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Ukraine - President Obama holds emergency press conference

American Eagle

May 25, 2010
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United States
United States
President Obama just spoke for a brief 4 minutes on live TV here in the US about events to date/today in Ukraine, particularly in the Crimea where Russia maintains a navy base at Sevastopol.

As with Pakistan and India, likewise with the US, Russia, Ukraine, and the European Union nations, everyone would do better to share costs of reviving the Ukrainian economy instead of one "block or the other" trying to hog the show.

I would like to read on this website an up to date macro status of trade relations now between Pakistan and India, if anyone has most current trade data.
President Obama just spoke for a brief 4 minutes on live TV here in the US about events to date/today in Ukraine, particularly in the Crimea where Russia maintains a navy base at Sevastopol.

As with Pakistan and India, likewise with the US, Russia, Ukraine, and the European Union nations, everyone would do better to share costs of reviving the Ukrainian economy instead of one "block or the other" trying to hog the show.

I would like to read on this website an up to date macro status of trade relations now between Pakistan and India, if anyone has most current trade data.

BREAKING NEWSFriday, February 28, 2014 5:20 PM EST
Obama Warns Russia Not to Use Force in Ukraine
WASHINGTON — President Obama warned Russia on Friday that it should not intervene militarily in Ukraine, saying the United States will stand with the world to condemn a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty.

“There will be costs,” Mr. Obama declared in a brief statement from the White House.

The president said the United States government is “deeply concerned” by what he said are “reports of military movements taken by the Russian Federation inside Ukraine.”

Things getting out of control of U.S' hands.

16 trillion dollar in debt, two massive war-failures in Islamic World, DISASTROUS reputation in the world for being an aggressor, imperialistic, barbaric force, Syria in flames, U.S sectary of defense urging cuts in military power, Islamic fundamentalists having spread all across Middle-East, Africa.....and now, Ukraine is in shackles...militants have took over parliaments..and Russia have its military on borders.

Wars in Middle-East really fucked U.S.A up!

Have I even mentioned that only rival to U.S, CHINA, is rising UNTROUBLED in the midst of all this!!!

Usually superpowers have a time period of around 200 years..Great super powers like Rome or Ottoman Empire lived even more as superpowers..

U.S might find it hard to even complete its 200 year period as a superpower...a period that would end in 2245...and now its only 2014 as we speak.
BREAKING NEWSFriday, February 28, 2014 5:20 PM EST
Obama Warns Russia Not to Use Force in Ukraine
WASHINGTON — President Obama warned Russia on Friday that it should not intervene militarily in Ukraine, saying the United States will stand with the world to condemn a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty.

“There will be costs,” Mr. Obama declared in a brief statement from the White House.

The president said the United States government is “deeply concerned” by what he said are “reports of military movements taken by the Russian Federation inside Ukraine.”

If the US doesnt counter Russia then i dont know what to think about it.
Russia's Navy is ported at Sevastopol, just as the US Navy has a large seaport at Guantanamo, Cuba.

Same principle broadly speaking.

However, the US cannot and would not move ground forces outside the base and take control of airports and cities, as the Russians have done.

But again, the difference between Russia and the US in this part of Ukraine is a concentration of ethnic Russians in the vicinity of the Russian Navy base broadly speaking.

Too, one of the two Ukrainian airports in question has no scheduled commercial flights whatsoever. The second commercial airport...it is unclear if it too has no scheduled commercial flights or not.

In my humble view the best way to de-escalate this mess is to stay focused on the analogy of Guantnamo US Naval base vs. Sevastopol Russian Navy Base.

Things getting out of control of U.S' hands.

16 trillion dollar in debt, two massive war-failures in Islamic World, DISASTROUS reputation in the world for being an aggressor, imperialistic, barbaric force, Syria in flames, U.S sectary of defense urging cuts in military power, Islamic fundamentalists having spread all across Middle-East, Africa.....and now, Ukraine is in shackles...militants have took over parliaments..and Russia have its military on borders.

