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Type 052D DDG News & Discussions

Too bad only 8 Type 52D destroyers have been planned. If Yantai and Dalian Shipyard builds more drydocks, then there could be up to 16 Type 052D destroyers, which China needs.
when JN shifts its main attention to the building of 055s,which could be any time soon?

Will they still have the production capability left after starting to build the aircraft carrier?

Too bad only 8 Type 52D destroyers have been planned. If Yantai and Dalian Shipyard builds more drydocks, then there could be up to 16 Type 052D destroyers, which China needs.

Because China will go after the larger Type 055.
Because China will go after the larger Type 055.



12,000ton 055 class DDG will 1st built in ShangHai shipyard.
Top view pics, 052D vs 052C DDG


Top view pics, 052D vs 052C DDG



They could have added 8X2 more VLS cells on 052D the way 052C did。

But since Type 055 is just around the corner。。。。:azn:
They could have added 8X2 more VLS cells on 052D the way 052C did。

But since Type 055 is just around the corner。。。。:azn:
We should build at least 50 pops of these weapons in the coming 10 years. Image if We deploy 10 DDG along the Syria coastal line.
They could have added 8X2 more VLS cells on 052D the way 052C did。

But since Type 055 is just around the corner。。。。:azn:

The Type 055 is rumored to begin construction in a few months.
Latest PLA navy destroyer completes sea trial

By Chen Boyuan

China.org.cn, September 12, 2013

The Chinese navy's latest 052D-class destroyer was recently unveiled to the public when a set of photos online showed its sea trial at the mouth of the Huangpu River, causing a further wave of sensation following the ship's launch last year.

Yang Yujun, spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense, said: "There is nothing to be surprised about. Commissioning ships and aircraft is common in the military. It is not worth excessive interpretation."

The vessel is the first of China's 052D-class destroyers. It is equipped with the world's most advanced anti-aircraft system – the second-generation of what is called the Chinese Aegis.

The U.S. media claimed that the 052D would even be equipped with China's own Donghai-10 cruise missiles, making the destroyer the first-ever surface vessel in the PLA navy capable of such capability.

Donghai-10 missiles used to be exclusive to China's nuclear-powered 093-class hunter-killer submarines. They reportedly have an effective range of 1,500-2,500 KM, and are said to be even stronger than the U.S. Tomahawks.

Canadian-based Kanwa Asian Defence Monthly reported that the 052D was modified based on the 052C-class destroyer, which was launched in 2003. As of today, three 052D ships have been launched from Jiangnan Shipyard.

The online photos show that the 052D has a similar hull layout to its predecessor, the 052C, and it looks like the U.S Navy's Arleigh Burke-class destroyers. On the ship's bridge, four plates of phased array radar antennas replaced the 052C's arc-shape radar, which is the most striking difference from the earlier model.

A set of missile vertical launching systems (VLS) have been installed on the front and rear decks of the 052D. The VLS features a square-mouth launcher – modified from the earlier round-shape – which looks like a chocolate bar. The system on the 052D bears a striking resemblance to the MK41 VLS on the U.S. Aegis warships. In addition, the 052D now has 64 VLS units, compared to the 48 on the earlier model.

A Russian military news website wrote that the upgraded VLS "shows the versatility of PLA technology – the system is capable of launching various types of missiles in different situations."

The report also said that up to four smaller-sized missiles could fit into each launch tube, giving the vessel greater flexibility and more fire power during combat. According to the report, the 052D's VLS supports both cold and hot launches, a feature which is no warships anywhere currently possess.

On top of the destroyer's helicopter apron, a 24-unit Haihongqi-10 short-range anti-aircraft missile system has replaced the old 7-unit 30mm multi-barrel guns for last-minute close-range defense. This upgrade extends the vessel's capability to defend against sea-skimming anti-ship missiles to 10 km.

In addition, 052D's weapon system features a 130mm/70 caliber stealth gun. Its unusual shape aroused the curiosity of online fans.

These new features enable 052D-class ships to engage in various kinds of warfare, including anti-aircraft, anti-submarine, anti-surface vessel and anti-ground target missions, with capabilities similar to the U.S. Navy's Ticonderoga-class cruisers and Arleigh Burke-class destroyers.

In an interview with China Central Television, military expert Yin Zhuo said that 052D could be used in an aircraft carrier battle group, a statement supported by Prof. Li Li from the National Defense University of the People's Liberation Army.

It is likely that the 052D-class destroyers will form a shield, 200km in radius, to protect China's future Liaoning aircraft carrier battle group from aerial enemy attacks.

The sea trial of the 052D-class destroyer has made it clear that the vessel will join the Liaoning aircraft carrier's attack missions, while protecting the battle group mostly from enemy air strikes.

Latest PLA navy destroyer completes sea trial- China.org.cn
We should build at least 50 pops of these weapons in the coming 10 years. Image if We deploy 10 DDG along the Syria coastal line.

I think China only needs 20-30.

Anyway, sending 10 of these bad boys should scare NATO. :yay:
From latest images at JN shipyard..........it appears that the 4th 052C is now having a final touch up, after recent sea trials, as the pennant number '151' has now been added to the hull. I imagine commissioning of the ship, is now not that far away.

So.............that will mean the PLAN has the original 2 AEGIS Destroyers type 052C numbers 170 & 171

2 new improved 052C+ numbers 150 & 151

a further 2 052C+ which are nearly complete

3 type 052D's launched, 1 under going sea trials

a 4th type 052D in a hallway being assembled..........and what appears to be modules for a 5th 052D outside.

Now..........we all wait for the proposed start of build for China's new super 12,000 ton Destroyer the 055!

Things seem to be coming along nicely!
can t-55 class destroyers beat usa's aegis destroyers

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