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U.S. Mayor who was born in Pakistan is proud to be an American

There are American Jews here who don the Israel flag over the American one, & show more pride in Israel than they do in America. And personally, I feel nothing wrong with that. I hold more pride in Pakistan than I do in America (even though I'm a naturalized American citizen), & I'm not afraid in admitting that to others. Everyone should be allowed to feel the same, whether its Muslims, Jews, or people from any ethnic background. America is an artificial nation with no real identity of its own. It is a land made up of immigrants, & very few 'real natives'. I'm an American citizen because I completed all my legal requirements to become one, it is no one's business as to how I feel about my nation of birth as compared to America. It is no one's business as to how you feel about other things, feelings are natural, & you are allowed to have & appreciate them, rather than stifling them in. The great thing about America is that we don't stifle our feelings & sentiments here. This is my personal opinion though.

It should be America first then Israel. If you feel some other nationality other than the country you`re living in, then i suggest you move.
I`ve never heard anyone donning the Israeli flag over the American one, if they put them side by side, that`s another thing.
It should be America first then Israel. If you feel some other nationality other than the country you`re living in, then i suggest you move.
I`ve never heard anyone donning the Israeli flag over the American one, if they put them side by side, that`s another thing.

Israel is a special case because america is a vassel state of israel lol
Lol, you live in Leeds? If the US decided to bomb London the RAF would loan us a few squadrons.
It should be America first then Israel. If you feel some other nationality other than the country you`re living in, then i suggest you move.
I`ve never heard anyone donning the Israeli flag over the American one, if they put them side by side, that`s another thing.

Funny how all the Jewish-US senators vote to hand over US dollars to Israel. They seem more loyal to Israel than their own country.

And I agree that this Pakistani man is a twat thinking that he is American. He will always be a Pakistani.
Funny how all the Jewish-US senators vote to hand over US dollars to Israel. They seem more loyal to Israel than their own country.

And I agree that this Pakistani man is a twat thinking that he is American. He will always be a Pakistani.

While i agree that you yourself are a twat. Nearly all Senators constantly vote in favor of supporting Israel, by Aid or Vetoes. That includes Republicans, Democrats, Christian, Hindu, Chinese, Black and Jewish. Or did that fact elude you?
Heck, i`ve even seen Pro Israeli Muslim politicians.
While i agree that you yourself are a twat. Nearly all Senators constantly vote in favor of supporting Israel, by Aid or Vetoes. That includes Republicans, Democrats, Christian, Hindu, Chinese, Black and Jewish. Or did that fact elude you?
Heck, i`ve even seen Pro Israeli Muslim politicians.

Did you like to forget that the ringleaders of these bills to hand over us taxpayer dollars seem always to have at least one Jewish sponsor.

Not feeling so clever now are you?
While i agree that you yourself are a twat. Nearly all Senators constantly vote in favor of supporting Israel, by Aid or Vetoes. That includes Republicans, Democrats, Christian, Hindu, Chinese, Black and Jewish. Or did that fact elude you?
Heck, i`ve even seen Pro Israeli Muslim politicians.

Wow. Like you are such a genius :lol:
Did you like to forget that the ringleaders of these bills to hand over us taxpayer dollars seem always to have at least one Jewish sponsor.

Not feeling so clever now are you?

No, but it seems you are.
What about all the Christian donors that urge them to support Israel? What about the gun slinging NRA lobbyists who too urge their Senators to support Israel?
Even if all Jews from USA turned their back on Israel, it`d still have the billionaire Christians and Anti-Muslim peeps urging Senators to support Israel even more.
That being said, Jews and Christians and more will continue to donate to their selective Senators and urging them to support Israel no matter how much you wished it wasn`t so.
While i agree that you yourself are a twat. Nearly all Senators constantly vote in favor of supporting Israel, by Aid or Vetoes. That includes Republicans, Democrats, Christian, Hindu, Chinese, Black and Jewish. Or did that fact elude you?
Heck, i`ve even seen Pro Israeli Muslim politicians.

You understand english do you not? Do you understand what you read .
Thank you stewie! I`m a fan!:)

That was sarcasm mate ;)

UKBengali's only point was that some American senators appear to be more loyal to Israel than their own country - which is feasible.

Nothing to do with religion or race as far as support for Israel goes. And yet you insist on racial and religious profiling!

I could even say that there are plenty of Jews in America who are critical of Israel's policies ;)

While i agree that you yourself are a twat.

Please don't get cute.
That was sarcasm mate ;)

UKBengali's only point was that some American senators appear to be more loyal to Israel than their own country - which is feasible.

Nothing to do with religion or race as far as support for Israel goes. And yet you insist on racial and religious profiling!

I could even say that there are plenty of Jews in America who are critical of Israel's policies ;)

Please don't get cute.

I was being sarcastic to your sarcasm, "mate".
I emphasized the fact that all Senators regardless if they are Jews or not, support Israel, sometimes even more than Jews.
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