Wars in Middle-East really fucked U.S.A up!

Have I even mentioned that only rival to U.S, CHINA, is rising UNTROUBLED in the midst of all this!!!

Usually superpowers have a time period of around 200 years..Great super powers like Rome or Ottoman Empire lived even more as superpowers..

U.S might find it hard to even complete its 200 year period as a superpower...a period that would end in 2245...and now its only 2014 as we speak.

What you refer to as the USA history covers a period of time back from 2014 to 1776 when we declared independence from Britain of some 238 years.

However, our nation as colonies of Britain dates back to around 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia.

Your glib use of derogatory adjectives suggests you will be happier living somewhere other than the US. When are you moving out of the US and have a nice trip?
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Things getting out of control of U.S' hands.

16 trillion dollar in debt, two massive war-failures in Islamic World, DISASTROUS reputation in the world for being an aggressor, imperialistic, barbaric force, Syria in flames, U.S sectary of defense urging cuts in military power, Islamic fundamentalists having spread all across Middle-East, Africa.....and now, Ukraine is in shackles...militants have took over parliaments..and Russia have its military on borders.

Wars in Middle-East really fucked U.S.A up!

Have I even mentioned that only rival to U.S, CHINA, is rising UNTROUBLED in the midst of all this!!!

Usually superpowers have a time period of around 200 years..Great super powers like Rome or Ottoman Empire lived even more as superpowers..

U.S might find it hard to even complete its 200 year period as a superpower...a period that would end in 2245...and now its only 2014 as we speak.

China, by the way, has numerous "troubles" in fact. Persecution of Chinese Muslim minorities. Trouble with the official Chinese currency. Inflation. National birth control policy that might well be described as brutal. Riots for a more democratic nation as evidence in recent years in Tiananmen Square. The list is long.

Your comments suggest brash uninformed youth seeking something to grumble about and to blame your life's short comings on. We find that the start of a positive, successful new life begins with being positive, proactive in seeking more and better education and doing unto others as you would have them do unto you in a very positive, not in a mean, bloody fashion.

Good luck and happier times to come.
What you refer to as the USA history covers a period of time back from 2014 to 1776 when we declared independence from Britain of some 238 years.

I did not refer to "U.S history" but rather "U.S as the superpower"

I'm pretty sure U.S was the leading nation of the world for straight 238 years of history.

Your glib use of derogatory adjectives suggests you will be happier living somewhere other than the US. When are you moving out of the US and have a nice trip?

Criticizing the aspects of foreign policy of your nation that you deem as "counter productive" or rather "mistakes not to be repeated" does not make one "wanting to leave the country and move somewhere else." I don't know why Americans, even educated one's, bring this style of debate to the table. No wonder there is a stereotype of Americans being dumb.
China, by the way, has numerous "troubles" in fact. Persecution of Chinese Muslim minorities. Trouble with the official Chinese currency. Inflation. National birth control policy that might well be described as brutal. Riots for a more democratic nation as evidence in recent years in Tiananmen Square. The list is long.

I don't know why did you mention "Muslim persecution" ?

And yes, China has a lot of problems. Just like rest of humanity. But Chinese aren't wasting their time, reputation, and resources on "saving the world" by fighting needless, useless, and reckless failures (Hint: Iraq) in remote parts of the world like in Sub Saharan Africa and causing millions of innocent deaths. If Chinese had done that, the world would have laughed at them as bunch of uncivilized barbarians with no sense of how to operate in a civilized world and how to utilize their resources better, instead of using them to murder innocent lives for no reason and at the same time, accumulating trillions of dollars in debt.

Just sayin' .... :usflag:

Your comments suggest brash uninformed youth seeking something to grumble about and to blame your life's short comings on.

How come my comments, which you can disagree with and which can be wrong, show "shortcomings of my life" ? You are talking like people who write meaningless rants in Youtube comment sections all day every day.

We find that the start of a positive, successful new life begins with being positive, proactive in seeking more and better education and doing unto others as you would have them do unto you in a very positive, not in a mean, bloody fashion.

