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U.S. Mayor who was born in Pakistan is proud to be an American

They didn't surrender before the atomic bomb attack nor did they surrender AFTER the first bomb attack. They only surrendered AFTER the second atomic bomb attack. Thats how crazy they were.
But it is true. I welcome you to learn about islam and if you like it you are welcome and I will welcome you as a brother. You cannot do the same to me. You are excluding me from becoming a hindu (not that I want to drink.........)

This is the difference between you and me. I have three sacred books next to a copy of the Bhagavat Gita at my house, a carbon copy of the Quran, the Bible, and a copy of the Guru Granth Sahib. My father actually reads a passage of each book everyday. No matter what book I read, what I eat, what I look like or what I wear. I still am a Hindu. I suggest you learn about what the caste system actually was, before it was interpreted as a hierarchy chain.

And spare me the BS about drinking...... Islam permits it as well

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 590:

Narrated Anas: The climate of Medina did not suit some people, so the Prophet ordered them to follow his shepherd, i.e. his camels, and drink their milk and urine (as a medicine)
They didn't surrender before the atomic bomb attack nor did they surrender AFTER the first bomb attack. They only surrendered AFTER the second atomic bomb attack. Thats how crazy they were.

If youre lot had been humanitarian they could of exploded a couple of nukes in the neareby sea and given japanese a demonstration of their new weapon and offered them the chance to surrender. But no your murdering government killed children and women to make your points. You are an evil bastxxard nation.
Yea but thats not what their religion islam teaches them. You cant blame some pakistanis inadequacies on islam cos they are not following what islam says

So if Muslims in your country does not follow Islam, then what right do you have to preach what is right and what is wrong in other religion. People from outside would only say this to you- " please make your own house proper before looking inside other's house "
One should understand the need of tactical talk in the time of need..he is going nowhere with Texas mayorship if he claims any pride to his roots..let him play the "i love america" card..millions more are playing it...a person is judged by his actions not his words..I congratulate Mr Hashmi!
I was taking the pixx when i was talking about drinking. I am sorry if you think it is my intention to attack your or any other religion. That is not my intention and it is not meant to cause offence, But please i am just stating facts anyone can become a muslim, not anyone can become a hindu brahmin in fact a hindu untouchable can not become a brahmin
So if Muslims in your country does not follow Islam, then what right do you have to preach what is right and what is wrong in other religion. People from outside would only say this to you- " please make your own house proper before looking inside other's house "

Firstly learn to string a couple of sentences together that I do not have to decipher them it makes dicussions so tedious. I have not said that anything against your religion I have only stated that I can not become a hindu brahmin whats wrong with that. I do not preach to my lot or your lot I am just stating facts what you all do is a matter for you.
One should understand the need of tactical talk in the time of need..he is going nowhere with Texas mayorship if he claims any pride to his roots..let him play the "i love america" card..millions more are playing it...a person is judged by his actions not his words..I congratulate Mr Hashmi!

I am fed up of pakistani leaders being diplomatic when our poor soldiers and civilians are being killed. I dont need some arxeipe to try to straddle both sides be honest whats wrong if you are a good person and bveing elected as a mayor you should stae that look I am pakistanis there are good and bad in pakistanis aswell. Using your logic all the pakistanis that do good should then distance themselves from pakistan
I was taking the pixx when i was talking about drinking. I am sorry if you think it is my intention to attack your or any other religion. That is not my intention and it is not meant to cause offence, But please i am just stating facts anyone can become a muslim, not anyone can become a hindu brahmin in fact a hindu untouchable can not become a brahmin

I don't understand why you're bringing up religion first of all.

It was all to do with what you specialized in. If a man was good at martial arts (physically fit) he was destined to be what is now a Kshatriyas

A person who taught the Vedas were known as Brahmins

People who traded, raised cattle... were called Vaishyas etc..

Over time it became a caste system whereas it used to be what your skill was.

Besides there are still communities of other faiths that the caste system is still relevant in.

Caste system among South Asian Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I sometimes tend to agree with the US constitution when it said a naturalized American cannot be President of the country. I personally believe that a naturalized American can never love the US as much as a born & bred American can. As a naturalized American, even though I love America & its people, I have no doubt in my mind that Pakistan is my first love. It doesn't mean I have failed to acclimatize or homogenize here, I've done that extremely well, & peole think I was born & raised here. However Pakistan, my place of birth, & where I had my early upbringing has a special significance to me.
Firstly learn to string a couple of sentences together that I do not have to decipher them it makes dicussions so tedious. I have not said that anything against your religion I have only stated that I can not become a hindu brahmin whats wrong with that. I do not preach to my lot or your lot I am just stating facts what you all do is a matter for you.

What facts are you stating? that jews are racists-hindus are racists-christians are racists. this was said by you.I just gave you an eg how muslims in pak can also racists. Isn't that a fact ? When you bring up religion it becomes ugly. No people are perfect so no religion will be perfect.

or i should say, the essence of all religion is perfect, but people are not perfect.
If youre lot had been humanitarian they could of exploded a couple of nukes in the neareby sea and given japanese a demonstartion of their new weapon and offered them the chance to surrender. But no your murdering government killed children and women to make your points. You are an evil bastxxard nation.

Are the Japanese no different? Stop being a hypocrite and think about the purpose of the weapon. It was new and secretive and the U.S. was in a war. You don't go demonstrating a new weapon which the Japanese could do something about it (a possibility) and expect they will surrender. And anyways the Japanese think the U.S. was bluffing when they told them that they had a new destructive weapon.

And the firebombings were more destructive than the nuke.
Unfortunately, the US is a land made up of immigrants, not natives. The problem with the US is that it is a young country with no specific identity of its own. The only real 'native' Americans are very few in number today. So there will always be people who might have America as a second love. There might be questions over someone's loyalty, or if a Muslim or Asian person (or both) becomes President etc. America lacks an identity of its own, & in that sense, it is an artificial nation.

For example, besides white Americans, Americans of all other colors are not just called "Americans". I am called a "Pakistani-American", or sometimes even a "Pakistani", never just an "American". It's not because people don't like me, but people don't see me as "just-'American'" the way they see white Americans. This kind of stuff is common practice in America. Obama is sometimes known as a "Kenyan", or "Kenyan American" as well. I agree with another poster, that if something goes wrong for a naturalized American, he gets associated with his place of birth than his place of naturalization. For example: I personally think there should be no difference between Faisal Shahzad & Eric Rudolph/Tim Mc Veigh, as all were Americans. But one was an American with Pakistani roots, while the others were white. One was a naturalized citizen, whereas the others were born & bred Americans. So in the case of Faisal Shahzad, he's labeled as a Pakistani here, even though he was a naturalized American citizen with Pakistani roots.
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