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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

its georgia all over again, EU/US like to poke Russia in the eye through influence in the ex republics of the USSR but they abandon their supporters when Russia steps in militarily., same happened in Georgia
Ukraine has not significance to USA at all, so it is not worthy for USA to trigger a MAD with Russia just for Ukraine.
I think they will sanction Russian oligarchs and politicians who have their money in American and European banks.
its rather sad to see the former Soviet armour technology hub going to be devestated, you never know

ukraine's armour is still better in terms of technology than that of Russia's but ukrainians dont stand a chance when it comes down to numbers.

BM Oplots, BM Bulats vs T-90Ms, T-72BUs etc, or should i say Uralvaganzavods vs. KMDBs ;)
And since when have you won the battle in Syria? As of now our faction controls more than half of Syria. Nobody is an overlord. That's called an ally.

What is it with you and transvestites?

In case you have not noticed then we Arabs never had a problem with getting off-spring. You know children. In fact our populations are rapidly growing while your is declining. So who is more likely to be a gay or transvestite? You do the math.
Arabs are the second largest ethnic group in the world after the Han Chinese.

Its your nature though, you guys are cowards from beginning to end. And Russia is toying with you guys in Syria, didnt 175 of you rats get your 72 virgins just a few days back out there? Then theres Iran right next door, enough to make your dirty bed sheets even dirtier.

Seriously, dont mistake us tolerating you animals as comedic relief for weakness.
No my dear this is not the case this development will surely cause effects upon the regions around it, if you are considering it as a simple matter b/w Ukraine & Russia than you are mistaken.

Its not about Ukraine but about 'Black Sea Region', just look at the map this situation will have a direct impact on Turkey, which will Indirectly effect Middle East as well, more complication ahead in regional politics ..... lots of possibilities ....who knows what will happen next


Basically, it was a soft encroachment of EU and US in Russian backyard, which Russian retaliate in a bit harsh manner. If the future events occurs as expected, than US and EU might not respond militarily but would prefer a strategy some what similar to first Afghan war.

In that case, Turkey is the only Nation in the region having reliable defence apparatus in place, but currently suffering from internal political turmoil, to influence the future events in this region a strong, progressive and developing ally of the west is necessary.

Tukey is a member NATO alliance and could be helpful to engage and organize Tatar population in the region.

Syria is an old ally of Russia having sizable Kurd populations, this factor will be valuable for Russians , but KSA don't like Assad regime now .....

now say who cares ..... :lol:


What? I think it is pretty clear and what I wrote in the beginning is pretty much the consensus among all analysts and people familiar with the situation and various experts. The value of Ukraine is several times bigger for Russia than it is for the West and the West is not ready to start a major conflict for the sake of Crimea and possibly other pro-Russian parts of Ukraine.

What Black Sea? Russia is already the main power in the Black Sea and that will never change. Turkey is second and that will never change either. What does Crimea or not add to the larger picture? Nothing. Russia is already in control of the main port in Crimea, Sevastopol. The headquarter of their Black Sea Fleet.

Turkey have no chance alone against Russia. This is about NATO/EU as a whole against Russia and their allies in the region. Not NATO country x in Europe against Russia as a whole.

The Crimean Tatars form about 10-12% of Crimea's population. They are not a significant player. You think that Russia, who controls Crimea and which has a majority Russian ethnic population (by far) would allow an Crimean Tatar independent homeland? You got to be kidding.

What has Kurds to do with anything here? Turkey already borders Iraqi Kurdistan. Which is significantly bigger than any possible Kurdish autonomous region in Syria. Nothing changes here.
I know that Putin backs al-Asshead that's why I am against them. If they changed their position I would be indifferent to this conflict.
Ok, then please show me the future predictions of the Russian population according to the sources that you use. Because virtually all sources state that the Russian population is only going to decline.

Here you go:partay:

NOVO-OGARYOVO (Moscow region). Feb 27 (Interfax) - Labor Minister Maxim Topilin said Russia's population could increase to 150 million people instead of the projected 145 million in 2020-2025. "According to our calculations, we can exceed the projected figure of 145 million by 2020-2025, reaching 147 million people, or, according to optimistic predictions, even 150 million people," Topilin said at the meeting of the presidential council on the implementation of priority projects and demographic policy held in Novo-Ogaryovo on Tuesday.

Russia's population can increase in 2020-2025 - labor minister - Interfax

In case you have not noticed then we Arabs never had a problem with getting off-spring. You know children. In fact our populations are rapidly growing while your is declining.

Georgia vs. Ukraine? Ukraine could have chewed Georgia for breakfast.

by Georgia all over again , I meant that the same way US/EU prodded Georgia along to go against Russian interests , they did the same with Ukraine and when Russia stepped in militarily US/EU abandonded Georgia to face Russia on their own , same will happen in Ukraine , there will not be military support given to them by US/EU.

People in Ukraine are not part of white western christianity , if Ukraine was an country which was part of white wetern christainity then the EU/US reaction would have been different.
Its your nature though, you guys are cowards from beginning to end. And Russia is toying with you guys in Syria, didnt 175 of you rats get your 72 virgins just a few days back out there? Then theres Iran right next door, enough to make your dirty bed sheets even dirtier.

Seriously, dont mistake us tolerating you animals as comedic relief for weakness.

Haha, an Russian animal that was raped and ruled by Mongols for centuries and dozens of other foreigners is going to teach anything to a person from the ancient ME, the cradle of civilizations? Your history as a people and language is as old as Baghdad the city Arabs founded when they made 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history. Not only ruling empty Central Asian land or Siberia as your Soviet Union mostly did.

Just know that you stand no chance against the West and we will help the West in putting you down if necessary. Soon we will get atomic weapons as well and then you can go showcase your might against Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia and other irrelevant states.
All the media talks about is Crimea. But what about the eastern provinces, whose people yearn to join Russia? Will be see a federation as a solution to the separatists?

Also, please ignore the Arab dog who is barking.
Haha, an Russian animal that was raped and ruled by Mongols for centuries and dozens of other foreigners is going to teach anything to a person from the ancient ME, the cradle of civilizations? Your history as a people and language is as old as Baghdad the city Arabs founded when they made 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history. Not only ruling empty Central Asian land or Siberia.

Just know that you stand no chance against the West and we will help the West in putting you down if relevant. Soon we will get atomic weapons as well and then you can go showcase your might against Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia and other irrelevant states.

You sound like a woman on her period. Go back to sleep.
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