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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

It looks like Putin wants to reinstate Russian imperial dreams again. The U.S' tolerance of the Russian involvement in the Syrian war could have been seen by the Russians as an indication.

Also, the Russian world-wide sale of arms during Obama's presidency is somehow historical.
hey man, don't make fun of ukraine army, they sold us the biggest hoover craft and ship engines tech.

I'm sure if it came to blows they can last at least 6 minutes, maybe 8 and a half if they play their cards right.

In fact, GT25000 was an half-done product, and Ukraine didn't have the money and human capital to accomplish it.

This gas turbine is 50% Chinese in both investment and technology.

Nevertheless, Ukraine still helped us a lot, and we don't hope they keep suffering from this political chaos.
In short Russia is not going to allow all of Ukraine to fall into the hand of EU/NATO/WEST. It's after all Russia's neighborhood. Ukraine formed the industrial backbone of the Soviet Union and the agricultural backbone of Tsarist Russia for centuries. Millions of ethnic Russians live in Southern and Eastern Ukraine.

The most drastic that can happen is a repeat of the the events we saw in Georgia during the Olympics in 2008 and after that possibly a split of Ukraine into a "proper ethnic Ukrainian Ukraine" and a Russian/Russified/Russian speaking Ukraine. The later might probably join Russia formally or form a union or serve as a client state just as much as Belarus does.

But it is interesting indeed and I have some reading to do because it seems that a lot happened today.

Basically it all comes down to the Russians fearing Western influence next to their borders. They want Ukraine to be a vassal state that rely on them economically, politically etc. so Gazprom and others can continue to sell gas to them.

Last it is interesting to know that the Russian oligarchy, basically the rulers of the country, and the Ukrainian ones have very close business ties. So it's in neither interest to see a Western and democratic Ukraine.

BTW I dislike Putin btw but would love him as a leader if .
It looks like Putin wants to reinstate Russian imperial dreams again. The U.S' tolerance of the Russian involvement in the Syrian war could have been seen by the Russians as an indication.

Also, the Russian world-wide sale of arms during Obama's presidency is somehow historical.
Lmao, Russia's imperial dreams? the 20 or so countries US invaded were nothing, right? Who the phuck are the US that Russia should care about their 'tolerance'?
I know, I actually support Russia. Russia needs to take control of their equipment in Crimea. The new neo-Nazi regime should not have access to them. I read some of the chants the done: "**** niggers, Jews and Russians" and calling for a new holocaust etc.

Actually I dislike Russia's foreign policy and how they have treated the Muslim people that they have conquered. Some recently and some long ago. But neither party in Ukraine is innocent and I don't particular like the fascists in Western Ukraine either.

In short this conflict comes handy looking from my perspective which is a perspective that says that Russia should gtfo Syria.

As a Pakistnai and possibly Pashtun you should also know all about their crimes in Afghanistan during the 1980's. They made the Americans look like a picnic.

But Russians as a people are actually not that bad. Many Arab-Russian intermarriages and quite a lot of Arabs studied in Russia during the Cold War from regimes that were pro-Russian.
May God bless the Ukrainian patriots who will stand and fight for their country.

I'm still hoping that it won't come to war at the last moment.

In case this happens the Ukrainian army will get annihilated since EU/NATO will not help them. Ukraine is too insignificant for that to happen.

Of course one should not hope for an civil war but if that happens I hope that KSA and others will give Russia the medicine we gave to them in Chechnya. Knowing their behavior in Syria.
In short Russia is not going to allow all of Ukraine to fall into the hand of EU/NATO/WEST. It's after all Russia's neighborhood. Ukraine formed the industrial backbone of the Soviet Union and the agricultural backbone of Tsarist Russia for centuries. Millions of ethnic Russians live in Southern and Eastern Ukraine.

The most drastic that can happen is a repeat of the the events we saw in Georgia during the Olympics in 2008 and after that possibly a split of Ukraine into a "proper ethnic Ukrainian Ukraine" and a Russian/Russified/Russian speaking Ukraine. The later might probably join Russia formally or form a union or serve as a client state just as much as Belarus does.

But it is interesting indeed and I have some reading to do because it seems that a lot happened today.

Basically it all comes down to the Russians fearing Western influence next to their borders. They want Ukraine to be a vassal state that rely on them economically, politically etc. so Gazprom and others can continue to sell gas to them.

Last it is interesting to know that the Russian oligarchy, basically the rulers of the country, and the Ukrainian ones have very close business ties. So it's in neither interest to see a Western and democratic Ukraine.

BTW I dislike Putin btw but would love him as a leader if .

That's why Putin cannot cave in, otherwise it would be the end of Russia.

Russia's strategic missile troops now are fully ready, if the US dares to directly intervene, then it will most likely trigger the WWIII with Russia fires perhaps thousand nukes onto the US soil.
The US and its allies, including you guys, are transvestites. If anything, you should be glad Russia tolerates you guys not to send you back to the good ol' days of Islam.

What you talking about? Drunk? The amount of weirdos you see on the internet and in real life is probably the highest in Russia of all places. All you to do is make a few google searches and see the goodies for yourself. No disrespect. Lastly what has Islam to do with this? You follow Christianity yourself probably, at least most of your population does. That's an religion that also appeared in the ME among Semitic people.

