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Turkish president warns of Holocaust if intolerance continues


Dec 12, 2008
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Turkish president warns of Holocaust if intolerance continues


Racism and a lack of tolerance of different cultures and lifestyles are some of the chronic diseases in Western socities, says Turkish President Gül. DHA Photo


Racism and a lack of tolerance of different cultures and lifestyles are some of the chronic diseases in Western socities, says Turkish President Gül. DHA Photo
European countries will face new humanitarian tragedies leading to mass killings of people if they continue in their failure to embrace tolerance toward different cultures and religions, President Abdullah Gül has warned.

“Islam and migrants have been a reality in Europe for centuries. As long as the continent of Europe doesn’t approach segments which are different from the majority with tolerance, particularly in regards to religion, an occurrence of new inquisitions and Holocausts, as well as incidents evoking Srebrenica, are probable,” Gül said yesterday.

His strongly worded remarks came as he delivered a keynote speech at the opening of a two-day international symposium on “Migration, Islam and Multiculturality in Europe” arranged by Hacettepe University’s Migration and Politics Research Center.

Racism and a lack of tolerance of different cultures and lifestyles are some of the chronic diseases in Western societies, Gül said, drawing attention to the increase in support for political parties which portray migrants as the main reason for societal problems in European countries such as safety, unemployment, crime and poverty.

“When politics begins ‘otherizing’ a segment, then we see the alienation of migrants and minorities from the country in which they live and from the society in which they live as an inevitable consequence. As seen in countless examples in history, countries which have been able to perpetuate societal and cultural diversity in unity and harmony have stood out in history. Correspondingly, countries which have exerted efforts to either destroy or put pressure on societal and cultural diversity due to different fears have first of all lost their human richness; subsequently, they have experienced a loss of economic and political power,” the president said.

“In this regard, although each country is responsible for producing its own authentic resolutions, showing respect for multiculturalism [is necessary],” he said.

“Racism and intolerance toward different cultures and lifestyles are unfortunately one of the most chronic diseases. Although this disease can be taken under control, it arises again, particularly during times of economic crisis,” he said.

The president also emphasized the importance he attaches to the Law on Foreigners and International Protection which was approved by Parliament on April 4 in a bid to harmonize Turkey’s regulations on the issue with those of the EU. Gül approved the law on April 10, allowing it to go into force on April 11 after being published in the Official Gazette.

Im asking myself how a politic Thread founded in a Defence Forum ? Could you Explain ?
No Pakistani or Muslim or Turk cares to comment on Erdogan's threats here?
No Pakistani or Muslim or Turk cares to comment on Erdogan's threats here?

He's not PM Erdogan but President Gül.

I couldn't see any threats made by him. He simply talked about the racism and intolerance toward different cultures and lifestyles which is rising in Europe. Did you even read the article you post or are you doing it deliberately ?
He's not PM Erdogan but President Gül.
Thanks for the correction.

I couldn't see any threats made by him. He simply talked about the racism and intolerance toward different cultures and lifestyles which is rising in Europe. Did you even read the article you post or are you doing it deliberately ?

"As long as the continent of Europe doesn’t approach segments which are different from the majority with tolerance, particularly in regards to religion, an occurrence of new inquisitions and Holocausts, as well as incidents evoking Srebrenica, are probable”

I class this as a not-so-thinly-veiled threat that unless Christian Europe conforms to Muslim desires Muslims will turn violent - and in his view such Muslims won't be at fault for doing so, but the Christians. Indeed, I don't see any other way to read it, do you?
"As long as the continent of Europe doesn’t approach segments which are different from the majority with tolerance, particularly in regards to religion, an occurrence of new inquisitions and Holocausts, as well as incidents evoking Srebrenica, are probable”

I class this as a not-so-thinly-veiled threat that unless Christian Europe conforms to Muslim desires Muslims will turn violent - and in his view such Muslims won't be at fault for doing so, but the Christians. Indeed, I don't see any other way to read it, do you?

Not necessarily. He probably means that it might encourage the right wing in Europe to take a even harder line against "minorities" thereby leading to "inquisitions" & holocausts" as has happened before in Europe.

P.S. I don't agree with him, this is just my reading of his comments.
Not necessarily. He probably means that it might encourage the right wing in Europe to take a even harder line against "minorities" thereby leading to "inquisitions" & holocausts" as has happened before in Europe.
That's too generous a reading, as unlike Germany Turkey has its own past and present skeletons in the closet that it hides away and won't take moral responsibility for. In this context, then, Gül's statement is a threat:


Genocidal Muslim Country Warns of Genocide if Europe Doesn’t Accept Muslims

April 13, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield 32 Comments

Turkey not only committed genocide against Christians, but it still lies about it and locks up its citizens who even mention the genocide. It’s also violently anti-semitic underits current Islamist government.


So that means the time is right for its government to hypocritically warn Europe that the failure to accept Muslim immigrants could lead to another Holocaust.

European countries will face new humanitarian tragedies leading to mass killings of people if they continue in their failure to embrace tolerance toward different cultures and religions, President Abdullah Gül has warned.

“Islam and migrants have been a reality in Europe for centuries. As long as the continent of Europe doesn’t approach segments which are different from the majority with tolerance, particularly in regards to religion, an occurrence of new inquisitions and Holocausts, as well as incidents evoking Srebrenica, are probable,” Gül said yesterday.​

No doubt Turkey could be a model of tolerance for Europe.

