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Personally, I have got nothing against you. I just showed you what the Marine General in command, the war was primarily for Kuwait, and I feel sorry for all Iraqis who died for a tyrannical leader like Sadam.

Peace ..

As you know im against Saddam, so we rule out that im pro any of these wars.
I agree I join these discussions often, but I only like to argue the military parts but it turns political and emotional always, so no issues..
Yes, you were the Marines Gen in command. :D We don't expect you or your kin to believe or disbelieve us, we state facts backed with concrete evidence, it is you who kept bleeding for 8 years, ending up losing 600k :lol:

Financial, military support of whole arab world (except Libya, Syria) including volunteers, Soviet Union, Europe, French pilots, US (including directly attacking Iran, Sattelite information), German, Dutch chemicals, Still Saddam couldnt defeat Iran and after that saddam attacked gulf countries. What is so funny Osama :omghaha:. We protect ourselves, we are not bitches of US or any power.

By God If the same attack and same backing of saddam was against Saudi Arabia all of you would jump into Red sea and drown while trying to reach egypt. Only your sandals would be left over for Iraqis to wear them :lol:

The Emir of Kuwait, Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah had already fled into the Saudi desert. His younger half brother, Sheikh Fahad Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, was shot and killed by invading Iraqi forces as he attempted to defend Dasman Palace after which his body was placed in front of a tank and run over, according to an Iraqi soldier who was present and deserted after the assault :lol:
That's the problem actually, some people are so ignorant of Arab issues, it's like they wake up from years of sleep, then start right away giving you lessons about your own country and people and what's best for you in a humiliating way. I find it degrading.

What do you expect coming on a non-Arab forum? A forum full of experts on Arabs?
20 decades= 200 years?

Are you telling me that Saudi Arabia has been preparing for a nuclear Iran for 200 years?? LOL!!!!

If only your government also shared this view and stopped using Islam as a political tool.

Clearly a typing mistake. Are you really that thick? I meant 2 decades if that was not clear.

Nobody is using Islam as a political tool but whether you like it or not then KSA or in particular Hijaz is the cradle of Islam.

Good, keep your slaughter in your lands, don't spread into the countries of us Non-Arab Sunnis. We don't need your slaughter and bashing to spread to our lands. We have nothing to do with you and your people.

No, we can't have a normal relationship with an enemy country that has only done negative things in the Arab world since 1979. Is that so hard to understand? Besides this is an Arab-Iranian matter.

But Mullah Omar of Afghanistan is not a Shia. Get your facts corrected.

Neither do we non-Arab Muslims care about what some stuck up primitive Arab thinks of us. However, we will return the favor your regimes have been exporting to our lands since the past 30 years.

I'm not sure a Sunni Muslim from Uzbekistan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Turkmenistan, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, or majority of Pakistanis and Afghans agree with your Arab world view.

You do know that Arabs only make up 20% of entire Muslim population?

Pity, that only 20%.

Nobody needs to tow the line of you stuck up snobby Arab.

"Slaughter"? KSA is doing fine. We have among the lowest crime rates in the entire world let alone the region. Yes, you are right we Arabs have nothing to do with Shia non-Arabs nor have we ever asked for that.

Oh, so since when has this Mullah Omar become an Arab? You must have some insider news that nobody else knows about.

Well you can try and see what happens with your kind.

We never asked anything from your tiny religious sect. You do realize that we Arabs form the largest ethnic Muslim group in the world? And that Arabs do not only live in the Arab world? Also why do you care? Are you an Iranian? Or an Arab (LOL)? Who called you to discuss this internal issue?

(حديث قدسي) ثنا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ يَحْيَى بْنِ حَمْزَةَ ، ثنا أَبِي ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ ، عَنْ جَدِّهِ ، عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ ، قَالَ : قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : " قَالَ رَبُّكُمْ : وعزتي وجلالي لأنتقمن من الظالم في عاجله وآجله ولأنتقمن ممن رأي مظلوما فقدر أن ينصره فلم ينصره وعزتي وجلالي لأدبرن الأمر لمن لا حيلة له حتى يتعجب أصحاب الحيل.
" .

This is an authentic Hadeeth make someone shakes, in which Allah vows to avenge those who see wronged people, and yet don't support them.

If Syrians weren't wronged people by Alawites then who are else?

And yet, which Ummah and which brotherhood are you talking about?

Does the same Hadith also apply to Kashmiris (who are majority Sunni BTW)? Or perhaps it doesn't.
GCC could not stop Iraq during that time

Iraq's invasion to Kuwait was a mention impossible to the entire ME nations including KSA. KSA's military could barely defend its own land, so yes, an US-led coalition option was imminent to the Kuwait's to get their own land back. However, In my opinion, Kuwait was too jerk toward Iraq after the Iran-Iraq war.

Saudi Arabia was not building its military during then, They have supported Iraq with financial money though for the military build up

Yes, KSA's military strength was modest in comparison with Iraq, that they only thing it could do is to stand on a self-defense status.

Still I doubt Iraq was going to invade Saudi Arabia by the mass. Khafji was considered territory of Kuwait anyway, it ended up in Saudi hands by some treaty.

Sadam never had the intention of going to war with KSA. He tried to delay the US Air campaign at all cost. I knew people who served in the SANG back then, the first two counter attacks being made by the SANG failed epically during the first day, but later, after a massive logistical supply from Riyadh, it worked out.

The US formed three lines to crawl into Kuwait, the first was directly toward Kuwait from the south, north and east from Iraq. However, the Republican guard managed to retreat with most of their equipments unlike the Iraqi Army.
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Yes, i'm "that thick".

