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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

Even with its fault USA is probably the most benign and just superpower world has seen..............

Last one including British and Romans before them were much more unjust.......

Oh come of it sycophantic Indian (and I know there are many of you out there) Can you imagine if the course was about eliminating Hindus of this earth?

Don't even try justifying what is unjustifiable
I find it interesting that the only two "Americans" trying to defend this course run by American is a Vietnamese and Pakistani American.

Are you guys trying to prove your loyalties to America by being more Americans than Americans to justify your loyalties. Cos methinks the lady doth complaineth too much
That is because you have a difficult time with your small mind to see how ideologies can unite different peoples behind the US flag. But oddly enough, you will 'Praise be to Allah' all day long if a convert does the same for Islam. May be I should go 'Praise be to Jesus'?
But tell US, how many muslims are outraged that madrassas are being used to indoctrinate young muslim minds to hate US and Jews?

Well I think that is wrong but bear in mind these were with American approval funded by Saudis. It is American and Sauds fault for not assisting Pakistan to close these. Oh and do not forget these schools you are referring to are not state sponsored
That is because you have a difficult time with your small mind to see how ideologies can unite different peoples behind the US flag. But oddly enough, you will 'Praise be to Allah' all day long if a convert does the same for Islam. May be I should go 'Praise be to Jesus'?

Oh yea it seems logical what you are doing after what Americans did to Vietnam. I think you and Cheng are victims of Stockholm Syndrome. Your support of American policies leading to significant killing of your own people does not seem rational to me
what the guy taught is reprehensible and will be dealt with.

Thank you, Thomas.

As usual, the actual American military guy understands why this course was a bad idea, unlike the armchair warrior apologists rationalizing the course and diverting into all sort of irrelevant topics.

The issue here is NOT whether the US/Israel/Martians can nuke this, that or the other. The issue is NOT the economics of global oil trade, and it is NOT about Pakistan.

The issue here is the mindset that views collective punishment (of Muslims) as a viable option in a 'Total War on Islam'. The issue here is the US military considering the viability of abandoning the Geneva Conventions and deliberately targeting Muslim civilian centers in response to terrorist activity. The issue here is what message does it send to rank and file soldiers when they see their superiors view the conflict as a 'Total War on Islam'.

Once again, to repeat the analogy, it is UNTHINKABLE that the US military would even consider nuking random African cities in response to Somalian piracy. Or nuking Bogota or Sao Paolo as part of the drug war, regardless of what the drug lords did.
Oh come of it sycophantic Indian (and I know there are many of you out there) Can you imagine if the course was about eliminating Hindus of this earth?

Don't even try justifying what is unjustifiable

I won't even care.....

Your countrymen rant about it on TV everyday which i have came to know only after joining this forum...........

And isn't ideology of Pakistani army since days of Zia based on Jihad.....

anyway i should add that getting upset over such a thing is one's right.Just don't go overboard doing it.
Oh come of it sycophantic Indian (and I know there are many of you out there) Can you imagine if the course was about eliminating Hindus of this earth?

Don't even try justifying what is unjustifiable
We do not see throngs of Hindus chanting 'Death to America'.

Oh yea it seems logical what you are doing after what Americans did to Vietnam. I think you and Cheng are victims of Stockholm Syndrome. Your support of American policies leading to significant killing of your own people does not seem rational to me
Whenever I see that, I know the person has no arguments left. :lol:
Oh yea it seems logical what you are doing after what Americans did to Vietnam. I think you and Cheng are victims of Stockholm Syndrome. Your support of American policies leading to significant killing of your own people does not seem rational to me

Read history.There was south vietnam also......................
Without going ballistic by the needless rhetoric, please try to see the three important questions:

1. What is the factual basis of what "Islamists" say they seek to impose on the world?

2. Does present-day Islam as is being practiced need to change, and if so, how?

3. If it does not change, how can forces in opposition seek its self-destruction?

I see that everyone is avoiding the questions posed by Dooley's course. What if his questions come up with really uncomfortable answers?
There was south vietnam also
Do not mind him. Such historical inconveniences...:lol:

I see that everyone is avoiding the questions posed by Dooley's course. What if his questions come up with really uncomfortable answers?
You mean dancing around the questions like this...

I see that everyone is avoiding the questions posed by Dooley's course. What if his questions come up with really uncomfortable answers?

Nobody's avoiding the questions because the premise is flawed. If you would give your petty grandstanding a rest and indulge in basic logic, you would see that he presupposes the exact premise which we are debating.

He starts talking about 'radical Islam' and silently switches to 'Islam must reform'. In case your logic circuits are overtaxed, he is equating 'radical Islam' with 'mainstream Islam' and suggesting that mainstream Islam condones terrorism.

He is openly advocating a total war on Islam -- all 1.4 billion Muslims. This is in direct contradiction to the statements of the US administration and senior officials. Either Dooley is off his rocker, or the US administration is lying.
America has done nothing hostile to KSA because the Saudi leadership and country is in their pocket exactly how they want them

Yes, I was talking of the Saudi people. Surveys suggest that most of them have negative or neutral feelings of USA. Only about 15% share positive impression, I read in a news report once.

This is despite the friendly policies of US towards SA. So my conclusion is the cause of hatred lies somewhere else.

Nope on my part I dislike America because their action around the world are unjust

Of course. But you see it depends on perspectives. Let me illustrate:

I would agree with you that most of the Islamic world views US as enemy because of its invaison of muslim countries. However, look at countries like Phillipines, vietnam, Japan, Korea, Canada, Mexico, Europe etc? Most of them view US as a liberator and their protector. Indeed, China would already have taken over phillipines and Japan had it not been for USA post vietnam war.

For Russia, it is like neutral. I can say about 70% of russians would view US as neutral or favorable.
Nobody's avoiding the questions because the premise is flawed. If you would give your petty grandstanding a rest and indulge in basic logic, you would see that he presupposes the exact premise which we are debating.

He starts talking about 'radical Islam' and silently switches to 'Islam must reform'. In case your logic circuits are overtaxed, he is equating 'radical Islam' with 'mainstream Islam'.
If whatever is 'radical' today becomes 'mainstream' tomorrow...And yes, people are dancing around those excellent questions. YOU are afraid of them. In my opinion, just about EVERYONE here who anonymously railed against this imam for this fatwa, or that imam for that fatwa, will sit silent like a chastised schoolboy if they are ever in the presence of those imams and their supporters.
Without going ballistic by the needless rhetoric, please try to see the three important questions:

1. What is the factual basis of what "Islamists" say they seek to impose on the world?

2. Does present-day Islam as is being practiced need to change, and if so, how?

3. If it does not change, how can forces in opposition seek its self-destruction?

1. There is absolutely no factual basis of that. Most of the so-called "islamist" actions and goals are not supported by islam itself.

2. Yes it needs to change. Back to the original book ie. Koran and ignore all Hadiths. Koranic codes and arguments are just, logical and encourages progress whereas most Hadith arguments are contradictory, illogical and barbaric. eg. Koran never supports suicide bombing, killing, oppression of women, stoning to death, burka, headcover, terrorism etc. These are barbaric laws whose sources are in fabrications in the form of hadiths. Going back to the original book would solve all religious divisions, bigotry and extremism. The same form of islam would be followed that was followed during the glorious period of Islam (first 300 years) before "hadiths'' were invented.

3. Self destruction would occur automatically: according to the dialectic conflict theory. You see, at present muslims are killing muslims in Iraq and elsewhere. Over time the fi.lth would be cleaned by a natural process and original true islam based on Koran would prevail.
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