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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

That would be true in case of bigoted extremists. However, i think you are generalizing there. People who harbor such a mentality do not compose the majority of muslims, however, the media loves to give them undue attention to vilify Islam in general.

In Pakistan when we have had elections Islamic parties get very little support usually less than 2 %. But S-19 mate be careful Cheng and Gambut are trying time and time again to avoid condemning that what the Americans themselves have condemned by suspending it when it got out in the mainstream
ISLAMABAD: A leaked US diplomatic cable says that senior Pakistani military officers are taught anti-American courses at a prestigious defence university in the heart of the capital..................

So why the selective outrage at USA over something the Pakistanis themselves do?

Such scenarios are part of discussions are carried out by all militaries as part of their due diligence in being as best prepared against all eventualities as they possibly can be.
The current situation in Mexico is urging ordinary Americans to examine Mexico in unpleasant light given the fact that the Mexican government is resorting to quasi-military measures to keep the drug cartels under control. Escalation to military measures are ALWAYS an option when threats to a state also escalate.

The issue here is not escalation to military means; the US has already escalated to a military response. The two issues here are
- the notion that the enemy is all of Islam, i.e. 1.4 billion Muslims, and
- the notion that the nuclear option on civilian targets is a proper response to terrorism

So it is not as extreme as you would like, after all, Osama bin Laden believed in one such 'extreme'.

So now you are equating OBL's ideology to mainstream Islam as well as the US military's. Splendid!

No need to.

In the world of extreme hypotheticals, which was the example you wrote, this is a perfectly applicable analogy. And you know that such a nuclear scenario would never be taught at a US military academy, regardless of what the Somali pirates did.

Only in your mind that it has been refuted.

Like I wrote, when short of talking points, you guys always run to familiar (and bogus) territory. You will NEVER accept any response, since doing so would rob you of your 'safe place'.

But if you want to talk about using ridiculous talking points, may be you should look at your own regarding Fox News.

Clearly you missed the point.

My whole reason for mentioning Faux News was that such extreme hypotheticals are routinely discussed in the civilian space and we accept them for what they are. The whole reason for this uproar is that this is happening at an official course at a US military academy. That context gives it a legitimacy which the US administration has been at pains to deny.
Excellent questions. I look forward to seeing their evasions.

You are lucky that political correctness is one such restraint of many restraints, military and philosophical, that we put upon ourselves. Else...

hahah else what ?

you will do shock and awe .... FAIL!
you will do Abu Gharaib .... FAIL!
you will burn our Holy Book ... FAIL!
you will kill Muslim chidlren .... FAIL!
you will urinate on dead bodies ... FAIL!

America cannot defeat Islam .. Islam is too powerfull a force for any human being to defeat!!

Not only that but they dismiss and one who suggests this as a conspiracy theorist. But then they are following the adage if you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth. Simply Americans are liars and stand exposed
That would be true in case of bigoted extremists. However, i think you are generalizing there. People who harbor such a mentality do not compose the majority of muslims, however, the media loves to give them undue attention to vilify Islam in general.
Dooley, as a military officer, is morally obligated to speculate even to the extremes, of any threats to his country. Religious leaders do this all the time. They see their religious lives as in continuous competition for souls. If not to literally destroy people, then to cast so serious doubts about what a person believe that the person will destroy himself and convert. Dooley clearly spoke about a 'model' and that his model for intellectual discussions is not representative of the US government's. So if it is fine for muslims to speak of raising the crescent moon flag over the White House, via war if necessary and to many preferably, then why is it improper for a military officer to go his extreme model?
In Pakistan when we have had elections Islamic parties get very little support usually less than 2 %. But S-19 mate be careful Cheng and Gambut are trying time and time again to avoid condemning that what the Americans themselves have condemned by suspending it when it got out in the mainstream

Yes I know. But Cheng, I think, is trying to say that such exercises are "contingencies" and are normal part of any nuclear armed country in the world. I kind of agree with him in this point. You see, the holy sites are a very vulnerable point for muslims. If US wants to push the islamic world into chaos, they will just have to nuke mecca/medina and civil war would start in all muslim countries to get rid of their pro western governments. From a strategic point of view, I;m sure US does hold exercises for such a scenario.
It has been suspended pending completion of an investigation. That is simply due process at work.

It would not have been suspended if it was not felt that it was outlandish. But then we will now get the usual dishonest and disingenuous wait and see bull from you eh?
Yes I know. But Cheng, I think, is trying to say that such exercises are "contingencies" and are normal part of any nuclear armed country in the world. I kind of agree with him in this point. You see, the holy sites are a very vulnerable point for muslims. If US wants to push the islamic world into chaos, they will just have to nuke mecca/medina and civil war would start in all muslim countries to get rid of their pro western governments. From a strategic point of view, I;m sure US does hold exercises for such a scenario.

