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U.S. Mayor who was born in Pakistan is proud to be an American

maybe he feels more proud being american, because he isnt accepted as a pakistani in the street!

at least that is what i am, i am not accepted as a norwegian here. that is why i am more proud of being turk than norwegian. this country is filled of racists, and there are a lot of pakistanis here. they also feel the same way, the only thing that keeps me and my family here is the money. we earn a hell of a lot more money here than in turkey. and that is the only reason we are here.

if i was to apply for a job and a ethnic norwegian to. the chances are that he would be elected and not me. in most cases.

but overall it is maybe because he just isnt accepted in the comunity as a pakistani!

That is not true. No matter how much a person tries, a person can not get rid of his roots, especially if their roots are from the east.

His name is not a typical American name, and I'm sure he doesn't look like a typical American so the common American person will never accept him as his own.

In America, if you are not Christian or Jewish White then you are always something before American, like African-American, Pakistani-American, Asian-American, Arab-American, Turkish-American, etc...

This guy is in politics and trying to be popular that is the reason for his stupid statement. The common regular Joe White Christian/Jewish fat American will always see him as something else other than only an American.
I am not asking you for an explanation of the caste system. Nor am i critical of it. What hindus do is a matter for them. I am simply stating anyone can become aa muslim or christian the same can not be said for judaism or hinduism

As I do tend to agree that there is no way to convert to Hinduism nor is there a way to convert out of Hinduism. It's all a spiritual practice with endless possibilities to reach "God".
You can believe in different Gods and still be Hindu, you can believe in one God and still be Hindu, you can believe in no God and still be Hindu.

The whole ideology is more philosophical rather than being an organized religion as compared to Islam, Judaism or Christianity.
There is one way to get assimilated in the west..... stop practicing Islam (or any religion), start drinking to socialize and change your name to John, Pete or Mike, get rid of your accent.... don't tell anyone where you come from.
I was being sarcastic to your sarcasm, "mate".
I emphasized the fact that all Senators regardless if they are Jews or not, support Israel, sometimes even more than Jews.

Then what's the point in quoting in the first place? :lol:
I'm very glad that Pakistan has dual citizenship laws, because I know that despite being a naturalized American citizen, because of my race & religion, I won't be looked at as a 'real American'. At least I have something real, having my Pakistani passport with me.
IF he said he was a proud Pakistani, would he get good publicity? or even voted in?

anyway, like Aryan_B said, I have spent the most part of my life, here in the UK, I like it here.
But, Pakistan is my first loyalty too, I love Pakistan and I am patriotic to my very core.

Wont be afraid to fly the flag during the good times and bad. :pakistan:
But guys we who live in the west when we do something good we should allways say thanks to our host country but point out where we originated from in this way people in host country will realise that we are just like them in that there is good and bad everywhere. This will help detract from the constant bad press that pakistan gets in west press.
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