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U.S. Mayor who was born in Pakistan is proud to be an American

So you mean they were not Europeans... is that why they were nuked and Germans were not

Germans surrendered when they knew that the game was up. Also US was not alone in dealing with Germany, there were a host of other countries including Red Army. In Japan US was alone and Japan was ready to fight to the last man and bullet. Japan was ready to fight even after Hiroshima, but after Nagasakhi the Emperor intervened to stop the war.
In Japan US was alone and Japan was ready to fight to the last man and bullet. Japan was ready to fight even after Hiroshima, but after Nagasakhi the Emperor intervened to stop the war.

You seriously believe that ??? Most of Japanese cities were already destroyed... why would Japan suddenly surrender if two more were destroyed.
The nuking was a show of force the to scare the Russkies.
You seriously believe that ??? Most of Japanese cities were already destroyed... why would Japan suddenly surrender if two more were destroyed.
The nuking was a show of force the to scare the Russkies.

US had to face terrible casualities for each of the Japanese Island that they captured (Eg: Iwo Jima). The whole Japanese detachment would perish or commit suicide rather than surrender. There were stories of snipers sitting on top of coconut trees for days so that they can take out an american before being killed by return fire and when they run out of ammo the Japanese will resort to Banzai charges, not to mention the Kamakazi flights by Japanese pilots. That was the level of commitment of Japanese. US concluded that if they had to invade the Japanese home island that would result in casualities resulting in millions.So they first tried fire bombing of Japanese cities, then atomic bomb which finally brought the Japanese to their senses and Emperor agreed to surrender.

Anyways who are we to judge as Japan has excellent relation with US inspite of being the only country attacked by nuclear weapons that too by US
US had to face terrible casualities for each of the Japanese Island that they captured (Eg: Iwo Jima). The whole Japanese detachment would perish or commit suicide rather than surrender..............

Says the US propaganda machine...... Like I said why surrender at the destruction of of two cities when 60+ cities were blown to bits?
Japan was willing to negotiate surrender before the Nuking.
In Japan US was alone and Japan was ready to fight to the last man and bullet. Japan was ready to fight even after Hiroshima, but after Nagasakhi the Emperor intervened to stop the war.
You seriously believe that ??? Most of Japanese cities were already destroyed... why would Japan suddenly surrender if two more were destroyed.
The nuking was a show of force the to scare the Russkies.
Yes...It was not incredible to believe that Imperial Japan was willing to continue the war...

The strategy for Ketsu-Go was outlined in an 8 April 1945 Army Directive.(4) It stated that the Imperial Army would endeavor to crush the Americans while the invasion force was still at sea. They planned to deliver a decisive blow against the American naval force by initially destroying as many carriers as possible, utilizing the special attack forces of the Air Force and Navy. When the amphibious force approached within range of the homeland airbases, the entire air combat strength would be employed in continual night and day assaults against these ships. In conducting the air operations, the emphasis would be on the disruption of the American landing plans. The principal targets were to be the troop and equipment transports. Those American forces which succeeded in landing would be swiftly attacked by the Imperial Army in order to seek the decisive victory. The principal objective of the land operation was the destruction of the American landing force on the beach.
Further...Even AFTER Nagasaki was destroyed and the Emperor was ready to give the surrender speech, a cadre of the military mutinied and tried to intercept the delivery of the surrender speech...

The Kyūjō Incident (宮城事件 Kyūjō Jiken?) was an attempted military coup d'état in Japan at the end of the Second World War. It happened on the night of 14 August 1945 – 15 August 1945, just prior to announcement of Japan's surrender to the Allies. The attempted coup was put into effect by the Staff Office of the Ministry of War of Japan and by many from the Imperial Guard of Japan in order to stop the move to surrender.
These facts were not known until after the official surrender. But they speaks volume on the mentality of the Japanese military that was willing to sacrifice all of Japan, land and people, to continue the fight to the last man.

Not only that, author Akira Yoshimura revealed how underground arms factories escaped Allied bombardments...

