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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

The issue here is not escalation to military means; the US has already escalated to a military response. The two issues here are
- the notion that the enemy is all of Islam, i.e. 1.4 billion Muslims, and
- the notion that the nuclear option on civilian targets is a proper response to terrorism
Bunk. Even in the American military academies, there are valid time for open intellectual discussions about subjects that are related to national defense. Dooley CLEARLY did stated that his model (or modeling) is not representative of the US government's but to encourage discussion.

So now you are equating OBL's ideology to mainstream Islam as well as the US military's. Splendid!
Nonsense. And taking my comment so grossly out of context further reveals your fears about those questions. If one man can believe in an extreme, so can another, and another, and another. Soon enough he will have something like the 19 who are revered by many muslims.

In the world of extreme hypotheticals, which was the example you wrote, this is a perfectly applicable analogy. And you know that such a nuclear scenario would never be taught at a US military academy, regardless of what the Somali pirates did.
I am not talking using extreme measures like nuclear weapons against petty criminals. Pirates do what they do for petty profits and physical pleasure in this life. Religionists do what they do for much higher causes. Looks like it is YOUR arguments that are extremely unrelated to this subject.

Like I wrote, when short of talking points, you guys always run to familiar (and bogus) territory. You will NEVER accept any response, since doing so would rob you of your 'safe place'.
You mean like AIPAC, the Jews, the Zionists...

Buddy, I live in a country where we call our Presidents anything from crooks to sex fiends. So yes, I will hold all muslims to that same standard. Anything less from the muslims about their own leadership, then you are silent sheeple as far as I am concerned.

Clearly you missed the point.

My whole reason for mentioning Faux News was that such extreme hypotheticals are routinely discussed in the civilian space and we accept them for what they are. The whole reason for this uproar is that this is happening at an official course at a US military academy. That context gives it a legitimacy which the US administration has been at pains to deny.
I guess this further confirm the notion of freedom of speech is alien to muslims.
Of course. It would be simply too stupid not to be aware of those possibilities and their ramifications. I really don't see the reasons for this fuss that is being attempted, except as a manifestation of the irrational hatred and bigotry that the course itself is studying, which only serves to rationalize it even further. Ironic, to say the least!

I know where are you coming from. I have no problem with such exercises if they are conducted from a strategic, contengincy point of view. But, are you sure this is the case of a strategic contingency and not a blind hatred? The way it is illustrated in the papers, it seems that it is the latter. If it were a contingency case, the matter would be clearly highlighted.

Maybe I am wrong. I would be obliged if you could prove that it is indeed the study of a strategic contingency and not blind hatred on part of the officer.
Bunk. Even in the American military academies, there are valid time for open intellectual discussions about subjects that are related to national defense. Dooley CLEARLY did stated that his model (or modeling) is not representative of the US government's but to encourage discussion.

Why the outrage in America when Iranian govt wants to encourage discussion and invites people to talk about the holocaust and Jews
..........are you sure this is the case of a strategic contingency and not a blind hatred? The way it is illustrated in the papers, it seems that it is the latter. If it were a contingency case, the matter would be clearly highlighted.

Maybe I am wrong. I would be obliged if you could prove that it is indeed the study of a strategic contingency and not blind hatred on part of the officer.

I would wait for the investigation report to be completed. The newspapers are merely doing whatever they can to sell the story.

There was a complaint against the content of the course. The course was suspended and an investigation launched. It would be correct to wait for the final report to be completed and then decide.
Nonsense. And taking my comment so grossly out of context further reveals your fears about those questions. If one man can believe in an extreme, so can another, and another, and another. Soon enough he will have something like the 19 who are revered by many muslims.


funny out of the 98% Muslims in Pakistan who would not vote for an Islamic party you seem to spend an awful lot of disproportionate time discussing these individuals as if they were representative of all Muslims
Bunk. Even in the American military academies, there are valid time for open intellectual discussions about subjects that are related to national defense. Dooley CLEARLY did stated that his model (or modeling) is not representative of the US government's but to encourage discussion.

Once again, we are not talking about idle chatter in the mess hall, but an official course whose whole purpose is to explore viable options. I am fairly certain the US military doesn't waste their soldiers' time on nonviable options.

Nonsense. And taking my comment so grossly out of context further reveals your fears about those questions.

You spoke of 'extreme' views and the ones in this course qualify.

If one man can believe in an extreme, so can another, and another, and another. Soon enough he will have something like the 19 who are revered by many muslims.

You are simply restating the premise, not providing any new arguments.

I am not talking using extreme measures like nuclear weapons against petty criminals. Pirates do what they do for petty profits and physical pleasure in this life. Religionists do what they do for much higher causes. Looks like it is YOUR arguments that are extremely unrelated to this subject.

I am taking this one silly hypothetical (for Muslims) and applying it to other groups to show the absurdity of the extrapolation.

