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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

Insha allah, Russia will conquer all of Ukraine & come back to the ME
Dont doubt it.. thts 1 giant *** mofo sheep..:lol:
Sorry. I just can't stand those Ruskies that are propagandists for their dirty regime that has millions of Muslim blood on their hands and who helps kill innocent Syrians for 3 years in a row and threatens several Arab and Muslim countries as of late. Especially not when Russian alcoholics are picking up the fight and out of nowhere insulting Islam as well. So of course we cannot tolerate this.
A dead Russian is a good one in this case. Just replying to that SICIS idiot. Of course the Muslims of Russia have to regain their freedom and we will help them with that. Successfully or not. Likewise their trash in Syria and the Child-Murderers they support. No other option.

They have been threatening several Arab countries of late. Obviously we cannot tolerate this.

You are nearly 50 years old donkey. Should you not have learnt proper English by now? Don't quote me or talk behind my back coward. Nobody cares about you here. Did not mention you did I? Now get lost and go cry elsewhere. Don't pick up fights if you can't handle them.
Handle what,a little camel with a bad mouth,kid you are a little clown and will stay a clown.
I'll call you the inhouse clown from now on!
Maa sadkay...

Handle what,a little camel with bad mouth,kid you are a little clown and will stay a clown.
I'll call you the inhouse clown from now on!

Donkey, learn English. A camel, let alone an Arabian horse are bot more useful than an old donkey like you can ever dream about being. Now don't start fights with me if you can't handle them. Seen that before from you. Wish I could repay the favor. Now get lost.
Insha allah, Russia will conquer all of Ukraine & come back to the ME

Come back to the ME? Since when was Russia ever in the ME to begin with? Time to shift your country (Netherlands) to Russia or Kazakhstan. Maybe Belarus. That would suit you I believe.
Donkey, learn English. A camel, let alone an Arabian horse are bot more useful than an old donkey like you can ever dream about being. Now don't start fights with me if you can't handle them. Seen that before from you. Wish I could repay the favor. Now get lost.
What is it idiot cant handle the pressure,lets go i'm waiting.
Throw some 5000 year old bs at me,thats all you little clown can do.
I love when @al-Hasani and everybody else go at each other. :lol:

We need you here, you're so entertaining and educated. :D

Except when you debate me on Palestine you lose. :p:
What is it idiot cant handle the pressure,lets go i'm waiting.
Throw some 5000 year old bs at me,thats all you little clown can do.

Haha, can't handle the pressure? What are you talking about low IQ clown? I openly talk to you and insult you while you insult me behind my back. That's the difference between a man and an oldie like you that is way past his expiration date.

I am not even going to throw a toilet paper at you since you are irrelevant if you stopped addressing me. Do you understand this or should I make it even more clear for you once and for all?
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