Of course. It would be simply too stupid not to be aware of those possibilities and their ramifications. I really don't see the reasons for this fuss that is being attempted, except as a manifestation of the irrational hatred and bigotry that the course itself is studying, which only serves to rationalize it even further. Ironic, to say the least!
Dooley, as a military officer, is morally obligated to speculate even to the extremes, of any threats to his country. Religious leaders do this all the time. They see their religious lives as in continuous competition for souls. If not to literally destroy people, then to cast so serious doubts about what a person believe that the person will destroy himself and convert. Dooley clearly spoke about a 'model' and that his model for intellectual discussions is not representative of the US government's. So if it is fine for muslims to speak of raising the crescent moon flag over the White House, via war if necessary and to many preferably, then why is it improper for a military officer to go his extreme model?

I do agree with that from a strategic point of view. I cannot disagree that many extremists call for killing all infidel americans and marching to white house. Officers like Dooley seem to be parallel to these extremists. Then again, the extremists come from backward areas and from backward school of thoughts. Is it just to draw parallels between such extremists and one of the most professional military force in the world?

As I said here, I do recognise such exercises may be done from a strategic point of view. But it may also be the case of blind hatred for Islam which needs to be further investigated

Yes I know. But Cheng, I think, is trying to say that such exercises are "contingencies" and are normal part of any nuclear armed country in the world. I kind of agree with him in this point. You see, the holy sites are a very vulnerable point for muslims. If US wants to push the islamic world into chaos, they will just have to nuke mecca/medina and civil war would start in all muslim countries to get rid of their pro western governments. From a strategic point of view, I;m sure US does hold exercises for such a scenario.
Dooley, as a military officer, is morally obligated to speculate even to the extremes, of any threats to his country. Religious leaders do this all the time. They see their religious lives as in continuous competition for souls. If not to literally destroy people, then to cast so serious doubts about what a person believe that the person will destroy himself and convert. Dooley clearly spoke about a 'model' and that his model for intellectual discussions is not representative of the US government's. So if it is fine for muslims to speak of raising the crescent moon flag over the White House, via war if necessary and to many preferably, then why is it improper for a military officer to go his extreme model?

Lt Col Dooley contradictions himself in his presentation , at one poin in his presentation he has listed AQ stratergy to make America do things that will discredit the US in Muslim countrires than like a moron he goes on to say they they should do Hiroshima on Makkah and Madina , as if that will give a boost to America's credibility in Muslim countires

Sound like US military officers have lost the plot .. these are signs of defeat
So why the selective outrage at USA over something the Pakistanis themselves do?

Such scenarios are part of discussions are carried out by all militaries as part of their due diligence in being as best prepared against all eventualities as they possibly can be.

You missed the point but I have now come to the conclusion that your and gambutts intellect do not match your education and prevent you from coming out of the cult type of worship you have of attaining a green card. You are America's answers to some of those Muslims that learn little else than learn the Koran off by heart and then speak as if they are all knowing.

it could be made American policy tomorrow to amputate the legs of newly naturalized Americans and you would find some merit in it
But Cheng, I think, is trying to say that such exercises are "contingencies" and are normal part of any nuclear armed country in the world. I kind of agree with him in this point.

There is no such contingency for nuking Bogota and Sao Paolo to fight the war on drugs (which has gone upwards of $15 trillion and several decades).

There is no such contingency for nuking Kinshasa and Capetown to retaliate for Somali pirates.

Do you know why?

Because it is UNTHINKABLE to apply collective blame and punishment for those actions to an entire group of people. The US administration has repeatedly stated that the US applies the same logic to terrorism and does NOT view it as a collective Islamic issue. This course runs completely counter to the official statements of the US administration and makes liars out of them.

The issue here is not Lt. Dooley's private thoughts. He is free to speculate and write books on them. The issue is the promotion of this attitude to military personnel in an official capacity at a US military academy.
Yes I know. But Cheng, I think, is trying to say that such exercises are "contingencies" and are normal part of any nuclear armed country in the world. I kind of agree with him in this point. You see, the holy sites are a very vulnerable point for muslims. If US wants to push the islamic world into chaos, they will just have to nuke mecca/medina and civil war would start in all muslim countries to get rid of their pro western governments. From a strategic point of view, I;m sure US does hold exercises for such a scenario.

That is very much of an practical impossibility.....

There is a higher chance of Israel Nuking Mecca and Medina (They have such a plan named "samson's option") if they have been nuked.........

But it anyone would be hardpressed to imagine a scenario where US has to do it.The only one i can think about is if whole lot of countries (Pakistan included) get united and goes crazy and do something like presenting a convert or die ultimatum to rest of world and start lobbing Nukes all over the place.


Please type in English not crazy..........
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