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US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam

no problem, don't think too far in to future, we can have new partner for purchasing hi-tech weapons soon. To do any R&D now is late and expensive.
If Viet Nam has the will and the cash then it is possible to produce a 4th generation jet under license. However, in order to do this Viet Nam will need to spend big at least $10 billion usd like the Rafael deal between India and France in order to obtain the license/blue print/technician help. Viet Nam also has to spend more to purchase the CNC machineries to fabricate the parts of the airframe. The initial cost of the project will be HUGE for a country like Viet Nam but If Viet Nam is willing to spend that kind of money, I don't think we would have problem obtaining tech transfer/licensing from Sweden, France, Russia.

Fighter jet is too far fetched. It is more realistics in the next 5-10 years for Viet Nam to focus on continuing the R&D of MALE UAV, radar, missile, and building surface combatant. Projects like these are more realistic
Viettel chi 100 triệu đô la để đầu tư nghiên cứu chế tạo
Công nghệ quân sự: Người Israel bất ngờ với các kỹ sư Việt Nam | Khoa học | Báo điện tử Tiền Phong

Vietnam should make sure their ability in jet engine manufacturing before thinking of build a jet.
In the connecting world, don't try to build what they could offer you with cheaper price ... delivery immediately after cash paid.

China is in the another situation, they are isolated by other big weapon manufacturers and they didn't respect the copyrights.
And they are have big demand for their large area.
So DIY as many as you can is a must-have.

As the subject of the topic, Vietnam has another option to choose weapon, military technology from another good quality source beside Russia... Purchasing or not ... that's similar to visit Walmart or BigC ... the difference is now we have the member cards to US market
Vietnam should make sure their ability in jet engine manufacturing before thinking of build a jet.
In the connecting world, don't try to build what they could offer you with cheaper price ... delivery immediately after cash paid.

China is in the another situation, they are isolated by other big weapon manufacturers and they didn't respect the copyrights.
And they are have big demand for their large area.
So DIY as many as you can is a must-have.

As the subject of the topic, Vietnam has another option to choose weapon, military technology from another good quality source beside Russia... Purchasing or not ... that's similar to visit Walmart or BigC ... the difference is now we have the member cards to US market
It's a stupd idea to think easily give ur life in other one's hand. A customer in Walmart always can not decide goods price and numbers, but Walmart has final decision.

no problem, don't think too far in to future, we can have new partner for purchasing hi-tech weapons soon. To do any R&D now is late and expensive.
How many u can purchase ? Did American willing to sell all hi-tech weapons like F-22 ? No, only low-grade u can buy with high cost.
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It's a stupd idea to think easily give ur life in other one's hand.

How many u can purchase ? Did American willing to sell all hi-tech weapons like F-22 ? No, only low-grade u can buy with high cost.

You have no one to trust in, I see !!!

About cost, if we want to build ourselves the F-22, it costs much more than purchase ... that's the calculation.
We approach the imbalance strategy, so we don't have to buy the equal quantity to our potential enemy ...

To Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, if we ( Vietnam ) process the conventional war to USA ( in the South Vietnam during Vietnam War ), we would be crushed within few days ... no airforce, light artillery, no helicopter mobility, .. against B52 bombs, helicopter mobility, heavy artillery from 7th Fleet and local militaria ...

And we don't need all weapon hitech ...

We could have 6 of old-fashioned P3C - Orion with cheap price, while USA upgraded theirs into P8A Poseidon ...
They are keen to provide those to us ... We expect P3C is still effective to handle enemy submarines in SCS ... and for search and rescue purpose ... due to its long-range, long-term operation ability.

Again, it cost us more to build an aircraft low tech than purchase of P3C .... especially in small quantity ( 6 )

A story about piano purchasing, for same amount, they prefer to buy an old Yamaha - Made in Japan during 70s to brand new Made in china piano ... The Yamaha could even last longer and provide better quality to the new China made. That's the real fact


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You have no one to trust in, I see !!!

About cost, if we want to build ourselves the F-22, it costs much more than purchase ... that's the calculation.
We approach the imbalance strategy, so we don't have to buy the equal quantity to our potential enemy ...

To Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, if we ( Vietnam ) process the conventional war to USA ( in the South Vietnam during Vietnam War ), we would be crushed within few days ... no airforce, light artillery, no helicopter mobility, .. against B52 bombs, helicopter mobility, heavy artillery from 7th Fleet and local militaria ...

And we don't need all weapon hitech ...

We could have 6 of old-fashioned P3C - Orion with cheap price, while USA upgraded theirs into P8A Poseidon ...
They are keen to provide those to us ... We expect P3C is still effective to handle enemy submarines in SCS ... and for search and rescue purpose ... due to its long-range, long-term operation ability.

