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Vietnam dancing between US alliance and Chinese brotherhood: Global Times

It was USSR who initiated the border conflict by attacking our fishermen.

China is master of lie.

Using fishermen to make provocative action first. In fact you look at your new master USA to make the show that Chinese communists can open fire on Soviet communists. It is good evidence for USA trust you. China changed his position to USA side in cold war.

Very dirty tactic.
Hell lots of BS in this thread. Soviet union instigated Vietnamese provoking and hating China, its the truth. Vietnam and China used to be brother countries before China and Russia came at loggerheads.

Vietnam choosed to side with Soviet Union instead of China.

To put it simple, Vietnam betrayed China for gaining interests from USSR.
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Hell lots of BS in this thread. Soviet union instigated Vietnamese provoking and hating China, its the truth. Vietnam and China used to be brother countries before China and Russia came at loggerheads.

Vietnam choosed to side with Soviet Union instead of China.

To put it simple, Vietnam betrayed China for gaining interests from USSR.
That's why Chinese call Vietnamese 反骨仔.
Hell lots of BS in this thread. Soviet union instigated Vietnamese provoking and hating China, its the truth. Vietnam and China used to be brother countries before China and Russia came at loggerheads.

Vietnam choosed to side with Soviet Union instead of China.

To put it simple, Vietnam betrayed China for gaining interests from USSR.
Wanna twist the history again ?? China killed VNese, rob our islands in 1974, attacked VN with 600.000 PLA troops in 1979 . VN did Nothing harm to China until today.
Hell lots of BS in this thread. Soviet union instigated Vietnamese provoking and hating China, its the truth. Vietnam and China used to be brother countries before China and Russia came at loggerheads.

Vietnam choosed to side with Soviet Union instead of China.

To put it simple, Vietnam betrayed China for gaining interests from USSR.

China begged Nixon dropped in Peking 1972. 1974 china occupied Islands Paracel of Vietnam with force.

Vietnam have to do what is to be necessary to protect our country sovereignty, in the past, now and also for the future. China can not swallow our Islands..
Remind me those small nations between Carthage and Roma.
ahem...who is who?
Carthage empire had been one of the most powerful countries in ancient times and collapsed long before the Rome empire established. or am I wrong?
sorry for my limited knowledge of Chinese language. what do the characters 反骨仔 mean?

It means betrayer. 反 could mean betray, reverse, and opposite direction , it has many meanings, 骨 here means bones behind the head, 仔 means person. We can judge a person whether he is a betrayer by checking the back of his head.

Viet, you still refuse to answer my question, how is the warefare in Vietnam?
Two-faced approach is the only choice left for Vietnam, given the current situation here. Vietnam is totally under China's economy influence, taking advantage and sharing the benefits of China's development, while doing bad things to threaten Chinese fishmen's safety.
the problem is you constantly provoke Vietnam.

you issued fishing ban.
you celebrated the Paracel battle with a military exercise.

what do you think of if the Japanese issue fishing ban over the East China Sea and celebrate the victory over China in the first Sino-Japan war with a military exercise around the Senkaku islands?
the problem is you constantly provoke Vietnam.

you issued fishing ban.
you celebrated the Paracel battle with a military exercise.

what do you think of if the Japanese issue fishing ban over the East China Sea and celebrate the victory over China in the first Sino-Japan war with a military exercise?

He is right when mentioning safety of fisherman. If you don't pose a threat to our people, there will be no fishing ban, everyone will be fine, why wasting time issuing a ban? Think about it carefully.

Japan has no balls to do this, easy.....If they really got the gut, we will expand Air defense identification zone. Also, Japan has far more vast ocean to the east or north of its land, they have ample marine resources than China, so they won't make trouble offending China by doing this.
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sorry for my limited knowledge of Chinese language. what do the characters 反骨仔 mean?

A slang for traitor~ and indeed you can use this word to describe Chinese as well depends on your position~

ahem...who is who?
Carthage empire had been one of the most powerful countries in ancient times and collapsed long before the Rome empire established. or am I wrong?

Well nobody knows since the story is still being written.
Carthage as an ancient country had one of the saddest ending ever. I cried while I was reading the history of the 3rd Punic War when I was a kid~ :sarcastic:
And Carthage wasn't an empire (was it?)
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