But, currently, any goal of liberating Palestine is unrealistic. But, the goal is to keep our people confident in their culture and be steadfast. Just this alone can achieve much. It's our strongest weapon.

Hezbollah did not target Tel aviv cos they didn't want to continue that war and and attacking Tel aviv just made the situation worse , all they did was controlling the war and defending their territory which was totally successful and Israel didn't reach any military goal except bombing civilians which is not an honor and is done by the losers to ease the pain of defeat .
@al-Hasani Now that you based your reasoning upon my post...

Of course for majority of Iranians their country comes first, you certainly can't expect Iranians to sacrifice their country for Arabs and Muslims, majority of whom don't even recognize Shia as a sect of Islam?

I also have to say that I'm completely against the current foreign policy which is based on enmity with Israel, as a matter of fact I think Israel could be one of the very few Iran's neutral allies in the region, and continued enmity with Israel has only created problems for our country. Israel's significant influence in the U.S. is a common knowledge and as an Iranian I very much would like not to have to deal with a country that influences world's first superpower policies. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either too ideological or too stupid to understand this fact.

Why Iran should have to pay the price for Palestinians? What most Arabs don't understand is that actually current Iranian government is very much pro-Arab. Had a fully democratic system been implemented in Iran, I don't think if people would have allowed the government to take steps in a direction that would endanger the country's interests, therefore my suggestion for Arabs is not to try to undermine the current Iranian government, because the next one certainly won't be very friendly towards Arabs and you most likely gonna have a very Israel friendly Iran and I assume that wouldn't be too good for Arabs! :laughcry:
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@al-Hasani Now that you based your reasoning upon my post...

Of course for majority of Iranians their country comes first, you certainly can't expect Iranians to sacrifice their country for Arabs and Muslims, majority of whom don't even recognize Shia as a sect of Islam?

I also have to say that I'm completely against the current foreign policy which is based on enmity with Israel, as a matter of fact I think Israel could be one of the very few Iran's neutral allies in the region, and continued enmity with Israel has only created problems for our country. Israel's significant influence in the U.S. is a common knowledge and as an Iranian I very much would like not to have to deal with a country that influences world's first superpower policies. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either too ideological or too stupid to understand this fact.

Why Iran should have to pay the price for Palestinians? What most Arabs don't understand is that actually current Iranian government is very much pro-Arab. Had a fully democratic system been implemented in Iran, I don't think if people would have allowed the government to take steps in a direction that would endanger the country's interests, therefore my suggestion for Arabs is not to try to undermine the current Iranian government, because the next one certainly won't be very friendly towards Arabs and you most likely gonna have a very Israel friendly Iran and I assume that wouldn't be too good for Arabs! :laughcry:

Your post has some substance. Let me correct some mistakes though, by pro-Arab, you probably meant pro-Arab's of Shia faith?

Shia's in general can be natural ally of Israel and Zionists, because they have a common enemy, Arab and other Sunni Muslims who they had conflicts with throughout history. But I am not sure how the Mullah's actually got this upside down - they want to show they are champions of Palestinian cause, even more than fellow Arab Sunni's, what for? Just to show that they are more authentic Muslims than Arab and other Sunni Muslims?

In any case Iran's mad Mullah's hypocrisy have been thoroughly exposed with their sectarian track record in Iraq and Syria. Now, only thing the Arabs and Muslims of the world can wait for is when sane people in Iran will remove this Basiji and IRGC supported clueless thugs from power and let Iranians build a sane country based on sane policies, domestic and foreign.
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Your post has some substance. Let me correct some mistakes though, by pro-Arab, you probably meant pro-Arab's of Shia faith?

Shia's in general can be natural ally of Israel and Zionists, because they have a common enemy, Arab and other Sunni Muslims who they had conflicts with throughout history. But I am not sure how the Mullah's actually got this upside down - they want to show they are champions of Palestinian cause, even more than fellow Arab Sunni's, what for? Just to show that they are more authentic Muslims than Arab and other Sunni Muslims?

Hmmm, let's see. Jordan and Egypt, 2 'Sunni majority' countries became the first Muslim nations to officially recognize Israel as a country, long after Secular Turkey though, which shouldn't be counted.

We can twist your statement by playing with words:

Sunnis in general can be natural ally of Israel and Zionists, because they have a common enemy, Shias and Iranians, who they had conflicts with throughout history.
See? It works perfectly.