Good luck and happier times to come.

lol, again, you bringing up "happiness" and "sadness" aspect in this conversation only shows how weird way of thinking you have. I'm a college student in America. And I don't know about you, but people who went through normal U.S college experience (not military academy) would tell you that when in college, you feel like you are the happiest, most exciting person on planet at one time, and then sometimes you feel like the saddest loser of all history...sometimes, both feelings are felt in the same freaking day! Thats how college is! :lol: :D haha

But I think, college has given me enough sense to realize that just because someone disagrees with my point of view, it doesn't mean that they are less happier or hate the U.S! and I'm thankful for that since some people don't get this basic sense of things even after their whole life.
I did not refer to "U.S history" but rather "U.S as the superpower"

I'm pretty sure U.S was the leading nation of the world for straight 238 years of history.

Criticizing the aspects of foreign policy of your nation that you deem as "counter productive" or rather "mistakes not to be repeated" does not make one "wanting to leave the country and move somewhere else." I don't know why Americans, even educated one's, bring this style of debate to the table. No wonder there is a stereotype of Americans being dumb.

Your unawareness of Communist China's annexation of Mongolia; Tibet; their failed attempt to invade India circa 1960, the list goes on and on, is "dumb founding."

The US did not achieve historically and statistically what some might define as a "super power status" until after WW II, which caused the US to surge and expand industrial development, basic and specific research, etc.

In banking (I am a former International Banking Officer in NYC when I was younger) your "line of credit" tells you your borrowing power. It does not say that at any one moment you are utilizing your full "line of credit"...in reply to your unaware use of $16 billion.
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Your unawareness of Communist China's annexation of Mongolia; Tibet;

I'm aware of that. Why are you mentioning this?

Moreover, China does not "claim" to be the enlightened, human-right loving peace force for good. West does. Yet, West (U.S) has not been acting the way it should have in the leadership role.

The US did not achieve historically and statistically what some might define as a "super power status" until after WW II, which caused the US to surge and expand industrial development, basic and specific research, etc.

I already stated that exact point. Whats the point of writing it here?

In banking (I am a former International Banking Officer in NYC when I was younger) your "line of credit" tells you your borrowing power. It does not say that at any one moment you are utilizing your full "line of credit"...in reply to your unaware use of $16 billion.

Here I want some education from you.

I never understood the concept of U.S debt....Since U.S owns dollar, shouldn't it be able to produce infinite 'debt'? Why debt. is often regarded as the biggest danger to the U.S? Even Mike Mullen called growing debt as greatest threat to U.S interests.

Can you explain?

I'm aware of that. Why are you mentioning this?

Moreover, China does not "claim" to be the enlightened, human-right loving peace force for good. West does. Yet, West (U.S) has not been acting the way it should have in the leadership role.

I already stated that exact point. Whats the point of writing it here?

Here I want some education from you.

I never understood the concept of U.S debt....Since U.S owns dollar, shouldn't it be able to produce infinite 'debt'? Why debt. is often regarded as the biggest danger to the U.S? Even Mike Mullen called growing debt as greatest threat to U.S interests.

Can you explain?


So now instead of China being the "guiding light" for Pakistan/perhaps much of the world you admit that China while definidtely a major economic engine is also a totalitarian state politically. And you think Pakistan prefers a totalitarian model vs. a free world model such as the US? I merely was trying to get you to slow down and recognize that the US remains the economic and republican democracy model for the world to consider emulating.

Nobody and no nation is free of mistakes and foibles. Thus your original attacks are viewed by many, including me, as brash youthful lacking in comparisons of the several "for instance" points I have been making here

ON the subject of the US dollar, merely printing dollars alone...this would create rampant inflation and the dollar would become so inflated it would be virtually worthless.

