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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

Yes, I was talking of the Saudi people. Surveys suggest that most of them have negative or neutral feelings of USA. Only about 15% share positive impression, I read in a news report once.

This is despite the friendly policies of US towards SA. So my conclusion is the cause of hatred lies somewhere else.

Of course. But you see it depends on perspectives. Let me illustrate:

I would agree with you that most of the Islamic world views US as enemy because of its invaison of muslim countries. However, look at countries like Phillipines, vietnam, Japan, Korea, Canada, Mexico, Europe etc? Most of them view US as a liberator and their protector. Indeed, China would already have taken over phillipines and Japan had it not been for USA post vietnam war.

For Russia, it is like neutral. I can say about 70% of russians would view US as neutral or favorable.

And most of the people here ranting against US simply ignore one fact....

In 1991 US could have scrapped all international conventions and appropriated all the natural marine resources of the world to itself.US could park it's nave 5 miles away from a country's coastline and start fishing or drilling for Oil in it's EEZ......

Us is probably first superpower in history which rather than hegemonical appropriation of resources, set up global convention for at least partially just distribution........

In 19 century's superpowers would simply convert a resource rich country into a colony.
1. There is absolutely no factual basis of that. Most of the so-called "islamist" actions and goals are not supported by islam itself.
That was not the question. Please try again. But at least you demonstrated far more courage than the Islamists here. Or may be they are hiding their true selves.

And most of the people here ranting against US simply ignore one fact....

In 1991 US could have scrapped all international conventions and appropriated all the natural marine resources of the world to itself.US could park it's nave 5 miles away from a country's coastline and start fishing or drilling for Oil in it's EEZ......

Us is probably first superpower in history which rather than hegemonical appropriation of resources, set up global convention for at least partially just distribution........

In 19 century's superpowers would simply convert a resource rich country into a colony.
True. Colonies are usually kept in a semi-perpetual state of/with agricultural technology.
If whatever is 'radical' today becomes 'mainstream' tomorrow...

And if all South Americans become drug dealers, then, sure, Bogota would need to be nuked.

By invoking extreme hypotheticals, anything can be rationalized.

And yes, people are dancing around those excellent questions. YOU are afraid of them.

Afraid? Try contemptuous.

It would be sad enough if the usual Faux News crowd were debating it (and they do), but for an official US military course to promote the notion is beyond the pale.

Once again, you will NOT see a course at JFSC about nuking Kinshasa or Capetown in response to Somali pirates.

In my opinion, just about EVERYONE here who anonymously railed against this imam for this fatwa, or that imam for that fatwa, will sit silent like a chastised schoolboy if they are ever in the presence of those imams and their supporters.

Open an appropriate thread if you want to rail about the standard canard of alleged Muslim silence against radicals. That silliness had been refuted enough times, but it never stops being used when people run out of talking points.
That was not the question. Please try again. But at least you demonstrated far more courage than the Islamists here. Or may be they are hiding their true selves.

That is because the so called "islamists" don't know jack about what is in the book of guidance ie. Koran. They follow the extremist scholars and become radicalized through various form of brainwashing.

"What is the factual basis of what "Islamists" say they seek to impose on the world?

If that meant imposing so called "sharia" laws, killing all infidels etc. then i can assure you there is no factual basis of that. Such intentions are neither supported by the Koran nor are they possible after all.

And most of the people here ranting against US simply ignore one fact....

In 1991 US could have scrapped all international conventions and appropriated all the natural marine resources of the world to itself.US could park it's nave 5 miles away from a country's coastline and start fishing or drilling for Oil in it's EEZ......

Us is probably first superpower in history which rather than hegemonical appropriation of resources, set up global convention for at least partially just distribution........

In 19 century's superpowers would simply convert a resource rich country into a colony.

True. While people perceive US actions as "unfair'' and "hegemonic" they forget what the former powers did. The british, Spanish, italians, dutch colonised the entire world and imposed their own will, traditions, values and norms over the world.

US is relatively far better if you ask me.
3. Self destruction would occur automatically: according to the dialectic conflict theory. You see, at present muslims are killing muslims in Iraq and elsewhere. Over time the fi.lth would be cleaned by a natural process and original true islam based on Koran would prevail.

It is very likely that Islam will survive only in the West over the long term.
That is because the so called "islamists" don't know jack about what is in the book of guidance ie. Koran. They follow the extremist scholars and become radicalized through various form of brainwashing.

"What is the factual basis of what "Islamists" say they seek to impose on the world?

If that meant imposing so called "sharia" laws, killing all infidels etc. then i can assure you there is no factual basis of that. Such intentions are neither supported by the Koran nor are they possible after all.
That was not the question...Here it is again...

1. What is the factual basis of what "Islamists" say they seek to impose on the world?
My take is that the questioner is asking 'How true is it that there are Islamists who want to wage a total war with a high religious component to it upon the non-Islamic world'?
This was an elective course that was taught in the Joint Professional Military Education II (JPME II) curriculum at Joint Forces Staff College (JFSC). When concerns were raised by a student and thus brought to the notice of the military leadership, the course in question was suspended. The elective course, entitled called “Perspectives on Islam and Islamic Radicalism” was eight weeks long and met weekly when in session. The course has been taught to some US military students at JFSC since 2004 and is conducted five times a year. The course has been suspended pending the results of a preliminary inquiry of course content and materials to ensure that they meet the mission of the college and are in keeping with Department of Defense policies regarding professional military education. A determination on the future of the course will be made at that point. Till then we should refrain from making any judgments.

