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Two prime ministers, two different receptions

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Yeah - But they are still not allowed in SPG & NSG (forget about Muslims as their loyalties are still questionable), even the Sikh Prime Minister have to bow down to this rule.

Constitution of Pakistan doesn't even allow a non-Muslim to become President or Prime Minister.
The whole point of my comment was that Pakistan has never had real democracy, and Pakistani diaspora are highlighting that fact, dispelling the sham aura of legitimacy that Nawaz claims.
Wait noww, Diaspora that lives outside pakistan, who never voted in the elections are challenging the electoral process? How does that work?
LoL most indian and even pakistani muslims follow hindu culture. Just look at your marriage ceremonies how islamic - isn't it?

The issue is not about following Hindu customs (we all do), but having to abandon Islamic culture and customs.

That logic might only be consitent in pakistan, not in India, or any other part of the world....

India is a secular country, and will remain so... along with that it is will also remain the country where Santhan Dhrama Originated and will remain a natural homeland for all hindus.

As I wrote, that speech may work on gullible Western audience, but will not work on anyone from the region (Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan) who knows the reality of India.

Wait noww, Diaspora that lives outside pakistan, who never voted in the elections are challenging the electoral process? How does that work?

Because we know how elections work in Pakistan and how the political scene is dominated by dynastic parties.
Constitution of Pakistan doesn't even allow a non-Muslim to become President or Prime Minister.

Constitution allow or not, non-Muslims still will not be able to become President or Prime Minister in country with 97% Muslims population other than that Pakistan don't claim to be a secular country - it's Islamic Republic. Anyway Indian constitution doesn't bar Sikhs from SPG & NSG.
Title of this thread is wrong. Nawaz is not elected PM of Pakistan, hence his treatment by international world leaders. Heck, even the West acknowledges that he came to power via rigging and corruption but dares not to admit it!

Last time he met with Obama, he was reading from his parchis in front of entire press, embarrassing Pakistan further on the world stage:
View attachment 112837
Look at Obama's face. He looks like a witch doctor while Nawaz is reading :D

and that too in Hindi...
modi's reception was largely by indian americans who flooded in just to see him.....whereas Pakistanis and Pakistani Americans did not care much for Nawaz Sharif's arrival - he was embattled back home and quite frankly - nobody really cared for what he had to say not b/c what he said wasn't important but because it was from him and he lacks basic leadership skills

now with that said - at least to NS's "credit" -- there aren't court cases ongoing against him in the U.S. Whereas Modi walked himself into a bit of a humiliation as we saw.


Kashmiris, Sikhs protest outside White House against Modi - thenews.com.pk
I hope you Pakistanis keep this great atitude .

Your country has the slowest growth rate in south Asia.

Hated by the west

Left way behind in growth by the world

Your angst hatred to non muslims and their refusal to help you fight for Kashmir is eating you up and destroying your people and your nation.

Keep it up
The issue is not about following Hindu customs (we all do), but having to abandon Islamic culture and customs.
if they do it by their own free will what problem will you have?

Constitution allow or not, non-Muslims still will not be able to become President or Prime Minister in country with 97% Muslims population other than that Pakistan don't claim to be a secular country - it's Islamic Republic. Anyway Indian constitution doesn't bar Sikhs from SPG & NSG.

Nothing wrong with being proud of Hindu culture. The problem is that some Hindu extremists want to convert all non-Hindus back to Hinduism, or have them leave India. As I wrote above, for them, "to be Indian" = "to be Hindu".

Source: Two prime ministers, two different receptions | Page 3
As I wrote above, for them, "to be Indian" = "to be Hindu".

Facts from history of independent India disapprove your statement.

Muslim population of India is much more than what it was in 1947 which contradict the claim that India is converting Muslims.

On the contrary Hindu population in Pakistan drastically reduced since 1947 which proves that reverse of your equation is true ie "To be Pakistani = To be Muslim"

Seeing the situation of Shia and Ahmedias in Pakistan ,many can claim that above equation is wrong too. As per the actual ground situation the actual equation should be "To be Pakistani = To be Sunni Muslim"
Constitution allow or not, non-Muslims still will not be able to become President or Prime Minister in country with 97% Muslims population other than that Pakistan don't claim to be a secular country - it's Islamic Republic. Anyway Indian constitution doesn't bar Sikhs from SPG & NSG.
Democracy with constitutional second class citizenry,waah... Especially when the nation itself was formed on the premise of securing rights of minorities, for some reason completely forgot to secure the rights of its own minorities...
Democracy with constitutional second class citizenry,waah... Especially when the nation itself was formed on the premise of securing rights of minorities, for some reason completely forgot to secure the rights of its own minorities...

Ok whatever - Now let's talk about the role modal of democracy and secularism, Why their no entry board for Muslims & Sikhs in SPG and NSG.
Facts from history of independent India disapprove your statement.

Muslim population of India is much more than what it was in 1947 which contradict the claim that India is converting Muslims.

The comments are about what the radical Hindutva organizations want to do, and whether Modi's tenure will further their agenda.
India is perceived by the west as an asset, while Pakistan a liability. Hence the respective responses

yes....so much for being an asset :laugh:

US regrets arresting Krittika Biswas, insists she did not enjoy diplomatic immunity : Americas, News - India Today

Devyani Khobragade featured in U.S. human trafficking report - The Hindu

Not really the diaspora was always in favor of Modi and BJP.

Especially given that large portion of which comprises of Gujarati immigrants.

The diaspora defied visa ban on Modi by inviting him to address by video conferencing .

In fact it is other way round - diaspora has to large extent forced US administration to change its policies .

Ultimately it's sheer might of Indian democracy which forced Obama administration to bite the dust and roll out red carpet for the man whom they denied visa !!!

if he hadnt won the election its pretty likely the cold shoulder would've still been given.....a State Dept. spokesperson even alluded to this during an interview on Al Jazeera english
If no one likes Nawaz as you suggested how come he is the prime minister of pakistan????? and Imran who is the most liked fellow and his party is restricted to a single province?

Because of election rigging and Pakistani baton passing democracy where PPP and PML-N take turns to rule.
Pakistani public has awoken to this fact and not going anywhere till this fake system is demolished and naya Pakistan is built
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