Again, it cost us more to build an aircraft low tech than purchase of P3C .... especially in small quantity ( 6 )

What kind of tech do you seek from US?
You have no one to trust in, I see !!!

About cost, if we want to build ourselves the F-22, it costs much more than purchase ... that's the calculation.
We approach the imbalance strategy, so we don't have to buy the equal quantity to our potential enemy ...
Eve purchase u never get F-22. F-35 also harder for Vietnam, risks in politic for the West.

To Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, if we ( Vietnam ) process the conventional war to USA ( in the South Vietnam during Vietnam War ), we would be crushed within few days ... no airforce, light artillery, no helicopter mobility, .. against B52 bombs, helicopter mobility, heavy artillery from 7th Fleet and local militaria ...

And we don't need all weapon hitech ...

We could have 6 of old-fashioned P3C - Orion with cheap price, while USA upgraded theirs into P8A Poseidon ...
They are keen to provide those to us ... We expect P3C is still effective to handle enemy submarines in SCS ... and for search and rescue purpose ... due to its long-range, long-term operation ability.

Again, it cost us more to build an aircraft low tech than purchase of P3C .... especially in small quantity ( 6 )

A story about piano purchasing, for same amount, they prefer to buy an old Yamaha - Made in Japan during 70s to brand new Made in china piano ... The Yamaha could even last longer and provide better quality to the new China made. That's the real fact

A customer in Walmart never know how to open & operate a super-market. P3C is just some old goods sold in Walmart, building wind tunnel is 1st step to open a super-market, but no one willing to train another 'Walmart' u only rely on urself.
What kind of tech do you seek from US?

Satellite, nuclear energy, ... just name a few

Eve purchase u never get F-22. F-35 also harder for Vietnam, risks in politic for the West.
A customer in Walmart never know how to open & operate a super-market forever. P3C is just some old goods sold in Walmart, building wind tunnel is 1st step to open a super-market, but no one willing to train another 'Walmart' u only rely on urself.

We never intend to be a Walmart ... we just want to spend some for our dinner ...

Yugoslavia can shoot down F117A without knowledge of manufacture it ...
Same to Vietnam using low latitude AA to down several F111A in 1972 ...

You don't know that several poor countries come to learn how to handle the bigger enemy by limited resources ...in Vietnam, or invite our military experts come to train them ...
Syria, Angola ... are just a few name.
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Yugoslavia can shoot down F117A without knowledge of manufacture it ...
Same to Vietnam using low latitude AA to handle F111A in 1972 ...
Missile and radar from the foreign. Just ask @KAL-EL Is that F117A shot down in Yugoslavia has some relations with China military? Who gave stealth radar tech to Yugoslavia ?
Missile and radar from the foreign. Just ask @KAL-EL Is that F117A shot down in Yugoslavia has some relations with China military? Who gave stealth radar tech to Yugoslavia ?

If relate to China, congratulation !!! That's the good direction ... we don't buy offensive weapon, we buy defensive weapon ...
Then you know it takes several decades for USA to know that providing nuclear technology to Vietnam is harmless, because we never attack others ...

We care about short range missile technology too ... for coastal defence, ...

And check why China has no movement when US B52 enter China claimed ADIZ ?
Our radar could detect them so early and our Su30 could approach them to make sure they'd change their route ...
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You have no one to trust in, I see !!!

About cost, if we want to build ourselves the F-22, it costs much more than purchase ... that's the calculation.
We approach the imbalance strategy, so we don't have to buy the equal quantity to our potential enemy ...
You don't have to have equal amount, especially since China can't move all our fighters to Vietnam, but Vietnam can concentrate your fighters.

But even if you did that you still have less fighter than one Chinese airforce division, there are multiple divisions in one military region. And that number will only increase as our access to engines increase.

To Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, if we ( Vietnam ) process the conventional war to USA ( in the South Vietnam during Vietnam War ), we would be crushed within few days ... no airforce, light artillery, no helicopter mobility, .. against B52 bombs, helicopter mobility, heavy artillery from 7th Fleet and local militaria ...

And we don't need all weapon hitech ...

Same strategy as us when we were poor. Here's the difference for you, China is not trying to take over Vietnam land, or change government. It's a quick push to the capital, if that, a few landings, destroy the navy and air force and most of war making potential, then get the hell out.

We won't stay for your guerrilla tactics.

We could have 6 of old-fashioned P3C - Orion with cheap price, while USA upgraded theirs into P8A Poseidon ...
They are keen to provide those to us ... We expect P3C is still effective to handle enemy submarines in SCS ... and for search and rescue purpose ... due to its long-range, long-term operation ability.

Again, it cost us more to build an aircraft low tech than purchase of P3C .... especially in small quantity ( 6 )

Do you know why US upgraded? If you did you wouldn't say what you are saying. Also, these planes can only be used if you have air superiority or a way for them not to get shot down, 5 seconds after it goes into the air. .

