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Ukraine - President Obama holds emergency press conference

Offcourse, how come the "greatest nation on Earth" commit any mistake or wrong doing? Offcourse, it just "resumed" the war that Saddam Hussein started.

Talking of chemical weapons, the "greatest nation" knew that Saddam had and was USING chemical weapons against Iran..but since "the greatest nation" was in bed with the dictator at that time, "the greatest nation" just let it happen and partied on.

The "greatest nation" printed Jihadi literature to brainwash anti-soviet insurgents since they were 'allies'--but then the "greatest nation" turned its back on the insurgents instead of dis-integrating them, de-weaponizing them, and de-radicalizing them and so on.

Not to mention countless mega "death showers" that the 'greatest nation' had delivered to innocent babies of Vietnam..or countless aspirations that "the greatest nation" crushed by illegally toppling democratically elected Iranian government..

And oh, did I already mention how the "greatest nation" had supported and enhanced the brutal colonization of Palestinian people in Middle-East and have protected its "greatest ally" against International Court of Justice and helped the "greatest ally" to continue with its colonization, dehumanization, destruction, and war-crimes in Palestine?

But offcourse, people just judge the so innocent "greatest nation" on Earth :rolleyes:

Leave all the bs aside, Iraq war was a reckless, needless misadventure of RepubliKKKans. Don't justify it.

America in today's world is no more a leader. It is not considered so-called greatest country by rest of the world, specially by Islamic World.

It has no moral credibility to tell Russia about not violating Ukraine's sovereignty.

America might be the greatest, might have went to Iraq for right reasons..but it is not "perceived" it as such by the rest of the world..and when it comes to Iraq war..even many,many Americans hold the view that it was needless, including our current commander-in-chief. I don't know why you don't see Iraq war as a mistake.

You exhibit no first hand on the scene experience and are mistaken in much you "think and say."

As regards the 1947 UN recognized establishment of the nation of Israel that's a fact which flowed from the Balfour Declaration following WW I. Check your history text book.

I agree that Iraq was wrong to have used poison gas in it's war against the current Iranian religious regime. That was a Shia vs. Sunni type war when gas was used. Was not a good thing, anymore than Syria's current use of poison gas against it's own people in the suburbs of Damascus.

Again check your history books, contemporary history, to understand that Iraq only had an "armistice" when the 1991 Desert Storm I ended. I helped run (returned on active duty from my then reserve assignment) the USAF East Coast based airlift of troops, tanks, and material to Saudi Arabia. Our troops, etc. then marshaled with our allies, which included Pakistani military, in the drive pushing Saddam's army out of Northern Saudi Arabia and out of Kuwait.

Iraq surrendered, then broke the peace armistice repeatedly, and Iraq used, then, in the 1990s, poison gas, again, against their own population in southern Iraq and against the Kurds in far western/nw part of Iraq.

I gave you the rest of what Iraq did to invoke the US AND allied resumption of that war.

Your remarks about Vietnam are curious, as the US today is doing a great deal of business with Vietnam, including rehabbing a former S. Vietnam Navy base for commercial shipping use of today's Vietnam. Collateral deaths are a damnable feature of all hot wars throughout all of history. Collateral damages befell the UK throughout all of WW II.

You do not speak for the Islamic world as you sit in the nation of freedom of all religions, the USA. As with me, you and I only speak for ourselves alone. We do not represent the opinions of other members of the proverbial "garden club."

You would do better to pray that Russia's leader who appears to be momentarily insane regains his senses. He exhibits "Stalinist" tendencies in wanting to "reconstruct" the bordering nations which are now free back into the
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One ironic aspect of this has been that the Muslim Tatars who sided with the Ukranian government ended up having their language banned. However, their experience under the former Soviet Union was so bad that it still did not change their stance on siding with the new Ukranian government.

Quite simply, neither the US nor Europe really wants to get into a military standoff with Russia over this. They cannot afford to, they cannot carry it out. Russia wants the Crimea.. and it has taken it just as it did with Abhakazaia. In essence Russia is going after all remaining Russian speaking/ethnic strongholds and also its ports. Perhaps it is ironic that Russia has lesser free ports than one would imagine due to the polar regions and general ice buildup. Also, Russia wants an exit into the Black Sea.. and letting go of Sevastopol or having it under the "control" of a pro-west government was simply unacceptable.
I don't understand why this entire Russian-Ukrainian issue discussion always takes a turn on towards the superpower status of USA. They don't wish to intervene and they are being smart about it. Ukraine loses Crimea , what does the US lose ? Nothing. This is a not a battle worth fighting for USA. When they have to react, I am sure they will be major challenge for any power in this world.

