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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

It is not just a perception: Militant Islamic fundamentalism, and the terrorism it has already spawned, is a real threat to all of modern civilization as most countries would know it, not just the West.

Actually, Pakistan is one of the biggest sufferer due to Islamic fundamentalism herself. As per statistics, already 100,000+ lives have been lost due to insurgency and civil war.

This is a little perplexing because most Pakistan people like to blame the west for war against Islamic fundamentalism when they are themselves one of the biggest victims of the ideology.
.Actually, Pakistan is one of the biggest sufferer due to Islamic fundamentalism herself. As per statistics, already 100,000+ lives have been lost due to insurgency and civil war.

This is a little perplexing because most Pakistan people like to blame the west for war against Islamic fundamentalism when they are themselves one of the biggest victims of the ideology.

It is not perplexing at all; the elite have refined the use of the foreign bogeyman concept to a fine art to keep the people's attention diverted from the real issues that blight their lives and rob them of a better future.
I specifically said that the US administration decides whom the US military engages as targets. Where do drug users come into this?
YOU brought them in with the drug cartels. Panama was a US ally. But Noriega was THE Head of State of that ally. He was no mere corrupt politician in the pay of the Panamanian crime syndicate. His position and status as Head of State allow the Panamanian organized crime to ignore, not merely fear, any laws inside that state. This is no longer incompetence but deliberate and it is beyond the capability of any law enforcement, local or even national, to deal with heads of states. So if you insist that the US military take actions against the drug cartels, then it is only logical that the US military must take actions against internal drug users as well.

They are both threats to national security and they both fit the prerequisites of Dooley's drastic action. Those are the salient issues.
Wrong. The drug cartels are threats to national security in the sense that they will use their organizations to facilitate Islamic terrorism, just as we once feared that they would do the same for communist terrorism. But as far as the illegal hallucinogenic substances go, if the US declare them legal, that problem would go away. We cannot do the same for Islamic terrorism. These vital differences that you must ignore in order to condemn the contents of Dooley's presentation.

I really enjoy watching you squirm every time you try to drag Pakistan into the discussion. I truly do!
No, you fear it. You know that what I said is true. Even your own countrymen here admitted it.

Please read what I wrote about circular arguments and (false) a priori assumptions. Show us where in Dooley's course he waits for Muslims to 'declare total war' before triggering his retaliation.
See slide 7.

How exactly does a politically, culturally and ethnically diverse group of 1.4 billion people 'declare total war' anyway?
See Al-Qaeda's followers. See where they came from? See those 'lone wolfs' attempts at terrorism inside the US. Did you miss that one of them was Pakistani-American? What origin is US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan?

He probably would have, and there is a non-zero probability that someone may still. How does that justify nuking Mecca? How will nuking Mecca solve the problem of terrorism?
Does not solve it. It would be a retaliation. That is how war works. Currently, there are two states that are capable of waging a religious nuclear war on US: Iran and Pakistan. Deal with it.
So if you insist that the US military take actions against the drug cartels, then it is only logical that the US military must take actions against internal drug users as well.

Since you seem to have trouble differentiating between drug lords and drug users, it's understandable you should get confused.

Or, more likely, you are hunting for another strawman as usual...

Wrong. The drug cartels are threats to national security in the sense that they will use their organizations to facilitate Islamic terrorism, just as we once feared that they would do the same for communist terrorism. But as far as the illegal hallucinogenic substances go, if the US declare them legal, that problem would go away. We cannot do the same for Islamic terrorism. These vital differences that you must ignore in order to condemn the contents of Dooley's pd resentation.

No, what matters are the characteristics that Dooley uses for his scenario. This is not a comparison of random, myriad characteristics, but only the ones relevant to the discussion here, i.e. Dooley's course.

I already listed the parallels. Drug cartels target American civilians, terrorize large groups of people, operate in and control vast areas of sovereign countries, and do not follow Geneva Conventions. They are already considered a threat to national security (quite apart from any links to AQ types).

No, you fear it. You know that what I said is true. Even your own countrymen here admitted it.

The issue is not whether something is allegedly true or not, but whether it is relevant to the discussion.

See slide 7.

All he says is that if moderate Islam cannot control terrorism, then... As I pointed out earlier, this is SOP #1 for bigots to justify their prejudice. I urge you to educate yourself about the history of race relations in the US, for example, to understand that Dooley's arguments are old, hackneyed tricks of bigotry.

For people familiar with the history of race relations, Dooley's poison is nothing new or original. That is why he US administration took action on his course, not because of any 'political correctness' pressure.

See Al-Qaeda's followers. See where they came from? See those 'lone wolfs' attempts at terrorism inside the US. Did you miss that one of them was Pakistani-American? What origin is US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan?

And, again, how does that translate to 1.4 billion people 'declaring total war'?

Does not solve it. It would be a retaliation. That is how war works.

Not at all. War does not involve deliberate collective punishment. At least, according to the established rules of war in Geneva, it's not supposed to. As a signatory, the US is expected to behave by international norms.

Of course, the whole debate here is that Dooley wants to do away with the Geneva Conventions. And some of you here are defending that course of action.
First they manipulated the public opinion in America with explicit propaganda against Muslims and now they are preparing their military to attack Muslim world. America is overtly leading a 21st century crusade war against Islam, though this time, these ''Kaafir Crusaders'' have concocted bundle of excuses to conceal their true intentions. A storm is brewing and the Muslim world must gear up ASAP.
First they manipulated the public opinion in America with explicit propaganda against Muslims and now they are preparing their military to attack Muslim world. America is overtly leading a 21st century crusade war against Islam, though this time, these ''Kaafir Crusaders'' have concocted bundle of excuses to conceal their true intentions. A storm is brewing and the Muslim world must gear up ASAP.
Oh yeah...And this manipulation of public opinion is certainly the first in the world. :lol: The muslim countries do not engage in such at all. No, sir. All are transparent to the public. Absolutely. So I guess those 'Death to America' rallies are true expressed sentiments of the muslims. Damn good declarations of war, I say.
that I agree with.. but the officer himself wished for it.. and propagated it..and that ideology was transmitted to all his students ..some of whom may adapt it.
somewhat like a seminary where terrorism was being taught in the lieu of religious teachings with the authorities not having a clue about it till it till much later.

