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U.S. Mayor who was born in Pakistan is proud to be an American

Unfortunately, the US is a land made up of immigrants, not natives. The problem with the US is that it is a young country with no specific identity of its own. The only real 'native' Americans are very few in number today. So there will always be people who might have America as a second love. There might be questions over someone's loyalty, or if a Muslim or Asian person (or both) becomes President etc. America lacks an identity of its own, & in that sense, it is an artificial nation.

that is the beauty of US...It was the land of opportunity for everyone..it still is. Everyone goes there and gives their best. Otherwise we would have missed many wonderful things in life. ( i dont want to talk abt destruction )
If this guy stood in Pakistani elections..he would never come up..instead icons of corruption like Zardari and BB will continue to rule us..let us rejoice on his success rather than judging him!
that is the beauty of US...It was the land of opportunity for everyone..it still is. Everyone goes there and gives their best. Otherwise we would have missed many wonderful things in life. ( i dont want to talk abt destruction )

Please read my edited post. Thanks
maybe he feels more proud being american, because he isnt accepted as a pakistani in the street!

at least that is what i am, i am not accepted as a norwegian here. that is why i am more proud of being turk than norwegian. this country is filled of racists, and there are a lot of pakistanis here. they also feel the same way, the only thing that keeps me and my family here is the money. we earn a hell of a lot more money here than in turkey. and that is the only reason we are here.

if i was to apply for a job and a ethnic norwegian to. the chances are that he would be elected and not me. in most cases.

but overall it is maybe because he just isnt accepted in the comunity as a pakistani!
There are American Jews here who don the Israel flag over the American one, & show more pride in Israel than they do in America. And personally, I feel nothing wrong with that. I hold more pride in Pakistan than I do in America (even though I'm a naturalized American citizen), & I'm not afraid in admitting that to others. Everyone should be allowed to feel the same, whether its Muslims, Jews, or people from any ethnic background. America is an artificial nation with no real identity of its own. It is a land made up of immigrants, & very few 'real natives'. I'm an American citizen because I completed all my legal requirements to become one, it is no one's business as to how I feel about my nation of birth as compared to America. It is no one's business as to how you feel about other things, feelings are natural, & you are allowed to have & appreciate them, rather than stifling them in. The great thing about America is that we don't stifle our feelings & sentiments here. This is my personal opinion though.
Nowadays people go to America for:

1) money- so you can send some to your family and raise their standard of living at home.

2) professional growth - they most likely to look at your work and promote than your religion, cast, creed, colour etc, which happens at home.

If these 2 objectives of US mayor are fulfilled, then whats the problem? He will thank US for giving him that oppertunity.
What facts are you stating? that jews are racists-hindus are racists-christians are racists. this was said by you.I just gave you an eg how muslims in pak can also racists. Isn't that a fact ? When you bring up religion it becomes ugly. No people are perfect so no religion will be perfect.

or i should say, the essence of all religion is perfect, but people are not perfect.

I am simply stating that a non hindu and a non jew can not become a hindu or jew whereas anyone can become a muslim or a christian is that too complicated. I am not critical of any religion and wish you well.
I don't understand why you're bringing up religion first of all.

It was all to do with what you specialized in. If a man was good at martial arts (physically fit) he was destined to be what is now a Kshatriyas

A person who taught the Vedas were known as Brahmins

People who traded, raised cattle... were called Vaishyas etc..

Over time it became a caste system whereas it used to be what your skill was.

Besides there are still communities of other faiths that the caste system is still relevant in.

Caste system among South Asian Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am not asking you for an explanation of the caste system. Nor am i critical of it. What hindus do is a matter for them. I am simply stating anyone can become aa muslim or christian the same can not be said for judaism or hinduism
If this guy stood in Pakistani elections..he would never come up..instead icons of corruption like Zardari and BB will continue to rule us..let us rejoice on his success rather than judging him!

These icons of corruption are supported and sustained by the likes of america, If americans left us to our own devisses it may take timee but we will come with our own solutions. The history of the western democracy is litterd with mistakes in their early days. We have only been independent for a relativly short time.
that is the beauty of US...It was the land of opportunity for everyone..it still is. Everyone goes there and gives their best. Otherwise we would have missed many wonderful things in life. ( i dont want to talk abt destruction )

This is simply not true. tell the blacks that it was a land of oppurtunity in the sixties. Its only when the system was put under pressure and the blacks stood up for themselves and demanded and fought for their rights that they got their rights.
If youre lot had been humanitarian they could of exploded a couple of nukes in the neareby sea and given japanese a demonstration of their new weapon and offered them the chance to surrender. But no your murdering government killed children and women to make your points. You are an evil bastxxard nation.

From this forum I get the feeling the Pakistanis are buddy buddy with the Chinese....ask them how sweet the Japs were to women and childeren.
OMG ''SHE'' is a ''HE''. I wonder why there was an ambiguity regarding his gender.

The one in the middle, off course.
Mayor who was born in Pakistan is proud to be an American​

Posted Tuesday, Jul. 05, 2011

By Bud Kennedy

In a Texas town with a history of racial discord, the new mayor might be from the town's smallest minority of all.

But Mayor A.J. Hashmi, a cardiologist in the northeast Texas town of Paris, said he does not want to be known as a Pakistani-American mayor.

"If they call me a Pakistani-American, then that's a mistake, because I am an American," Hashmi said by phone Monday from the office where he built a following that lifted him to the City Council, then into the mayor's chair June 27 by council vote.

Hashmi, 50, was born in Pakistan but grew up in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, where his Pakistani air force father had moved as a senior defense adviser.

After medical school in Karachi, Hashmi worked 20 years as a military surgeon at U.S. Central Command in Florida. His regular patients there included former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, who has come to Paris twice for checkups.

"I left Pakistan when I was a kid," Hashmi said.

"I have lived in America longer than anywhere else. My home is America."

For six years, his home has been Paris, a town rocked by racial upheaval over the disparity in sentencing for white and African-American defendants and over a series of incidents and taunts.

Hashmi said Paris has "beautiful people, and we want to bring more jobs and make this a beautiful city."

Marva Joe, a co-founder of a task force on racial diversity, said she had wanted the council to promote Mayor Pro Tem Joe McCarthy, an African-American and a seven-year council member. Hashmi won, 4-3.

"I like him, but I was surprised," she said.

"This was just small-town politics."

Paris newspapers and websites portrayed the election as settling a council divide between McCarthy and outspoken Anglo Councilman Edwin Pickle.

McCarthy told eParisExtra.com, "The only reason I am not mayor is because I'm black."

But after Hashmi walked through the African-American neighborhood meeting voters last weekend, activist Brenda Cherry said: "I like him."

"I told him that when I start complaining about race issues, some people call me a terrorist," Cherry said.

"He said, 'Well, some of them called me the same thing.'"

Now they call him mayor.

Read more: Mayor who was born in Pakistan is proud to be an American | Editorials & Opinions | Fort Wort...

No matter whatever he says, he would still be checked at the airports probably with his pants down.
From this forum I get the feeling the Pakistanis are buddy buddy with the Chinese....ask them how sweet the Japs were to women and childeren.

So that justifies americcan killing of innocent children and women. You know in time and in the not too long distant future your empire will be remembered the same way as the barbaric huns in europe
Those things has nothing to do with patriotism, or the charge of the lack thereof.

"patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel ". i hope you do bare that in mind .
here in India too we have a certain section of people who believe they are the only patriots . all they do is shout rant and rave without contributing to society in general . but in a democracy they too have a right to exist just like the people who fight for peace . by saying that any one who opposes the war is not patriotic , would be mistaken .
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