You mean like AIPAC, the Jews, the Zionists...

Yawn. Shifting topics so soon?

I guess this further confirm the notion of freedom of speech is alien to muslims.

What is alien is the application of common sense. As I wrote, Dooley can do anything he wants in his private capacity, but, when he is speaking on behalf of the US military in an official course, then his 'freedom of speech' is very much limited. He must abide by certain guidelines which, one would hope, would be conformant with official pronouncements of the US govt.
Buddy, I live in a country where we call our Presidents anything from crooks to sex fiends. So yes, I will hold all muslims to that same standard. Anything less from the muslims about their own leadership, then you are silent sheeple as far as I am concerned.

I guess this further confirm the notion of freedom of speech is alien to muslims.

Yet your idea of democracy is to allow a small group known as AIPAC subvert democracy. Try talking about the holocaust in terms that AIPAC does not like and see how quickly you are marginaloised and punished
funny out of the 98% Muslims in Pakistan who would not vote for an Islamic party you seem to spend an awful lot of disproportionate time discussing these individuals as if they were representative of all Muslims

Voting patterns are of not much value in a parliamentary democracy.

People support parties for varied reasons like that they would be provided with subsidised ration,mixer grinder (favourait in state on Tamil nadu) or computers.

The 2% you are talking about is hardcore jihadis.People who vote for PPP or Muslim league are not liberals as seen in the aftermath of the death of Salman tasser.

The crowd that fundamentalist like hafiz saeed could draw is an indication of radicalisation of pakistanis.
Yet your idea of democracy is to allow a small group known as AIPAC subvert democracy. Try talking about the holocaust in terms that AIPAC does not like and see how quickly you are marginaloised and punished
Rants!!!!!!!!!!Nothing of substance........

I know where are you coming from. I have no problem with such exercises if they are conducted from a strategic, contengincy point of view. But, are you sure this is the case of a strategic contingency and not a blind hatred? The way it is illustrated in the papers, it seems that it is the latter. If it were a contingency case, the matter would be clearly highlighted.

Maybe I am wrong. I would be obliged if you could prove that it is indeed the study of a strategic contingency and not blind hatred on part of the officer.

Probably it was a mixture of both.........

The officer must have been given a task to theorize about radical islam takeover of Arabia and pakistan and the solution he theorized was that of Nuking mecca and medina.
funny out of the 98% Muslims in Pakistan who would not vote for an Islamic party you seem to spend an awful lot of disproportionate time discussing these individuals as if they were representative of all Muslims

This course is analogous to some terrorists who take the actions of rogue American soldiers massacring Muslim civilians and declare that all of Christendom must be annihilated in response.

Those nutjobs are condemned as extremist terrorists, yet here we see people defending the US military officials doing the exact same thing in reverse.
I would wait for the investigation report to be completed. The newspapers are merely doing whatever they can to sell the story.

There was a complaint against the content of the course. The course was suspended and an investigation launched. It would be correct to wait for the final report to be completed and then decide.

And now we have the Cheng school of sophisticated trolling and in response I invite everyone to copy this post and everytime we hear this wait and see paste it for everyone to see:

There was this village boy who gets a horse on his 14th birthday

Everybody in the village says; "What a wonderful gift"

The Zen master says "We'll see"

A year later, the boy falls off the horse and breaks his leg.

Everyone in the village says; "How terrible that the boy is suffering"

The Zen master says, "We'll see"

A war is on the horizon and the boy isn't sent off to fight on account of his injured leg.

Everybody in the village exclaim "How lucky this boy is !!!"

The Zen master says "We'll see......"

I think you catch the drift.

This is the infinite loop on the argument that he keeps tapping into for all his posts and at the end of the ordeal he tries to come off as the wise Zen master and rest as village imbeciles who didn't know any better than to pick sides.Pretty much pointless to argue against until you define just where your line in the sand is...bugging out!!!
haramday qadiani love defending americans and indians.

Did you forgot your daily medications today.......

PS: are you an alternate Id of Aryan_B.He is the only one who hated Vcheng here ?
You have to be naive to believe that document.

Having said that, if US ever decides that it is in its absolute national interest to destroy the holiest of cities, there is nothing you or Allah SBWT will be able to do to save them:usflag:


Let them try. :-)
Wars are won with mighty hearts and belief. Turn pages of islamic history and you'll see. No matter how divided muslim world is right now, attack on the Holy Land will clear all divisions. Besides power will shift from USA in next 20 years and then what?
Did you forgot your daily medications today.......

PS: are you an alternate Id of Aryan_B.He is the only one who hated Vcheng here ?

I like Cheng. Just because we appear to disagree on everything does not mean I hate him. To be honest if he was to come to the UK I would welcome him with open arms and entertain him. We need to be tolerant of divergent views. If he is Pakistani and wishes well for Pakistan that's fine by me.

I do not approve of what sir jee has stated.
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