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US officials confirm Israeli air raid on Iraq

LOL, so much lies to justify the alliance between arab dictators/puppets and U.S/Israel.

Yet as Qur'an promised, this alliance wont bring you any goodness.

I'm not aligned with you, you are aligned with America in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. They are right across you in Syria and cooperating against the Syrian opposition. You bought weapons from Israel during the Iraq-Iran war and you never attacked Israel or America once.

You protect Israel's border on the Golan.

Israel stole Golan, so Arab citizens were displaced
Hezbollah keeps Israel off Lebanese land, so no, Lebanese citizens are still under threat from Israel, and dont forget Israel violating their rights by flying over their citizens and country in violation of international law.
Israel isnt fair to Egyptian, Arab citizens, the peace treaty is keeping Israel from having a reason to do so.

So, no, thats a stretch, and also, wtf would we keep Palestine out? thats like the straw-man's argument.....Israel is fair to Arabs, well except Palestinians,who also are Arabs, so you've contradicted yourself. Some of you Pakistanis seem to have such scary opinions on Arabs and Israel's conflict. I dunno if its because you've never read about it so you dont really have well molded opinions or if its just a conscious blindness to some truth or reality of the situation there. My common sense tells me Palestinians are suffering,and thats wrong. End of the story for me. I know which side im on. I'm always for fairness. But many people arent wired to even be fair.

Yemeni's, Iraqis and Syrians are also suffering at the hands of Iranian terrorists and their proxies.
No one here hates Israel here more than me. And I also hate the Iran and Arab regimeAll three need to be destroyed and the Caliphate needs to be established. We'll put you in charge of the Caliphates twitter page.
Please dont advocate Daesh ideology on this forum
Advocating destruction of sovereign countries and violent replacement of their governance falls on the category of terrorism inciting and this cant be allowed
Please dont advocate Daesh ideology on this forum
Advocating destruction of sovereign countries and violent replacement of their governance falls on the category of terrorism inciting and this cant be allowed

I'm advocating the Mahdi who will establish the Caliphate, did you think he just comes flying down from the sky?
I'm advocating the Mahdi who will establish the Caliphate, did you think he just comes flying down from the sky?
Please dont flip it
Your posts are hateful and inciting violence

Stop it here. There wont be ne anymore discussion ans you will receive warning if your posts are reported.
US officials have confirmed that Israel was responsible for the bombing of an alleged Iranian weapons depot in Iraq last month, The Associated Press news agency reports.
The attack marks a significant escalation in Israel's years-long campaign against what it sees as Iranian military assets in the region.

The confirmation comes as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strongly hinted that his country was behind recent air raids that have hit bases and munition depots belonging to Iran-backed paramilitary forces operating in Iraq.

The mystery attacks have not been claimed by any side and have left Iraqi officials scrambling for a response amid strong speculation that Israel may have been behind them.

Earlier this week, the deputy head of the Iraqi Shia militias, known collectively as the Popular Mobilization Forces, openly accused Israeli drones of carrying out the attacks, but ultimately blamed Washington and threatened strong retaliation for any future attack.

Such attacks are potentially destabilising for Iraq and its fragile government, which has struggled to remain neutral amid growing tensions between the United Statesand Iran.

Al Jazeera's Natasha Ghoneim, reporting from Baghdad during the latest round of air raids, said Iranian-backed armed groups have been operating in Iraq with the full support of the government since 2014 when they joined the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) group.

"A new law that came into effect on July 31 requires all paramilitary groups to report to the Iraqi security forces, or put down their weapons," Ghoneim reported.

Iranian commanders killed
There have been at least three explosions at Iraqi Shia militia bases in the past month. US officials now confirm Israel was responsible for at least one of them.

Two US officials said Israel carried out an air raid on an Iranian weapons depot in July that killed two Iranian military commanders. The US officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to discuss the matter with the media.

The July 19 attack struck a militia base in Amirli, in Iraq's northern Salaheddin province, causing a huge explosion and fire.

A senior official with the Shia militias at the time told AP that the base hit housed advisers from Iran and Lebanon.

