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US fighter jet downs Syrian plane in Raqqa province

It's false propaganda against Qazzafi though assumed to be more of westernized person but accusations of Rape against him are baseless. Yes he had number of women with him but these were all well payed. If some women engages in a relation with free will it is not rape by any law.
West used Qazzafi in different ways and then threw him in dustbin along with his dumb paid countrymen who only for dollars sold their liberty.

Now Libya is not different then Afghanistan. Even if Germany and Norway not selling arms to Arabs they still are part of Nato/allied forces. Being part of EU they are fully responsible for each act.

NATO countries are responsible for NATO actions. Not for the acts of individual NATO members.
NATO maintained the no-fly zone and the Arms Embargo decided by the UN.
Attacks on ground targets was made by the coalition fighter bombers,
but they were not under NATO command.
Thus Germany had no part nor responsibility for those attacks.
iran should have team ready to destroy any new banking infrustructure and its agents as this is the goal like they did with libya.
Meanwhile US allies drive native population out of newly concuered places to ''Kurdify'' the places, people are being stripped of their possessions but these are still the good guys because US says so i guess.

we should reorganized these people and give them opportunely to take back their lands from USA dogs ...
We do not bomb the Middle East nor do we sell Bombs to the Middle East.
Neither does Germany
We still get the lion part of the refugees.

You also had beautiful libyan girls kidnapped and raped by Qaddafi.
You should consider criticizing those Muslims that made sure Libya was destroyed.

I am not critisizing tou specifically i am critisizing US ...

And agreed prime responsiblity for all this mess is greed for power of muslim leaders more specifically KSA rulers and rulers of Iran ...

Had they shown respect for each other US could never flame wars ...

All i am saying that its time to remove violence for the time being lets accept bashar and all international forces fight terrorism indescriminately ... later on when things get setelled syrias regime can be planned with mutual efforts of arab countries and iran ...
Meanwhile US allies drive native population out of newly concuered places to ''Kurdify'' the places, people are being stripped of their possessions but these are still the good guys because US says so i guess.
Between Assad and Kurds, Kurds are way better. Ethnic cleansing in Assad areas is much more widespread.
If Muslims fighting all over the world started following the Geneva Conventions
a lot more innocent Muslims would be happier.
I cannot comment on this particular part as i have no information on use of chemical weapons and other war crimes ... i had info on afghanistan and i told you with authencity vest if my knowledge that reality is entierly different then what is being projected in western media ... the original taliban were peace loving people that being an end to civil war and was famous for their administrative capabilities in afghanistan ...

Furthermore they were not like current taliban or terrorists ...

If bashar is doing waf crimw then he must be punsihed but for greater benefit and to save humanity lets forget everything and first eliminate all terrorists indiscreminately ...
I am not critisizing tou specifically i am critisizing US ...

And agreed prime responsiblity for all this mess is greed for power of muslim leaders more specifically KSA rulers and rulers of Iran ...

Had they shown respect for each other US could never flame wars ...

All i am saying that its time to remove violence for the time being lets accept bashar and all international forces fight terrorism indescriminately ... later on when things get setelled syrias regime can be planned with mutual efforts of arab countries and iran ...

While going at it, why not abolish the idea of India and Pakistan.
It is not really working is it.
Have the Queen appoint a new Governor.
Bingo, Kashmir problem solved.
I cannot comment on this particular part as i have no information on use of chemical weapons and other war crimes ... i had info on afghanistan and i told you with authencity vest if my knowledge that reality is entierly different then what is being projected in western media ... the original taliban were peace loving people that being an end to civil war and was famous for their administrative capabilities in afghanistan ...

Furthermore they were not like current taliban or terrorists ...

If bashar is doing waf crimw then he must be punsihed but for greater benefit and to save humanity lets forget everything and first eliminate all terrorists indiscreminately ...

