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US set to adopt new Cold War strategy on Russia: Report

Well they learnt their lessons, im sure my chinese brothers here know about it!We should form a Security council Russian China and India! to oppose the hegemony of NATO!

Kid your Cric Board chief NaJAM Sethi compromised shows He choose what was good was good for pak cricket!
You cant live without India in this world stage buddy accept that!Without India You dont have a place!
collapse into what? This is the problem with these stupid statements, you guys never mention what collapse means.

Soviet union can collapse because it is a union of different nations, Russia is just one nation, if hard times does fall it would just be a recession, nothing more.
That will be enough for US. :lol:
I hope Putin take your advice. A new Cold War will be good for global economy. And this time, it will not take decades for Russia to ignobly and spectacularly collapsed like the old Soviet Union did. It will take just a few yrs.

If Russia replaces its European exports which stand at 300 billion dollars instead with china and other asian countries you can do sh*t about.

China holds 4 trillion dollars reserves and produces mostly the stuff you consume, for china its essential to support russia as a proxy to attack the US since russia doesnt have US trade (your Loser state is soon replaced by Latvia lolmao), this will further bankrupt your country drawing you into the middle east and europe away from asia, russia will make trouble where ever it can backed by Chinas Economy which you wont sanction.

Maybe we wont replace our trade tomorrow or the next year but a 1 year 2 year shock therapy will be enough and we will back on track and be completely independent in europe this time around. This time we have reserves, no debt unlike you and we are connected to the world economy we wont collapse like in the 90s just like people wont let collapse greece.

All the resources will go to asia, which will make the Continent less dependent on the middle east resources which means less dependent on your world police regime and islam. Asians will gladly buy our resources.
Russians are used to Siberian cold, US doing cold war against Russia is just asking to their arse kick! :D Putin will meet Xi in May, expect some announcement that will set the fuse off the bomb US is sitting on. :D
It wont be easy as US has zero credibility even among its allies.
Impossible to isolate Russia. As long as Russia has access to Chinese consumer markets, that's all it needs.

China's consumer market is bigger than most continents combined.

China is the largest consumer of industrial metals, precious metals, agriculture, energy. These are exactly what Russia is strong in.

Russia can develop consumer goods to develop a domestic consumer economy to compensate for the resource export economy.

Russia is self-sufficient in pretty much everything. They can develop their credit card payment system, their swift system, their credit rating agencies, their financial markets, use the Ruble for trade.

Russia runs budget and current account surpluses and their existing debt is 9% of GDP. They have reserves and is a net creditor.

US is significantly overestimating its power. America is declining power and if countries get alternatives to US-based systems like financial markets, currency, technology, etc it will greatly reduce American influence.
Old enough to be a surgeon so what next granpa?Times change pop.Like it or not the world is slowly coming to realize your bullying or your subterfuge.I remember from history you sent your 7th Fleet against us in 1971 to bully us,Hey we were a democracy then and you were too!so why did you send? eh?
"The Indians are bastards anyway," Kissinger told the president. "They are starting a war there."

Kissinger also told his boss that he had bested Gandhi in their meeting.

"While she was a bitch, we got what we wanted too," Kissinger said"While she was a bitch, we got what we wanted too," Kissinger said. "She will not be able to go home and say that the United States didn't give her a warm reception and therefore in despair she's got to go to war."

Do you think my political affiliations aside we would take up that kind of verbal abuse? against a person from my nation?We will never!

USSR helped us then and for that we are ever grateful to them.They are our all weather friend.While you tucked tail and ran when your ally Pakistan Prime Minister was tearing up papers in UNITED NATIONS!Want the video link?
So why not help our friend Russia?They helped us!

He will get more from trade with China and India! ;)

STOP TEACHING US!Were not 200 yr old civilizations like you! We have thousands of years of history which we are proud of!

so you are stuck on words from over 4 decades ago? your foreign policy outlook for India is based on hurt feelings of words used by kissinger against India or some 7th fleet taking a joy ride .... brillant.

as brilliant about fallaing for this PressTV article...
The point is, BO is really taking the war that does not need to start. He should focus on getting economy right and strengthen relationships with everyone. Even the American people dislike him and whatever he does. Rhetoric apart, the man is becoming the Manmohan Singh of USA. He's taking all the steps on the opposite side and taking US back to the times when they were toying with Taliban--- ignoring all the sacrifice US soldiers made during Afghan war in the last 13 years.

