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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

Absolutely incorrect. If Pakistan had the ability to attack the US with nuclear weapons, it would certainly be doing so, precisely because a majority of its people (and increasingly its military too) view the US was an 'infidel Satan'. (Witness your own words in many threads, and many of the posts that you have thanked.)
Absolutely incorrect - if Pakistan had the ability to target the US with nuclear weapons, the US-Pak relationship would not be at the levels it is at currently, since the US would not have taken as many illegal and hostile actions against Pakistan, and anti-US sentiment in Pakistan would subsequently have been lower.

The anti-Americanism in Pakistan (leaving out the religious extremists) derives predominantly from the hostile anti-Pakistan policies the US Establishment has followed over the last few decades.
Dude you need to let it go. The reality is your greatest enemy. You conveniently overlook the fact ONE nation is powerful enough to fight TWO wars simultaneously on the other side of the world in landlocked countries. All the while running Air sorties in Libya, and drone missions in Pakistan, yemen, somalia.

How many countries can do that?

Your country cant sustain a war longer than a week.

So our country cant sustain a war longer than week, yet you blame us for giving you sleepless night in afghanistan for over 10 years :azn:

If americans want to fight against Islam , they can bring it , we will given them 1000 years of sleep less night .. Insha Allah
Do not worry we got enough for India and Israel.

Yes but lets face it HQ is in Tel Aviv. TA through Aipac has subverted American democracy and now controls America. So we in Pakistan could flatten TA. There you go.

Also the effect of 100 odd nukes going off on this planet there is a good chance it will destroy the earth as we know it. So American will be a pyrrhic victory if that

what the guy taught is reprehensible and will be dealt with. that aside 100 nukes would not destroy the world. the US alone has detonated over 1000 nukes since 1945. The Soviets detonated even more untill the both sides signed the test ban treaty. Hundreds of those tests were above ground.
Absolutely incorrect - if Pakistan had the ability to target the US with nuclear weapons, the US-Pak relationship would not be at the levels it is at currently, since the US would not have taken as many illegal and hostile actions against Pakistan, and anti-US sentiment in Pakistan would subsequently have been lower.

The anti-Americanism in Pakistan (leaving out the religious extremists) derives predominantly from the hostile anti-Pakistan policies the US Establishment has followed over the last few decades.

That is not correct. Take for example saudi arabian. US has not done any hostile action towards SA so far or has not treated it the way like pakistan. Yet, statistics show that a large % of people hate the United States.What do you have to say about that?

As I said here, the hatred from pakistan side stems from animosity towards Zionists. US' hostile actions have increased the hatred but is not the source of it.

It is much like the Muslim-Jew hatred. Most muslims hate jews because they have been indoctrinated to do so by various religious clerics. Even if Israel had offered numerous peace plans in the past, this animosity towards Jews meant that they were not accepted. You may argue about the settlements and other factors, but the hatred is still there and cannot be denied. Perhaps the same would apply to most Jews towards muslims.

So, as the Jews now share a good relationship with USA, muslims consider USA as a great adversary as well. So, I do not think most of pakistan soldiers would hate US just because of its perceived unfair treatment of pakistan, but because of this hatred which actually stems from the hatred of Jews, translated to hatred for Jew's supporters which is USA. Add to that the conspiracy theories of Israeli lobby, US, Zionist conspiracy etc being propagated everywhere. A simple search on google insights and youtube stats would prove that muslims and pakistan people are the fondest of these conspiracy theories.

Similarly, in case of US, since 9/11, Muslims were projected as an eternal enemy of the western civilization who wants to destroy the west by suicide bombing and terror attacks etc. Whether that is possible or not is a different issue but that is the image which media created. Now US military officers and everyone became affected by these psy-ops and their hatred is because of the hidden animosity towards Muslims created by the media, rather than the perceived heedlessness of pakistan towards war on terror.

what the guy taught is reprehensible and will be dealt with. that aside 100 nukes would not destroy the world. the US alone has detonated over 1000 nukes since 1945. The Soviets detonated even more untill the both sides signed the test ban treaty. Hundreds of those tests were above ground.

Those puny 50 kT nukes aren't even enough to destroy each other let alone the world. Especially India would still have significant economic and military capability after being nuked by the other.

if it was that easy for the americans to destroy Islam , they would have done so by now

Americans burned The Holy Quran on an afghan base but after getting shot in their *** a few times , they went into hiding and begged for an apology but if they do an attack on Makkah and Madina , they will be shot millions of times and no apology or pacification will work, you can be rest assured of this.

I know for sure that in the aftermath of such an event , in Pakistan and Afghansitan , no american will be spared come what may

I can understand you emotions, but the reality is that muslims are completely at the mercy of US/russia and all major powers. Cussing won't change the reality. You won't be able to do anything if they decide to nuke Mecca/Medina. Your only option would be to rebuild them.
Instead of talking about hypotheticals, I want to point out specifically the conclusions of Dooley's course:

"Given the factual basis of what "Islamists" say they seek to impose on the world, the United States has come to accept that radical "true Islam" is both a political and military enemy to free people throughout the world.... It is therefore time for the United States to make our true intentions clear. This barbaric ideology will no longer be tolerated. Islam must change or we will facilitate its self destruction."

