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Why are people still discussing the First Gulf War? Have we not had this discussion about 4-5 times already?

A heavy militarized Iraq that was poverty ridden and which invested nearly all of it finances on the military - after getting financial help from large parts of the Arab world and others attacked Kuwait - a small country with a weak military. Was chased away in a very short time.

Iraq would never had been able to invade all of KSA. Stop having daydreams. Even back then. Today it is completely impossible. KSA is too huge, have too difficult terrain and is simply too big a power to be fully controlled. Even back then. Many nations/empires tried before but they all failed. Nothing to worry about.
I never brought up "cradle of Islam". Again, typical of a Saudi trying to use Islam as a political tool.

My sect makes up the majority, unless of course over night 80% of Pakistanis changed their sect ti Shiaism.

BTW, why are you bringing in sects into the discussion? Typical Arab extremist mindset. Exactly why we non-Arabs should keep our distance from your lot.

Yes it is but you referred to KSA. Slaughter in Lebanon? That was long ago. Syria is in the middle of a war, what do you expect?

Let me know where i said there is more than one Pakistan or are you seeing things? Drinking is harram, you should know that already.

Good joke, but i'm afraid you have the date wrong, its August. April fools is 7 months away.

No, its not. Thanks to you Arabs exporting a certain extremist mentality to my country.

Okay, then enlighten me with your madrassah education. What did you learn from your sheikh today?


My sect forms the majority in Pakistan. I'm sure if you weren't lacking the grey matter i wouldn't have to repeat myself. I'm just not a sectarian bigot like yourself.

So you do care about Iranian matters? I knew your hatred for Iran was nothing but a charade.


Pakistan Zindabad!:pakistan:

Stating a fact is not using Islam in a political manner. Am I campaigning here for my own candidacy?

Congratulations with that and whatever you say.

Because you started it and I can talk about what I like to. Close your eyes if you don't like it.

Don't teach me what is haram and what is not. Don't talk about "our countries" when you only represent one. Do you understand this? Or too difficult as well?

Well, I think I know about the conditions of Yemen better than you do and basically everyone else here.

If that is the case then blame your own naive masses for being influenced by others than yourself. Tells more about you than anything else.

Well, I am studying chemical engineering at one of the world's best universities and I studied 1 year at Stanford 2 years ago. What are you doing besides writing nonsense here?

Then don't say that WE (Sunni Arab Muslims) use the word Mullah.

Oh, so you are a Punjabi? The ethnic group that lives in Pakistan and India. Ok. Never knew that you were in a position to act tough in front of Arabs. Nice to know.

Yes, you are an Arab and Iranian and thus entitled to meddle in our internal matters. Nice to know.

Nice Arabic name btw.
The only European nation that supported Sadam was France :what:

While the Soviet provided military equipments and training, the US, on the other hand shipped delivered light weaponries to Iraq.

Iran received US-made weapons via Israel in exchange for releasing US and other hostages in Lebanon. The USSR came to Iran as well asking them to by weapons in exchange of oil, but Iran, which was disturbed from the USSR invasion refused to accept their offer. The invasion of Afghanistan posed a threat to the Iranians like the Pakistanis and the Saudis. Iran feared that the Soviet may crawl to their homeland while they were in the front line with Iraq.

I'm afraid that it wouldn't work out well back then, if that's what you are saying. However, the Mullahs might use Iraq as a battle ground against KSA, which we already know here ;) and counter-measures were taking 7 years ago. Just hold your breath though :), KSA won't allow Iran to attack the Israelis or vice versa, just calm down baby :) hehe

Most of the Kuwaitis ran away to KSA with their shoes only, I'm not trolling.
Not only France, other Europeans supported Iraq also.
United Kingdom Weapons-related equipment and ‘Sodium cyanide for chemical weapons and plutonium and gas spectrometers’
West Germany Sale of high-tech military equipment
Yugoslavia Weapons sales (more than $2 billion's worth)
Netherlands: chemicals to be used for chemical weapons (Van Anraat was sentenced to jail for this)

According to Iraqi documents, assistance in developing chemical weapons was obtained from firms in many countries, including the United States, West Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and France. A report stated that Dutch, Australian, Italian, French and both West and East German companies were involved in the export of raw materials to Iraqi chemical weapons factories.