I think this article might help you better understand the value of the dollar vs. other currencies:

What Is the Value of the US Dollar

A/any nation, if isolated from the rest of the world, no world trade, no reserve currency to maintain for balance of trade measurement, such an isolated nation could in theory print that country's currency heavily with less inflationary effect than if the same nation printing too much currency which is simultaneously engaged in world trade and such.

Finally, in more recent years we in the US have been faced with very low almost no inflation per se. This is raising monetary policy questions more unique than those in prior monetary history.

***Click on "What is the Value of the US Dollar" for a scholarly article on this topic you inquired about.
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Nobody and no nation is free of mistakes and foibles. Thus your original attacks are viewed by many, including me, as brash youthful lacking in comparisons of the several "for instance" points I have been making here

I just said that things are getting out of control..and thats it. I also criticized Iraq war. If U.S had not invaded Iraq, guess what? Today, U.S would have the moral high ground to come down hard at Russia for violating the sovereignty of another nation. But now, U.S looks like a joke when it says "Using military power to undermine other countries' sovereignty is a wrong thing"...You see my point? Useless and needless wars made U.S lose the moral high ground that is very crucial for effective leadership.

ON the subject of the US dollar, merely printing dollars alone...this would create rampant inflation and the dollar would become so inflated it would be virtually worthless.

I think this article might help you better understand the value of the dollar vs. other currencies:

What Is the Value of the US Dollar

A/any nation, if isolated from the rest of the world, no world trade, no reserve currency to maintain for balance of trade measurement, such an isolated nation could in theory print that country's currency heavily with less inflationary effect than if the same nation printing too much currency which is simultaneously engaged in world trade and such.

Finally, in more recent years we in the US have been faced with very low almost no inflation per se. This is raising monetary policy questions more unique than those in prior monetary history.

***Click on "What is the Value of the US Dollar" for a scholarly article on this topic you inquired about.

Thank you. I'll definitely read the article.
I just said that things are getting out of control..and thats it. I also criticized Iraq war. If U.S had not invaded Iraq, guess what? Today, U.S would have the moral high ground to come down hard at Russia for violating the sovereignty of another nation. But now, U.S looks like a joke when it says "Using military power to undermine other countries' sovereignty is a wrong thing"...You see my point? Useless and needless wars made U.S lose the moral high ground that is very crucial for effective leadership.

Thank you. I'll definitely read the article.

You come up short regarding the history of Iraq:

1. Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and Northern Saudi Arabia in 1991.

2. US and her allies, including Pakistan, reacted against Saddam, driving him out militarily.

3. Saddam agreed to an Armistice which bound him to remain peaceful thereon out in central Iraq only.

4. Saddam then turned his Republican Guard onto the freedom seeking Iraqis in the south, on the Kuwait border, and slaughtered thousands of his own people.

5. Saddam emboldened then attacked the ethnic Kurds in the north of Iraq, inflicting heavy casualties.

6. Saddam at the time of the US and allies invasion in 2003 moved his chemical weapons from control of his Iraqui Baathis Party folks to his blood relative Baathist Party army folks inside Syria.

7. Part of the former Iraqi/Saddam chemical weapons were used in late 2013 to murder several thousand innocent men, women, and children in the Damascus suburbs, "enemies of the Baathist Party in Syria."

8. The US resumed the war which Saddam Hussein began in 1991 in 2003, in summary, and he US and our allies were wrongly blamed for no weapons of mass destruction, which in fact in the main were relocated to Syria before the US and her allies could seize same.

9. Our "Turkish government allies" refused to let the US/Allies invade in part thru Turkey into Iraq, which with the additonal US and allies invasion from Kuwait would have caught the Iraqi Baathists with the goods, the ingredients for chemical weapons enroute to Syria.

10. Finally, the Dutch army found shallow buried trenches outside Baghdad full of chemical weapons loaded war heads for artillery shells and for rockets to be fired...ready to go!

I do hope you and other young folks will do more research and know your facts instead of picking up loose misinformation before you judge and condemn the greatest nation on earth.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine knows no comparison except for Hitler taking the Sudaten Land; most of Czechslovakia; and half of Poland, which Hitler split 50-50 (Poland) in 1939 under formerly secret treaty with Stalin/the USSR.

