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US officials confirm Israeli air raid on Iraq

I really don't care about the past besides the reign of the Prophet and four rightly guided Caliphs. After that is normal cycles of history taking place I don't hold any grudges over stuff in the past. I live in the present however, and Iranians make it more than obvious they hold an old ethnic grudge which is manifested in an sectarian fashion. That's why Shia like you can't comfortably attest to the fact that Imam Hussein and Hassan took part in the defensive campaign against Persia.

I am not shia (not even 12ver lol). All I am asking is that where and how did you get the idea that Iranians as a whole have this innate desire to destroy the Arabs as a reprisal for what happened during the fall of their empire?

Let me give you an example of what their real attitude was. In the 70s Oman was a client state of Iran and when the Dhofar rebellion had occurred both Iran and Saudi Arabia (Pakistan too to an extant) immediately attended to the situation by suppressing the marxist rebellion and worked together in bringing Oman back at its feet.

Mind you this happened during the Shah's time who really was an ethnic nationalist for Iran. If they really wanted the reprisal that they inherently desire (as you claim) they could have allowed the rebellion to continue and add to the fire such that the entire Gulf becomes a chaotic mess. Nothing like that happened. Instead they worked together with the Saudis lol

The Iranian has hailed achievements in the country's defense industry, proclaiming its power unparalleled in the region as the United States attempted to assemble an international coalition to isolate the Islamic Republic.

A day ahead of Iran's National Day of the Defense Industry, the Iranian Defense Ministry published a statement Wednesday saying the country's indigenous military-industrial complex had become "the pillar of the powerful defense force and a magnificent symbol of self-sufficiency, self-esteem and national self-reliance" instilling "panic and terror among the enemies of Iran." The statement identified the "terrorist and warmongering" U.S. and the "fictitious, child-killing" Israel as the country's primary foes and said Iran's might has "prevented arrogant powers from undertaking any daring and adventurous action."

The elite Revolutionary Guards also released a statement, denouncing U.S.-imposed sanctions against Iran and noting that, despite these restrictions, the Iranian armed forces now "meet modern world standards and respond successfully to threats" from land, air and sea, making them "the undisputed top power in the region and in competition with extra-regional powers."



Is this guy serious? lol

I know but I wanted to make in fun of his 'if they continue attacking ...' statement.... :D
Palestine conflict aside, Israel is pretty fair towards Arab citizens and at least they get a say in politics. Agree?
Funds allocated to the MoD, Russian approval for the sale and Iraqi side wanted to proceed. Then US pressure came and Iraqi gov put it on halt, Americans already threw a fit. But with attacks like these there's excuses strong enough to proceed with it again or have the US accept to agree to defending the airspace

Bro I love you but every country in the region is a failed state that can't provide security/prosperity or stability for its people. We have no choice but to work from ground up based on a new model.
Bro I love you but every country in the region is a failed state that can't provide security/prosperity or stability for its people. We have no choice but to work from ground up based on a new model.

There's no reset button to go back to the ground and build a new system unless you want to blow up the whole country and kill everyone in it, even if you take that statement of mine to the extreme then Iraq already went through that since 2003 several times and all that caused is changes in the system.. not it being ovethrown.

Nothing will be perfect in this country, they can solely improve and the air defense sector can use some expansion and improvement. That is all that can be done, Iraq cannot reach Israel to retaliate and even if it could like it did in 1991 with some Scuds, the USAF would not remain silent.
Palestine conflict aside, Israel is pretty fair towards Arab citizens and at least they get a say in politics. Agree?

They have representation but can't advance much or prevent radical bills from being approved.

blow up the whole region


Btw, I don't expect of Iraq to respond to anything, you guys need stability. I'm just bashing Iran.

I am not shia (not even 12ver lol). All I am asking is that where and how did you get the idea that Iranians as a whole have this innate desire to destroy the Arabs as a reprisal for what happened during the fall of their empire?

Let me give you an example of what their real attitude was. In the 70s Oman was a client state of Iran and when the Dhofar rebellion had occurred both Iran and Saudi Arabia (Pakistan too to an extant) immediately attended to the situation by suppressing the marxist rebellion and worked together in bringing Oman back at its feet.