I don't agree with either of these statements though, just wanted to reveal your sectarian and biased agenda toward Shias which is not a surprise to many members here.
let it be clear : people in Iran who want democracy and individual rights, most of them don't want end of IRGC
even for basiji , there should be like iin France after second war, people keep their jobs and should not be exposed
excepted the big murderers
the reason is very simple: unity of Iran, all Iranians are united... some people say "bros" for a religion, we have a strong feeling of one nation.

As well this is totally bullshit to think shia is against sunni. this is completely wrong.
Te fact is that some groups, some nations have their own agenda and they use religion.
What we need is both sides respect... when i see for exemple in France sunnis here don't care i am shia. they don't blame me and our little differences are invisible.

it is not about shia being ally of Israelians which is natural. it is Iranian with Israelians .
But still majority in Iran (even in France) care very much about Palestine ... and hope good future for them (without terrorist groups, and respected by Israel)... as well we should not be involved except to be from the international group of countries reminding the necessary rights Palestinians should have.
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@al-Hasani, here people don't believe in these kind of weapons. Advanced weapons of these kinds won't give us victory. Such as the jets, or a navy. It's effective in modern wars between modern nations. For us, that's not what we want. I can be specific to you of what weapons are needed here in Gaza. If you can be more specific with your questions regarding this I will reply. And you are being specific with the others. Which I will answer here.

First, Hamas can target tel aviv. The difference between us and Hezbollah is we have the guts do target tel aviv and did it 6 times along with Jerusalem. People here take risks, because they have nothing to lose. And the international society honestly doesn't have good will towards us. And doesn't respect us and in general Muslims. This makes people here feel powerless. That's why Hamas has the support it still has.

A fight for independence has already started, it isn't going to be a all out declaration of war at one random point in time. It starts with self dependence. And declaration to faith. Faith produces these men who will fight for their identity and self determination.

And yes, in this state I don't believe israel should exist. That doesn't mean we want Jews exterminated. Contrary to media perceptions, we aren't bloodthirsty. With Jews, we will accept them. Or they can move to any neighboring nation or go back to Europe. We are unlike them, Jews live here in Gaza. Many people here are married to Jews, also contrary to allegations that now Jew lives in Gaza. People here are tolerant and Palestinians are more reasonable than people think.

My goals, aren't easy to define. One person can't create his own goals. But, currently, any goal of liberating Palestine is unrealistic. But, the goal is to keep our people confident in their culture and be steadfast. Just this alone can achieve much. It's our strongest weapon.

Dear brother, I want to tell you as a concerned observer sympathetic to Palestinian cause:

1. Israel is not just a country it is the 51st state of the US, which is controlled by powerful zionists led by AIPAC
2. US leads the Western countries with around 1 billion population - US, EU, Canada, ANZ etc. who have a combined nominal GDP of 34 trillions, around 50% of current world GDP
3. so when you try to fight with Israel, you are essentially dealing with a behemoth, where Israel is just a tip of the iceberg beneath - so you have no chance of winning, it is stupid to even try, because it is like mosquito's biting an elephant
4. the fate of Palestinians was sealed when Ottoman empire broke down, now 400 million Arabs in Arab League, even if they were united and as developed as Europe, would have little chance of winning against Israel and the West would simply make sure that Arabs do not unite under any circumstances, as it would be risky for Israel
5. Now the only option is to accept a peace, on Israel's terms and stop loosing any more land that is being lost due to settlements everyday and get on with nation building and Arab League integration. Gaza can integrate with Egyptian economy and West Bank can integrate with greater GCC (I call it GCC+):
6. And please do not accept any money or arms from Iran, they are a snake that cannot be trusted, they are using your cause for their national and sectarian interest. If Hamas can move over to KSA side, I am sure KSA will be more than happy to provide you with support, but then KSA brothers have their own issues with Muslim Brotherhood and its off springs (of which Hamas is one), which I am hoping they will cured of some day, for the betterment of all Sunni Muslims.
Hmmm, let's see. Jordan and Egypt, 2 'Sunni majority' countries became the first Muslim nations to officially recognize Israel as a country, long after Secular Turkey though, which shouldn't be counted.

We can twist your statement by playing with words:

Sunnis in general can be natural ally of Israel and Zionists, because they have a common enemy, Shias and Iranians, who they had conflicts with throughout history.
See? It works perfectly.

