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Turkish president warns of Holocaust if intolerance continues

I don't like Erdogan, but he is quite right here. Nationalistic and right-wing sentiment in Europe is on the rise,mainly due to the ailing economies of EU which causes politicians to bring forth a 'bogeyman' to preserve loyalty of voters, immigrants and muslims being the easiest and most convenient bogeyman.

Most right-wingers would bring forth the excuse of "muslims crying for sharia law", which in fact is a mass generalisation. Most muslims/turks and immigrants in general are constructive citizens of EU and statistically, contribute more than even native citizens generally in short-run and definitely over the long run.

A holocaust is quite far fetched though.

Taking Anjem choudary as a representative of immigrants and muslims is like taking jimmy saville to represent british people. Can only loathe the intelligence of those who commit such mass generalisations.

Generalisations or not,they exist.I believe that the muslim community should deal with this kind of situations on their own backyard,i mean stop those fools who are out there in muslim neighborhoods trying to impose a idiotic rule.I wasn't saying he represents muslims,i was pointing that his idiotic behaviour stands out more in the face of public opinion.Don't you agree that if they were tackled by their own community these clowns would cease to exist?.I mean if i would see some clowns posting some "ultraortodox christian area of living" next to my house I would step up imediately.
Yes,the president was reffering to a "muslim minority".Last year I visited a friend who's working in London and I was told about sharia law zones established by immigrants.I was appaled,sorry but I will always get upset when i see this things ,i mean how can you come here and tell people that they are without morals,that they should live this way,that you have to live in certain areas according to your customs? I say,no way!! I like they way we live on this continent,i love our freedom.

Problem with people like you is that you take what your right wing buddies and websites say on face value and don't bother to investigate.

There are no "sharia law zones" in the whole of UK. It is illegal and if anyone tried to establish any, the police would vet them out. It's a myth passed on by racists and scaremongers.
Problem with people like you is that you take what your right wing buddies and websites say on face value and don't bother to investigate.

There are no "sharia law zones" in the whole of UK. It is illegal and if anyone tried to establish any, the police would vet them out. It's myth passed on by racists and scaremongerers.

There are not such legally established zones,but there are people out there roaming the streets with idiotic pamflets and warnings,friends of mine personally encountered them ,i will ask them again and i will give you specific locations.I am not right wing so you can stop your characterisation right here.A problem does exist and if we sweep it under a rug it will only get worse for everybody.Blaming it all on "urban myths" doesn't help because people live in the real world ,a rape related problem with the growing muslim minority exists in Sweden,etc,they don't need or care for someone like you telling them that black is white or vice versa.
Generalisations or not,they exist.I believe that the muslim community should deal with this kind of situations on their own backyard,i mean stop those fools who are out there in muslim neighborhoods trying to impose a idiotic rule.I wasn't saying he represents muslims,i was pointing that his idiotic behaviour stands out more in the face of public opinion.Don't you agree that if they were tackled by their own community these clowns would cease to exist?.I mean if i would see some clowns posting some "ultraortodox christian area of living" next to my house I would step up imediately.

Do you believe in free speech? If yes, then anyone has a right to voice their opinion. Just as you can say you won't tolerate Sharia law, Anjem choudary also has a right to call for Sharia law. You cannot impose a limit on anyone's speech and claim to stand for free speech at the same time, can you?

"I mean if i would see some clowns posting some "ultraortodox christian area of living" next to my house I would step up imediately"

You wouldn't. Such closely-knit communities are in fact, very common. There are Chinatowns, orthodox Jewish areas of living and general immigrant areas, such as East London, where South asians and muslimstend to concentrate.
There are not such legally established zones,but there are people out there roaming the streets with idiotic pamflets and warnings,friends of mine personally encountered them ,i will ask them again and i will give you specific locations.I am not right wing so you can stop your characterisation right here.A problem does exist and if we sweep it under a rug it will only get worse for everybody.Blaming it all on "urban myths" doesn't help because people live in the real world ,they don't need or care for someone like you telling them that black is white or vice versa.

If you notice such patrols, all you need to do is to inform the police and they'll be arrested in no time. That is why they're illegal, duh. Just like imposing a speed limit doesn't necessarily prevent people speeding. It just means it's illegal.

