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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

by Georgia all over again , I meant that the same way US/EU prodded Georgia along to go against Russian interests , they did the same with Ukraine and when Russia stepped in militarily US/EU abandonded Georgia to face Russia on their own , same will happen in Ukraine , there will not be military support given to them by US/EU.

i agree, sorry i got it wrong earlier :)

In escense, there is not going to be any help by NATO/ West. In case of war, ukrainians are all on their own much like georgians were.
All the media talks about is Crimea. But what about the eastern provinces, whose people yearn to join Russia? Will be see a federation as a solution to the separatists?

Also, please ignore the Arab dog who is barking.

Keep sucking up to your conquerors Farsi. Reminds me of the millions of your compatriots who worship your conquerors the Arabs.
The pro-democrazy supporters are the most disgusting creatures on Earth, and i hope Russia won't show any mercy and destroy em all in Ukraine.
You should be sleeping by now. Glad that I got your back to planet earth, Boris. You are welcome.
Sorry cant hear you over the sound of us invading Europe and your nato overlords crying. You savages can continue eating human beings.
Lmao, Russia's imperial dreams? the 20 or so countries US invaded were nothing, right? Who the phuck are the US that Russia should care about their 'tolerance'?

Really? Don't you know that the U.S won the Cold War and led the Soviet Union to shred into many independent states? Russians know the limits of their power when confronted by the U.S and NATO.

Do you also know what is the best political joke of all times? It's Stalin's daughter escape from the Soviet Union and immigration to the U.S in 1967!

Yes, Svetlana Stalin had sought refugee to the U.S in the middle of the Cold War and spent her life over there until she passed
away in 2011.
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What? I think it is pretty clear and what I wrote in the beginning is pretty much the consensus among all analysts and people familiar with the situation and various experts. The value of Ukraine is several times bigger for Russia than it is for the West and the West is not ready to start a major conflict for the sake of Crimea and possibly other pro-Russian parts of Ukraine.

What Black Sea? Russia is already the main power in the Black Sea and that will never change. Turkey is second and that will never change either. What does Crimea or not add to the larger picture? Nothing. Russia is already in control of the main port in Crimea, Sevastopol. The headquarter of their Black Sea Fleet.

Turkey have no chance alone against Russia. This is about NATO/EU as a whole against Russia and their allies in the region. Not NATO country x in Europe against Russia as a whole.

The Crimean Tatars form about 10-12% of Crimea's population. They are not a significant player. You think that Russia, who controls Crimea and which has a majority Russian ethnic population (by far) would allow an Crimean Tatar independent homeland? You got to be kidding.

What has Kurds to do with anything here? Turkey already borders Iraqi Kurdistan. Which is significantly bigger than any possible Kurdish autonomous region in Syria. Nothing changes here.
I know that Putin backs al-Asshead that's why I am against them. If they changed their position I would be indifferent to this conflict.

Number of possibilities ...dear number of possibilities ...... as I said who know what will happen next .... situation in all regions related to Black sea will effect ..... by current developments ...
Keep sucking up to your conquerors Farsi. Reminds me of the millions of your compatriots who worship your conquerors the Arabs.
Stop barking, Arab! Go post about your camels, and horses. :haha:
Sorry cant hear you over the sound of us invading Europe and your nato overlords crying. You savages can continue eating human beings.

We never ate each other. You animals were eating thousands of each others when your grandfather was a little boy. Small babies were sold as food.

Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the famines that killed millions of you. During WW2 you also ate each other to survive after the Germans raided you. Only the Russian winter and American supplies saved you from speaking German today.
checkout whitehoue PR effort , Obamas picture , sleeves rolled talking ot putin .. lol
The pro-democrazy supporters are the most disgusting creatures on Earth, and i hope Russia won't show any mercy and destroy em all in Ukraine.


Those pro-Western thugs in Kiev sold out their whole country for Western interests, sold out to the West.

Now Russia is knocking on their door, and those same thugs in Kiev are calling the West for help.

And what does the West do? They just laugh at them, and tell them: "You're on your own, didn't you know that?"

Just like Georgia. But some people will never learn.
No offense to Ukranians and Syrians but Russian interference helps some countries in the world. Iraqis, Afghans and Pakistanis have been fighting War for decades. At least the interests America had will be shifted
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Stop barking, Arab! Go post about your camels, and horses. :haha:

But their western masters commanded them to. lol. These guys should stick to abusing house maids, eating human livers.
In my opinion steps that have to be taken.

1.Immediate bombing of Assad forces regime at full speed and topling of Assad.

2.Russian Black Sea Fleet constrained to the Black Sea by closing of the Bosphorus.

3.More funding and backing for separatist forces all over Russia despite their afiliation.

Closing the Bosporus is too dangerous.
Really? Don't you know that the U.S won the Cold War and led the Soviet Union to shred into many independent states? Russians know the limits of their power when confronted by the U.S and NATO.

Do you also know what is the best political joke of all times? It's Stalin's daughter escape from the Soviet Union and immigration to the the U.S in 1967!

Yes, Svetlana Stalin had sought refugee to the U.S in the middle of the Cold War and spent her life over there until she passed
away in 2011.
View attachment 19194

She was not even Russian but Georgian. No point arguing with those brain-dead Russians. India and China should gang up and invaded that wasteland. They have both huge populations and need some free room especially India. If they were sensible they should gang up with the US and then all 3 could split Russia. Win-win situation. I am sure that al the indigenous people would want their land back as well.

Time to unleash the Caucasian sleeper cells to cause some havoc.

A shame that Germany did not annihilate all of Russia. They did a marvelous job while it lasted though.
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