Turkey has huge numbers of Kurdish political prisoners, some locked up for merely speaking their language or singing nationalistic songs.

Turkey not only refuses to acknowledge its Armenian genocide, but Erdogan, its thuggish Islamist leader, threatened Armenians with ethnic cleansing if they keep complaining about it.

And oh yes… Turkey has been carrying out surveillance of its Jewish community.

Racism and a lack of tolerance of different cultures and lifestyles are some of the chronic diseases in Western societies, Gül said, drawing attention to the increase in support for political parties which portray migrants as the main reason for societal problems in European countries such as safety, unemployment, crime and poverty.​

Speaking of racism, the Afro-Turks, the descendants of African slaves from the Ottoman Empire, are routinely discriminated against and referred to as Arabs. (That tells you something about the affection that Turks have for Arabs and their notion of whiteness.)

“Ninety percent of the Afro-Turks are poor, with little education. Most of the men have no job, and of course nor do the women.”​

And when it comes to its treatment of African migrants, Turkey isn’t doing so well either.

The scholar also said North Africans and Sub-Saharan Africans were subjected to differing degrees of discrimination in Turkey.

“There are substantial differences among the two groups: North Africans are Arab in culture and mostly Muslim, whereas Sub-Saharans are not Arab in culture and are mostly Christian,” he said, adding that the first group was subject to less discrimination from Turkish society.

Islam is an important “bridge” Africans use to penetrate Turkish society, although it does not completely negate the race factor, Şaul said. “Black skin marks people out, and it socially affects their lives very negatively.”

Many, however, remember the death of Nigerian migrant Festus Okey, who was shot and killed at Beyoğlu police station on Aug. 20, 2007. There is much controversy over the circumstances of Okey’s death, although authorities have established that the bullet that killed the man came from a police gun.

But let’s hear more from President Gul about racism being a European disease.

“When politics begins ‘otherizing’ a segment, then we see the alienation of migrants and minorities from the country in which they live and from the society in which they live as an inevitable consequence.”

Gul blathers about Otherizing, but it’s Erdogan who urged Turks in Germany not to assimilate and to remain Turks. You can’t colonize another country with settlers and then complain that you’re being otherizing when you’re otherizing yourself as part of a nationalistic and theocratic program of conquest.

The later article you shared is just ridiculous. There is lots false accusations in the article.

That said, President Gül pointed out a problem in Europe, but instead of argueing about that problem, they immediately turn on Turkey and start criticising us.

Europeans doing this, because they think they are better than us, that we can't dictate them anything etc..

Well times has changed, there is lot difference with 10 years past Turkey and present Turkey. Especially I don't think, we are gonna take more shıt from Europe. At the past they got leverage on us with IMF and EU membership. Now we paid all of our debts to IMF and we are giving money to IMF. Secondly, EU membership issue gone sour. Majority of the Turks thinks, Europeans insulted and keeps insulting us by making us wait for 30 years. Combining it with EU crysis, we are no more willing to join EU. As you can see, our government almost freeze the relation with EU since 2008.

P.S I'm with President on this one. Put some political pressure on them. Show the muslims in EU that they are not alone. Muslims in Europe is a very important subject.

Please watch this short documentary to realise why muslims in Europe is such an important subject.
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"As long as the continent of Europe doesn’t approach segments which are different from the majority with tolerance, particularly in regards to religion, an occurrence of new inquisitions and Holocausts, as well as incidents evoking Srebrenica, are probable”

Racial,minority,religion cleansing when ever such things are discussed European example is given......if this is what he has pointed out what is wrong in that.
Here i thought only Erdogoon is retarded....

Please watch this short documentary to realise why muslims in Europe is such an important subject.


I glossed over the video quickly, stopped watching when the statistic about Belgium came up, namely 25%, when all available data says 5%. Projections show that by 2030 Muslim natality will fall to average. This is already happening btw, i know of no Muslim who has more then two children.

P.S I'm with President on this one. Put some political pressure on them. Show the muslims in EU that they are not alone. Muslims in Europe is a very important subject.

I did laugh hard at this. So if you are with the president, you agree it was a threat? What you gonna do? Pack up all kebap stands?
You have no leverage, your guests workers can simply be deported if they prove to be more trouble then they are worth.

Racial,minority,religion cleansing when ever such things are discussed European example is given......if this is what he has pointed out what is wrong in that.

It's called double standars, ie. not even admitting the Armenian genocide and trying to be loud about rights of Turks in the EU who probably have more rights then Muslims in Muslim countries.

Also, the dear Turkish president mentioned Srebrenica, which was a result of a bloody civil war mixed with age old ethnic tensions. I fail to see those same conditions anywhere.
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It's called double standars, ie. not even admitting the Armenian genocide and trying to be loud about rights of Turks in the EU who probably have more rights then Muslims in Muslim countries.

search for "Genocide" 90% of examples given are from Europe...........

Also, the dear Turkish president mentioned Srebrenica, which was a result of a bloody civil war mixed with age old ethnic tensions. I fail to see those same conditions anywhere.

last time i checked Germany was part of Europe.........
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