Repeating incorrect information may very well lead to causing soldiers now in Ukraine to start shooting. Be careful of your remarks and if you don't know either say so or drop it.
You come up short regarding the history of Iraq:

1. Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and Northern Saudi Arabia in 1991.

2. US and her allies, including Pakistan, reacted against Saddam, driving him out militarily.

3. Saddam agreed to an Armistice which bound him to remain peaceful thereon out in central Iraq only.

4. Saddam then turned his Republican Guard onto the freedom seeking Iraqis in the south, on the Kuwait border, and slaughtered thousands of his own people.

5. Saddam emboldened then attacked the ethnic Kurds in the north of Iraq, inflicting heavy casualties.

6. Saddam at the time of the US and allies invasion in 2003 moved his chemical weapons from control of his Iraqui Baathis Party folks to his blood relative Baathist Party army folks inside Syria.

7. Part of the former Iraqi/Saddam chemical weapons were used in late 2013 to murder several thousand innocent men, women, and children in the Damascus suburbs, "enemies of the Baathist Party in Syria."

8. The US resumed the war which Saddam Hussein began in 1991 in 2003, in summary, and he US and our allies were wrongly blamed for no weapons of mass destruction, which in fact in the main were relocated to Syria before the US and her allies could seize same.

9. Our "Turkish government allies" refused to let the US/Allies invade in part thru Turkey into Iraq, which with the additonal US and allies invasion from Kuwait would have caught the Iraqi Baathists with the goods, the ingredients for chemical weapons enroute to Syria.

10. Finally, the Dutch army found shallow buried trenches outside Baghdad full of chemical weapons loaded war heads for artillery shells and for rockets to be fired...ready to go!

I do hope you and other young folks will do more research and know your facts instead of picking up loose misinformation before you judge and condemn the greatest nation on earth.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine knows no comparison except for Hitler taking the Sudaten Land; most of Czechslovakia; and half of Poland, which Hitler split 50-50 (Poland) in 1939 under formerly secret treaty with Stalin/the USSR.

Repeating incorrect information may very well lead to causing soldiers now in Ukraine to start shooting. Be careful of your remarks and if you don't know either say so or drop it.

Offcourse, how come the "greatest nation on Earth" commit any mistake or wrong doing? Offcourse, it just "resumed" the war that Saddam Hussein started.

Talking of chemical weapons, the "greatest nation" knew that Saddam had and was USING chemical weapons against Iran..but since "the greatest nation" was in bed with the dictator at that time, "the greatest nation" just let it happen and partied on.

The "greatest nation" printed Jihadi literature to brainwash anti-soviet insurgents since they were 'allies'--but then the "greatest nation" turned its back on the insurgents instead of dis-integrating them, de-weaponizing them, and de-radicalizing them and so on.

Not to mention countless mega "death showers" that the 'greatest nation' had delivered to innocent babies of Vietnam..or countless aspirations that "the greatest nation" crushed by illegally toppling democratically elected Iranian government..

And oh, did I already mention how the "greatest nation" had supported and enhanced the brutal colonization of Palestinian people in Middle-East and have protected its "greatest ally" against International Court of Justice and helped the "greatest ally" to continue with its colonization, dehumanization, destruction, and war-crimes in Palestine?

But offcourse, people just judge the so innocent "greatest nation" on Earth :rolleyes:

Leave all the bs aside, Iraq war was a reckless, needless misadventure of RepubliKKKans. Don't justify it.

America in today's world is no more a leader. It is not considered so-called greatest country by rest of the world, specially by Islamic World.

It has no moral credibility to tell Russia about not violating Ukraine's sovereignty.

America might be the greatest, might have went to Iraq for right reasons..but it is not "perceived" it as such by the rest of the world..and when it comes to Iraq war..even many,many Americans hold the view that it was needless, including our current commander-in-chief. I don't know why you don't see Iraq war as a mistake.
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