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Two prime ministers, two different receptions

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It's not what Modi will do himself, but the fact that his popularity encourages Hindu nationalists to promote their agenda. For a person in his position -- country's chief executive with a question mark of anti-Muslim hatred -- Modi should have made an extra effort to assure everyone that he is not anti-Muslim.
what's wrong if hindu nationalists promote their agenda as long as it is not anti muslim??
It's not what Modi will do himself, but the fact that his popularity encourages Hindu nationalists to promote their agenda. For a person in his position -- country's chief executive with a question mark of anti-Muslim hatred -- Modi should have made an extra effort to assure everyone that he is not anti-Muslim.

But Modi will never do that; partly because he _is_ an anti-Muslim bigot, and partly because that would alienate his Hindutva support base.
Most people support him for his economic policies and strong, corruption free governance. It doesn't matter if he is a bigot or not. As long as he can develop the country. If there is better economy and good governance, the religion/caste based politics would die out.
One (albeit a criminal and murderer of minorities) is elected through largely fair electoral process whereas the other through rigging. Reception would be different of-course.

Going by this logic Dictators like Ayub, Yahya, Zia & Mush should never have been welcomed anywhere !

Actually, receptions are based on relevance, ability and standing of a nation.
what's wrong if hindu nationalists promote their agenda as long as it is not anti muslim??

Given India's history and the obsession of the Hindu nationalists with Islamic conquest of India, combined with the fact that anti-Muslim bigotry has been legitimized by the Western media, the primary target of Hindu nationalists are Muslims.

Harming Christians will bring negative press in the Western media, but attacking Muslims will only bring praise.

Most people support him for his economic policies and strong, corruption free governance. It doesn't matter if he is a bigot or not. As long as he can develop the country. If there is better economy and good governance, the religion/caste based politics would die out.

There is no negative correlation between affluence and support for extremist organizations.

In fact, the LTTE got a lot of its funding from rich Tamils in the West. Many extremist Islamic groups get their funding from rich sponsors in the Middle East.

There is every possibility, even likelihood, that extremist Hindu organizations will want to portray India's rise as the rise of Hinduism and Hindu culture. The more India rise, they more they will equate India with Hinduism.
Given India's history and the obsession of the Hindu nationalists with Islamic conquest of India, combined with the fact that anti-Muslim bigotry has been legitimized by the Western media, the primary target of Hindu nationalists are Muslims.
Harming Christians will bring negative press in the Western media, but attacking Muslims will only bring praise.
how is western media relevant in india? and why would they obsessed with islamic conquest of india? - that's a fact and can't be changed.

There is every possibility, even likelihood, that extremist Hindu organizations will want to portray India's rise as the rise of Hinduism and Hindu culture. The more India rise, they more they will equate India with Hinduism.
yoga too is a hindu culture and many people are accepting it so what's wrong in the rise of hindu culture, if it doesn't disturb the plurality of our society
how is western media relevant in india? and why would they obsessed with islamic conquest of india? - that's a fact and can't be changed.

Western (US.UK) media dominates the world, especially the English-speaking world.

The Islamic conquest of India is central to the Hindutva agenda because they want to equate India with Hinduism, meaning "to be Indian" is "to be Hindu" and Muslims are the biggest non-Hindu group in India.

yoga too is a hindu culture and many people are accepting it so what's wrong in the rise of hindu culture, if it doesn't disturb the plurality of our society

Nothing wrong with being proud of Hindu culture. The problem is that some Hindu extremists want to convert all non-Hindus back to Hinduism, or have them leave India. As I wrote above, for them, "to be Indian" = "to be Hindu".

Once again typical pakistani comment.you people think and behave like the dark ages.

Your comment abut religion is from an attitude from five hundred years ago.

Wake up we are in the 21,st century.

Half of USA in non white run by a black president.

Europe is filling with immigrants from all over the world with different religions.

India is a secular country with Sikhs running their military.

