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US officials confirm Israeli air raid on Iraq

I think Iran would definitely sell Iraq air defence systems. They've said this numerous times.

Since you already have Pantsir that's your short-range air defence sorted. We can't sell you long range systems like Bavar-373 yet since the priority will probably be bringing them into service with Iran. But medium range systems 3rd Khordad, Sayyad-2 systems would definitely solve your problems in the short term since we have them in inventory (can be delivered quickly), they are quite cost-effective and quite combat-effective. Ranges of about 75 km with these sorts of systems. Technology loss would not be much of an issue since Iran has a few more advanced systems and is continually upgrading its current ones.

3rd Khordad especially is highly mobile and has a small footprint so the Israelis will have a hard time knowing for sure where exactly they are.

It would be critical though that these are brought into service of the Iraqi Armed Forces under the state though. So the Israelis can't use the same excuse they've been using with Lebanon. Obviously diplomatically you are in a much better situation than Syria. They can't carry out an extensive, long-term campaign in Iraq (like they're doing in Syria), neither diplomatically or militarily.

I'd say Iran either shouldn't supply anything or should supply them with top of the line including IADS infrastructure. A half baked solution most probably is not going to stop the attacks, same way S300 can't in Syria and it may have a bad effect on Iranian made AD systems reputation.

Iran is currently working on an oil pipe crossing Iraq and Syria to Mediterranean shores. Protecting Iraq's sky is a priority.
Here is my thoughts on the subject...since Iraqi military is heavily infiltrated by the US and its allies, then any system that Iran supplies to the Iraqi military will be compromised and rendered ineffective and would produce negative feedback on the performance of the Iranian systems as a whole. So what is the solution..a formal treaty to establish Iranian AD units in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon where the AD equipment and personnel will be supplied and operated by Iran but under the command of the military of each individual country (or a unified command if possible). Such an arrangement will ensure the safety of the Iranian systems and close the airspace of these countries to lawless Israeli attacks.
Here is my thoughts on the subject...since Iraqi military is heavily infiltrated by the US and its allies, then any system that Iran supplies to the Iraqi military will be compromised and rendered ineffective and would produce negative feedback on the performance of the Iranian systems as a whole. So what is the solution..a formal treaty to establish Iranian AD units in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon where the AD equipment and personnel will be supplied and operated by Iran but under the command of the military of each individual country (or a unified command if possible). Such an arrangement will ensure the safety of the Iranian systems and close the airspace of these countries to lawless Israeli attacks.
Something like NORAD is a good solution
Do you think Iran would sell 3rd Khordad or other air defense systems?

Whilst Iraq has the Russian approval to buy S-400 systems these are very expensive and I am not sure if they are even suitable to combat UCAV. I think it's hard to stop UAV's either way and whilst it is good to acquire air defense systems such UCAV strikes might continue given who knows what Israel has for tech.

So Bavar-373 is for export :-) :tup:

وی توضیح داد: در غرفه امسال ایران یک نمونه هواپیمای جت آموزشی، چند نمونه هواپیمای بدون سرنشین نزدیک پرواز و دورپرواز و چند نمونه موتور هواپیما عرضه خواهیم کرد.

بنی طرفی در واکنش به این پرسش که آیا سامانه پدافند موشکی جدید ایران با عنوان باور ۳۷۳ نیز در این نمایشگاه به نمایش در خواهد آمد؟، اظهار داشت: این سامانه به تازگی در کشور رونمایی شده است و در نمایشگاه امسال هوا و فضای مسکو شرکت ندارد ، اما قطعا غرفه ایران در این نمایشگاه و نمایشگاه های بعدی در هر کجا جزو بهترین ها خواهد بود.



Very interesting angle on israeli attacks on iraqi pmus.

EXCLUSIVE: Israeli strikes in Iraq launched from SDF-held Syria, Baghdad believes

By David Hearst

Drones have been launched from bases controlled by the Kurdish-led militia with the financial support of Saudi Arabia, Iraqi intelligence concludes
Iraq’s intelligence services believe that five recent drone attacks on Iraqi paramilitaries were launched from bases under the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia’s control in north Syria, an official told Middle East Eye.

