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Turkish president warns of Holocaust if intolerance continues

I was mostly reffering to the wackos with their "sharia law for europe!" thinking .That scares people and gives racism fuel for hatred.Racism has two essential ingredients :economic harshes and a minority to pin your problems on and it helps if that minority is challenging your way of life.
The per capita income between Turkey and Romania is about the same,the difference in GDP comes with the population numbers but we were not talking about a country vs country,if your nationalist over inflated ego wants that then go ahead.I'm out.

If you say
Turkey is far from an economic power house.
yes it's country vs country.
I was mostly reffering to the wackos with their "sharia law for europe!" thinking .That scares people and gives racism fuel for hatred.Racism has two essential ingredients :economic harshes and a minority to pin your problems on and it helps if that minority is challenging your way of life.
We all know which part of the muslim world wants that!
Are you a member of TRDEFENCE ?
Nope, non of the Turkish Forums

I found most of the Turkish Forums....... a little hyped. Like "we are the best, fvck the rest" attitude. That attitude never leads in to productive debating.
Nope, non of the Turkish Forums

I found most of the Turkish Forums....... a little hyped. Like "we are the best, fvck the rest" attitude. That attitude never leads in to productive debating.

The irony.......:rolleyes:

His(AUDIO) claims of if you dont like it get out is bs,if you are born and raised in europe nobody can kick you out.

True, i agree with the youth part also.
But their upward social mobility would be so impaired due to juvenile prison and later on the real deal prison that there would be a very hard way out. once you are marked, you are marked, jobs are difficult to obtain with a "colorful" history.
Some would try and succeed, others would fail and eventually when they would get tired of barely getting by they would try their luck in some "hotspot" like Syria. I bet the sheikhs pay more then welfare in EU. Talking about all Muslims here.
You're a little kid.....that doesn't really know much. What GDP/capita did you want to talk about? The 10.000$ one? Powerhouse indeed.

The irony.......:rolleyes:

True, i agree with the youth part also.
But their upward social mobility would be so impaired due to juvenile prison and later on the real deal prison that there would be a very hard way out. once you are marked, you are marked, jobs are difficult to obtain with a "colorful" history.
Some would try and succeed, others would fail and eventually when they would get tired of barely getting by they would try their luck in some "hotspot" like Syria. I bet the sheikhs pay more then welfare in EU. Talking about all Muslims here.
You know as wel as i do,those who they are not Turks.
Why not call it as it is.
You're a little kid.....that doesn't really know much. What GDP/capita did you want to talk about? The 10.000$ one? Powerhouse indeed.
The irony.......:rolleyes:

Dont twist the my words man, go back read the my posts.

I'm tried of your non-sense, what are you trying to achive anyway? Are you greek or what, why are you all hiding behind the EU flag ?
Dont twist the my words man, go back read the my posts.

I'm tried of your non-sense, what are you trying to achive anyway? Are you greek or what, why are you all hiding behind the EU flag ?

Nobody is hiding,european identity and european citizenship is a reality,it seems that you're the one in the dark about this one.
Dont twist the my words man, go back read the my posts.

I'm tried of your non-sense, what are you trying to achive anyway? Are you greek or what, why are you all hiding behind the EU flag ?

Yes, we're all hiding from the mighty jannisaries!!! and btw, between you and me, nonsense competition is fair and square won by you.

Anyhow, i'm going out for burger with kaymak! At least something good immigrated...;)

You know as wel as i do,those who there are not Turks.
Why not call it as it is.

I know Turks, Bosnians and Albanians are the best integrated....but i was talking about all, just like your president talked about not only Turks.
I know Turks, Bosnians and Albanians are the best integrated....but i was talking about all, just like your president talked about not only Turks.

Yes,the president was reffering to a "muslim minority".Last year I visited a friend who's working in London and I was told about sharia law zones established by immigrants.I was appaled,sorry but I will always get upset when i see this things ,i mean how can you come here and tell people that they are without morals,that they should live this way,that you have to live in certain areas according to your customs? I say,no way!! I like they way we live on this continent,i love our freedom.
I don't like Erdogan, but he is quite right here. Nationalistic and right-wing sentiment in Europe is on the rise,mainly due to the ailing economies of EU which causes politicians to bring forth a 'bogeyman' to preserve loyalty of voters, immigrants and muslims being the easiest and most convenient bogeyman.

Most right-wingers would bring forth the excuse of "muslims crying for sharia law", which in fact is a mass generalisation. Most muslims/turks and immigrants in general are constructive citizens of EU and statistically, contribute more than even native citizens generally in short-run and definitely over the long run.

A holocaust is quite far fetched though.

Let's face it folks,guys like this Anjem Choudary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia will always stand out in the publics eyes instead of Hüseyin Özer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Taking Anjem choudary as a representative of immigrants and muslims is like taking jimmy saville to represent british people. Can only loathe the intelligence of those who commit such mass generalisations.
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