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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

I don't want to start another debate that we already had before.

1.) You were right about arguing with the Russian guy because he started it but you took it to far/
2.) If you are going to argue with another Turkish member don't drag us all into by saying dumb stuff.
3.)Stop derailing the thread.

1) I am only replying in a similar fashion like that Russian idiot who started it. I made long and accurate posts in the beginning of the debate that many users thanked. Even pro-Russian users. Until that idiot started to make insults about Islam, animals, cannibals, killing etc. Everybody can go back and take a look how it started. So of course I trolled in return.

2) Tell that to your coward of a compatriot who made an insult to me without daring to write it directly to me when he was not even involved in this debate.

3) The Russian was the one derailing this thread by his first comment about Islam and the other nonsense while I sticked to the topic as is evident by my first 4-5 posts. Dozens of other users are posting off-topic posts including your compatriot.
The beautiful ancient Arab world is something you non Semites could only dream of. The Arabian tribes of the beautiful ancient peninsula share a lot of history whom established worlds largest empires and most remarkable civilizations, among them the Dilmun civilization in the Peninsula.
Us Semites originate from the Arabian Peninsula as all other Semites. You dumb Mongol, try to understand, your country has been used as a clove. Ruled by various ancient Semitic people and invaders, then came the Persian invaders and finally the us Arab invaders.
You were nothing before you encountered us Semites. You were useless nomads that roamed the steppes of Central Asia & Mongolia like a bunch of savages, something you are proud of. You first became relevant when you encountered us. That is the reality. Don't make me laugh.
I think that I exposed the Mongols enough for today.

Us Semites civilized you Mongols after all and gave you an identity, recorded you people the first time you appeared in the civilized world 2800 years ago and here you are talking big while you don’t even know your own roots:lol:

The 500 million Arabs in the world together form the worlds strongest superpower, something Mongols will never have.

As I said stick to making kebabs, a dish you stole from us Semetic Arabs like all the other Arab dishes that you claim are Turkish cuisine LOL.

The beautiful diverse Arab world:coffee:

Saudi Arabia - Hejaz


Please be joking.o_O
Who was an Akkadian and they originated on the Arabian Peninsula as all other Semites. They are not native to Iraq you dumb Mongol. In fact your country has been used as a clove. Ruled by various ancient Semitic people and invaders, then came the Persian invaders and finally the Arab invaders about 1500 years ago. That's how you came into existence.


Should you not be telling that to yourself? Even on the internet you are not a man enough to address people directly when you start the insults. When somebody returns the favor you cry as the old donkey you are.

Toilettes came to the ME long before they came to your Central Asia and yurts. Forgot about that? At least I am here to remind you of that.
Dude dont you think people have had it with your civilisation stories?
Are you that dumb that you cant see what kind of fool you are?
Even the Arab members know you are clown.
Try something new for a change.

Very nice photos.

Anyway do you have anything clever to say about this topic or just one-liners as usual? Go ahead. Give your take on the situation. In detail please.

Not "Inshallah Russia is going to invade Ukraine and return to the ME".
The beautiful ancient Arab world is something you non Semites could only dream of. The Arabian tribes of the beautiful ancient peninsula share a lot of history whom established worlds largest empires and most remarkable civilizations, among them the Dilmun civilization in the Peninsula.
Us Semites originate from the Arabian Peninsula as all other Semites. You dumb Mongol, try to understand, your country has been used as a clove. Ruled by various ancient Semitic people and invaders, then came the Persian invaders and finally the us Arab invaders.
You were nothing before you encountered us Semites. You were useless nomads that roamed the steppes of Central Asia & Mongolia like a bunch of savages, something you are proud of. You first became relevant when you encountered us. That is the reality. Don't make me laugh.
I think that I exposed the Mongols enough for today.

Us Semites civilized you Mongols after all and gave you an identity, recorded you people the first time you appeared in the civilized world 2800 years ago and here you are talking big while you don’t even know your own roots:lol:

The 500 million Arabs in the world together form the worlds strongest superpower, something Mongols will never have.

As I said stick to making kebabs, a dish you stole from us Semetic Arabs like all the other Arab dishes that you claim are Turkish cuisine LOL.

The beautiful diverse Arab world:coffee:

Saudi Arabia - Hejaz


We mongols ruled over you for 500 years you dumb twin camel,used you like slaves,dont ever forget that.