I don't agree with either of these statements though, just wanted to reveal your sectarian and biased agenda toward Shias which is not a surprise to many members here.

Arab Sunni's need to make a peace with Israel, so Arab Sunni's can unite in an Arab League for the good of Arabs and Muslims of the world. But you guy's want to torpedo this with your fake love for Palestinians, anyone can see through it.
@al-Hasani Now that you based your reasoning upon my post...

Of course for majority of Iranians their country comes first, you certainly can't expect Iranians to sacrifice their country for Arabs and Muslims, majority of whom don't even recognize Shia as a sect of Islam?

I also have to say that I'm completely against the current foreign policy which is based on enmity with Israel, as a matter of fact I think Israel could be one of the very few Iran's neutral allies in the region, and continued enmity with Israel has only created problems for our country. Israel's significant influence in the U.S. is a common knowledge and as an Iranian I very much would like not to have to deal with a country that influences world's first superpower policies. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either too ideological or too stupid to understand this fact.

Why Iran should have to pay the price for Palestinians? What most Arabs don't understand is that actually current Iranian government is very much pro-Arab. Had a fully democratic system been implemented in Iran, I don't think if people would have allowed the government to take steps in a direction that would endanger the country's interests, therefore my suggestion for Arabs is not to try to undermine the current Iranian government, because the next one certainly won't be very friendly towards Arabs and you most likely gonna have a very Israel friendly Iran and I assume that wouldn't be too good for Arabs! :laughcry:

Iran pro-Arab? Nice joke. At least there will be no fake attempts of meddling and we will know what we are dealing with. Just like under the "Azeri Officer Son" the late Shah that kept to himself and did not even attempt to meddle in the Arab world. Once the so-called "Islamic Mullah Republic of Iran" is gone the political/religious meddling in the Arab world will end because the only think Iran has to meddle with is political Twelver Shia Islam as this is the only link to the Arab world. Once that policy changes then Iran is as foreign to the Arab world as the ancestral homeland of Persians = Kazakhstan.

Besides Israel has relations with most Arab countries and they are hardly attacking most Arab countries are they? Or are they even going against the interests of the most powerful Arab countries? Israel itself has an Arab Muslim population of 25% and it will forever be surrounded by Arabs from all sides. A solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will come and a solution will be found.
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let it be clear : people in Iran who want democracy and individual rights, most of them don't want end of IRGC
even for basiji , there should be like iin France after second war, people keep their jobs and should not be exposed
excepted the big murderers
the reason is very simple: unity of Iran, all Iranians are united... some people say "bros" for a religion, we have a strong feeling of one nation.

As well this is totally bullshit to think shia is against sunni. this is completely wrong.
Te fact is that some groups, some nations have their own agenda and they use religion.
What we need is both sides respect... when i see for exemple in France sunnis here don't care i am shia. they don't blame me and our little differences are invisible.

it is not about shia being ally of Israelians which is natural. it is Iranian with Israelians .
But still majority in Iran (even in France) care very much about Palestine ... and hope good future for them (without terrorist groups, and respected by Israel)... as well we should not be involved except to be from the international group of countries reminding the necessary rights Palestinians should have.

If Shia is not against Sunni, then please explain that to all the dead Sunni's in Iraq and Syria, where Iran's proxies are active.

Iranians can stay united with their Basiji and IRGC, but they should not meddle in Arab world. Arabs do not go meddle in Iran affairs, or do they?
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If Shia is not against Sunni, then please explain that to all the dead Sunni's in Iraq and Syria, where Iran's proxies are active.

Iranians can stay united with their Basiji and IRGC, but they should not meddle in Arab world. Arabs do not go meddle in Iran affairs, or do they?
This is never ending story , then Shia ask same question too, from Bahrian,Saddam rule to salafist/wahabi doing Shia genocide in Baluchistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan. This need to be stopped somewhere, it can only happened when every country control their borders with the iron hand. Peace and prisoner treaties need to be signed.
This is never ending story , then Shia ask same question to, from Bahrian,Saddam rule to salafist/wahabi doing Shia genocide in Baluchistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan. This need to be stopped somewhere.

It started with the mad Mullah's in Iran in 1979 and it will end when Iranian people will be successful to remove them.
If Shia is not against Sunni, then please explain that to all the dead Sunni's in Iraq and Syria, where Iran's proxies are active.

