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U.S. pivot to Asia: How China Can Turn The Table

It not trade if your doing it illegally! Not paying royalties and taxes and just taking it to china to marketed as your own finish product. And your so called part of china was the one made up Vietnam was invade but fought back and won their freedom and your time Korea as well before and after Japan Invade it and Mongolia was invade by china and never was part of it but like Vietnam and Korea with little help she got her freedom back i hope soon East Turkmenistan and Tibet as for Education well if its your so called Patriotic Education revisionist no thank you!

Seriously dude, you're making yourself looking stupid. It's your prerogative to be stupid, I respect that.
Japan, Philippines and vietnam doesn't make up all Asia, even if you include India.

The real bully is India, how many princely state have you annexed into the union? Then name me any independant state that China had invaded?

Dude how many princely states do you know.
This thread makes no sense at all. China invading neighbours for land? Typical fan boy stuff. And as far as resource are concerned, you don't need to own a land to exploit its resources. Why are most resources today scattered across middle-east and Africa, but mined by US, Canadian, British, French, Russian, Chinese companies?

The Chinese are pretty patient in their plans. They'll not snatch the throne from the US in a night coup. Instead they'll wait it out, and the US knows it well. US navy's asia pivot is all about this. They want to provoke China in conflict while they have a more potent military. But soon US wouldn't be able to keep up, mostly because of its economy, and its navy will start to shrink in East-Asia. When that happens China will in my opinion try to take back Taiwan, and the US navy wouldn't dare to interfere. Its all about right timing. Thats what the US is fretting over.

I would paint the US-China relationship as of two athletes:
US is like an athlete running in the 1st position, losing its stamina. And watching the Chinese athlete in 2nd position gaining up to it. When the Chinese runner comes side by side, the US guy grabs the Chinese runner's shirt from his back to stumble him.

So the only chance the US has to keep its position is to engage China now, or it'll be too late. And thats why it is refocusing most its naval assets towards China now. Once the pacific command is beefed up, the next phase will be 'provocation'. US will try its best to engage China, even using false-flag tactics. But its all my opinion.
This thread makes no sense at all. China invading neighbours for land? Typical fan boy stuff. And as far as resource are concerned, you don't need to own a land to exploit its resources. Why are most resources today scattered across middle-east and Africa, but mined by US, Canadian, British, French, Russian, Chinese companies?

The Chinese are pretty patient in their plans. They'll not snatch the throne from the US in a night coup. Instead they'll wait it out, and the US knows it well. US navy's asia pivot is all about this. They want to provoke China in conflict while they have a more potent military. But soon US wouldn't be able to keep up, mostly because of its economy, and its navy will start to shrink in East-Asia. When that happens China will in my opinion try to take back Taiwan, and the US navy wouldn't dare to interfere. Its all about right timing. Thats what the US is fretting over.

I would paint the US-China relationship as of two athletes:
US is like an athlete running in the 1st position, losing its stamina. And watching the Chinese athlete in 2nd position gaining up to it. When the Chinese runner comes side by side, the US guy grabs the Chinese runner's shirt from his back to stumble him.

So the only chance the US has to keep its position is to engage China now, or it'll be too late. And thats why it is refocusing most its naval assets towards China now. Once the pacific command is beefed up, the next phase will be 'provocation'. US will try its best to engage China, even using false-flag tactics. But its all my opinion.

Good post, I agree with this view. Only thing I want to add - US is planning to:
- rearm Japan
- arm close allies like South Korea and Philippines
- arm traditional Russian allies like India and Vietnam and bring them closer to US led alliance
- beefing up presence in Australia
The main question is; WHY OCCUPY INDIA?

They have nothing good for the Chinese. They can only bring poverty, famine and political corruption.

Occupy India to keep the Indian Trolls under control !!!!

OP is entertainment to the core. Good read after a stressful day at work. :lol:

We learn one thing from the article --> Anti-China activist often make up stories about China.....putting words in China's mouth (for an example , this article)
No wonder all Asia considers China and its CCP as a bully nation and organisation.... just dreaming of conquering other nations

Don't be silly.....the article was written by a non-Chinese !!!

Japan, Philippines and vietnam doesn't make up all Asia, even if you include India.

The real bully is India, how many princely state have you annexed into the union? Then name me any independant state that China had invaded?

India the bully


Wow troublemaker typical chinamen comments oh well International law works for you people when its in your side but not when it is right and far and as for target well what's stooping you guys the last time anyone check my forefathers were kick you around the battles in the Korean war and the Japanese almost killed you guys off and only the allies save you from becoming extinct!

So stealing resources like in the Philippines (illegal black sand and precious metal resource mining) And so is in Africa does not count huh? as for independent nation try Tibet and East Turkmenistan and formally Vietnam and Korea, Mongolia to name a few

So you resort to use RACIST SLUR to win an argument ?????
This thread makes no sense at all. China invading neighbours for land? Typical fan boy stuff. And as far as resource are concerned, you don't need to own a land to exploit its resources. Why are most resources today scattered across middle-east and Africa, but mined by US, Canadian, British, French, Russian, Chinese companies?

The Chinese are pretty patient in their plans. They'll not snatch the throne from the US in a night coup. Instead they'll wait it out, and the US knows it well. US navy's asia pivot is all about this. They want to provoke China in conflict while they have a more potent military. But soon US wouldn't be able to keep up, mostly because of its economy, and its navy will start to shrink in East-Asia. When that happens China will in my opinion try to take back Taiwan, and the US navy wouldn't dare to interfere. Its all about right timing. Thats what the US is fretting over.