US support for Iraq was essential:
The United States pursued policies in favour of Iraq by reopening diplomatic channels, lifting restrictions on the export of dual-use technology, overseeing the transfer of third-party military hardware, and providing operational intelligence on the battlefield. Also Operation praying mantis, Operation Earnest Will, Operation Nimble Archer by attacking Iran directly and shooting an Iranian passenger plane.

According Walter Lang, senior defence intelligence officer for the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency at the time, "the use of gas on the battlefield by the Iraqis was not a matter of deep strategic concern" to Reagan and his aides, because they "were desperate to make sure that Iraq did not lose."

Iran got some weapons from US, but it was a minor "help" and not because they loved us, but because, as you mentioned, they had to!

And yes the Kuwaitis helped Saddam against Iran, but were punished by saddam later. Some of the Kuwaiti's even fled to Iran, with their shoes on. Now Americans gave saddam silently a green light for the attack on Kuwait... and then came to "protect" Kuwait. When I mention these figures as puppets, some get angry and call me Persian racist blabla
Not only France, other Europeans supported Iraq also.
United Kingdom Weapons-related equipment and ‘Sodium cyanide for chemical weapons and plutonium and gas spectrometers’
West Germany Sale of high-tech military equipment
Yugoslavia Weapons sales (more than $2 billion's worth)
Netherlands: chemicals to be used for chemical weapons (Van Anraat was sentenced to jail for this)

According to Iraqi documents, assistance in developing chemical weapons was obtained from firms in many countries, including the United States, West Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and France. A report stated that Dutch, Australian, Italian, French and both West and East German companies were involved in the export of raw materials to Iraqi chemical weapons factories.

US support for Iraq was essential:
The United States pursued policies in favour of Iraq by reopening diplomatic channels, lifting restrictions on the export of dual-use technology, overseeing the transfer of third-party military hardware, and providing operational intelligence on the battlefield. Also Operation praying mantis, Operation Earnest Will, Operation Nimble Archer by attacking Iran directly and shooting an Iranian passenger plane.

According Walter Lang, senior defence intelligence officer for the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency at the time, "the use of gas on the battlefield by the Iraqis was not a matter of deep strategic concern" to Reagan and his aides, because they "were desperate to make sure that Iraq did not lose."

Iran got some weapons from US, but it was a minor "help" and not because they loved us, but because, as you mentioned, they had to!

And yes the Kuwaitis helped Saddam against Iran, but were punished by saddam later. Some of the Kuwaiti's even fled to Iran, with their shoes on. Now Americans gave saddam silently a green light for the attack on Kuwait... and then came to "protect" Kuwait. When I mention these figures as puppets, some get angry and call me Persian racist blabla

I argued this with an Iranian, both sides were kept balanced to keep the war going as long as possible for maxiumum profit.
Iran had a stronger military prior to the war thanks to good US relations providing high quality arms of which mainly ( F14s, AH 1s and navy corvettes/frigates, HAWK air defences). that is why Iraq needed more support to gain the balance with Iran.

The discussion : http://www.defence.pk/forums/iranian-defence/225633-iran-iraq-war-picture-gallery-23.html
I never asked you where the cradle of Islam is. I merely stated your should stop using Islamic political tool stick its nose in non-Arab countries.

Same to you too.

Drinking is harram, i thought that was a already established fact, or did i just teach you that? lol.

I am a non-Arab, and so are 80% of Muslims.

Tiny arab minority has no right to speak for 80% of Muslims.

You must be living in another planet then. Just yesterday American embassies were on high alert and lock down due to threat of al-qaeda terrorism in Yemen and other Arab countries.

Its not masses, rather a tiny minority which is being taken care of.

Good, keep boasting about your "education" which you are receiving from a non-Arab white country.

PS, don't worry about me. I know who i am and that's all that matters. Capiche Arabi?