You know very well that you were humiliated during the Cold War and erupted due to you not standing a chance against the Western world and its powerhouse. In fact give China a few more years and they are going to take your place as the main rival of the West. You will by then just side with them.

Russia has so many problems. Corruption, poverty, lack of quality products produced indigenously aside from partially the military sector, a declining population etc.

The most funny thing is that the Russian elite is more Western than the Westerners themselves. Just look at your rulers personal life and where some of his family life despite him being the ruler of Russia.

I know that you like to compare yourself to USA but Russia comparing itself with USA is frankly laughable.
In case this happens the Ukrainian army will get annihilated since EU/NATO will not help them. Ukraine is too insignificant for that to happen.

Of course one should not hope for an civil war but if that happens I hope that KSA and others will give Russia the medicine we gave to them in Chechnya. Knowing their behavior in Syria.

The Ukrainian army is not that weak.Their biggest problem right now is the leadership and how many soldiers have pro russian views and will betray them.They have massive former SU equipment but few of it is modern or in working conditions.

From what i'm hearing the Crimeea is allready lost,ukrainian units there surrendered or switched allegiance.Some ukrainian navy ships simply hoisted the russian flag,others were seized while some managed to flee the Crimeea for other ukrainian ports.

Ukrainian nationalists called for chechens to rise up and for Doku Umarov to start a campaign in the Caucasus( some of the ukrainian nationalists actually fought the russians alongside the chechens in the 90's).

Let's wait and see.
What you talking about? Drunk? The amount of weirdos you see on the internet and in real life is probably the highest in Russia of all places. All you to do is make a few google searches and see the goodies for yourself. No disrespect. Lastly what has Islam to do with this? You follow Christianity yourself probably, at least most of your population does. That's an religion that also appeared in the ME among Semitic people.

You know very well that you were humiliated during the cold war and erupted due to you not standing a chance against the Western world and its powerhouse. In fact give China a few more years and they are going to take your place as the main rival of the West. You will by then just side with them.

Russia has so many problems. Corruption, poverty, lack of quality products produced indigenously aside from partially the military sector, a declining population etc.

I know that you like to compare yourself to USA but Russia comparing itself with USA is frankly laughable.

Nah, we are not the aggressors like the West, and we also hope that we can boost our trade with Russia.
What you talking about? Drunk? The amount of weirdos you see on the internet and in real life is probably the highest in Russia of all places. All you to do is make a few google searches and see the goodies for yourself. No disrespect. Lastly what has Islam to do with this? You follow Christianity yourself probably, at least most of your population does. That's an religion that also appeared in the ME among Semitic people.

You know very well that you were humiliated during the Cold War and erupted due to you not standing a chance against the Western world and its powerhouse. In fact give China a few more years and they are going to take your place as the main rival of the West. You will by then just side with them.

Russia has so many problems. Corruption, poverty, lack of quality products produced indigenously aside from partially the military sector, a declining population etc.

The most funny thing is that the Russian elite is more Western than the Westerners themselves. Just look at your rulers personal life and where some of his family life despite him being the ruler of Russia.

I know that you like to compare yourself to USA but Russia comparing itself with USA is frankly laughable.

Google krokodil he is probably on that stuff lol.
Russia has so many problems. Corruption, poverty, lack of quality products produced indigenously aside from partially the military sector, a declining population etc.

The most funny thing is that the Russian elite is more Western than the Westerners themselves. Just look at your rulers personal life and where some of his family life despite him being the ruler of Russia.

I know that you like to compare yourself to USA but Russia comparing itself with USA is frankly laughable.

We are fixing our problems one by one:)

As of 2013, Russian TFR of 1.72 children per woman[5] was the highest in Eastern, Southern and Central Europe. In 2013, Russia experienced the first natural population growth since 1990 at 22,700 people. Taking into account immigration, the population grew by 294,500 people.

Demographics of Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nah, we are not the aggressors like the West, and we also hope that we can boost our trade with Russia.

It's not about being aggressors or not. That's not the policy of China. That's why us non-Western people like you. Not only due to that.

Russia have once been an ally of the Arab world and still is when it comes to many Arab countries but what they have done historically to the indigenous Muslim populations is something most have to condemn when looking at it objectively. Let alone what they are doing in Syria. This makes us dislike them. Only due to that. As I said most ordinary Russians are good people.

But he should not talk all that big talk like many deluded Russian posters do on this forum. They probably forget their humiliation during the Cold War. Despite using all their money on the military and people living like sheep.

That's all good but look at all the predictions until 2050. Does not look good. I know that you are going to post a lot of irrelevant Russian sources now but we have discussed this 1000's of time. It did not work for you before and it is not going to work now. So let us leave it.

Still my points stand and history is my witness and the reality. Good luck arguing against that.

Basically take all the recognized population predictions and see that this will happen in all of Europe outside of a few Western countries. Already now most have a too big elderly population. That's not how you are going to move forward as a country or improve your economy and thus power on all fronts.
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