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US fighter jet downs Syrian plane in Raqqa province

Will you also the take back the lands Turkish backed FSA rebel forces have seized and tajen control of? lol
Assad (Syrian government ) will bring back every inch of Syria soil.
He is only legitimate gov of Syria.
So simple...
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Dude Saudis are different from us too.
He don't want accept that and at same time he is blaming me for seeing them same as Americans.
The respect is mutual.

You can understand by seeing the national interest.

Chill man
I am so tired
I hope you stay in same side ten years later and don't blame your current position then.

Atleast the Establishments are aware , who stand for what and why ? Try to think bigger.
NATO countries are responsible for NATO actions. Not for the acts of individual NATO members.
NATO maintained the no-fly zone and the Arms Embargo decided by the UN.
Attacks on ground targets was made by the coalition fighter bombers,
but they were not under NATO command.
Thus Germany had no part nor responsibility for those attacks.
Sorry sir but your response is amusing for me considering all facts. Do Sweden consider India fully compliant to UN human charter especially in Kashmir as Grippen
Sorry sir but your response is amusing for me considering all facts. Do Sweden consider India fully compliant to UN human charter especially in Kashmir as Grippen

This has been discussed in other threads.
Suggest you look at them.
Many will also say the same thing about the other FSA rebels Turkey backs I suppose. So it depends on who you ask. Syrian civil war is very complicated indeed. Lol

However, since you are a Turk i do understand your view though. :)
FSA has taken only Arab lands while Kurds are taking Arab and Turkmen villages, many villages even have Turkish names there.
Assad (Syrian government ) will bring back every inch of Syria soil.
He is only legitimate gov of Syria.
So simple...
There is no legitimate government of Syria.
Only a dictator trying to legitimize himself through fake elections, and rebel groups.
But there were no nuclear weapons in Iraq and Nuclear weapons are not soemthing that cannot be identified through technology available at US disposal ...
I know there weren't, I was simply correcting the type of wmd mentioned.

Regarding chemical weapons capablity , do you think things are as simple in middle east , I have started loosing count that which group is being support by which country ... Based on capability alone, can ISIS in the real sense is capable of holding of on its own in Iraq and Syria without massive weapon support from other countries?
Actually, yes. In fact, other than the taliban, they're the only other insurgent group that can sustain themselves both economically and militarily, effectively. The reason is simply, they've stolen billions of dollars from Iraq's coffers, and stolen numerous weapons systems from the Iraqi military, when they first swept across Iraq, and seized Iraqi army bases. In fact, at one point, ISIS even had a small air force, after raiding a few Iraqi air bases, though that was quickly destroyed within days.

Things are messy the only way to control things is to treat all terrorist equally and stop differentiating between US backed terrorists and Russia based terrorsit ... JUst support one gov. may be it could be Assad or any other coalition political gov but in the current scenario Assad does not seems like leaving ... Once things got setelled down then Assad can be removed ...
As long as it is convenient for surrounding nations, the war will continue. It won't end until one side has had enough, or has achieved their geopolitical goals.

Nothing is more important then life of a human ..
on that, we both agree.
In this topic some European guys questioned about Islamic countries and their help to people
For those European who think Iran is same as their beloved Saudia

As I said before Iran has accepted more refugees than you European countries and also top 4 are Islamic countries.

Stop selling bomb to Saudi Barbria.
In this topic some European guys questioned about Islamic countries and their help to people
For those European who think Iran is same as their beloved Saudia

As I said before Iran has accepted more refugees than you European countries and also top 4 are Islamic countries.

Stop selling bomb to Saudi Barbria.

Iran is equally responsible for all this mess... its matter of opportunity as al saud has more opportunities due to direct support from west ...

Look what you guys are doing yemen is similar to ksa started in syria ...

So both you and ksa should stop killing muslims for your geo political objective ...