Another fucked up thread , thanks to certain individual.... :disagree:
Evry forum needs a clown,here its al-camel.
1) I am only replying in a similar fashion like that Russian idiot who started it. I made long and accurate posts in the beginning of the debate that many users thanked. Even pro-Russian users. Until that idiot started to make insults about Islam, animals, cannibals, killing etc. Everybody can go back and take a look how it started. So of course I trolled in return.

2) Tell that to your coward of a compatriot who made an insult to me without daring to write it directly to me when he was not even involved in this debate.

3) The Russian was the one derailing this thread by his first comment about Islam and the other nonsense while I sticked to the topic as is evident by my first 4-5 posts. Dozens of other users are posting off-topic posts including your compatriot.

He used to do it to me, lol. Whenever I start a thread on Israel I usually got a random attack. :D

Then as of lately he kind of changed with me. :)
If there is a war, then Ukraine is pretty much going to get steam rolled over by Russia. Ukraine cannot match the Russian military might, and it is highly unlikely that the EU or the Nato forces will intervene, since they have just started to pull out of one war in the middle east. It would be better for Ukraine to just give up its southern part that has the Russian base and Russian supporters, than to lose the entire country.
He used to do it to me, lol. Whenever I start a thread on Israel I usually got a random attack. :D

Then as of lately he kind of changed with me. :)

Well anyone who does that will get a reply. Very few people have anything on us native ME people. So they better learn to behave if they don't want to see similar insults the other way around. He started it and I just replied. Anyone reading the thread can see it so I have nothing to hide or anything.

Later an old donkey came along because he wanted some attention.
Well anyone who does that will get a reply. Very few people have anything on us native ME people. So they better learn to behave if they don't want to see similar insults the other way around. He started it and I just replied. Anyone reading the thread can see it so I have nothing to hide or anything.
We are just nice.:disagree:

Very nice photos.

Anyway do you have anything clever to say about this topic or just one-liners as usual? Go ahead. Give your take on the situation. In detail please.

Not "Inshallah Russia is going to invade Ukraine and return to the ME".

The Russians should rebuild their empire, Ukraine, Belarus, and the other small failed insignificant entities in the north such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania are all part of mother Russia.
This way Russia will return it’s influence in Western Europe & the Middle East.

Russia and the Middle east share ancient ties, mainly trade routes such as the Volga trade route in which early civilizations traded their resources,
Volga trade route - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the Middle Ages, the Volga trade route connected Northern Europe and Northwestern Russia with the Caspian Sea, via the Volga River. The Rus used this route to trade with Muslim countries on the southern shores of the Caspian Sea, sometimes penetrating as far as Baghdad. The route functioned concurrently with the Dnieper trade route, better known as the trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks, and lost its importance in the 11th century.

This historical relationship is like the Sino-Arab relationship something we will never forget, The Arab world should form 1 bloc and unite itself with the Russian empire, I put myself forward as a leader of this future empire considering my wide leadership qualities & bravery. Together we will form the most powerful bloc, something that will give the Safavids + other enemies nightmares :coffee:.

Western Europe is a failed bloc, their economies except that of Germany are shrinking while the Russian economy is booming at 3% and growing just like all the other Arab economies, we are growing while the capitalist Zionists are falling. The future will be in the Eastern states.
Well anyone who does that will get a reply. Very few people have anything on us native ME people. So they better learn to behave if they don't want to see similar insults the other way around. He started it and I just replied. Anyone reading the thread can see it so I have nothing to hide or anything.

Later an old donkey came along because he wanted some attention.

If only all we Arabs were united I'd be going off on every other ethnicity on this earth and threaten to nuke them. :rofl::rofl:
If there is a war, then Ukraine is pretty much going to get steam rolled over by Russia. Ukraine cannot match the Russian military might, and it is highly unlikely that the EU or the Nato forces will intervene, since they have just started to pull out of one war in the middle east. It would be better for Ukraine to just give up its southern part that has the Russian base and Russian supporters, than to lose the entire country.

Correct. We already discussed your first point earlier if you take a quick look. The question is whether Russia can afford a full-scale invasion of the majority pro-Rusisan areas of Ukraine (South and East). I am not sure about that one. During 2008 they only invaded a small part of Georgia. Abkhazia. It would really polarize the two players (NATO-Russia and its allies). But NATO would have no other option should Russia invade Ukraine.

I assume that India is neutral for now but leaning slightly towards Russia as an old ally of her?
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