On one hand people always wanted Americans to stay out of other countries and regions and now when they are doing that, people here have started making fun of them. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. They are just being smart.
You exhibit no first hand on the scene experience and are mistaken in much you "think and say."

Yes. I have no first hand experience. Not sure about the second one though.

As regards the 1947 UN recognized establishment of the nation of Israel that's a fact which flowed from the Balfour Declaration following WW I. Check your history text book.

I don't need to check my textbook. I am very well-versed in Israel-Palestine conflict with regards to my age. No one here is talking about the establishment of Israel and its existence with 67' borders. I am talking about the brutal colonization of West Bank, Gaza, and E.Jerusalem that Israel has been doing since decades only because the so-called "greatest nation" fully supports and protects the colonization project of Israel.

Every.Single.Human Rights. Agency has regarded Israel occupation of W.bank, Gaza, and E.Jerusalem as clear violation of International Law and a colonization of another people.

United Nations declared the same.

International Court of Justice listened to the case and gave the same advisory statement that Israel IS the 'colonial power' in Palestine (W.Bank, Gaza, and E.Jerusalem).

Heck, even Israeli supreme court agreed on the same and declared Israel as the colonial power in W.bank, E.Jerusalem, and Gaza.

With ALL OF THIS---and entire humanity agreeing that Israel IS a colonial power in W.Bank, Gaza, and E.Jerusalem---the so-called 'greatest nation on Earth" STILL blockades any and every attempt of International Community to stop the war crimes and destruction against Palestinians at the hands of a unanimously agreed "colonial power" that is Israel.

And then U.S thinks that world would take it seriously when it cries about "Oh, this is against International Law"


I agree that Iraq was wrong to have used poison gas in it's war against the current Iranian religious regime. That was a Shia vs. Sunni type war when gas was used. Was not a good thing, anymore than Syria's current use of poison gas against it's own people in the suburbs of Damascus.

Offcourse. But the main point was how U.S remained silent even after knowing that Iraq was committing crimes by using chemical weapons. U.S secretary of defense knew that even before Iranians could figure out what was killing them..yet U.S remained silent and happy because so-called "greatest nation" was in bed with a brutal dictator at that time.

As Michael Shrurer says, Americans seem to have a short-term memory..but the rest of the world does not. Rest of the world "knows" and "remembers" the true character of so-called 'greatest nation' on Earth which has lost all the moral credibility in the world as of now.

Again check your history books, contemporary history, to understand that Iraq only had an "armistice" when the 1991 Desert Storm I ended. I helped run (returned on active duty from my then reserve assignment) the USAF East Coast based airlift of troops, tanks, and material to Saudi Arabia. Our troops, etc. then marshaled with our allies, which included Pakistani military, in the drive pushing Saddam's army out of Northern Saudi Arabia and out of Kuwait.

I already know about Operation Desert Storm. Whats your point?

I gave you the rest of what Iraq did to invoke the US AND allied resumption of that war.

Show me where U.S administration called 2003 war as an "resumption" of 1991 war?

Iraq war was started on phony pretext with no basis. Heck, should I show you the videos of U.S state department telling the world how they have proofs of Saddam's involvement with Al Qaeda and 9/11 attacks?

Iraq war was one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, mistake of America after WW2 or Vietnam. It just screwed American credibility, American Middle-East Policy, American economy, and American role of moral leadership of the world.
Your remarks about Vietnam are curious, as the US today is doing a great deal of business with Vietnam, including rehabbing a former S. Vietnam Navy base for commercial shipping use of today's Vietnam. Collateral deaths are a damnable feature of all hot wars throughout all of history. Collateral damages befell the UK throughout all of WW II.

Good. However, that doesn't make the Vietnam war right.

PS, "collateral" damage and murdering innocent Vietnamese are different things. Many, many Vietnamese were murdered by U.S soldiers who just went insane due the to toll of war. It is all very well documented. Not that I'm calling U.S military to be some how specially immoral. It is just that when you put soldiers in wars like that, such incidents are bound to happen. So why not think one more time before just invading and butchering a smaller nation, eh? I wonder how "the greatest nation" sees it.

