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US officials confirm Israeli air raid on Iraq

I smell urgent AD system sell...
Good for Iraq, their IADS...

Iraq is so divided and in political turmoil we don't know who makes decisions there. Certain Iraqi militias of Iran and more focused on making Iraq submissive to Iran than protecting the country from foreign threats:

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – An Iraqi Shia militia group on Monday said they would overthrow any government in Baghdad that opposes Iran “in some few weeks.”

The statement came from Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba’s Nasr al-Shammari during a meeting with former secretary of the Iranian National Security Council Saeed Jalili, according to the Iranian ABNA agency. Shammari is in Iran on a visit.

“[The] Americans know that if any Iraqi government takes a step against Iran, it will be toppled in some few ‎weeks,” the official said, emphasizing, according to the Iranian outlet, the close relations between Iran and Iraq.



Iran wants resources of Iraq and revenue from pilgrimage sites.

You are just a rude person !

I am rude for the sake of the Lord, and will continue to verbally abuse all those who ask or strive for anything other than Islam and Justice. The terrorists on this forum got carried with life and never made an effort to become closer to the Lord. They need to start offering prayers to the Lord and ask God to guide them to truth and save them from woes of hyper nationalism. The clock is ticking and time left for repentance to be accepted is getting shorter and shorter.

And I assert once again, the Lord spoke the truth, in that nothing but Islam will bring peace/prosperity/good to the Muslim world and no other agenda will succeed for the region.

That is the promise the Magnificent Lord made to the greatest Prophet.
Iran wants resources of Iraq and revenue from pilgrimage sites.
if Iran wanted money she would proceed to get the compensation of war which that would be the end of Iraqi economy. Iran reconstructed religious sites in Iraq with the donated money of iranian people for those sites. Iran for more than a year sold Iraq free electricity. if anyone profits in this relationships it's Iraq.
@SOHEIL, honestly, I can’t even! This guy is truly intoxicated of the reality where Iran, Israel and maybe the US (changes depending context) are in an alliance to screw the Arabs. It’s more sad than funny.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s still funny! But with a bitter aftertaste of the realization regarding the amount of propaganda a human being must go through in order to cheer on the same country which have killed so many of his countrymen and made many more homeless. INCLUDING his own DAMN SELF!
if Iran wanted money she would proceed to get the compensation of war which that would be the end of Iraqi economy. Iran reconstructed religious sites in Iraq with the donated money of iranian people for those sites. Iran for more than a year sold Iraq free electricity. if anyone profits in this relationships it's Iraq.

You already demanded war reparations and they rejected your demand. And those religious sites are long term political and financial investment for you. Considering how many Iraqi's they encourage to do pilgrimage in Iran too. It also gets you access to Iraq to form loyal military factions which align with your interests and saves you lots of potential lost money/influence(due to corridor with Syria/Lebanon). So I can counter your points, it doesn't mean I hate your people. I just expect your people to make peace with the Arab Sunni's and stop the grudge against them. They are very open to developing ties with your country if this can be done.
You already demanded war reparations and they rejected your demand. And those religious sites are long term political and financial investment for you. Considering how many Iraqi's they encourage to do pilgrimage in Iran too. It also gets you access to Iraq to form loyal military factions which align with your interests and saves you lots of potential lost money/influence(due to corridor with Syria/Lebanon). So I can counter your points, it doesn't mean I hate your people. I just expect your people to make peace with the Arab Sunni's and stop the grudge against them. They are very open to developing ties with your country if this can be done.
Ask those BBs first....
I see it as impossible as long as their blood line stay alive...
Assassination is only option...
Ask those BBs first....
I see it as impossible as long as their blood line stay alive...
Assassination is only option...

You can go ahead and topple Al-Saud/Al Zayed if you can. It just increases chances of establishment of Caliphate by 1000000%.

Idk why you guys are so scared to do it. You just blow a lot of hot air.
Bro, all i will tell you is that you are right to doubt Iran's methods, but you cant deny Iran's results. At the end of the day, ask yourself how a country like Iran, with US and sanctiosn against it, still has as much power as Arab nations US has fed expensive weapons since day 1. Arabs always complain about Iran's methods, but not Iran's results.
You can go ahead and topple Al-Saud/Al Zayed if you can. It just increases chances of establishment of Caliphate by 1000000%.

Idk why you guys are so scared to do it. You just blow a lot of hot air.
By time bro...
I am rude for the sake of the Lord, and will continue to verbally abuse all those who ask or strive for anything other than Islam and Justice. The terrorists on this forum got carried with life and never made an effort to become closer to the Lord. They need to start offering prayers to the Lord and ask God to guide them to truth and save them from woes of hyper nationalism. The clock is ticking and time left for repentance to be accepted is getting shorter and shorter.

And I assert once again, the Lord spoke the truth, in that nothing but Islam will bring peace/prosperity/good to the Muslim world and no other agenda will succeed for the region.

That is the promise the Magnificent Lord made to the greatest Prophet.

By time bro...

Sure thing, I just hope you stick to your word and show up on the battlefield.

Sorry dude but that's not a reportable offense. If you get easily offended than online forums is maybe not for you. You don't have problem with people demonizing Arabs 24/7 on the forum. So you should see this as fair game if you were 1% of what a man should be....
You already demanded war reparations and they rejected your demand. And those religious sites are long term political and financial investment for you. Considering how many Iraqi's they encourage to do pilgrimage in Iran too. It also gets you access to Iraq to form loyal military factions which align with your interests and saves you lots of potential lost money/influence(due to corridor with Syria/Lebanon). So I can counter your points, it doesn't mean I hate your people. I just expect your people to make peace with the Arab Sunni's and stop the grudge against them. They are very open to developing ties with your country if this can be done.

Your ISIS style chant completely proves your point ! :tup:

No one here hates Israel here more than me. And I also hate the Iran and Arab regimes. All three need to be destroyed and the Caliphate needs to be established. We'll put you in charge of the Caliphates twitter page.

Several batteries???

Enough numbers ...
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