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Two billion Muslims do nothing Shame. Retired General Asim munier is only man in 2 billions with atomic bomb

Some of the vassals like Jordan, UAE, Bahrain and Saudi trade with and help Israel and don't need to be militarily occupied (hosting US bases). They helped destroy Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, and Lebanon with the hope they become Israeli vassals like them.
Can any of the active mods here close this thread and do their jobs proactively?

Israel banned dates from its vassal. After the Israeli bitchslap - 'The UAE’s Foreign Affairs Ministry expressed confusion and dismay, describing the ban as a deviation from diplomatic norms. “We do not understand what lies behind this insult against the UAE embassy and the deviation from diplomatic norms,” a source from the ministry told N12'.
Money and energy spent by the protesters would have been better spent on charity. Morocco is a big Arab bish of Israel and the protests are only symbolic.
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