I would paint the US-China relationship as of two athletes:
US is like an athlete running in the 1st position, losing its stamina. And watching the Chinese athlete in 2nd position gaining up to it. When the Chinese runner comes side by side, the US guy grabs the Chinese runner's shirt from his back to stumble him.

So the only chance the US has to keep its position is to engage China now, or it'll be too late. And thats why it is refocusing most its naval assets towards China now. Once the pacific command is beefed up, the next phase will be 'provocation'. US will try its best to engage China, even using false-flag tactics. But its all my opinion.

Article was written by a non-Chinese to make China look bad
Deng sucks, China sucks as whole, too. No wonder that dingdong "peaceful rise" of China belongs to the past. Slowly we realize what some brain-dead Chinese forumers dream of, this "Chinese dream": fascism. What you need is some sorts of "provocations" of your opponents. Right?

How is about a Chinese version of Mukden Incident?
Our rise will be peaceful if you do not challenge us, period. Lastly, the hate on Vietnamese is mutual because your people hate us. It's fair game, my friend.

Wow troublemaker typical chinamen comments oh well International law works for you people when its in your side but not when it is right and far and as for target well what's stooping you guys the last time anyone check my forefathers were kick you around the battles in the Korean war and the Japanese almost killed you guys off and only the allies save you from becoming extinct!

So stealing resources like in the Philippines (illegal black sand and precious metal resource mining) And so is in Africa does not count huh? as for independent nation try Tibet and East Turkmenistan and formally Vietnam and Korea, Mongolia to name a few
Let be honest here, if we have the power of the US's navy, your ******* navy would not have the ball to arrest our fisherman right in our eyes; instead, your country would be licking our *** just as you are licking Uncle Sam's butthole.
Our rise will be peaceful if you do not challenge us, period. Lastly, the hate on Vietnamese is mutual because your people hate us. It's fair game, my friend.

Let be honest here, if we have the power of the US's navy, your ******* navy would not have the ball to arrest our fisherman right in our eyes; instead, your country would be licking our *** just as you are licking Uncle Sam's butthole.

US is what you dream of, but we're safe with them now...
So as a matter of fact, we prefer US, not you ..
And never want you were same power as US ... never ( China's rise as you described is the harm to humanity )

And US appreciate our will, so we would bond together
Maoist China is showing unnecessary agression and claiming land of its non-Muslim neighbors while forgetting that the same claims could be made about parts of China other than Tibet, East Turkestan, Hong Kong, Macau and many others.

this game of diverting attention from domestic rebellion was started by Mao and is being played by Chinese Maoists to remain in power. just help turn China to a true multi-party democracy and China will stop acting as bully.

The Chinese army soldiers are unlikely to obey orders of fat rich Maoists and get killed in any futile war with its non-Muslim neighbors.

The Chinese Maoists have caused much heartache not only in China but also in neighboring countries of China by forcing wars upon them like on Tibet, Soviet Union, India, Vietnam etc. Hence these war criminals should be hanged by international convention when democracy comes to China.
US is what you dream of, but we're safe with them now...
So as a matter of fact, we prefer US, not you ..
And never want you were same power as US ... never ( China's rise as you described is the harm to humanity )

And US appreciate our will, so we would bond together
LOL appreciate your will. Go learn about Agent Orange, the rape of Vietnam, and numerous sanction led by US to cripple your economy.

My Vietnam..ese friend, you might want to "rethink" about forming the Asian alliance with us at the helm or licking Western's *** for survival. It is your country choice. Our country will destine to control our fate. We are tired of being the slave of the West and will fight for Asia status and recognition on the world stage..
Seriously dude, you're making yourself looking stupid. It's your prerogative to be stupid, I respect that.

Not has much your kind has

Don't be silly.....the article was written by a non-Chinese !!!

India the bully


So you resort to use RACIST SLUR to win an argument ?????

Yes they stated it anyway
Our rise will be peaceful if you do not challenge us, period. Lastly, the hate on Vietnamese is mutual because your people hate us. It's fair game, my friend.

Let be honest here, if we have the power of the US's navy, your ******* navy would not have the ball to arrest our fisherman right in our eyes; instead, your country would be licking our *** just as you are licking Uncle Sam's butthole.

Wow nice one! Your country is not in the F position to tell us what to do! And so your kind! Your the problem here because you invade and parade your so called navy and fishing fleet to illegally fish in our waters and use illegal methods of fishing and now you wanna claim resources! What a jerk off you people are! Stealing from us is not a right! and trying to rationalized is even worse that for people who f calming they been wrong in the past you love to f people over with f up logic! stupid sounding my foot how imperialistic are you people you allies and your selfs must follow International law! by solving this problem in International forum its fare and just. If you people can't understand that its not our problem anymore you country has too.
LOL appreciate your will. Go learn about Agent Orange, the rape of Vietnam, and numerous sanction led by US to cripple your economy.

My Vietnam..ese friend, you might want to "rethink" about forming the Asian alliance with us at the helm or licking Western's *** for survival. It is your country choice. Our country will destine to control our fate. We are tired of being the slave of the West and will fight for Asia status and recognition on the world stage..

Do that.....but don't try to be a leader of Asians....

Asia has many large and ancient countries which don't have a very high opinion of China...
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