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U.S. Mayor who was born in Pakistan is proud to be an American

No it was their conscious ..... after looting and plundering India during the Raj they handed out their sympathy by giving nationality to a select few.

It was neither. and the uk has no consciousness. In the UK most of our forefathers came because they were economic migrants and the UK allowed them in because they needed workers. Similar to currently the uk population is aging and they are encouraging migration but this time they are encouraging nice white polish christians etc.
Jewish is not a nationality.

Stop using semantics and being pedantic we are not writing english lit essays here. Zionism which most jews proscribe to is a political movement and supports israel,Do you feel the need to lick israeli arses all the time cos you scared of pakistan

---------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 AM ----------

he shoudl be proud of being a Pakistani , he is not American

And they the americans will never except him as american
Jews voted for Obama and by recent polls they are still loyal to Obama, which means they don`t care that Obama isn`t a friend to Israel.
Israelis are Israelis and Americans are Americans.
I never quote how many Jews were living outside of Israel in a way that suggested that they are any good for Israel.
Sure some of them love Israel as well but for most Diaspora Jews, Israel is out of sight and out of mind.

BOLXOCKS Obama has proved that he is as zionist as they come.
this is the exact thing that i the root cause of most problems, if pakistan was not in a situation that it is today, then he would have been proud to be pakistani..............on a side note, i am also hashmi!!!
if you hate goras so much then why dont you come back to pakistan, staying in England and saying 'hey my heart beats for pakistan' wont do anything, you'll have to prove your words with your actions, come back and help pakistan.

Listen you retard I am much more useful to pakistan here than I would be in pakistan. If you dont get that just hang up.,
Stop using semantics and being pedantic we are not writing english lit essays here. Zionism which most jews proscribe to is a political movement and supports israel,Do you feel the need to lick israeli arses all the time cos you scared of pakistan

Aryan I suggest you spend more time with the wife and kids :disagree:

Jewish is not a nationality. Not all Jews are "Zionists" as not all Zionists are Jews.
this is the exact thing that i the root cause of most problems, if pakistan was not in a situation that it is today, then he would have been proud to be pakistani..............on a side note, i am also hashmi!!!

Listen mate white anglo saxons are simply racists. Look how they used to treat blacks. Its nothing to do with pakistan. Hindus and jews feel empathy with them because they are racist religions. For example anybody yellow black white can become a muslim and they will be treated equally with any other muslim according to our religion. You cant become a jew unless you were born one and as far I know you cant become hindu brahmin you have to be born into that cast
Listen mate white anglo saxons are simply racists. Look how they used to treat blacks. Its nothing to do with pakistan. Hindus and jews feel empathy with them because they are racist religions. For example anybody yellow black white can become a muslim and they will be treated equally with any other muslim according to our religion. You cant become a jew unless you were born one and as far I know you cant become hindu brahmin you have to be born into that cast

What the hell are you talking about? Leave religion out of your discussion. If you have no idea about Hinduism other than the caste system, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and spend more time with your wife.
Aryan I suggest you spend more time with the wife and kids :disagree:

Jewish is not a nationality. Not all Jews are "Zionists" as not all Zionists are Jews.

Thank you for your advise but I have convinced wife to come on pdf as well lol. Give me a break most jews are zionists. Those that are not are often rejected by their brethren in my experience. For example at leeds uni we had 1 anti zionist jew and whenever she stood up to speak in a debate she would get booed by all the rest of the jews.
What the hell are you talking about? Leave religion out of your discussion. If you have no idea about Hinduism other than the caste system, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and spend more time with your wife.

But it is true. I welcome you to learn about islam and if you like it you are welcome and I will welcome you as a brother. You cannot do the same to me. You are excluding me from becoming a hindu (not that I want to drink.........)
Listen mate white anglo saxons are simply racists. Look how they used to treat blacks. Its nothing to do with pakistan. Hindus and jews feel empathy with them because they are racist religions. For example anybody yellow black white can become a muslim and they will be treated equally with any other muslim according to our religion. You cant become a jew unless you were born one and as far I know you cant become hindu brahmin you have to be born into that cast

Please spare us the BS. Look deep into pak social fabric..you will find Zamindars and feudal lords..ohhh they are not racists and they are all fair towards their subjects..please go and rant somewhere else.
Waoo he has conveniently disowned Pakistan, but if he is to be caught in some terrorist act then he will be all Pakistani. BTW it's a shame that all such people after amassing fortunes move to these foreign countries and then they & their offspring's repudiate their roots.
after readng aryan b's comment i have only 1 think to say "dayum,,, england has become soo tolerant".....
Please spare us the BS. Look deep into pak social fabric..you will find Zamindars and feudal lords..ohhh they are not racists and they are all fair towards their subjects..please go and rant somewhere else.

Yea but thats not what their religion islam teaches them. You cant blame some pakistanis inadequacies on islam cos they are not following what islam says
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