I would like to point out here that the United States is not at war with Islam or Muslims. Our war is against any terrorists who are aiming to kill innocents and disturb world peace. There are many Muslims serving in all facets of society in the United States including the US government and the military. President Obama, while addressing Muslims all over the world from Al-Azhar in Cairo,said, “I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles – principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.” We still strongly stand by our President’s statements.

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

if the American establishment felt there was nothing why was this course suspended? Its funny that some supposed Americans here do not accept that there is something odd or wrong in running this course when the American establishment deemed it sufficiently politically incorrect to suspend it.
That was not the question...Here it is again...

My take is that the questioner is asking 'How true is it that there are Islamists who want to wage a total war with a high religious component to it upon the non-Islamic world'?

Correctomundo. It appears to be very true, and they drew first blood too.

if the American establishment felt there was nothing why was this course suspended?..........

It has been suspended pending completion of an investigation. That is simply due process at work.
And if all South Americans become drug dealers, then, sure, Bogota would need to be nuked.

By invoking extreme hypotheticals, anything can be rationalized.
The current situation in Mexico is urging ordinary Americans to examine Mexico in unpleasant light given the fact that the Mexican government is resorting to quasi-military measures to keep the drug cartels under control. Escalation to military measures are ALWAYS an option when threats to a state also escalate. So it is not as extreme as you would like, after all, Osama bin Laden believed in one such 'extreme'. So do many here who believe that the US is attacking muslims for oil, for another Crusade, or for colonialism.

Afraid? Try contemptuous.

It would be sad enough if the usual Faux News crowd were debating it (and they do), but for an official US military course to promote the notion is beyond the pale.
Too bad I cannot bring on the Pakistani or muslim version of Fox News. But wait...Because they do not exist? Now that is a laugh...:lol:

Once again, you will NOT see a course at JFSC about nuking Kinshasa or Capetown in response to Somali pirates.
No need to.

Open an appropriate thread if you want to rail about the standard canard of alleged Muslim silence against radicals. That silliness had been refuted enough times, but it never stops being used when people run out of talking points.
Only in your mind that it has been refuted. But if you want to talk about using ridiculous talking points, may be you should look at your own regarding Fox News.

if the American establishment felt there was nothing why was this course suspended? Its funny that some supposed Americans here do not accept that there is something odd or wrong in running this course when the American establishment deemed it sufficiently politically incorrect to suspend it.
That is what you missed, that it is only out of political correctness...
The roots of the present day conflict are in the Israeli occupation of Jerusalum and American support to Israel , thats where it all starts from , rest is all spill over from that source. Our country has been turned into battle ground by wealthy Jews and Arabs , there is a lot of truth in this.
It is very likely that Islam will survive only in the West over the long term.

I wouldn't dispute that. Rest assured, most Muslims who live in the secular countries like Russia and west: those which are considered "infidel nations" by radical muslims live far better life than what they would in their home country. It can also be argued that Koranic values and ideals are more upheld by US' legal values rather than many "muslim" governments across the world.

That is what you missed, that it is only out of political correctness...

............. in the startup to a sure-to-be-bitter campaign for Presidential elections. This is only one of the many shots that will bubble up.
Dev was moved to comment on the following thread that:

"The Ambassador is just whining. If anyone refuses to swallow the official US govt. version of anything, they are anti-American.

This silly childish tantrum is so severe, even American citizens are not immune from its effects. Anyone who questions the US government is an unpatriotic 'terrist' sympathizer.

Whilst the American Ambassador was whining about Pakistanis being unsympathetic in their own schools towards American policy they themselves were teaching the destruction of Islam and its holy sites. Now that is what America is about these days duplicitous and double standards and then they or should I say neo Americans on this site are surprised that they are condemned for this

ISLAMABAD: A leaked US diplomatic cable says that senior Pakistani military officers are taught anti-American courses at a prestigious defence university in the heart of the capital.

The cable, published in Dawn newspaper on Wednesday and obtained by WikiLeaks, is likely to fan concerns about loyalties within the military after Osama bin Laden was found living in a garrison city, possibly for years.

Then US ambassador to Islamabad, Anne Patterson, wrote the cable in late 2008 in reference to the National Defence University in Islamabad.

Pakistan officially allied with the United States after the September 11, 2001 attacks in its war on the Taliban and al-Qaida, but has long been accused of playing a double game in supporting Islamist militant networks.

"Lecturers often 'teach' their students information that is heavily biased against the United States," she wrote.

Instructors, she said, "often had misperceptions about US policies and culture and infused their lectures with these suspicions".

She said some students shared those "misconceptions" despite sending their children to study in Britain and the United States.

In contrast, "students and instructors were adamant in their approval of all things Chinese," she wrote.

Cash-strapped Pakistan has relied on $18 billion from the United States since the September 11, 2001 attacks, when Pakistan officially ended support for Afghanistan's Taliban and agreed to work with Washington.

Patterson was left recommending increased opportunities for colonels and brigadiers "receiving biased NDU training" to hear alternative views of the United States and for an exchange programme for instructors.

Pakistan's military leaders were humiliated by the discovery that the head of al-Qaida, the world's most-wanted man had been living, possibly for years, near the country's top military academy two hours' drive from Islamabad.

That was not the question...Here it is again...

My take is that the questioner is asking 'How true is it that there are Islamists who want to wage a total war with a high religious component to it upon the non-Islamic world'?

That would be true in case of bigoted extremists. However, i think you are generalizing there. People who harbor such a mentality do not compose the majority of muslims, however, the media loves to give them undue attention to vilify Islam in general.
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