Iranians can stay united with their Basiji and IRGC, but they should not meddle in Arab world. Arabs do not go meddle in Iran affairs, or do they?

Why don't you explain about the Shias being blown up in mosques and streets of Iraq on a daily basis which happen to be the majority victims of terrorist bombings in Iraq? Do you only see Sunnis? Too much hypocrisy?
Arabs did meddle in our affair, and that was a huge meddling. If giving billions of dollars of money to their lapdog, Saddam Hussein to invade and capture Iranian land and murder its civilians is not meddling, then we are gonna have some very serious problems in understanding each other. That's a far too big crime that we can forgive easily.

Arab Sunni's need to make a peace with Israel, so Arab Sunni's can unite in an Arab League for the good of Arabs and Muslims of the world. But you guy's want to torpedo this with your fake love for Palestinians, anyone can see through it.

Fake love according to who? From our PoV, your love for Palestinians is fake too, because you are practically doing nothing for them right now.It depends solely on perspective.
If Shia is not against Sunni, then please explain that to all the dead Sunni's in Iraq and Syria, where Iran's proxies are active.

Iranians can stay united with their Basiji and IRGC, but they should not meddle in Arab world. Arabs do not go meddle in Iran affairs, or do they?
You know the art of putting as much as possible Lies, Propaganda and bullshit in a few sentences.

Which death sunnis are you talking about? those who saddam massacred by 100000s or those shias and sunni civilians around them who got killed in 5000 suicide and car bomb attacks by.....sunnis?

60-70% of Syrian army are sunnis and sunnis include defense minister and some other ministers, rest christian, alawites and even few kurds in army. So most of the sunnis in Syria are killed by Sunni soldiers. And half of the victims in Syria are Syrian soldiers, not talking about civilians victims who were killed by FSA, Nusra etc.

About meddling, Arabs meddle in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Balkan, everywhere, so Iran has the right to meddle not only in arab world, but even in Alaska if they like. What is so difficult to understand about this?
Iranians would not dare to attack KSA even in their wildest dreams. An attack on KSA is an attack on Pakistan and rest of the world's Sunni Muslims. Even if Iran becomes a nuclear power which is unlikely today, attacking KSA with nukes will be Suicide for Iran and I don't think they are suicidal.

In any event, Pakistan will always stand steadfast as an ally of KSA, no matter what.
Stop this emotial brotherhood thing please because it doesnt work like that and it's not real. If there is a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia the only thing that Pakistan will do is trying to bring peace between these countries, nothing more or less. The Pakistani government will do nothing more than watching the war on their television.

The protectors of the house of Saud will be the Americans and British, and some GCC countries might take part, like during Iraq-Saudi war.

In addition to the attacks on Israel, 47 Iraqi Scud missiles were fired into Saudi Arabia, and one missile was fired at Bahrain and another at Qatar. The missiles were fired at both military and civilian targets. One Saudi civilian was killed, and 78 others were injured. No casualties were reported in Bahrain or Qatar. The Saudi government issued all its citizens and expatriates with gas masks in the event of Iraq using missiles with chemical or biological warheads. The government broadcast alerts and 'all clear' messages over television to warn citizens during Scud attacks.

Battle of Khafji - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If there is a reason for it, Iran will attack. If not, Iran will not attack. Simple as that, and Iran does not care what pakistan and the holy sunni warriors will think about it when it comes to defending its interests.

No one will use nukes except suicidal countries who sign their own death sentence.
Stop this emotial brotherhood thing please because it doesnt work like that and it's not real. If there is a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia the only thing that Pakistan will do is trying to bring peace between these countries, nothing more or less. The Pakistani government will do nothing more than watching the war on their television.

The protectors of the house of Saud will be the Americans and British, and some GCC countries might take part, like during Iraq-Saudi war.

If there is a reason for it, Iran will attack. If not, Iran will not attack. Simple as that, and Iran does not care what pakistan and the holy sunni warriors will think about it when it comes to defending its interests.

No one will use nukes except suicidal countries who sign their own death sentence.

Iran should care what Pakistan will do to Iran in case of a war between Iran and Pakistan. Iran will not last two days in such a conflict and it is in Iran's interest to not even think about looking a KSA with an evil eye.
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