Ill state it as my belief that the US at its core is NOT, NEVER going to be at war with Islam since Islam is a part of the American foundation..
But there are Americans that have decided to take up a war on Islam.. just as Islamic extremists(much more in number) have done on the other side.

Some people make this comment just to partake of a success story. It remains completely false.

Islam has nothing to do with American or Western foundation. Thought it has everything to do with the foundations of the likes of Saudi, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and all.

What exactly is Islamic about USA which was explicitly based on Judo-Christian value system and Greco-Roman civilization heritage?
Depends on the cause..
Suicide is not an option.. but when it comes to protecting the religion.. and not that distorted version taught to these fanatics.. but the original message best understood...
yes.. Ill probably sacrifice myself before I have had the chance to have children.
Against all aggressors.. be it even from a seminary 50km from my house.

A lot many make these comments.

On anonymous forums!

And leave it at that. Perhaps that is enough?

depends on the value of lives..
The deterrence is just that..
The Israelis fight for each life they call their own..
On the other hand.. Pakistanis hold little value for life when it comes to religion...whats losing 50 million when such a catastrophe has occurred.

I always thought you had no issues with such things!

After all, you and your fellow Islamic travelers make light and fun of what the barbaric Islamic invaders did to the worship places of Pakistanis' ancestors.

Some examples here, including by you.

Somnath ka Mandir jiss ne bhi tora..
paise aap ki jaib se katien ge :woot:

Havent you heard of the "somnath ka mandir" thing?
After all.. It hurts more when you hear someone from your soil tell you contrary to something you believe in than it hurts when somebody from outside says it so..
I wont get irked if some stranger starts saying I look like a goof.. but it sure will hurt if my brother says so.

Dil sa Desi kay ly:

Education board's chairman visit to a village high school. He goes to ninth standard and ask a question:
Chairman: Somnat ka mandir kis na torra?
Student: Allah di kasmy ma ni torya.
Teacher (Apni stick uthaty huvy): OO jay tu torya ay manda kyun ni?

(All three of them goes to the principal)

Chairman to Principal: Twady school cy kisi nu pata hi ni k somnath ka mandir kis na tora
Principal: Sir 1 ganta(Hour) do ma pata kara dyna a k kis na a harkat kiti ay.

Chairman went back and wrote a letter to education board and explain the situation that no one knows k somnath ka mandir kis na tora. After few days a letter was received by the principal from Eucation board which states:

"Sanu vi ni pata k somnath da mandir kiny torya pr udi bharwai twadi tankhawa wicho hoi gi"

For those who don't speak Hindi, these jokes are making fun of the destruction of the famous and highly revered Hindu temple of Somnath in Gujrat. At that time, the vast majority in the areas now called Pakistan (and Afghanistan) were following Dharmic religion.

They are enjoying Islamic bravery and piety!

One would think they will take the new happening with the same sporting spirit! No? ;)

May be joke like: "Kaaba ka masjid jisne bhi tora, jurmana tujhe hi bharana hoga"!

(Whoever broke the kaaba mosque, you will have to pay the fine).

Or is it going to be different this time with the (supposed) destruction of these structures (buts or statues in a way)?

One thought structures were just like buts or statues and had nothing to do with Islam! Is that not so with these structures?

And you are supposed to be (and are) from the "moderate" group. You don't mind 50 million killed for these structures while you make fun of the destruction of others by your holy warriors!

It is just that what passes for a "moderate" in your cultural milieu is different from the rest of the world.
Its interesting to note that the presentation starts with 'So what can we do?' which seems to indicate that they have run out of options and all the weapons that they have been using till now have not got them the result they wanted!

This is is implicit acceptance of defeat!

Narrow minded people like you can never accept the reality. The only reason the US has "lost" in Iraq and Afghanistan is that they are good people and want these countries to prosper and bring normal lives to people in these countries. If by "victory" , you mean exterminating the population of a country , US could have done it within a few minutes. At the height of cold war (1966) , US had about 32000 nuclear warheads , most of them multimegaton. Now the theoretical number is around 2000 , but you can bet it is much more than that. Iraq , Afghanistan can be vaporised this instance if the US wants , and they have nothing to fight back with. Pakistan is the only muslim country with nukes , not to mention they are crude nukes with an yeild of about 50kt. Your most advanced missile , Shaheen 2 or 3 , i'm not sure, has a range of about 2000-2500km , It cannot reach the furthest part of India ( Andaman and Nicobar islands) , let alone the US. Even if this missile gets Supernatural powers and reaches the US, it will probably be destroyed by a defence sheild.
"I know u & ur frnds r fighting for American dream, just,, don't expect to win..."
Following TV episode was aired on April-2001, it depicted 911 scenario, & few months later coincidentally movie scenario became real ,,, !!!
The Lone Gunmen Pilot - 9/11 Predictive Programming - YouTube
Now they r showing plans for annihilation of Pakistan on TV series ,,, !!! May Allah protect Pakistan it's ppl from Dajjal; the left-eyed-great-deceiver...
(Hadees=whoever memorize/recites Surat # 18 (al-Kahf) on Fridays will be protected from the Dajjal.)
Last Resort Trailer - YouTube

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