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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

WW 1 started from Eastern Europe. Now it looks like history will repeat.


Now they should deliver but i have my doubts.If they were united they could have had a chance but imagine how soldiers/officers feel when they see some of their comrades simply deserting to the enemy.Add this to low finances,small upgrades to the equipment they had over the years and the blow to morale is crushing.

Read on other forums that the 39 MIG-29's they had on an airbase in Crimeewa are in russian hands.Some tried to escape but where intercepted on the tarmac by russian forces. :hitwall:
The Ukrainian army is not that weak.Their biggest problem right now is the leadership and how many soldiers have pro russian views and will betray them.They have massive former SU equipment but few of it is modern or in working conditions.

From what i'm hearing the Crimeea is allready lost,ukrainian units there surrendered or switched allegiance.Some ukrainian navy ships simply hoisted the russian flag,others were seized while some managed to flee the Crimeea for other ukrainian ports.

Ukrainian nationalists called for chechens to rise up and for Doku Umarov to start a campaign in the Caucasus( some of the ukrainian nationalists actually fought the russians alongside the chechens in the 90's).

Let's wait and see.

Well weak or not they will not stand a chance against Russia. I might criticize Russia due to their leadership and past historic leaderships and their actions that 99% of all other Russians had nothing to do with, but Russia is Russia military.

Yes. Ukraine became independent in 1991. The people who are soldiers, generals, officers etc. right now, aside from the new recruits, are all people from the old system.

Yes, that's the only sensible thing they could have done.

Chechens are finished. Not that they could cause any big problems aside from few bombing attacks or attacks on Russian troops and interests. What they can do is make Russia unsafe and spread chaos and make them fight on more than 1 front.
What you talking about? Drunk? The amount of weirdos you see on the internet and in real life is probably the highest in Russia of all places. All you to do is make a few google searches and see the goodies for yourself. No disrespect. Lastly what has Islam to do with this? You follow Christianity yourself probably, at least most of your population does. That's an religion that also appeared in the ME among Semitic people.

You know very well that you were humiliated during the Cold War and erupted due to you not standing a chance against the Western world and its powerhouse. In fact give China a few more years and they are going to take your place as the main rival of the West. You will by then just side with them.

Russia has so many problems. Corruption, poverty, lack of quality products produced indigenously aside from partially the military sector, a declining population etc.

The most funny thing is that the Russian elite is more Western than the Westerners themselves. Just look at your rulers personal life and where some of his family life despite him being the ruler of Russia.

I know that you like to compare yourself to USA but Russia comparing itself with USA is frankly laughable.

I guess chewing on livers of human beings has made you a bit dense. Look at the current situation how your western overlords can do nothing but sit and bark. Russia tolerates you animals, not the other way around.

And dont assume anything about me unless you want to look like an even bigger *** than you already are.
I guess chewing on livers of human beings has made you a bit dense. Look at the current situation how your western overlords can do nothing but sit and bark. Russia tolerates you animals, not the other way around.

And dont assume anything about me unless you want to look like an even bigger *** than you already are.

Dear, I love how you are propagandizing and making the whole Syrian opposition into cannibals because one disturbed individual took a bite of a dead soldiers liver. That individual is dead and that individual lost most of his family in a massacre committed by the "army" that your leadership supports. Hence no wonder that he went berserk. He likely had mental problems before that so that was only a toxic addition.

At least FSA is not killing civilians in the thousands and committing massacres against children, elders etc. ISIS and other lunatics, that Al-Asshead ironically never attacks, are not part of the recognized opposition. In fact they are killing the Syrian opposition more than Al-Asshead.

Russia is of no significance in this department. You never touched the Arab world and never will.

Speaking about animals then Russians probably have the world record in killing most of their own. How many millions did the GEORGIAN Stalin that ruled your *** for decades kill of Russians? 15+ million plus? How many Russian did the Jewish dominated Communists/Bolsheviks kill? How many Russians did the German Tsar's kill? Millions upon millions.
It's not more than 80 years ago that millions of you died in famines and where you were eating each other to survive. Speaking about cannibals. Might have heard about that unless the Soviets removed that part of history.

You are just a hot ballon. Stick to bothering "mighty" Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other such poor and largely insignificant countries.
After all when you tried to pick up a fight against equals (USA) you got your *** kicked in more than 1 way.
In my opinion steps that have to be taken.

1.Immediate bombing of Assad forces regime at full speed and topling of Assad.

2.Russian Black Sea Fleet constrained to the Black Sea by closing of the Bosphorus.

3.More funding and backing for separatist forces all over Russia despite their afiliation.
That's all good but look at all the predictions until 2050. Does not look good. I know that you are going to post a lot of irrelevant Russian sources now but we have discussed this 1000's of time. It did not work for you before and it is not going to work now. So let us leave it.

Those same predictions said that by 2014 Russian population would declining by 600,000 people year and accelerating o_O

That alone pretty much says everything about their accuracy.

Anyway this is off topic
In my opinion steps that have to be taken.

1.Immediate bombing of Assad forces regime at full speed and topling of Assad.

2.Russian Black Sea Fleet constrained to the Black Sea by closing of the Bosphorus.

3.More funding and backing for separatist forces all over Russia despite their afiliation.

Unfortunately I am afraid that this could potentially start a WW3 or at least a major conflict. Not what is needed right now and I highly doubt that the West is going to do all that just for the sake of Crimea.
In my opinion steps that have to be taken.

1.Immediate bombing of Assad forces regime at full speed and topling of Assad.

2.Russian Black Sea Fleet constrained to the Black Sea by closing of the Bosphorus.

3.More funding and backing for separatist forces all over Russia despite their afiliation.

2. Turkey doesn't want to mess with Russia.

3. The separatists in Russia are done.
Those same predictions said that by 2014 Russian population would declining by 600,000 people year and accelerating o_O

That alone pretty much says everything about their accuracy.

Anyway this is off topic

Ok, then please show me the future predictions of the Russian population according to the sources that you use. Because virtually all sources state that the Russian population is only going to decline.

Source: The Telegraph
Unfortunately I am afraid that this could potentially start a WW3 or at least a major conflict. Not what is needed right now and I highly doubt that the West is going to do all that just for the sake of Crimea.

We will burn eventually if the russians are left unchecked.If you don't want to go head on like in the Ukraine a harsh answer has to be given via indirect routes.
Like it or not the Russians protect their interests and more importantly their people. You have to give them credit where it is due.

I for one have been very uncomfortable with all this "revolution" talk and the ethnic Russians have literally been left out in the cold. Just what did they think was going to happen when they got rid of Russian as an official language? They felt threatened and vulnerable and called upon their only ally and that is Russia.
Nice try but those are the most tired excuses Ive ever heard, you guys are cannibal savages and the whole world knows it.

And The Russian AK47 has killed millions of you savages without us even trying.

And what is a damn saudi doing in a thread about Ukraine anyway? Dont you have some sheeps to herd / women to whip / cousins to marry?

Who told you that I am a full-blooded Saudi Arabian? Maybe I have interests or ties to the region who knows? Anyway you are not very clever that I can see.

No, those are not excuses but simply HISTORICAL FACTS. Google what a HISTORICAL FACT means.

Nobody in the Arab world has died in the millions. Ever. Maybe during the Mongols but they killed millions of you and occupied what is now Russia for centuries unlike the Arab world.

More Russians were killed by the Georgian Stalin than Arabs have ever killed each other in the past 3000 years. Long before you existed as a people.

Why do you care about my interests? This is a free forum. Everybody can comment. We don't need your approval Boris.
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