He said the attack targeted the headquarters of the advisers and a weapons depot.

On August 12, a large explosion at the al-Saqr military base near Baghdad shook the capital, killing one civilian and wounding 28 others.

The base housed a weapons depot for the Iraqi federal police and the PMF. The most recent of the explosions came on Tuesday night, at a munitions depot north of Baghdad.

There have been weeks of speculation in Israel that the army is attacking targets in Iraq.

'We act in many arenas'
In an interview with a Russian-language TV station on Thursday, Netanyahu indicated the speculation is true.

"I don't give Iran immunity anywhere," he said, accusing the Iranians of trying to establish bases "against us everywhere", including Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq.

Asked whether that means Israel is operating in Iraq, Netanyahu said: "We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran."

Early on Friday, the New York Times, citing Israeli and US officials, reported that Israel bombed an Iranian weapons depot in Iraq last month.

It would be the first known Israeli air raid in Iraq since 1981 when Israeli warplanes destroyed a nuclear reactor being built by Saddam Hussein.

It also steps up Israel's campaign against Iranian military involvement across the region.

Israel has previously acknowledged hundreds of air raids on Iranian targets in neighbouring Syria, primarily arms shipments believed to be destined for Iran's Hezbollah allies.

Israel considers Iran to be its greatest enemy and has repeatedly promised that it will not allow the Iranians, who are supporting the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, to establish a permanent military presence in Syria.

Striking Iraq would be far more complicated than reaching neighbouring Syria.

The Israeli warplanes would likely have to travel through Turkey, a former ally that now has cool relations with Israel, or through Saudi Arabia, to carry out attacks on Iraq.


So first they attacked on Irani Targets in Syria .
After Syria they are attacking Iranian targets in Iraq.
After Iraq Netanyahu vowed to attack on Yemen.
After Yemen will they begin to attack Iranian Mainland ?
This Netanyahu must stopped
It wasn’t Israel. US launched the strike, blamed it on Israelis to avoid political sh!t storm for its forces stationed in Iraq.
I'm advocating the Mahdi who will establish the Caliphate, did you think he just comes flying down from the sky?
If you're actually advocating the Mahdi then why would you want Iranians to get wipped off the earth in order for it to happen? Especially when you know they also expect the Mahdi? Sorry just getting contradictory messages on this..

What are you talking about? They go straight to Lebanon and brainwash the Shia there to fight and die for them.
If you call Lebanese Shia taking fellow Iranian Shia brethren's help and ideologies to prevent marginalization in their country + Israel's occupation of their land(Southern Lebanon) brainwashing, then yes, i agree its brainwashing! You seem to be ignoring the fact that Iranians arent in charge of Lebanese Shias lives. THe Lebanese can kick them out any day they choose. Its a partnership, but you see it as a dictatorship. Your bias shows. Just saying...

It wasn’t Israel. US launched the strike, blamed it on Israelis to avoid political sh!t storm for its forces stationed in Iraq.
But apparently Israeli officials recently indirectly admitted involvement in this strike in Iraq?

Also, considering that Israel is more motivated to attack PMUs in Iraq, can you give us evidence the US did the strike? Iraqi govt did restrict US flights in Iraq though, but i'm unsure if that was direct punishment for the airstrikes or indirect punishment for allowing Israel perform the airstrikes. I believe its Israel that did the strikes.

How? Nobody should be allowed free reign in Iraqi airspace.
Thats not for you to decide. Let the Iraqi govt make that decision.

Why are you so pro-Iran though? Very, very weird.
Tbh, i dont really want to be seen as being pro-Iran. I think i'm Pro fairness. And in that context, i dont believe any 1 country has the right or authority on earth to determine the path an existence of another country. The closest thing to that authority should be a multi-later institution, like the UN.Yes Iran has some questions to answer, but so do each of Iran's adversaries. Dont be a hypocrite. People here will bash Iran, then when some people start opening up Pakistan's record they can get banned. Remember, in the Middle east, there are NO SAINTS. All countries have "slaughtered", committed many crimes, so i dont compare a bad deed by 1 country to the at- the time innocence of the other country. No, i compare overall faults and mistakes to other faults and mistakes. Alot of misinformation too, so how well do we really assess these situations if we dont have the full information?
But apparently Israeli officials recently indirectly admitted involvement in this strike in Iraq?