Mind you this happened during the Shah's time who really was an ethnic nationalist for Iran. If they really wanted the reprisal that they inherently desire (as you claim) they could have allowed the rebellion to continue and add to the fire such that the entire Gulf becomes a chaotic mess. Nothing like that happened. Instead they worked together with the Saudis lol

Come back to me when Iran has the guts to directly attack any Arab country. Instead of invoking their Shia countrymen to attack their own country.
Come back to me when Iran has the guts to directly attack any Arab country.

Listen you stateless Pali - I asked you a very simple question as to why you hold such views. A very basic justification for your views (right or wrong whatever) would help.

Perhaps I am being a little too demanding to someone with your stateless nature.
They have representation but can't advance much or prevent radical bills from being approved.


Btw, I don't expect of Iraq to respond to anything, you guys need stability. I'm just bashing Iran.

Come back to me when Iran has the guts to directly attack any Arab country. Instead of invoking their Shia countrymen to attack their own country.
What are you talking about? They go straight to Lebanon and brainwash the Shia there to fight and die for them.
Listen you stateless Pali - I asked you a very simple question as to why you hold such views. A very basic justification for your views (right or wrong whatever) would help.

Perhaps I am being a little too demanding to someone with your stateless nature.

Lol, after the big war you guys all will be stateless. I answered your question earlier, doofus, you ignored it and pretended like Iran holds no grudge against Arabs. Which is nonsense, their butt is on fire because of Arabs and their members here can't go one post without bashing Arabs.

And as I said if they have the guts they can come ahead and directly attack any Arab country and see what will happen to them.
Lol, after the big war you guys all will be stateless. I answered your question earlier, doofus, you ignored it and pretended like Iran holds no grudge against Arabs. Which is nonsense, their butt is on fire because of Arabs and their members here can't go one post without bashing Arabs.

Where is the evidence that as a whole they have this intense desire to cause a reprisal against arabs for the fall of the empire?

All that is happening now is not really linked to that. The biggest factor is sectarianism (Shia Sunni rivalry) and the trends that have taken post 1979.

Like I mentioned before Iran under the shah had those 'Neo Sassanid' aspirations that you fear so much. Even then they were rather close to Saudi Arabia and the other gulf states.
Where is the evidence that as a whole they have this intense desire to cause a reprisal against arabs for the fall of the empire?

All that is happening now is not really linked to that. The biggest factor is sectarianism (Shia Sunni rivalry) and the trends that have taken post 1979.

Like I mentioned before Iran under the shah had those 'Neo Sassanid' aspirations that you fear so much. Even then they were rather close to Saudi Arabia and the other gulf states.

Learn how to read buddy, I told you it's ethnic grudge which is manifested as sectarianism. If you still can't understand , I don't buy the Iranians and their 'religious motivations'. They have no religious motivations for me, they have a heavily distorted view of Islam which is distorted to align with Iranian identity. This is why they think the Mahdi will come from Iran, is Iranian, and that Iran will be center dominant empire during his reign. Or why they teach their people Ali and Hussein opposed the conquest of Persia and didn't partake in it. Among many other things.
Learn how to read buddy, I told you it's ethnic grudge which is manifested as sectarianism.
How come they did not act on that ethnic grudge when they had the chance?

How come the safavids didn't carry out anything like that when the held control over portions of the gulf in their time?
How come the 'neo-sassanid' aspirant Iran during the Shah was rather close to the gulf states back in the day?
How come the overwhelming collaborators of Iran today are arabs (Lebanese/Syrian/Iraqi/Houthi) and the like?

disgusted to see how someone like you would hold such confrontational views. I guess that is one of the aftereffects of being rendered stateless.
How close is/was that S-400 acquisition to actually coming to fruition? Would be a huge gain for Iraq and I have to say Iran as well.

Though I wonder if the Americans would throw a fit like they did with the Turks.
Good point...Iraq isnt in NATO and isnt as militarily and economically "independent" yet....so i dont think Iraq can pull that move now.
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