You do not speak for the Islamic world as you sit in the nation of freedom of all religions, the USA. As with me, you and I only speak for ourselves alone. We do not represent the opinions of other members of the proverbial "garden club."

Offcourse, I do not speak for Islamic World. However, I can make an opinionated statement based on all the data, polls, and U.S ratings in Islamic Countries...

U.S is seen as the oppressor of Muslims and nothing more. It might not be true, but as I said, that is the 'perceived' reality. And U.S actions in the past decade have only strengthened this perceived reality.

You would do better to pray that Russia's leader who appears to be momentarily insane regains his senses. He exhibits "Stalinist" tendencies in wanting to "reconstruct" the bordering nations which are now free back into the

Offcourse! I hope successful over-taking of Crimea doesn't revive the "soviet" spirit in Putin and Russia. Moreover, I hope other big powers do not see Putin and say "Oh, he got away with it with so much benefit? Ummm, interesting..............."

I don't want humanity to go back in the colonial era.
In response to AUz, simply stating your opinions and prejudices does not create facts.

I have provided publicly the facts you simply defy and ignore because the facts of Desert Storm I and Desert Storm II do not agree with what you "wish" to believe are the facts.

Therefore it is a waste of time and space here to keep giving you history facts which you simply wish to discount.

Suffice it to say that the Vietnam War as a spin off effect accelerated the collapse of the USSR and helped achieve the end of the Cold War. The old Soviet Union could not "take" the financial and manpower stress of propping up both North Vietnam as it attacked/invaded South Vietnam and occupy Afghanistan at the same time. The fiscal and manpower stresses were too great and this accelerated the end of the Cold War.

Regarding Israel, the land now in part occupied by Israel since the 1967 failed attempted invasion of Israel was "lost" by the Arab nations due to their failed 1967 invasion of Israel.

I do not agree with Israeli expansionist settlement building in current, recent years. It in and of itself is aggression in my book, you might say reverse aggression initiated now by Israel.

The solution to the Israeli situation rests on the UN 1947 Resolution and all area, as well as worldwide, Arab and non-Arab nations supporting the implementation of UN Resolution 181:

United Nations Resolution 181 (Palestinian history) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

"United Nations Resolution 181, resolution passed by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 1947 that called for the partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states, with the city of Jerusalem as a corpus separatum (Latin: “separate entity”) to be governed by a special international regime. The resolution—which was considered by the Jewish community in Palestine to be a legal basis for the establishment of Israel, and which was rejected by the Arab community—was succeeded almost immediately by violence."

The proposal to partition Palestine, based on a modified version of the UNSCOP majority report, was put to a General Assembly vote on Nov. 29, 1947. The fate of the proposal was initially uncertain, but after a period of intense lobbying by pro-Jewish groups and individuals, the resolution was passed with 33 votes in favor, 13 against, and 10 abstentions.

Here was the UN vote founding the nation of Israel and intending to found the nation of Palestine:

In favor: 33

Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Byelorussian S.S.R., Canada, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, Liberia, Luxemburg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Ukrainian S.S.R., Union of South Africa, U.S.A., U.S.S.R., Uruguay, Venezuela.

Against: 13

Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen.

Abstained: 10

Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Honduras, Mexico, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia.

Finally, with the advent of the 1967 War those Arab nations who failed to destroy Israel, who miserably lost the 1967 War, caused more land which would have been part of todays new nation of Palestine to fall into Israel's hands. Israel did not and does not go out invading surrounding nations to get more land.

However, Israeli settlers building homes on the captured 1967 lands are wrong in my singular opinion. In doing this, these illegal settlers keep aggravating attempts to resolve Israel, Palestine, and how an International City of Jerusalem will be someday definitively established.

All wars are a tough thing.

I need to move on to today's issues, which first and foremost involves Mr. Putin and Russia's Duma invading Ukraine. Which involve Mr. Putin and the Duma supporting the current ruling regime who have gassed to death their own people with malice of forethought. Wherein Russia's goal in Syria is to maintain a Russian Navy base capability in/out of Syria.

There are plenty of human rights issues to "go around today." Muslim suicide bombers; various sects of Islam killing each other over religion. And of course al Qaida and it's affiliates spreading hate with murder and mayhem.

Radical Muslims in the name of "religion" chopping off folks heads, this and all it's attendant horrors you do not address.

Or if you want a tough contemporary case study of violations of Human Rights look at the civil/religious war which broke apart the former Yugoslavia.
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