Rather than stoking the Ukrainian fire, the US should simply finalize the NATO-Russia border with this activity and stop expanding military bases.

It will be met with definite warm response from all sides including Russia and the rest of the world. Syria didn't exactly give the NATO countries a good PR.
The point is, BO is really taking the war that does not need to start. He should focus on getting economy right and strengthen relationships with everyone. Even the American people dislike him and whatever he does. Rhetoric apart, the man is becoming the Manmohan Singh of USA. He's taking all the steps on the opposite side and taking US back to the times when they were toying with Taliban--- ignoring all the sacrifice US soldiers made during Afghan war in the last 13 years.

Rather than stoking the Ukrainian fire, the US should simply finalize the NATO-Russia border with this activity and stop expanding military bases.

It will be met with definite warm response from all sides including Russia and the rest of the world. Syria didn't exactly give the NATO countries a good PR.

These guys have no morality left,the only aim is expansion and thats why I am keen on india-russia-china alliance,the nato cannot be trusted on anything.

Todaxm ukraine,tomorrow india on pretext of kashmir,we would be singled out without an alliance partner.

I am not being pessimistic but realistic here,we got to choose sides sooner rather than later and going west will be the most stupid thing to do.
We just don't fit in with them as the development gap is way too much so as a result our goals are completely poles apart from the west.
We got to get like minded players together
These guys have no morality left,the only aim is expansion and thats why I am keen on india-russia-china alliance,the nato cannot be trusted on anything.

Todaxm ukraine,tomorrow india on pretext of kashmir,we would be singled out without an alliance partner.

I am not being pessimistic but realistic here,we got to choose sides sooner rather than later and going west will be the most stupid thing to do.
We just don't fit in with them as the development gap is way too much so as a result our goals are completely poles apart from the west.
We got to get like minded players together

I agree. But what about our territory problem?We have problems in east ladakh (aksai Chin). China wants more and more lands. We are not a charitable institution to keep distributing our land to everyone. Today, we give one thing, tomorrow they will ask another. The point is not to budge. In such an environment of trust deficit, it is difficult to think how we can form an alliance.

China has played along US at the time when we and Russians were fighting against this expansion.

After all the anti-US rhetoric it has, remember Chinese economy depends on US consumption at least for the medium term. The amount consumed by US and European Union combined is what fuels Chinese economy.

I welcome RIC platform but it is difficult to trust when they will take our land. Thanks to our secular politicians, our country's military is in a mess, imports more than makes and is capable of barely holding them off in a full blown war.

China can hold off Russians much longer than we can hold off Chinese. That's why they become the bigger players.

For the next 10-years, we have to focus on developing indigenous military capability, resource management, strategic planning and a strong, ruthless government.

We CANNOT afford another regime like MMS or their B team AAP.

If we have to stand our ground, we need weapons, economy and a government that has the balls to defend the nation at any cost.

While I am angry about the recent wave of attacks US and UK media have launched against the leader of our choice (highlighting how much they controlled India under the corrupt UPA), but they are not our enemies.

We will need to balance off carefully between the two sides because:

1- Picking US side is axing your own foot.

2- Picking Russia-China side means we give up our sovereign territory.
so you are stuck on words from over 4 decades ago? your foreign policy outlook for India is based on hurt feelings of words used by kissinger against India or some 7th fleet taking a joy ride .... brillant.

as brilliant about fallaing for this PressTV article...
Not exactly but on the attitude then and even now of theirs and trying to tell us what is right and wrong etc.I dont need to say what USA does everyday foment trouble all around the world be it using twitter like messenger to create unrest and topple cuba government or creating arab spring or AAP funding in India and other things like Dalit freedom networks.Why should these americans be spared?they should be given in kind the same they do to other nations.

And guess what you are still bogged down in IOK and uncle USSR got focked n doesnt exist anymore...
That will come to pass,wait for it.
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Wasnt it the indian general who proclaimed tht he will be having a drink in Lahore Gymkhana by the evening? :lol:


You are already fucked up ...
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Yes we did reach lahore .Had enough ?
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