ISIS can and is defeated as a state, but the underlying ideology cannot be eliminated.
Currently noone of the great powers are attempting to overthrow Assad.
This incident is a slap on the knuckles, so he learns the limits.
Yes same Al qaida that was created and funded by US ... you dont condemn US but Taliban as easy target for you ... my friend reality is not what documrntaries of CNN and BBC were telling ...

Before we embark on a discussion on this topic, we need to make sure that our knowledge is up-to-date, don't you think?

1. US did not create Al-Qaeda Network

Take a look at chronology of events: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/jul/13/history.alqaida

11 AUGUST 1988 Al-Qaeda is formed at a meeting attended by Bin Laden, Zawahiri and Dr Fadl in Peshawar, Pakistan. The creation of the group brings together extraordinary Saudi wealth, the expertise of a lifetime Egyptian militant, and a philosophical foundation for jihad from a Cairo intellectual

Corroborated by: https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/al-qaeda-aka-al-qaida-al-qaida

2. I condemn both US and Taliban for not being pragmatic in the matters of foreign policy.

My point-of-view is that Taliban welcomed Al-Qaeda Network into its fold:

There is no single headquarters. From 1991 to 1996, al-Qaeda worked out of Pakistan along the Afghan border, or inside Pakistani cities. During the Taliban’s reign al-Qaeda shifted its base of operations into Afghanistan. To escape the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan, al-Qaeda’s leadership once again sought refuge in Pakistan’s tribal areas after September 11, 2001.

Source: https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/al-qaeda-aka-al-qaida-al-qaida

You can find more information in following links:


Insight from Rahimullah Yusufzai:


Taliban did came by force but what do you expect in a civil war ? Did election in Iran worked out ? Infact they divided iraq even more ...
Democracy can work in Afghanistan but Taliban does not wants to embrace this political system because it threatens its grip on power in Afghanistan and casts doubt on its claims of legitimacy over much of Afghanistan. If Taliban stops fighting the Afghan government, this country will return to normalcy very soon.

Question should be: why Taliban is afraid of elections? If it enjoys considerable local support, no better way to prove this than with votes.

Problem is that Taliban have splintered into a number of groups. Some have joined ISIS; some have joined Afghan government; and some continue to resist both.

You can find more information in following links:


Also check Who are the Taliban? from BBC - very informative.


The greatest fear of both ISIL and the Taliban is armed drones - many of their fighters have died in drone attacks in recent months - so they make every effort to avoid coming together in large numbers.

Source: http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes...isil-taliban-afghanistan-151101074041755.html

Who says those drone strikes are not hitting the real culprits?

At the time when Afghanistan was burning thanks to US and Russia Taliban started to defeat other oppenents and created fov on 95% of the land but in creation of gov they included other tribal leaders in the cabinet hence it was a coalition gov and was working very well for people of Afghanistan ... ceime rate declined, opium production ended, civil war ended ... is there better thing that can be provided to citizens of Afghanistan?
Yes: Democracy.

We choose democracy for ourselves but not for Afghans? We are not sincere in our dealings with Afghans then.

I can still recall visit of taliban representative where they litterally beg US for recognition and asked them to supporr in rebuilding afghanistan and to provide in establishing educational institutions but US denied ...

Al-qaida was charged with 9/11 then why the hell punishment was given to Taliban which did not had any direct or indirect relationship with 9/11 ... you can check history they said that we are ready to bring Osama to justice but we do not trust US and provided three option that either provide us proof of 9/11 and we will run trial in our own court or alternatively we will handover Osama to a third country who can take responsibility of fair trial ... but US rejected as they had already decided to destroy Afghanistan ... rest is history ...
Check the links cited above.

Mullah Omar was not accepting American terms.

My friend do not confuse Taliban with ISIS or other terrorist organization as they were entierly different ... i would like to request you to read independent journalist and then reality will be open to you ...
I understand the difference and I am also aware of the fact that Taliban has splintered and scores of its fighters have joined ISIS.

You cannot expect good from Taliban. Ever.

Taliban were far from perfect ... thwy had many issues of tribal illeterate people but they were common people of Afghanistan they were good to their population and they war far from corruption ...
They lost their way with passage of time.