Mullah Omar is a Sunni though.

Arabs don't scare me, least of all Khaleejees who need white American women to defend them from other Arabs.

PS, don't talk tough Arabi, especially since you need our troops to defend your kingdom.

Lol, says the person who's regime pokes its nose in the internal affairs of non-Arab countries.

Uhh, thanks.


You asked why KSA uses Islam and cares about it. I gave you an answer why that is.

I have never consumed alcohol and you started to talk about it. Personal experience? Anyway don't perpetrate your own faults on others.

"Tiny" Arab minority? 400 million people are tiny? That is right. Biggest Muslim ethnic group. Besides I or we don't talk in the name of your people. Get it? We are not busy attaching ourselves with you, your culture or language. Often it is the other way around.

AQAP only controls a TINY part of Yemen and they are constantly being combated. 95% of all of Yemen is safe and tourists from across the world are going to Yemen. There is no large scale war either. Only a insurgency that is being combatted.

Besides Yemen is safer than Pakistan or in the same/similar situation.

Then do that. Why should we care?

Well, I am an immensely proud Arab and USA is hardly "white" when nearly half of the population are either Blacks or Latinos. The last ones are often mistaken for being Arabs which are not a Black people.

You seem to be worrying about Arab matters and discussing them here.

Who cares? He is not an Arab which was the point. We Sunni Arabs do not use the word Mullah. For the final time.

I am not a Gulf Arab. Educate yourself ignorant before you speak about the Arab world. Only Kuwait, Southern Iraq, parts of the Eastern Province, Qatar and PARTS of UAE and Oman are that. Rest of the Arab world - including 75% of all of the Arabian Peninsula and 80% of all the Arabs on the Arabian Peninsula are not. Get it?

Besides our history speaks for itself, cultural, linguistic, religious, and conquests speak for itself too.

We don't NEED your troops or anybody else. Nobody has or will dare to attack us on a large scale. Don't have deluded dreams.

So what? I am not a spokesman of my regime. You on the other hand meddle in Arab affairs which you have no business in. Come back to me when I meddle in your Pakistani affairs.

BTW, were you a Punjabi or not?

Anyway not going to waste more of my time for tonight.

Keep meddling in Arab matters but remember that you have no say or influence anyway. Just in case you had delusions.
Sorry bro, I was referring to France as it exported its Aircrafts to Iraq since day one of the war, but I wasn't referring to chemical weapons, and ammos.
Iran got some weapons from US, but it was a minor "help" and not because they loved us, but because, as you mentioned, they had to!

And yes the Kuwaitis helped Saddam against Iran, but were punished by saddam later. Some of the Kuwaiti's even fled to Iran, with their shoes on. Now Americans gave saddam silently a green light for the attack on Kuwait... and then came to "protect" Kuwait. When I mention these figures as puppets, some get angry and call me Persian racist blabla

The US didn't give Sadam a damn light. In fact, the US economy was pinched during the crisis. I'm not the spokesperson of all Gulf states, but I only re countered your claims about being :blah:

Iran's catastrophic fault was the disposal and the execution of many professional Generals, but still Iran back then had a very deadly equipments, that are being used even to this day, but now they're junk.

I wonder where did the Iranians get these MiG-29s from, I think only 6 came from Iraq, right?
I argued this with an Iranian, both sides were kept balanced to keep the war going as long as possible for maxiumum profit.
Iran had a stronger military prior to the war thanks to good US relations providing high quality arms of which mainly ( F14s, AH 1s and navy corvettes/frigates, HAWK air defences). that is why Iraq needed more support to gain the balance with Iran.

The discussion : http://www.defence.pk/forums/iranian-defence/225633-iran-iraq-war-picture-gallery-23.html
I wonder where did the Iranians get these MiG-29s from, I think only 6 came from Iraq, right?

Most from the USSR, known is that 4 ex Iraqi mig 29 were flown to Iran, of which 3 the 1 seater version and 1 the 2 seater trainer.
I argued this with an Iranian, both sides were kept balanced to keep the war going as long as possible for maxiumum profit.
Iran had a stronger military prior to the war thanks to good US relations providing high quality arms of which mainly ( F14s, AH 1s and navy corvettes/frigates, HAWK air defences). that is why Iraq needed more support to gain the balance with Iran.