Amazon.com: Zero Fighter (9780275953553): Akira Yoshimura: Books

Not only was the Zero fighter but there were also tanks and assorted individual weapons were being manufactured on the backs of children and the elderly. These efforts would not have deterred an invasion but they would have made Allied occupation much more bloody on both sides.
If the gentleman is proud to be an American, there is nothing wrong with that. Though in the muslim world we always see the US as anti-Islam, Israel supporter and a human rights violatar that supports Kings, dictators and terrorists, there is another side of America, where muslim do get a chance to excel, educate, advance in all fields of the American Society. US also has good hearted people. This is a fair opinion and honest opinion.
Says the US propaganda machine...... Like I said why surrender at the destruction of of two cities when 60+ cities were blown to bits?
Japan was willing to negotiate surrender before the Nuking.

Show me the other source.

Japan surrendered as they were awe struck at the 'New Bomb'. What it took thousand of bombers to achieve can now be achieved with a single bomber armed with a single bomb.This can be compared to how Iraqis became dis- oriented and their morale depleted rapidly at the sight of radar evading bombers and precision guided bombs during Gulf War 1
Show me the other source.

Japan surrendered as they were awe struck at the 'New Bomb'. What it took thousand of bombers to achieve can now be achieved with a single bomber armed with a single bomb.

The following book....
Even if the US was not willing to attack Japan... The Russians were (when they invaded Chinese Manchuria and Sakhalin) and they did not care about the causalities (like when the Red Army was fighting the Germans)

This is discussed in the book
Review Excerpt
The most comprehensive study yet undertaken of Japanese documentary sources. The highly praised study argues that the atomic bomb played only a secondary role in Japan's decision to surrender. By far the most important factor, Hasegawa finds, was the entry of the Soviet Union into the war against Japan on Aug. 8, 1945, two days after the Hiroshima bombing. (Gar Alperovitz Philadelphia Inquirer )

Amazon.com: Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan (9780674016934): Tsuyoshi Hasegawa: Books
The following book....
Even if the US was not willing to attack Japan... The Russians were (when they invaded Chinese Manchuria and Sakhalin) and they did not care about the causalities (like when the Red Army was fighting the Germans)

This is discussed in the book
Review Excerpt
The most comprehensive study yet undertaken of Japanese documentary sources. The highly praised study argues that the atomic bomb played only a secondary role in Japan's decision to surrender. By far the most important factor, Hasegawa finds, was the entry of the Soviet Union into the war against Japan on Aug. 8, 1945, two days after the Hiroshima bombing. (Gar Alperovitz Philadelphia Inquirer )

Amazon.com: Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan (9780674016934): Tsuyoshi Hasegawa: Books

If thats the case Japanese should thank US for their bomb and their eventual surrender to US. Otherwise Japan would have never been what she is now- a first world economic power.
If thats the case Japanese should thank US for their bomb and their eventual surrender to US. Otherwise Japan would have never been what she is now- a first world economic power.
The crocodile tears for Japan is quite convenient. If anything, Germany was the greater loser between the two. The destruction of Germany was made worse with partition into four zones of occupation, then became two distinct political entities for decades until the end of the Cold War. For Asia, the A-bombs were cosmic justice for the atrocities Imperial Japan did upon the Asians.
that really is a dumb answer man . after all democracy if all about the right to free thought , speech and action . you seem to be going against what your founding fathers envisioned for your country.
Those things has nothing to do with patriotism, or the charge of the lack thereof.
You mean goras typically accepts others by looking at their qualification.Any way my point is that this rule cannot be termed as universal.

No I meant that education money etc nothing matters they dont really except you. Often they dont even realise they are being racist for example the say but youre so nice educated etc (I am butt and fair) you dont look like a pakistani etc I didnt think there were pakistanis like you. They are fed daily diatribe of anti pakistan propaganda in their media. Other times lets say a pakistani adds up 10 figures for accounts it is fraud if a white person makes the same mistake its a mistake.

Let me explain in the 1990's in a cricket match the england cricket captain atherton was seen on tv taking mud out of his pocket and rubbing it on to a cricket ball. There was some altercation but I remember reading an article in the newspaper and some journalist stating oh I know Michael and he would never tamper with the ball he was just being a bit naive and trying to dry the ball. That was the general view in uk papers and they drowned out any voices stating that this was the england captain caught red handed tampering with the ball. At the same time wasim one of the finest left hand fast ballers of all time was acused in massive headlines in Murdochs rags that he and pakistanis was a cheat.
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