Regarding west ... any country where they have intervene they have brought nothing but destruction including afganistan, syria, iraq, yemen, israel, libya etc ..
Foreign interventions do not address 'sectarian problems' lurking beneath the facade of oppressive regimes in states where stability is ensured through brute force but as soon as those regimes are toppled, sectarian fault lines emerge in full force.

US occupied Germany, Japan and South Korea as well but these states not only recovered from devastating wars but are role models of development and prosperity at present. Ever wondered why? Because people in these states learned lessons from their past experiences and renowned violence for the greater good of the society.

Conversely, Muslims are way too splintered and selfish to learn from their experiences, cast aside their differences and work for the greater good of society. What lessons have Iraqi, Afghans and Libyans drawn from invasions and subsequent destruction? NOTHING.

Americans have given them a template for governance to run their affairs but these societies are way too fractured to embrace it.
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We do not bomb the Middle East nor do we sell Bombs to the Middle East.
Neither does Germany
We still get the lion part of the refugees.

But you are defending their act here.
I am so confused.

You support openly US act here.
But you are defending their act here.
I am so confused.

You support openly US act here.

ISIS has attacked the US/NATO, this gives US/NATO Casus Belli to attack ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
Casus Belli: "an act or event that provokes or is used to justify war"

When Syria attacks forces aiding the US in their efforts against ISIS,
it is called "Casus Foederis", again an act of war by Syria.

You defend the legitimacy of the Assad regime. I question that, most of the world question that.
I also question that the Iranian government is a true reflection of the will of the Iranian people,
since only pro Mullah politicians can be allowed to be elected.

I do not think that KSA is a model of democracy either
The fact that US is selling all arms to KSA does not mean that Sweden do it.
We only sell things like AWACS, and not fighters, guns or ammo.
Germany refused to sell Leopard tanks to KSA.

You claim there is no proof of Sarin attacks, while medical personell in Turkey has clear evidence of Sarin.
There are proof of the Syrian Army using chemical weapons as reported by UN.
It is not denied by anyone that the Syrian Air Force made a strike at the time of the release of the gas.
Russians know that the US can track all airplane movement over Syria.
The US claims they have recordings discussing the gas attack beforehand.

That the US/NATO is crushing dictators does not need to result in disaster.
The problem is that the Middle Eastern countries consistently fail to produce
leaders of the stature of Nelson Mandela.
My guess is that 90% of all Iraqis killed in Gulf War II and afterwards has been killed by other Iraqis.
That is a problem which noone cares to think about, when they are busy blaming the West.
The US did not force Iraqi Shias to adopt sectarian policies against Sunnis.

In the quest to put blame on the West, I see a lot of people putting up
a rosy shade when mentioning dictators, when in truth dictators KILL.
The PREY on their citizens, and you have people here say that they were
not so bad, which is dishonouring the victims of the dictators.

If not doing that, then they go on about the US/the West created Al-Qaeda/ISIS/Taliban/
blew up the Twin Towers/Make false flag terrorist attacks in London.
This ignores both facts and common sense.

The Facts:
The US supported, trained and armed the Mujahedin against the Soviets.
Once the Soviets left, the US left, without occupying Afghanistan.
Some Mujahedin were Muslims coming from other countries.

Usama bin Laden, one of these, created Al-Qaeda recruiting such foreigners which
had no longer a quest in Afghanistan.
UBL was pissed off, when KSA did not listen to his offer that he could defend KSA
from Iraq, when Iraq invaded Quwait.

The Taliban became a force AFTER the US left Afghanistan.
They received training inside Pakistani Madrases,
and the US is convinced the Pakistan ISI was involved.
The US forced Pakistan to join the War on Terror,
but the US has never seen that Pakistanis acted as true allies.

The core of ISIS is the Sunni regim of Saddam Hussein.
It has been recruiting inside Iraq/Syria but also within Muslim communities in the West.

Your racist posting seems to have been removed, after my report.
It is not at all confusing.
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