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US officials confirm Israeli air raid on Iraq

Iraq first needs to kick these F***ers out and ban them from flying.

Iraq's air force and recon would suffer a strong hit if the US leaves, ISIS will grow.

Maliki forced the US out in a rush around 2011 without considering army readiness, back then the army was nothing but a holding police force. Whilst today far more capable it still lacks recon/intel/strike capability on the required level which the US provides.

It's not that simple and ISIS is a more capable terror group than most if not all others
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Iraq's air force and recon would suffer a strong hit if the US leaves, ISIS will grow.

Maliki forced the US out in a rush around 2011 without considering army readiness, back then the army was nothing but a holding police force. Whilst today far more capable it still lacks recon/intel/strike capability on the required level which the US provides.

It's not that simple and ISIS is a more capable terror group than most if not all others

Well, at some point these people need to GTFO. Its the region's security issue, its the region that needs to deal with it not these extra regional invaders.
Well, at some point these people need to GTFO. Its the region's security issue, its the region that needs to deal with it not these extra regional invaders.

I'd say the serious thing about this is that the PMU ammo base was located within Balad airbase, one of the country's largest airbase which hosts its F16's.

It'll just fuel efforts by PMU and Iraq's army to acquire air defense whether from Iran, Russia or both. I doubt the US wants this as some small ammo bases don't matter much for them, Israel likes to create problems as these though

Anyway this guy provides the most reliable info about Iraq in the security field and is quite reliable, his view on it is that temperature is the issue.

Sounds like you're saying ISIS is US's standby force in Iraq when US forces aren't in Iraq???that's what u cant avoid observing here.I dont want to believe there is a US - ISIS cooperation going on, but I am not afraid to bet money that there is a connection. If I get into trouble, just know ots because I hit a truth nerve.
Iraq's air force and recon would suffer a strong hit if the US leaves, ISIS will grow.

Maliki forced the US out in a rush around 2011 without considering army readiness, back then the army was nothing but a holding police force. Whilst today far more capable it still lacks recon/intel/strike capability on the required level which the US provides.

It's not that simple and ISIS is a more capable terror group than most if not all others
Sounds like you're saying ISIS is US's standby force in Iraq when US forces aren't in Iraq???that's what u cant avoid observing here.I dont want to believe there is a US - ISIS cooperation going on, but I am not afraid to bet money that there is a connection. If I get into trouble, just know ots because I hit a truth nerve.

who knows

i'm just saying Iraq's military has too many faults, lacks certain skills in observation and intel through technology that gaps would re-emerge through US departure and that won't help in suppressing ISIS.
Iraq and Syria are examples of clear and present danger for Pakistanis. The Axis of evil has been trying very hard to turn Pakistan into another such failed state but we mustn't give into sectarianism because once you get sucked into that void, it is almost impossible to get out. Now it is Israel bombing these countries with impunity. Tomorrow it will be India doing the same to Pakistan.
So Pakistan should warn Israel against such kind of violation of sovereignty of independent states . India already tried to do this . Muslim countries should not allow Israel a free hand to attack any country whenever it wants .
To Iranian and pro Iran members... be careful talking to this Falcon29...I read all his replies and my judgement is he is not an Arab..he is most likely and Israeli or a CIA agent assigned to create division in cyber forums. Keep in mind Israel military has a special cyber group (command post targeted by Iran from syria by missile last year) for this kind of operation...it is the old divide and rule..some Arab/Pakistani posing members here are indeed these agents from this cyber group.
Palestine conflict aside, Israel is pretty fair towards Arab citizens and at least they get a say in politics. Agree?
Israel stole Golan, so Arab citizens were displaced
Hezbollah keeps Israel off Lebanese land, so no, Lebanese citizens are still under threat from Israel, and dont forget Israel violating their rights by flying over their citizens and country in violation of international law.
Israel isnt fair to Egyptian, Arab citizens, the peace treaty is keeping Israel from having a reason to do so.

So, no, thats a stretch, and also, wtf would we keep Palestine out? thats like the straw-man's argument....."Israel is fair to Arabs".......... well except Palestinians,who also are Arabs, so you've contradicted yourself. Some of you Pakistanis seem to have such scary opinions on Arabs and Israel's conflict. I dunno if its because you've never read about it so you dont really have well molded opinions or if its just a conscious blindness to some truth or reality of the situation there. My common sense tells me Palestinians are suffering,and thats wrong. End of the story for me. I know which side im on. I'm always for fairness. But many people arent wired to even be fair.
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