And let me make it clear to you its not about shia sunni as a common sunni do not have any issue with common shia brother and vice versa ... its the gov of both of countries which are funding extremist elements in the society and naming them religion ...
There is no legitimate government of Syria.
Only a dictator trying to legitimize himself through fake elections, and rebel groups.
U can't impose your version of democracy in tribal societies. It's better to bring improvement there by cooperating with them instead of collision. West tried to impose their version of democracy in Libya and Afghanistan and now both countries are nothing but war fields and grave yards.

Iran is equally responsible for all this mess... its matter of opportunity as al saud has more opportunities due to direct support from west ...

Look what you guys are doing yemen is similar to ksa started in syria ...

So both you and ksa should stop killing muslims for your geo political objective ...

And let me make it clear to you its not about shia sunni as a common sunni do not have any issue with common shia brother and vice versa ... its the gov of both of countries which are funding extremist elements in the society and naming them religion ...

Your sentiments are same of the majority of the Muslims. Both KSA and Iran have double standards. On one side KSA opposes Israel and in secret they have contacts with Israel and now openly opposing Hammas. On the other side Iran declared USA as axis of evil now just to create a Shia state cooperating fully with USA in Iraq, all Shia militias in Iraq are being financed by Iran and backed by USA.

Both countries trying to sand witch moderate countries like Pakistan.
U can't impose your version of democracy in tribal societies. It's better to bring improvement there by cooperating with them instead of collision. West tried to impose their version of democracy in Libya and Afghanistan and now both countries are nothing but war fields and grave yards.

I think you wanted to say that democracy couldn't be imposed on filthy rich despots. We've seen this before, people saying that Arabs are no good for democracy aka people's participation in deciding their states' policies.
U can't impose your version of democracy in tribal societies. It's better to bring improvement there by cooperating with them instead of collision. West tried to impose their version of democracy in Libya and Afghanistan and now both countries are nothing but war fields and grave yards.

You do not cooperate with those that train Your foes.
Mullah Omar was warned about Al-Qaeda already in 1998, but continued to support it.
He got a new chance after 9/11 but made an unwise choice.

The public in the West would not accept cooperation with dictators busy killing their citizens.
The Libyans decided that indefinite war is better than living peacefully.
If they prefer it that way, we cannot do anything about it.
I think you wanted to say that democracy couldn't be imposed on filthy rich despots. We've seen this before, people saying that Arabs are no good for democracy aka people's participation in deciding their states' policies.

As advised before, avoid use of any text other than standard format. Hopefully, wouldn't be needed to remind again.

Assad (Syrian government ) will bring back every inch of Syria soil.
He is only legitimate gov of Syria.
So simple...
Assad is member of Alawite junta which illegally seized power 45 years ago and turned Syria into a totalitarian police state. Now Assad can't control even 1/3 of Syria without ethnic cleansing of millions, daily war crimes and swarms of foreign mercenaries. Only total sadist can support this regime and believe it has a future.

In this topic some European guys questioned about Islamic countries and their help to people
For those European who think Iran is same as their beloved Saudia

As I said before Iran has accepted more refugees than you European countries and also top 4 are Islamic countries.

Stop selling bomb to Saudi Barbria.
Western countries do not have many refugees simply because refuges are ABSORBED there. All America are basically refugees. On the other hand you guys keep refugees for generations without giving them rights. And now Iran is also using poor rightless refugees as cannon fodder for Assad, including children. What can be more sick and disgusting than this?


Assad is member of Alawite junta which illegally seized power 45 years ago and turned Syria into a totalitarian police state. Now Assad can't control even 1/3 of Syria without ethnic cleansing of millions, daily war crimes and swarms of foreign mercenaries. Only total sadist can support this regime and believe it has a future.

Western countries do not have many refugees simply because refuges are ABSORBED there. All America are basically refugees. On the other hand you guys keep refugees for generations without giving them rights. And now Iran is also using poor rightless refugees as cannon fodder for Assad, including children. What can be more sick and disgusting than this?


Two words from mother of bride

Don't worry sis I didn't insult, this is Iranian famous proverb
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