History speaks otherwise. Your regimes need to stop using Islam as a political tool to interfere in the affairs of non-Arab countries. You are no different from the Iranian regime whom you pretend to hate yet so proudly mirror.

Keep your stinky noses in Syria, Palestine, and wherever else arabia ends, but don't stick it into our countries. We don't need you people spreading your blood lust into our lands.

So KSA is not a part of the Arab world?? LOL, so then what was all that "we arabs" your were boasting in your previous posts??

Obviously i meant the slaughter and butchering on Arabs by fellow Arabs from Libya to Syria, from Lebanon to Yemen.

You said only Shias clerics have the title of Mullah and i corrected you on that. You should be thanking me for enlightening you on that.

Lol, are you going to kill me after you kill millions of your own first?

Uh oh, i'm afraid of an Arab. NOT. Ha ha ha lol.

I didn't know Sunnis were a tiny sect. News to me, do you have a source or did 80% of Sunnis change their sect over night?

Anywho, i am a proud Pakistani Nationalist and i value my people's heritage and distinct identity.

Pakistan Zindabad! :pakistan:

Apparently yes.

Which history? Being the cradle of Islam has certain responsibilities and they have been intact for 1400 years and will continue until this world ends. Whether you or anybody else will like it.

Which are "your" countries. You only speak on the behalf of a small minority in Pakistan and Pakistan. Tell me is there 1 Pakistan or more countries by the name of Pakistan?

Yes it is but you referred to KSA. Slaughter in Lebanon? That was long ago. Syria is in the middle of a war, what do you expect?

Libya is largely peaceful and Yemen is actually largely peaceful too aside from certain areas and provinces. Also it's not like Pakistan is completely safe is it?

LOL. I don't think that you are able to educate anybody certainly not me. You apparently don't understand English but let me try again. We SUNNI ARABS do not use the title MULLAH in our lands. Do you understand that? Mullah Omar is not an Arab so the example of his is completely irrelevant.

Well, you better be but show me just one victory from your tiny sect against us Sunnis that form 90% of all Muslims or any victory against Arabs from your ethnic group - will you?

Congratulations. Still nothing to do with either Arab or Iranian matters.
The only European nation that supported Sadam was France :what:

While the Soviet provided military equipments and training, the US, on the other hand shipped delivered light weaponries to Iraq.

Iran received US-made weapons via Israel in exchange for releasing US and other hostages in Lebanon. The USSR came to Iran as well asking them to by weapons in exchange of oil, but Iran, which was disturbed from the USSR invasion refused to accept their offer. The invasion of Afghanistan posed a threat to the Iranians like the Pakistanis and the Saudis. Iran feared that the Soviet may crawl to their homeland while they were in the front line with Iraq.
Financial, military support of whole arab world (except Libya, Syria) including volunteers, Soviet Union, Europe, French pilots, US (including directly attacking Iran, Sattelite information), German, Dutch chemicals, Still Saddam couldnt defeat Iran and after that saddam attacked gulf countries. What is so funny Osama :omghaha:. We protect ourselves, we are not bitches of US or any power.

By God If the same attack and same backing of saddam was against Saudi Arabia all of you would jump into Red sea and drown while trying to reach egypt. Only your sandals would be left over for Iraqis to wear them :lol:

I'm afraid that it wouldn't work out well back then, if that's what you are saying. However, the Mullahs might use Iraq as a battle ground against KSA, which we already know here ;) and counter-measures were taking 7 years ago. Just hold your breath though :), KSA won't allow Iran to attack the Israelis or vice versa, just calm down baby :) hehe

The Emir of Kuwait, Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah had already fled into the Saudi desert. His younger half brother, Sheikh Fahad Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, was shot and killed by invading Iraqi forces as he attempted to defend Dasman Palace after which his body was placed in front of a tank and run over, according to an Iraqi soldier who was present and deserted after the assault

Most of the Kuwaitis ran away to KSA with their shoes only, I'm not trolling.

As you know im against Saddam, so we rule out that im pro any of these wars.
I agree I join these discussions often, but I only like to argue the military parts but it turns political and emotional always, so no issues..


Sadam did horrible mistakes to the Iraqi people in 1st place, he got what he deserved in return. I don't think such discussion would allow a room for emotions.

Iraq's invasion to Kuwait was a mention impossible to the entire ME nations including KSA. KSA's military could barely defend its own land, so yes, an US-led coalition option was imminent to the Kuwait's to get their own land back. However, In my opinion, Kuwait was too jerk toward Iraq after the Iran-Iraq war.

Yes, KSA's military strength was modest in comparison with Iraq, that they only thing it could do is to stand on a self-defense status.

Sadam never had the intention of going to war with KSA. He tried to delay the US Air campaign at all cost. I knew people who served in the SANG back then, the first two counter attacks being made by the SANG failed epically during the first day, but later, after a massive logistical supply from Riyadh, it worked out.

The US formed three lines to crawl into Kuwait, the first was directly toward Kuwait from the south, north and east from Iraq. However, the Republican guard managed to retreat with most of their equipments unlike the Iraqi Army.

Kuwait should just have not declared economic war on Iraq by lowering oil prices while asking Iraq to pay back everything, it made Iraq bankrupt in the eyes of the world, so what option was left besides military action.. who knows its the US that told the Kuwaiti emir to do this, it was in the benefit of the US aswell.

Soviet union collapsed, the US could show the world its military strength by taking out the 4th largest army in the world in Iraq with heavy firepower. They even liked it this way.
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