Without going ballistic by the needless rhetoric, please try to see the three important questions:

1. What is the factual basis of what "Islamists" say they seek to impose on the world?

2. Does present-day Islam as is being practiced need to change, and if so, how?

3. If it does not change, how can forces in opposition seek its self-destruction?
Absolutely incorrect - if Pakistan had the ability to target the US with nuclear weapons, the US-Pak relationship would not be at the levels it is at currently, since the US would not have taken as many illegal and hostile actions against Pakistan, and anti-US sentiment in Pakistan would subsequently have been lower.

The anti-Americanism in Pakistan (leaving out the religious extremists) derives predominantly from the hostile anti-Pakistan policies the US Establishment has followed over the last few decades.
Speculative at best. We can also argue that from the fact that Osama bin Laden hid among Pakistanis for so long, even living so close to a major Pakistani military establishment, perhaps this hypothetical nuclear powerful Pakistan would be 'The One' muslim power to lead an Islamic revival, a revival that is led a nuclear sword?

So our country cant sustain a war longer than week, yet you blame us for giving you sleepless night in afghanistan for over 10 years
That is because Afghanistan is fortunate that we do not want to destroy Afghanistan but to preserve it and turn it into something else it was not. Whether we succeed or not is not the issue, but by that intention and goal, we exercised military restraints in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

If americans want to fight against Islam , they can bring it , we will given them 1000 years of sleep less night .. Insha Allah
No...Allah will not be so willing.
That is not correct. Take for example saudi arabian. US has not done any hostile action towards SA so far or has not treated it the way like pakistan. Yet, statistics show that a large % of people hate the United States.What do you have to say about that?

America has done nothing hostile to KSA because the Saudi leadership and country is in their pocket exactly how they want them

As I said here, the hatred from pakistan side stems from animosity towards Zionists. US' hostile actions have increased the hatred but is not the source of it.

Nope on my part I dislike America because their action around the world are unjust
Yes, against other States and specific targets that could potentially pose a threat to the State, and not against an entire 'peoples based on their religion/race'.
Why not? The Crusades were composed of disparate nationalities of Christendom. Al-Qaeda's membership roll, convenient or not, composed of disparate nationalities of the Islamic world. So why is it improbable/impossible than a Cold War style tension can exist between the two?
Those puny 50 kT nukes aren't even enough to destroy each other let alone the world. Especially India would still have significant economic and military capability after being nuked by the other.


You can speculate they would not cause any damage. I can speculate the opposite. But I think neither of us would want to find out.
Instead of talking about hypotheticals, I want to point out specifically the conclusions of Dooley's course:

Without going ballistic by the needless rhetoric, please try to see the three important questions:

1. What is the factual basis of what "Islamists" say they seek to impose on the world?

2. Does present-day Islam as is being practiced need to change, and if so, how?

3. If it does not change, how can forces in opposition seek its self-destruction?
Excellent questions. I look forward to seeing their evasions.

if it was that easy for the americans to destroy Islam , they would have done so by now

Americans burned The Holy Quran on an afghan base but after getting shot in their *** a few times , they went into hiding and begged for an apology but if they do an attack on Makkah and Madina , they will be shot millions of times and no apology or pacification will work, you can be rest assured of this.

I know for sure that in the aftermath of such an event , in Pakistan and Afghansitan , no american will be spared come what may
You are lucky that political correctness is one such restraint of many restraints, military and philosophical, that we put upon ourselves. Else...
In any event we are all starting to go somewhat off topic.

There can be no excuse for having this kind of course at any type o educational establishment. If Pakistani military schools taught destruction of America or all Jews they would be accused of being taken over and or infiltrated by terrorists. In fact there was some complaints from Americans that courses were being run by PA for officers that were simply anti American and did not even compare to this outrage by Americans

Excellent questions. I look forward to seeing their evasions.

You are lucky that political correctness is one such restraint of many restraints, military and philosophical, that we put upon ourselves. Else...

No its not its an attempt to go of topic and blame the would be recipient victims
Nope on my part I dislike America because their action around the world are unjust

Even with its fault USA is probably the most benign and just superpower world has seen..............

Last one including British and Romans before them were much more unjust.......
I find it interesting that the only two "Americans" trying to defend this course run by American is a Vietnamese and Pakistani American.

Are you guys trying to prove your loyalties to America by being more Americans than Americans to justify your loyalties. Cos methinks the lady doth complaineth too much
In any event we are all starting to go somewhat off topic.
No, we are not. These questions/issues are foundational to the main topic.

There can be no excuse for having this kind of course at any type o educational establishment. If Pakistani military schools taught destruction of America or all Jews they would be accused of being taken over and or infiltrated by terrorists. In fact there was some complaints from Americans that courses were being run by PA for officers that were simply anti American and did not even compare to this outrage by Americans
Do you really care that if military schools are involved? But tell US, how many muslims are outraged that madrassas are being used to indoctrinate young muslim minds to hate US and Jews?
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