A story about piano purchasing, for same amount, they prefer to buy an old Yamaha - Made in Japan during 70s to brand new Made in china piano ... The Yamaha could even last longer and provide better quality to the new China made. That's the real fact

That's not a real fact, that's a stupid and biased comparison. This is like saying all Vietnamese are poor. If you spend the same amount of money for the Chinese Piano of course it will last, but if you go for cheap, it would still last. Chinese products are improving, but whether you believe that is irrelevant.

I wouldn't make fun of Chinese quality, we took the monkey off the Japanese's back, and Japan took it off the US. Guess who's getting the monkey after China? Vietnam, if you are lucky. You got a lot more competition than we did when we started.
If relate to China, congratulation !!! That's the good direction ... we don't buy offensive weapon, we buy defensive weapon ...
Then you know it takes several decades for USA to know that providing nuclear technology to Vietnam is harmless, because we never attack others ...

We care about short range missile technology too ... for coastal defence, ...

And check why China has no movement when US B52 enter China claimed ADIZ ?
Our radar could detect them so early and our Su30 could approach them to make sure they'd change their route ...
ADIZ, China radar detected B52 flying. It's ADIZ not Airspace, Airforce fighters will arrive when B52 close to Airspace but not just flying in border of ADIZ. U need understand what's ADIZ.

Google B52 in East China Sea ADIZ

Viet Nam can't never match China with China military power. Look at the map, Lao and Cam Bu Chia will likely side with China or stay neutral in case Viet Nam want to fight a war with China in the future. With China naval modernization and will atleast operate 3 aircraft carrier with their increase of submarine fleet, China military can attack Viet Nam in all position through sea and land. this is the reality Viet Nam have to dealt with.
Firstly, you are not in position to threaten others, and should not even if you have ability.

The second, we faced China thousand times from ancient with the China greatest emperors until now ... so don't day dream .. for an easy war to us. China has never been poor for all the time for thousand years ...
In 1979, we are in position not afraid to make a full-scale counter attack to China mainland, and many experts think that would cause more Chinese bleed !! But that's not what we intend ... Don't know how your govt lied to your soldiers for the reason of the China invasion ... ( 1 of the funny reason : save the President Ho Chi Minh - who died 10 years before )

The third, the big difference now Vietnam is the member of most of big organization, including UNSC, .. we're not alone as in Sino-Vietnam conflict 1979

You don't have to have equal amount, especially since China can't move all our fighters to Vietnam, but Vietnam can concentrate your fighters.

But even if you did that you still have less fighter than one Chinese airforce division, there are multiple divisions in one military region. And that number will only increase as our access to engines increase.

Same strategy as us when we were poor. Here's the difference for you, China is not trying to take over Vietnam land, or change government. It's a quick push to the capital, if that, a few landings, destroy the navy and air force and most of war making potential, then get the hell out.

We won't stay for your guerrilla tactics.

Do you know why US upgraded? If you did you wouldn't say what you are saying. Also, these planes can only be used if you have air superiority or a way for them not to get shot down, 5 seconds after it goes into the air. .

That's not a real fact, that's a stupid and biased comparison. This is like saying all Vietnamese are poor. If you spend the same amount of money for the Chinese Piano of course it will last, but if you go for cheap, it would still last. Chinese products are improving, but whether you believe that is irrelevant.

I wouldn't make fun of Chinese quality, we took the monkey off the Japanese's back, and Japan took it off the US. Guess who's getting the monkey after China? Vietnam, if you are lucky. You got a lot more competition than we did when we started.
If the U.S sells Viet Nam the nuke reactors, it will start selling Viet Nam weapons soon. Viet Nam does not need to buy a lot from the U.S; just buy a few hundred millions usd worth of weaponeries and use that as the bargaining chip when making weapon deals with the Russian. The russian refuse to transfer even older tech like the Gepard ship for Viet Nam to build; we move out and go with the Dutch. It won't be long that we will show Russia that we can also buy from Israel (already did) France, Sweden, or the American
Firstly, you are not in position to threaten others, and should not even if you have ability.

The second, we faced China thousand times from ancient with the China greatest emperors until now ... so don't day dream .. for an easy war to us. China has never been poor for all the time for thousand years ...
In 1979, we are in position not afraid to make a full-scale counter attack to China mainland, and many experts think that would cause more Chinese bleed !! But that's not what we intend ... Don't know how your govt lied to your soldiers for the reason of the China invasion ... ( 1 of the funny reason : save the President Ho Chi Minh - who died 10 years before )

The third, the big difference now Vietnam is the member of most of big organization, including UNSC, .. we're not alone as in Sino-Vietnam conflict 1979

Ancient time use sword and arrow to fight again gun and fighter jet? Viet Nam gonna be bomb into stone age.
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