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Let‘s roll out as many this baby as possbile and in the shortest time possible before getting on with Type 055. :azn:
Let‘s roll out as many this baby as possbile and in the shortest time possible before getting on with Type 055. :azn:

Chinese navy has or is building now 6 x Type 052C and at least 5 x Type 052D, all visible from photos, the role of 12 000t class Type 055 will be very interesting for observation.

Henri K.
Chinese navy has or is building now 6 x Type 052C and at least 5 x Type 052D, all visible from photos, the role of 12 000t class Type 055 will be very interesting for observation.

Henri K.

With all the attention on the Type 52D and on the future, the Type 55. I think building a few cruisers could be fun. OR 'battlecruiser.' Could be something fun. Definately has the intimidation factor, which is what we need, since we probably won't be in a actual naval war against anyone anytime soon.

On the off chance we do fight, our coast guard would probably be enough.
When are they going to install the antenna? Once it installed, its good to go and commission it. I will say the pace of commissioning Type 052D will be much faster than 052C as its more capable. PLAN shall liked to make as many of it as possible.
The AESA panels are huge, it looks no smaller than the AN/SPY-3.

4045 T/R per face, it could simply not be smaller...

When are they going to install the antenna? Once it installed, its good to go and commission it. I will say the pace of commissioning Type 052D will be much faster than 052C as its more capable. PLAN shall liked to make as many of it as possible.


This is just the first sea trial for propulsion system...

If we refer to the Type 052C program, the sea trial would last for 18 to 24 months.

Henri K.
This is just the first sea trial for propulsion system...

If we refer to the Type 052C program, the sea trial would last for 10 to 14 months.

Henri K.

I don't think the pace of Type 052C shall be the benchmark for Type 052D. PLAN is not fully satisfy with Type 052C due to the obsolete VLS which cannot house different type of missiles. That is why it was stopped at 6 build. Precisely, it the reason it so slow in commission. While Type 052D is fully committed by PLAN due to the advance VLS module which can house many type of missiles. It will be pump out like Type 054A and as fast as it.

Even Type054A VLS is more modern than Type 052C VLS as its capable of fitting ASROC and SAM.
I don't think the pace of Type 052C shall be the benchmark for Type 052D. PLAN is not fully satisfy with Type 052C due to the obsolete VLS which cannot house different type of missiles. That is why it was stopped at 6 build. Precisely, it the reason it so slow in commission. While Type 052D is fully committed by PLAN due to the advance VLS module which can house many type of missiles. It will be pump out like Type 054A and as fast as it.

Even Type054A VLS is more modern than Type 052C VLS as its capable of fitting ASROC and SAM.

Sea trial program, or any test flight or ground trial, follows a strictly defined process. It's not because one says we need to commission in 3 months that we can really do it.

If you refer to my personal table on Type 054A achievement, you can see that the sea trial last from around 280 days (9 months) to 480 days (16 months), the last 4 boats are stabilized to 360 days (12 months), and this is for a 4000t-class ship.


Now if you have a look on the same table I made for Type 052C, I would say Chinese shipyard and navy guys work already quite fast, around 15 months with the imported propulsion système for the forst 2 boats, and around 24 months with the new propulsion système from 150 and on.


Don't forget that Type 052D are using exactly the same propulsion systems as the last 4 Type 052C, you can't expect going faster for Type 052D in that case.

Sea trial of the last 2 Type 052C and the Type 052D could probably decrease to 18 months but not sure. You won't be able to go down more for this 6000t-class ship.

If you have a look on FREMM which is a 6000t-class ship as well, you will find something similar.

Wish is one thing, physic rule is an another. :moil:

Henri K.
Exactly............as armchair admirals, enthusiasts are keen to see ships join the fleet quickly!

BUT.......the reality is these ships are huge, and have many very complex machine and electronic systems which need to be installed and tested.
Then the ship needs a long time at sea for sea trials to try everything out...........and also for the crew to become familiar with the ship and its systems.
Then once a ship has had its final paint job, and pennant number, then it will be commissioned.

