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Turkish president warns of Holocaust if intolerance continues

OP took it the wrong way.

Turkey is warning of things like Holocaust and the Inquisition happening again to the non-majority.

It's not the Muslim community that will do it, rather they will be the victims of extremist right-wingers.
Darfur, Rwanda, Cambodia? Srebrenica as gruesome as it was, by sheer numbers it doesn't come even close.


Q)How many Jews were murdered during the Holocaust?

A)While it is impossible to ascertain the exact number of Jewish victims, statistics indicate that the total was over 5,860,000. Six million is the round figure accepted by most authorities.

BEAT THAT NUMBER and that is just one European country.........

Is there a civil war brewing in Germany? Or age old ethnic tensions?
The debate is not what is happening now its about "How much has happened and how much can......"

i do agree after the ww2 Europe has definitely increased its human rights............but recent activities indicate a change of mind set which Turks r pointing to.

Q)How many Jews were murdered during the Holocaust?

A)While it is impossible to ascertain the exact number of Jewish victims, statistics indicate that the total was over 5,860,000. Six million is the round figure accepted by most authorities.

Brush up on knowledge regarding Chairman Mao and Comrade Stalin.

BEAT THAT NUMBER and that is just one European country.........

I can feel how strong you felt when typing this. Sadly, you got nuked for not knowing history.

The debate is not what is happening now its about "How much has happened and how much can......"

i do agree after the ww2 Europe has definitely increased its human rights............but recent activities indicate a change of mind set which Turks r pointing to.

Our continent will not be held hostage to the whims of Muslims. We have shown enough political correctness and tolerance and in return we get ever more louder demands to accomodate "special" needs and troublesome minority youth.
Deal with it or pack up your bags.
EUROPE - France to expel Islamists threatening security: minister

Germany Expels Famous Canadian Muslim Preacher

Anyhow, you give a typical Turk answer. Not much on substance, more on confrontation.

Yeap deal with it. We don't like being challenged

Excuse me didn't you said that your gonna kick muslims out of Europe in your previous post. What you show as an example is extremists.

And what about the muslims born and raised in Europe. i.e. 3rd generation Turks in Germany. Are you gonna burn them in ovens or poison them in the gas chambers ?
@Solomon2 Just out of curiosity, have you ever laid blame on anything the State of Israel or the US has done, past or present? I might have missed your crusading for justice by mentioning only the ills of your enemy.
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Brush up on knowledge regarding Chairman Mao and Comrade Stalin.
I can feel how strong you felt when typing this. Sadly, you got nuked for not knowing history.

hey retard..........Stalin was russian and russia is part of europe he was involved in tat nasty european genocide.
forget abut others try to remember ur own...........

Yeap deal with it. We don't like being challeged

What's challeged? Sry no Turkish allowed, thought you realized that after two closed threads. If you mean challenged, you seem to forget it is the Turks who are voluntarily coming to the EU in search of a better life. The ones that appreciate it will conform.

Excuse me didn't you said that your gonna kick muslims out of Europe in your previous post. What you show as an example is extremists.

The ones who wont integrate will be labeled as etremists eventually, corraled into slum villages, the troublemakers will be deported.

Liberal Amsterdam plans to create 'scum villages' | World news | The Guardian

And what about the muslims born and raised in Europe. i.e. 3rd generation Turks in Germany. Are you gonna burn them in ovens or poison them in the gas chambers ?

Other Muslims will kill them.

Syria conflict drawing hundreds of jihadists from Europe, says report

Everyone has a personal choice, either you conform to at least some standards agreed by the other inhabitants of the place they "emigrated" to. Coincidentally the standards of the majority.
hey retard..........Stalin was russian and russia is part of europe he was involved in tat nasty european genocide.
forget abut others try to remember ur own...........

Top 5 genocides are three Asians and two Europeans, with an Asian taking top spot and if you combine it all, Asia takes top spot in # of victims as well.

Btw, Stalin an European is a tall stretch, he was form Georgia, firmly in western Asia, "border" between Asia and Europe runs down the Ural, and through the middle of the Black Sea, pass Istanbul, through the Dardanelles and further on into the Mediterranean.
But you wouldn't know that anyway.

As for Bosnia, yawn, cold war just ended, defence budgets were loosened, nobody was prepared to go to war in some eastern European country. Why didn't you go? Or pay for it?
Btw, how did it end? Who came to stop it? Lets see if you have enough intellectual honesty to say it.
There shouldn't even be different life styles in Europe,when in Rome act as the romans,fail to do so? Take a hike back to your "land of the free"! Europe doesn't have to tolerate or embrace anything! His remarks should be adressed at the immigrants,they're bringing all this pressure on themselves.I agree,someday a storm will come and will devastate some european minorities unfortunately but is't not Europe's fault as much as it is the agressive minority's who's been challenging their generous host.
There shouldn't even be different life styles in Europe,when in Rome act as the romans,fail to do so? Take a hike back to your "land of the free"! Europe doesn't have to tolerate or embrace anything! His remarks should be adressed at the immigrants,they're bringing all this pressure on themselves.I agree,someday a storm will come and will devastate some european minorities unfortunately but is't not Europe's fault as much as it is the agressive minority's who's been challenging their generous host.

I've seen Arabs in Belgium and the Netherlands and my fellow countrymen in Germany. I know what you mean.
There shouldn't even be different life styles in Europe,when in Rome act as the romans,fail to do so? Take a hike back to your "land of the free"! Europe doesn't have to tolerate or embrace anything! His remarks should be adressed at the immigrants,they're bringing all this pressure on themselves.I agree,someday a storm will come and will devastate some european minorities unfortunately but is't not Europe's fault as much as it is the agressive minority's who's been challenging their generous host.

Look pal, you can't even say which country you are from. Because most probaly you are living in an east-european shıthole country whose job is to supply cheap workers to countries like Germany. So don't act all high and mighty. There are 50 million muslims in Europe, lets see what you gonna do about it.
There shouldn't even be different life styles in Europe,when in Rome act as the romans,fail to do so? Take a hike back to your "land of the free"! Europe doesn't have to tolerate or embrace anything! His remarks should be adressed at the immigrants,they're bringing all this pressure on themselves.I agree,someday a storm will come and will devastate some european minorities unfortunately but is't not Europe's fault as much as it is the agressive minority's who's been challenging their generous host.
If you live in a country,you live by the rules of that country.
I am in my country ,here we were talking about Europe,my country is European(you know,the EU,we are all its citizens).Get it or you need a dictionary for that?Last I checked the majority of turks came to Europe as cheap labour so don't go name calling now,Turkey is far from an economic power house.Anyway what I was talkins refers to all immigrants ,including my countrymen.What I am going to do?Nothing!! But if you want to know what it will happen to european minorities just look back in history,Spain had a lot of arabs back in the 15th century.I am not advocating such solutions,but history has a cyclical way,I was saying that in order to prevent this you should stop cryung "racists europeans" and look for problems closer to home.

Exactly! Someone asked from where I am from,I am from Romania and what I've said here,I've said before to some of my own countrymen crying off racist italians for example.Peopke just get pissed when their way of life is threatened by foreigners,it's just the way it is.

Look pal, you can't even say which country you are from. Because most probaly you are living in an east-european shıthole country whose job is to supply cheap workers to countries like Germany. So don't act all high and mighty. There are 50 million muslims in Europe, lets see what you gonna do about it.
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