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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

That's good . Any action against the west and it's supporters is good .

Good Luck Russia :pop:
Oki doki.See you when i'm interned in the Gulag than. :undecided:

If he says otherwise they will send him to Siberia to do labor work for the next 20 years. No Russian vodka for him anymore.

Or the Jewish Russian mafia will come after him.
Who told you that I am a full-blooded Saudi Arabian? Maybe I have interests or ties to the region who knows? Anyway you are not very clever that I can see.

No, those are not excuses but simply HISTORICAL FACTS. Google what a HISTORICAL FACT means.

Nobody in the Arab world has died in the millions. Ever. Maybe during the Mongols but they killed millions of you and occupied what is now Russia for centuries unlike the Arab world.

More Russians were killed by the Georgian Stalin than Arabs have ever killed each other in the past 3000 years. Long before you existed as a people.

Why do you care about my interests? This is a free forum. Everybody can comment. We don't need your approval Boris.

Who cares about history? You guys band together with your nato overlords and cant even break Syria for what now? 3 years now? lol.

Like I said, transvestities.
That's why Putin cannot cave in, otherwise it would be the end of Russia.

Russia's strategic missile troops now are fully ready, if the US dares to directly intervene, then it will most likely trigger the WWIII with Russia fires perhaps thousand nukes onto the US soil.

lol you sit back nice and comfy in your host western country always talking "nuking this and nuking that" like nuclear war is a video game. Any sane person knows that any nuclear attack on US soil would result in swift and massive nuclear retaliation. Or, are you that delusional to think the US would just sit there and let itself be nuked with no retaliation. So, if in your genocidal dream all out nuclear war happens, the Ukraine will be the last thing anyone thinks about. News flash! Nuclear war isn't a video game, it's real life. People won't respawn.
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I welcome our new Russian overlords! :yahoo:
Better than those cannibals you live next to. Dont worry we will bring a lot of bug spray to rid the area of cockroaches lol.
Also when they invaded you and took your lands forever?
We had an empire. Mongols had an empire. Britain had an empire. Japan had an empire.

But I am personally a Russophile, beside a Safavid.
Who cares about history? You guys band together with your nato overlords and cant even break Syria for what now? 3 years now? lol.

Like I said, transvestities.

And since when have you won the battle in Syria? As of now our faction controls more than half of Syria. Nobody is an overlord. That's called an ally.

What is it with you and transvestites?

In case you have not noticed then we Arabs never had a problem with getting off-spring. You know children. In fact our populations are rapidly growing while your is declining. So who is more likely to be a gay or transvestite? You do the math.
Arabs are the second largest ethnic group in the world after the Han Chinese.
lol you sit back nice and comfy in your host western country always talking "nuking this and nuking that" like nuclear war is a video game. Any sane person knows that any nuclear attack on US soil would result in swift and massive nuclear retaliation. Or, are you that delusional to think the US would just sit there and let itself be nuked with no retaliation. So, if in your genocidal dream all out nuclear war happens, the Ukraine will be the last thing anyone thinks about. News flash! Nuclear war isn't a video game, it's real life.

Ukraine has no significance to USA at all, so it is not worthy for USA to trigger a MAD with Russia just for Ukraine.
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We had an empire. Mongols had an empire. Britain had an empire. Japan had an empire.

But I am personally a Russophile, beside a Safavid.

Your empire ended 1400 years ago. The Safavids were not a real empire. They were Turkic btw. Still you are cheering for your conquerors (most recent ones if I recall). Strange but whatever floats your boat. Are you an anti-Western Mullah despite living in the Netherlands?
Let them fight.
Who cares about Ukraine? Which significance does it have for anybody that is not from Russia or Ukraine? I don't see the West doing this for Ukraine but just to get a message across to Russia.

Ukraine has no other option than balancing between the West (EU) and Russia. It cannot pick one side fully if it wants to remain as it is today, meaning united as we know it.

No my dear this is not the case this development will surely cause effects upon the regions around it, if you are considering it as a simple matter b/w Ukraine & Russia than you are mistaken.

Its not about Ukraine but about 'Black Sea Region', just look at the map this situation will have a direct impact on Turkey, which will Indirectly effect Middle East as well, more complication ahead in regional politics ..... lots of possibilities ....who knows what will happen next


Basically, it was a soft encroachment of EU and US in Russian backyard, which Russian retaliate in a bit harsh manner. If the future events occurs as expected, than US and EU might not respond militarily but would prefer a strategy some what similar to first Afghan war.

In that case, Turkey is the only Nation in the region having reliable defence apparatus in place, but currently suffering from internal political turmoil, to influence the future events in this region a strong, progressive and developing ally of the west is necessary.

Tukey is a member NATO alliance and could be helpful to engage and organize Tatar population in the region.

Syria is an old ally of Russia having sizable Kurd populations, this factor will be valuable for Russians to disturb or influence Turkey, but KSA don't like Assad regime .....

now say who cares ..... :lol:
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