Also, considering that Israel is more motivated to attack PMUs in Iraq, can you give us evidence the US did the strike? Iraqi govt did restrict US flights in Iraq though, but i'm unsure if that was direct punishment for the airstrikes or indirect punishment for allowing Israel perform the airstrikes. I believe its Israel that did the strikes.
Payload was dropped by US on Israeli request. Israeli took the blame. Israelis and US work hand in hand on broader mid-east policy. Israelis aren’t flying over two countries when there are US asset available stone throw away.
Payload was dropped by US on Israeli request. Israeli took the blame. Israelis and US work hand in hand on broader mid-east policy. Israelis aren’t flying over two countries when there are US asset available stone throw away.
But US doing that airstrike would only increase the possibility of the Iraqi govt kicking US troops out, which the US doesnt want, so on the motivation side, i dont see what motivates the US to want to strike the PMU...why now?? From what i've seen, US military doesnt care about PMU as long as they arent threatening US troops in Iraq..
But US doing that airstrike would only increase the possibility of the Iraqi govt kicking US troops out, which the US doesnt want, so on the motivation side, i dont see what motivates the US to want to strike the PMU...why now?? From what i've seen, US military doesnt care about PMU as long as they arent threatening US troops in Iraq..
Iranian were storing rockets for its proxies away from Syria and Lebanon because of Israelis airstrikes. US did them a favor in Iraq, but Israelis were to take the responsibility.
Iranian were storing rockets for its proxies away from Syria and Lebanon because of Israelis airstrikes. US did them a favor in Iraq, but Israelis were to take the responsibility.

It's not in USA's favor as the US basically just stated they operate within Iraq at Iraq's invitation but only enforce selective (by US needs) airspace control. This gives the anti-US presence factions in the parliament all the weight they need to pressure for removing US forces from Iraq.

That is if this is due to airstrikes. PMU allied factions have a lot of weight in parliament and if they get excuses like this they'll eventually succeed getting Iraq's gov to turn against US presence. Another reason why Iran is not losing anything with actions like this, Israel also doesn't mind seeing escalation as that's what they need.


The Iraqi National Security Council has directed the ministry of defense to develop plans to procure an anti-aircraft missile defense system and empower the Iraqi Air Force to defend the country's airspace.
You can go ahead and topple Al-Saud/Al Zayed if you can. It just increases chances of establishment of Caliphate by 1000000%.

Idk why you guys are so scared to do it. You just blow a lot of hot air.

Who will be the leader of such a Caliphate?
Israeli Boeing modified to function as an AWACS.
The enormous radar system allows it to effectively sniff out even the smallest of potential airborne threats.
Interesting: Israel carried out a strike with quadcopters in Lebanon. They avoided a directly traceable airstrike that could give Hezbollah a direct pretext for a counter strike.
At the same time a typical "PGM thrown over the Golan" airstrike was carried out against Syria, officially.
Iranian were storing rockets for its proxies away from Syria and Lebanon because of Israelis airstrikes. US did them a favor in Iraq, but Israelis were to take the responsibility.
No matter who carried out the attack . They are the same side of the coin . Without American help Israel can't launch an attack on Iraqi soil . So no matter who throw the stone , it's US's responsibility.

To Iranian and pro Iran members... be careful talking to this Falcon29...I read all his replies and my judgement is he is not an Arab..he is most likely and Israeli or a CIA agent assigned to create division in cyber forums. Keep in mind Israel military has a special cyber group (command post targeted by Iran from syria by missile last year) for this kind of operation...it is the old divide and rule..some Arab/Pakistani posing members here are indeed these agents from this cyber group.
Why we foolish Iranian supporters responding his bullshits and valueless comments. We should avoid this ISIS scum in all threads and comments .
No one can hide his identity, how intelligent he thinks himself.Try to gauge his identity from his nick ' Falcon ' .
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