The discussion : http://www.defence.pk/forums/iranian-defence/225633-iran-iraq-war-picture-gallery-23.html

Iraq had also good quality Soviet material. Also Iran could not get spare parts, so all these nice American toys could not be maintaned. A lot of F14's were cannibalized. I don't think that's balancing anymore, when Iranian volunteers run on landmines to clean the minefields for Iranian soldiers to follow.
Most from the USSR, known is that 4 ex Iraqi mig 29 were flown to Iran, of which 3 the 1 seater version and 1 the 2 seater trainer.

I don't see why the Iranians hadn't build up their Airforce after the war was over until 2004, when the US imposed tougher sanctions on them.

Iraq had also good quality Soviet material. Also Iran could not get spare parts, so all these nice American toys could not be maintaned. A lot of F14's were cannibalized. I don't think that's balancing anymore, when Iranian volunteers run on landmines to clean the minefields for Iranian soldiers to follow.

I heard before, how exactly sure are you about it?
Iraq had also good quality Soviet material. Also Iran could not get spare parts, so all these nice American toys could not be maintaned. A lot of F14's were cannibalized. I don't think that's balancing anymore, when Iranian volunteers run on landmines to clean the minefields for Iranian soldiers to follow.

There are several things to consider when looking at what maintaned a balance, including population size, Kurds in Iraq that sided with Iran and other several factors. Because of the Islamic regime of Iran hard work was needed to keep Shia of Iraq on Saddams side.

I know about the dirty events of the war, this is 1 part of Iran having a bigger population and more manpower on its size explaining that more Iranian soldiers died then Iraqi. Also because of chemical use. In the end its the superpowers that used the 2 countries, they are the real evil.

I don't see why the Iranians hadn't build up their Airforce after the war was over until 2004, when the US imposed tougher sanctions on them.

Money was needed for other sectors, as both economies suffered around 500 billion $
I don't see why the Iranians hadn't build up their Airforce after the war was over until 2004, when the US imposed tougher sanctions on them.

I heard before, how exactly sure are you about it?
In 1984, Iranian president Ali-Akbar Rafsanjani said, "all Iranians from 12 to 72 should volunteer for the Holy War."

They were part of Bassij volunteers. They also did human wave attacks. They were partly Eldern people, schoolkids for example. Having no mine clearing machines, I read somewhere Iran tried first by sending donkeys, horses. But they feared their life and fled if a mine would explode. So what was left were humans. Ofcourse they would avoid the minefields as much as possible, however when a mine exploded, the other soldiers would use that as a hint.
There are several things to consider when looking at what maintaned a balance, including population size, Kurds in Iraq that sided with Iran and other several factors. Because of the Islamic regime of Iran hard work was needed to keep Shia of Iraq on Saddams side.

I know about the dirty events of the war, this is 1 part of Iran having a bigger population and more manpower on its size explaining that more Iranian soldiers died then Iraqi. Also because of chemical use. In the end its the superpowers that used the 2 countries, they are the real evil.

Money was needed for other sectors, as both economies suffered around 500 billion $

yes, however we can also giver counter arguments about that. Kurdish parties of Iran attacked Iranian soldiers in early 80s
PDKI Peshmerga and Komala armed struggle against Islamic Iran 1980 - YouTube

Also pilots and generals got executed and many were in jail, country was totally in mess after the revolution, army was not active when Iraq invaded. Pilots were not even trusted by the state.

Size of population did not really matter since because in 8 years war only 300000 and about 600000 Iranians got killed. So plenty of healthy men were left to join the war. Size of country would matter only if Iraq was small as Kuwait or would be kind of encircled by Iran, which was not the situation.

Yes it was a dirty and stupid war and a lot of arab countries abused Iraq Saddam by giving him tens of billions dollars to fight Iran (extreme amount of money for that time and even now).
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