The Iraqi official, who has knowledge of the latest intelligence briefing from Baghdad’s security services, said the strikes were conducted by Israel, with the understanding of the SDF and backing of Saudi Arabia.

“The drone attacks were launched from SDF areas with the financing and backing of the Saudis,” the official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told MEE.

Since July, a series of explosions have hit bases, weapons depots and a convoy belonging to the Hashd al-Shaabi (PMF), a grouping of mostly Shia militias with close ties to Iran.

The most recent, on Sunday, saw two unmanned aircraft strike one of the PMF’s positions near the border with Syria, killing one fighter and severely wounding another, according to the group.
According to the senior official, the plan to strike the Iran-backed paramilitaries in Iraq was hatched when Thamer al-Sabhan, the Saudi minister of state for Gulf affairs, visited SDF-held northeastern Syria in June.

There Sabhan, who is known to be one of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s top lieutenants, laid the groundwork by offering the initially reticent SDF funds in return for their base being used as a launchpad for the strikes.

The SDF is a Kurdish-led militia that currently holds swathes of Syria’s oil-rich northeast, after waging a campaign against the Islamic State (IS) group with significant US-backing. It remains Washington’s chief partner in the country.

Middle East Eye has approached the SDF for comment.

The PMF has publicly only held Israel responsible for the five strikes.

Baghdad has been seeking to regularise the units following the successful campaign against IS that the Hashd al-Shaabi played a key role in.

On Monday, Iraqi President Barham Salih said the country's sovereignty and security are a "red line" that his government will protect.

According to the senior Iraqi official, northern Syria was used to launch the attacks because Israeli attack drones do not have the range to hit targets in Iraq from Israel.

“Israeli personnel were operating the drones from SDF-controlled bases,” the Iraqi official said.

The source said the Iraqis were initially sceptical Israel was behind the attacks because of doubts that Israeli drones would be able to reach Iraq.

A Tehran-based intelligence analyst affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard told MEE last week that other culprits were considered, “such as PMF opponents within the Iraqi army or Americans themselves”.

Sabhan’s June trip to northeastern Syria was noticeable for his work trying to shore up support for the SDF among Arab tribes in the area.

His meetings with local elders, SDF leaders and a top US official, William Robak, included commitments to provide economic and security support.

Sabhan served as the first Saudi ambassador to be stationed in Iraq for 25 years, before falling out with officials in Baghdad when he claimed Iran had ordered the Hashd al-Shaabi to assassinate him in 2016.

Once hostile, Israel and Saudi Arabia have moved closer in recent years, particularly as they seek to counter their shared foe Iran.

Israel’s apparent strikes on the Hashd al-Shaabi follow a pattern of broadening its attacks on Iranian targets to countries around the region after conducting hundreds of raids in Syria in recent years.

The Saudi embassy in London has been asked to comment on the source’s remarks.

When asked if it was responsible for striking the paramilitaries in Iraq, the Israeli military told MEE it could neither confirm or deny its responsibility.

Very interesting angle on israeli attacks on iraqi pmus.

EXCLUSIVE: Israeli strikes in Iraq launched from SDF-held Syria, Baghdad believes

By David Hearst

Drones have been launched from bases controlled by the Kurdish-led militia with the financial support of Saudi Arabia, Iraqi intelligence concludes
Iraq’s intelligence services believe that five recent drone attacks on Iraqi paramilitaries were launched from bases under the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia’s control in north Syria, an official told Middle East Eye.

The Iraqi official, who has knowledge of the latest intelligence briefing from Baghdad’s security services, said the strikes were conducted by Israel, with the understanding of the SDF and backing of Saudi Arabia.

“The drone attacks were launched from SDF areas with the financing and backing of the Saudis,” the official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told MEE.