Anyway.........as 'HK' has pointed out. If you compare build times of the 052C's, the Chinese still manage to complete there vessels quicker than equivalent ships in other navies.

One other thing, i don't beleive the 052C is a dissapointment to the PLAN, in fact quite the opposite.

Yes, the vessels dont have the flexibility of the 052D with its multi-type missile VLS, and later generation Aegis systems......but the 052C was the top vessel in the PLAN inventory upto then, and the later 4 052C's being some 10 years newer than the original 2 in class, would of had quite some improvements made to them.

When JN shipyard, after its relocation was complete............the PLAN got to work straight away with constructing a new batch of 052C's.
If the PLAN believed the 052C was not upto scratch, they could of not built further vessels, and waited 2 years for when they were ready to build 052D's...............right?

btw: has the 4th 052C actually been commissioned yet?
Exactly............as armchair admirals, enthusiasts are keen to see ships join the fleet quickly!

BUT.......the reality is these ships are huge, and have many very complex machine and electronic systems which need to be installed and tested.
Then the ship needs a long time at sea for sea trials to try everything out...........and also for the crew to become familiar with the ship and its systems.
Then once a ship has had its final paint job, and pennant number, then it will be commissioned.

Anyway.........as 'HK' has pointed out. If you compare build times of the 052C's, the Chinese still manage to complete there vessels quicker than equivalent ships in other navies.

One other thing, i don't beleive the 052C is a dissapointment to the PLAN, in fact quite the opposite.

Yes, the vessels dont have the flexibility of the 052D with its multi-type missile VLS, and later generation Aegis systems......but the 052C was the top vessel in the PLAN inventory upto then, and the later 4 052C's being some 10 years newer than the original 2 in class, would of had quite some improvements made to them.

When JN shipyard, after its relocation was complete............the PLAN got to work straight away with constructing a new batch of 052C's.
If the PLAN believed the 052C was not upto scratch, they could of not built further vessels, and waited 2 years for when they were ready to build 052D's...............right?

btw: has the 4th 052C actually been commissioned yet?

Fully agreed.

However the 6th Type 052C will be the last one from this class.

For the 4th Type 052C, no, I don't think so.

Henri K.
Oh yes..........the 6th 052C is the last in that class.

Now we wait to see how many 052D's are built.

Interestingly............reading on the web.........the US considers the 052D to be still quite some way behind its 'Arleigh Burke' class Destroyers....umm i'am not so sure.........as no one really knows.

If you go to the Chinese 81 military site......the Chinese claim that the 052D is actually far more advanced than people in general think, and there is quite some discussion there on the capability of the radar systems compared to the 'AB's' and also they claim the 052D's even have some advantages over the 'Sampson' radar as fitted to the British type 45 class!

Anyway.....what i hope to see in the near future, is if the type 055 Destroyer/Cruiser class emerges.........because we know the next generation Chinese major surface combatant, should be one hell of a ship!
Oh yes..........the 6th 052C is the last in that class.

Now we wait to see how many 052D's are built.

Interestingly............reading on the web.........the US considers the 052D to be still quite some way behind its 'Arleigh Burke' class Destroyers....umm i'am not so sure.........as no one really knows.

If you go to the Chinese 81 military site......the Chinese claim that the 052D is actually far more advanced than people in general think, and there is quite some discussion there on the capability of the radar systems compared to the 'AB's' and also they claim the 052D's even have some advantages over the 'Sampson' radar as fitted to the British type 45 class!

Anyway.....what i hope to see in the near future, is if the type 055 Destroyer/Cruiser class emerges.........because we know the next generation Chinese major surface combatant, should be one hell of a ship!

The truth is that no-one really knows on the capabilities of the Type-052D.

You can make a guess as to the level that the Chinese are at least at by the fact that they no longer buy ships from the Russians. If the Type-052C was not at least comparable to Russian ships then they would logically still buy from the Russians.

My guess if that the Type-05D is comparable to the UK Type-045 and the latter variants of the US Arleigh Burke but slightly inferior to them. The reason is that the Chinese had a whole decade to improve on the Type-052C and now have a lot of knowledge on AESA radars.
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