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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

The beautiful ancient Arab world is something you non Semites could only dream of. The Arabian tribes of the beautiful ancient peninsula share a lot of history whom established worlds largest empires and most remarkable civilizations, among them the Dilmun civilization in the Peninsula.
Us Semites originate from the Arabian Peninsula as all other Semites. You dumb Mongol, try to understand, your country has been used as a clove. Ruled by various ancient Semitic people and invaders, then came the Persian invaders and finally the us Arab invaders.
You were nothing before you encountered us Semites. You were useless nomads that roamed the steppes of Central Asia & Mongolia like a bunch of savages, something you are proud of. You first became relevant when you encountered us. That is the reality. Don't make me laugh.
I think that I exposed the Mongols enough for today.

Us Semites civilized you Mongols after all and gave you an identity, recorded you people the first time you appeared in the civilized world 2800 years ago and here you are talking big while you don’t even know your own roots:lol:

The 500 million Arabs in the world together form the worlds strongest superpower, something Mongols will never have.

As I said stick to making kebabs, a dish you stole from us Semetic Arabs like all the other Arab dishes that you claim are Turkish cuisine LOL.

The beautiful diverse Arab world:coffee:

Saudi Arabia - Hejaz



This is hilarious, i lost it at 3 photos of diverse arab world without desert and camels. Lol
If only all we Arabs were united I'd be going off on every other ethnicity on this earth and threaten to nuke them. :rofl::rofl:

Soon. Soon.

@Doritos11 a very nice proposal my Mongol friend but I think that I will stick to the Han Chinese. The relations are way older (Russia is a young nation and people) and those two people are the two biggest ethnic groups in the world. Only fitting that we would become allies and rule the world. Don't forget that China is our biggest trading partner as well.

I would not rule out Russia out completely though. They still can leave the evil side for the good side.
Lol im relax, not that i have fear from nearly 450 million ancient Arab world. :D

Maybe the ancient and huge Arab world should make a alliance with the soon to be Turan? Or what it is called? How about that? A Turan ruled by the Oghuz tribe or some other tribe. Don't recall your conclusions.

I always wanted to rule Kazakhstan. Borat's homeland!:D
Maybe the ancient and huge Arab world should make a alliance with the soon to be Turan? Or what it is called? How about that? A Turan ruled by the Oghuz tribe or some other tribe. Don't recall your conclusions.

I always wanted to rule Kazakhstan. Borat's homeland!:D
At least we are not butchering achother like you....
Please world war three as soon as possible.

@Doritos11 should follow hero Saddam Hussein's footsteps. He loves him anyway that secret Ba'athi. The Turks will also love him because he dealt with the Kurds better than they could ever dream about.:D

At least we are not butchering achother like you....

You talking about Iraq? Turkmens are involved there so are they in Syria. But you have been butchering each other throughout history. That's why you have not even a Turkic Union with all 5 or 6 Turkic states or one single language.

Anyway it seems that you are incapable of taking a joke when you are making similar jokes yourself. A shame.
Correct. We already discussed your first point earlier if you take a quick look. The question is whether Russia can afford a full-scale invasion of the majority pro-Rusisan areas of Ukraine (South and East). I am not sure about that one. During 2008 they only invaded a small part of Georgia. Abkhazia. It would really polarize the two players (NATO-Russia and its allies). But NATO would have no other option should Russia invade Ukraine.

I assume that India is neutral for now but leaning slightly towards Russia as an old ally of her?

I believe that Russia for now won't go to a full blown war, since it will affect its image in international community, rather it will slowly force Ukraine to give up control of the region by simply amassing troops in the region. Ukraine right now is pretty weak and the government is also weak, they can't really go on and start a war with a former super-power and potential future super-power. Russia doesn't really need to go on the offensive yet, just show force and psychologically break down the moral of the Ukraine government to the point where it has no other options. Let's face it other than strong words, there is nothing the west can do to force Russia in pulling out of the region, and I highly doubt that any of the western countries are in any position to deploy any of their forces in Ukraine, NATO right now is pretty stumped since their whole Afghanistan campaign, they have lost a lot of money in the war in Afghanistan and are still struggling to get out of an economic downturn. The last thing they want is to create a flash point with Russia.

As for India, we have always been neutral. Though, I am pretty sure that behind doors, it will be Russia since we have much better ties with them.
You talking about Iraq? Turkmens are involved there so are they in Syria. But you have been butchering each other throughout history. That's why you have not even a Turkic Union or a similar language.
Turkmens defend themselves from barbarians, but they are actually peacefull.
I believe that Russia for now won't go to a full blown war, since it will affect its image in international community, rather it will slowly force Ukraine to give up control of the region by simply amassing troops in the region. Ukraine right now is pretty weak and the government is also weak, they can't really go on and start a war with a former super-power and potential future super-power. Russia doesn't really need to go on the offensive yet, just show force and psychologically break down the moral of the Ukraine government to the point where it has no other options. Let's face it other than strong words, there is nothing the west can do to force Russia in pulling out of the region, and I highly doubt that any of the western countries are in any position to deploy any of their forces in Ukraine, NATO right now is pretty stumped since their whole Afghanistan campaign, they have lost a lot of money in the war in Afghanistan and are still struggling to get out of an economic downturn. The last thing they want is to create a flash point with Russia.

As for India, we have always been neutral. Though, I am pretty sure that behind doors, it will be Russia since we have much better ties with them.

Indeed. Russia can pressure Ukraine economically and geopolitically since Ukraine relies on Russian gas and investments. So this whole mess is indeed clearly in Russia's favor. Anything else would be strange knowing that this is Russia's backyard. Yes, that's what I suspected. Most Indian users also seem in favor of Russia here. Likewise Chinese. That's funny knowing the Chinese-Indian rivalry that is probably the worst here after the Indian-Pak rivalry.:)

Turkmens defend themselves from barbarians, but they are actually peacefull.

How cute. Did not stop the Turkic barbarians from killing and fighting against each other throughout history. Can't even unite today and don't even have a Turkic Union where all of the few (5 or 6) Turkic states are present. Nor even a single language. A shame indeed. I stopped reading after the word "Barbarian".:lol: The Mongols don't ring a bell for you do they? The biggest barbarians in history. Widely recognized as such.

Anyway @Doritos11 he is calling you Iraqis for barbarians. Nice friend you got there. Congrats.
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