Since July, a series of explosions have hit bases, weapons depots and a convoy belonging to the Hashd al-Shaabi (PMF), a grouping of mostly Shia militias with close ties to Iran.

The most recent, on Sunday, saw two unmanned aircraft strike one of the PMF’s positions near the border with Syria, killing one fighter and severely wounding another, according to the group.
According to the senior official, the plan to strike the Iran-backed paramilitaries in Iraq was hatched when Thamer al-Sabhan, the Saudi minister of state for Gulf affairs, visited SDF-held northeastern Syria in June.

There Sabhan, who is known to be one of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s top lieutenants, laid the groundwork by offering the initially reticent SDF funds in return for their base being used as a launchpad for the strikes.

The SDF is a Kurdish-led militia that currently holds swathes of Syria’s oil-rich northeast, after waging a campaign against the Islamic State (IS) group with significant US-backing. It remains Washington’s chief partner in the country.

Middle East Eye has approached the SDF for comment.

The PMF has publicly only held Israel responsible for the five strikes.

Baghdad has been seeking to regularise the units following the successful campaign against IS that the Hashd al-Shaabi played a key role in.

On Monday, Iraqi President Barham Salih said the country's sovereignty and security are a "red line" that his government will protect.

According to the senior Iraqi official, northern Syria was used to launch the attacks because Israeli attack drones do not have the range to hit targets in Iraq from Israel.

“Israeli personnel were operating the drones from SDF-controlled bases,” the Iraqi official said.

The source said the Iraqis were initially sceptical Israel was behind the attacks because of doubts that Israeli drones would be able to reach Iraq.

A Tehran-based intelligence analyst affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard told MEE last week that other culprits were considered, “such as PMF opponents within the Iraqi army or Americans themselves”.

Sabhan’s June trip to northeastern Syria was noticeable for his work trying to shore up support for the SDF among Arab tribes in the area.

His meetings with local elders, SDF leaders and a top US official, William Robak, included commitments to provide economic and security support.

Sabhan served as the first Saudi ambassador to be stationed in Iraq for 25 years, before falling out with officials in Baghdad when he claimed Iran had ordered the Hashd al-Shaabi to assassinate him in 2016.

Once hostile, Israel and Saudi Arabia have moved closer in recent years, particularly as they seek to counter their shared foe Iran.

Israel’s apparent strikes on the Hashd al-Shaabi follow a pattern of broadening its attacks on Iranian targets to countries around the region after conducting hundreds of raids in Syria in recent years.

The Saudi embassy in London has been asked to comment on the source’s remarks.

When asked if it was responsible for striking the paramilitaries in Iraq, the Israeli military told MEE it could neither confirm or deny its responsibility.

Maybe it wasn't Israel at all. These guys are under KSA control. With what Yemenis are doing to KSA, I can see KSA have enough incentives to return the favor in Iraq by hitting Iran's allies. Anybody can operate drones these days and Saudi's have the money to buy them for their supported groups.
S-400 will take years to be delivered...plus many army generals are CIA agents they sabotaged the S-300 deal and the Chinese deal to buy HQ-9 air defense system ........all we can do is to activate our Pantsir-s1 we already have 40 or even more give half of them to PMF to protect their bases.. it did great job in Syria

I've heard American have ability to turn off their American made radars every time they want from distance in Iraq(and this happen regularly in Iraq).
That is ridicules to put all eggs in American basket.
Maybe it wasn't Israel at all. These guys are under KSA control. With what Yemenis are doing to KSA, I can see KSA have enough incentives to return the favor in Iraq by hitting Iran's allies. Anybody can operate drones these days and Saudi's have the money to buy them for their supported groups.
Regardless of whos doing it,if it is the case that whoever it is is using the kurdish occupied areas as staging grounds for these strikes then that must be put a stop to.The obvious strategy would be for iran to employ its drones to hit likely facilities within the kurdish controlled areas,both to prevent further attacks but also to send a strong message to the kurds that allowing themselves to be used in this manner is not a very smart idea on their part.
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