You Pakistanis will never get out of this mediievil culture and is left you way behind
Western (US.UK) media dominates the world, especially the English-speaking world.
most indian depends on local media and i don't think our media is anti islamic - with the amount of highlight it has given to gujarata riots and other riots - it's actually the opposite.

The Islamic conquest of India is central to the Hindutva agenda because they want to equate India with Hinduism, meaning "to be Indian" is "to be Hindu" and Muslims are the biggest non-Hindu group in India.
russia, china and even middle east call an indian hindu. Hindu is mostly a culture rather a relgion and even the word india is a derived from hindu. So how are they wrong?

Nothing wrong with being proud of Hindu culture. The problem is that some Hindu extremists want to convert all non-Hindus back to Hinduism, or have them leave India. As I wrote above, for them, "to be Indian" = "to be Hindu"
it's highly unlikely, you can't convert someone by force. It's like i am saying that all muslims are converted on sword.
Pakistani rangers killing Muslims in India by shelling.
Soon they will be know Muslims left in Indian Kashmir

Just Hindu and Sikh soldiers
Pakistani diaspora are sending a positive message of Pakistan - -that there are Pakistanis who value true democracy and reject the sham democracy of Pakistan.
Yes, Pakistan is the beacon of democracy int he world.... remind me how many years has your country been democratic?

Once again typical pakistani comment.you people think and behave like the dark ages.

Your comment abut religion is from an attitude from five hundred years ago.

Wake up we are in the 21,st century.

Half of USA in non white run by a black president.

Europe is filling with immigrants from all over the world with different religions.

India is a secular country with Sikhs running their military.

You Pakistanis will never get out of this mediievil culture and is left you way behind

You should save you speech for a Western audience.
Those of us from the region know the gap between India's carefully crafted image of secular harmony v/s the reality.

most indian depends on local media and i don't think our media is anti islamic - with the amount of highlight it has given to gujarata riots and other riots - it's actually the opposite.

The point is that the globally dominant Western media will support Hindu nationalists if they attack Muslims, regardless of who's right.

russia, china and even middle east call an indian hindu. Hindu is mostly a culture rather a relgion and even the word india is a derived from hindu. So how are they wrong?

it's highly unlikely, you can't convert someone by force. It's like i am saying that all muslims are converted on sword.

You answered the question: imposition of Hinduism as a cultural construct rather than a religion. It bypasses all the Constitutional safeguards for secularism.

Yes, Pakistan is the beacon of democracy int he world.... remind me how many years has your country been democratic?


The whole point of my comment was that Pakistan has never had real democracy, and Pakistani diaspora are highlighting that fact, dispelling the sham aura of legitimacy that Nawaz claims.
You answered the question: imposition of Hinduism as a cultural construct rather than a religion. It bypasses all the Constitutional safeguards for secularism.
LoL most indian and even pakistani muslims follow hindu culture. Just look at your marriage ceremonies how islamic - isn't it?
No one likes Nawaz. If Imran khan was prime minister thousands would show up as well
Given India's history and the obsession of the Hindu nationalists with Islamic conquest of India, combined with the fact that anti-Muslim bigotry has been legitimized by the Western media, the primary target of Hindu nationalists are Muslims.

Harming Christians will bring negative press in the Western media, but attacking Muslims will only bring praise.
That logic might only be consitent in pakistan, not in India, or any other part of the world....

There is no negative correlation between affluence and support for extremist organizations.

In fact, the LTTE got a lot of its funding from rich Tamils in the West. Many extremist Islamic groups get their funding from rich sponsors in the Middle East.

There is every possibility, even likelihood, that extremist Hindu organizations will want to portray India's rise as the rise of Hinduism and Hindu culture. The more India rise, they more they will equate India with Hinduism.

India is a secular country, and will remain so... along with that it is will also remain the country where Santhan Dhrama Originated and will remain a natural homeland for all hindus.
India is a secular country with Sikhs running their military.

Yeah - But they are still not allowed in SPG & NSG (forget about Muslims as their loyalties are still questionable), even the Sikh Prime Minister have to bow down to this rule.
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