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US officials confirm Israeli air raid on Iraq

Bro, all i will tell you is that you are right to doubt Iran's methods, but you cant deny Iran's results. At the end of the day, ask yourself how a country like Iran, with US and sanctiosn against it, still has as much power as Arab nations US has fed expensive weapons since day 1. Arabs always complain about Iran's methods, but not Iran's results.

It's easy to achieve anything against current Arab regimes so I'm not that impressed. I've given them credit where its due but I am a Muslim and can't agree with their methods/anti-Arab agenda. Anyhow I appreciate your honesty, don't know if you are Nigerian Shia or not(don't have problem with that), but I enjoy your posts/analysis forsure.
You already demanded war reparations and they rejected your demand. And those religious sites are long term political and financial investment for you. Considering how many Iraqi's they encourage to do pilgrimage in Iran too. It also gets you access to Iraq to form loyal military factions which align with your interests and saves you lots of potential lost money/influence(due to corridor with Syria/Lebanon). So I can counter your points, it doesn't mean I hate your people. I just expect your people to make peace with the Arab Sunni's and stop the grudge against them. They are very open to developing ties with your country if this can be done.
it's not a choice so they can refuse...
seriously?? last year nearly one million iranian went to Iraq during moharram how many Iraqis come Iran in a year??
Iran has no sectarian agenda, the conflicts in region were sectarian and none of them started by Iran.
Iran has problem with south side Arabs because they were poking us in nose for last 2 decades, not because they are Sunnis.
You can go ahead and topple Al-Saud/Al Zayed if you can. It just increases chances of establishment of Caliphate by 1000000%.

Idk why you guys are so scared to do it. You just blow a lot of hot air.

it's not a choice so they can refuse...
seriously?? last year nearly one million iranian went to Iraq during moharram how many Iraqis come Iran in a year??
Iran has no sectarian agenda, the conflicts in region were sectarian and none of them started by Iran.
Iran has problem with south side Arabs because they were poking us in nose for last 2 decades, not because they are Sunnis.

Are you serious? So why did you send people to cause chaos in Hajj?:


Why were you asking Iraqi Shia to overthrow the Saddam regime? And the Shia Bahrainis to overthrow the Bahraini regime? And the Kuwaiti Shias to overthrow the Kuwaiti monarchy? This is sectarian my friend. Saudis reacted with sectarianism too, but let's not pretend what is going on.
Sure thing, I just hope you stick to your word and show up on the battlefield.

Sorry dude but that's not a reportable offense. If you get easily offended than online forums is maybe not for you. You don't have problem with people demonizing Arabs 24/7 on the forum. So you should see this as fair game if you were 1% of what a man should be....

I just reporting suspicious terrorist activities ...
I just reporting suspicious terrorist activities ...

I know , because you are brothers in ideology with the Israeli's and Americans. So any Arab Sunni Muslim that seeks self determination is a terrorist in your eyes. You fight side and side against Saddam in Iraq and in Syria against FSA and so on. But you report to mods when you get called terrorists, you see you have a double standard my friend. :-)

This is why we Arabs we need to unite(on the basis of Islam of course and not Arabism) against Iran and Israel who seek our destruction. Once you attack Saudi regime I expect that to happen. :-)



Your country looks like any another country in the region and your people look normal. I don't know what incites your regime then to have such a grudge against Arabs. I wish you guys and the Arabs become rational and avoid more death and destruction before its too late.
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Holy Shit ... :crazy_pilot:
Sadly, the Caliphate is apparently very mentally desirable, but very unrealistic. For one, most Muslim countries today care more about economics than Islam. Thats why they kept quiet about Uighurs with China and Kashmir with India. We havent even accepted that Muslims dont have a unified vision of what this Caliphate will be or look like, probably due to culture and histories. next point plz....

It's so easy to take you guys down in all debates, just like that little girl Daul Wielder who ran away when he couldn't justify his sectarian agenda.

Taking the ethical position does wonders. :D
Ethics without acceptance and inclusion of human nature, tendencies, flaws and tendencies is naive. Other than that you're a virtue signaler..

It's easy to achieve anything against current Arab regimes so I'm not that impressed. I've given them credit where its due but I am a Muslim and can't agree with their methods/anti-Arab agenda. Anyhow I appreciate your honesty, don't know if you are Nigerian Shia or not(don't have problem with that), but I enjoy your posts/analysis forsure.
I like and appreciate your posts too. You said some quite harsh things about Iran recently(its your right) but i didnt want to point it out so you dont get mad at me.

No, im just a non-practicing Nigerian Christian.:rolleyes:
Ex-Iraqi PM warns Israel of ‘strong response’ if it proves to be behind strikes

Nouri al-Maliki says continued attacks will turn country into ‘battle arena that drags in multiple countries, including Iran’

Former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki on Friday warned Israel of a “strong response” if it proved to be behind the recent airstrikes against Iranian-linked military targets in Iraq.

In statements issued by his office, al-Maliki also said that if Israel continues to target Iraq, his country “will transform into a battle arena that drags in multiple countries, including Iran.”


Israeli airstrikes in Iraq are illegal under international law. Iraq seems to be putting Israel on notice about it.

Yawn. I exposed Iran for what it is in the forum, that even their hardcore Shia supporters can't defend them. You didn't change anything about that but cry to mods.
This isnt the thread to do that, and if Iranians or Pro-Iran people get into it with you on this thread they will probably get a warning. You sound so "factual" about things that are very subjective.
@Falcon29 whats with your funny fear of a supposed reprisal that iranians want to carry out for the fall of the empire in the 8th century lol??

I haven't seen any iranian call back to that. Besides they know their history. Within 2 centuries the iranian buyids ended up holding the abbasids hostage lol
You already demanded war reparations and they rejected your demand. And those religious sites are long term political and financial investment for you. Considering how many Iraqi's they encourage to do pilgrimage in Iran too. It also gets you access to Iraq to form loyal military factions which align with your interests and saves you lots of potential lost money/influence(due to corridor with Syria/Lebanon). So I can counter your points, it doesn't mean I hate your people. I just expect your people to make peace with the Arab Sunni's and stop the grudge against them. They are very open to developing ties with your country if this can be done.
Iran has 0 problems with "Arab sunnis"(some of you Sunnis on this forum make this misdirected generalization to discredit Iran). Iran has serious ideological differences between itself and the leadership of Sunni majority countries(most of them, or the ones in the Gulf). Thats it. When Iran supports "Sunnis" some of you either turn a blind eye, or say its not true(best example is Hamas- even you said Hamas developed those weapons locally. Thats total BS. Some of you think potent militant groups like Hamas and Houthis can just make good modern weapons out of thin air? im so tired bra.). To be honest, its hard to find Iran doing stupid things if you're judging based on what you see on the surface.

You just blow a lot of hot air.
Its funny you say this and then make mean comments about Iran on this forum because you're feeling the effects of Iran's vast potent proxies in the ME.
You go back on twitter to show off to your Israeli buddies your 'achievements' of killing Saudi Muslim Arabs....

No dude, I'm happy with our most recent achievements, I'm gonna have a presence here as
well :D

You should calm down too, anger in people with your views tends to manifest itself in an explosive fashion...

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