You're generalising Muslims and Islam here, when such patrols occur whenever a group of ultra-orthodox members of any religion concentrate. It doesn't mean they have any legal status.
There are not such legally established zones,but there are people out there roaming the streets with idiotic pamflets and warnings,friends of mine personally encountered them ,i will ask them again and i will give you specific locations.I am not right wing so you can stop your characterisation right here.A problem does exist and if we sweep it under a rug it will only get worse for everybody.Blaming it all on "urban myths" doesn't help because people live in the real world ,a rape related problem with the growing muslim minority exists in Sweden,etc,they don't need or care for someone like you telling them that black is white or vice versa.

Here you go

********.com - London - Muslim Patrols Imposing Islamic Moral Code By Force

And the same sht in different form:

********.com - Golden Dawn Greece - Modern day Nazi's
Do you believe in free speech? If yes, then anyone has a right to voice their opinion. Just as you can say you won't tolerate Sharia law, Anjem choudary also has a right to call for Sharia law. You cannot impose a limit on anyone's speech and claim to stand for free speech at the same time, can you?

You wouldn't. Such closely-knit communities are in fact, very common. There are Chinatowns, orthodox Jewish areas of living and general immigrant areas, such as East London, where South asians and muslimstend to concentrate.

No,somewhere we have to draw the line,as most countries do with holocaust denial.
Oh yes,i most certainly will step up.I am a christian orthodox but if someone tries to impose a "orthodox christian by the book" style of living( no pre marital sex,ban on smoking,ban on gambling,etc) i will not stand idly by.I'm not talking about how you dress or what you eat here.

Here you go

********.com - London - Muslim Patrols Imposing Islamic Moral Code By Force

And the same sht in different form:

********.com - Golden Dawn Greece - Modern day Nazi's

Exactly! Both should be tackled by the community as they are disgusting and wrong!
Exactly! Both should be tackled by the community as they are disgusting and wrong!

Yeah, since they are both equally disgusting, you guys should start giving the same reaction to those Nazis as you give to those radical Islamists. Yet, you tend to connect all your problems with the Islamists as if there is no problem in Europe other than them.
No,somewhere we have to draw the line,as most countries do with holocaust denial.
Oh yes,i most certainly will step up.I am a christian orthodox but if someone tries to impose a "orthodox christian by the book" style of living( no pre marital sex,ban on smoking,ban on gambling,etc) i will not stand idly by.I'm not talking about how you dress or what you eat here.

You say you will "most certainly step up" if someone tries to impose orthodox Christian way of living. Fair enough but, do you know what gives you the right to step up? It's "free speech", which works both ways. Now consider the fact that in some countries, where you don't have free speech, you can be arrested for trying to "step up" to anything you consider right or wrong.

Where should the "line" be drawn anyway? Can two people agree on this? You, as an Orthodox Christian, wouldn't like to have Christian law imposed. Another Orthodox Christian may like to have Christian-law or parts of Christian law imposed on a close community. Free speech gives both of you to voice your opinions. Not one group to authoritatively direct what they'd like.
Burger with kaymak? WTH! Whose invention is that?


^^ Don't know the English word for that, closest i could think of is burger. You get the kaymak in a ball sized portion, i put it below the hot meat so it melts and the meat kinda floats on melted kaymak while you are eating it. It's yummy...

^^ Don't know the English word for that, closest i could think of is burger. You get the kaymak in a ball sized portion, i put it below the hot meat so it melts and the meat kinda floats on melted kaymak while you are eating it. It's yummy...

If we are talking about the same kaymak, it shouldn't be yummy. Which immigrant group has introduced this food in your country?
If we are talking about the same kaymak, it shouldn't be yummy. Which immigrant group has introduced this food in your country?


Cheese, sort of. Serbian, Bosnian restaurants.
You say you will "most certainly step up" if someone tries to impose orthodox Christian way of living. Fair enough but, do you know what gives you the right to step up? It's "free speech", which works both ways. Now consider the fact that in some countries, where you don't have free speech, you can be arrested for trying to "step up" to anything you consider right or wrong.

Where should the "line" be drawn anyway? Can two people agree on this? You, as an Orthodox Christian, wouldn't like to have Christian law imposed. Another Orthodox Christian may like to have Christian-law or parts of Christian law imposed on a close community. Free speech gives both of you to voice your opinions. Not one group to authoritatively direct what they'd like.

European states are laic states,the line should be drawn when religion is out there trying to tell(or worse impose) you how to live.I wasn't talking about other countries i can't ask someone to put his live in danger by speaking against the regime in Saudi Arabia for example.In my opinion free speech doesn't work when you're out there shouting "death to westerners","sharia law for europe" or "death to all muslims"...this is hate speech.

If it were up to me i would put "Abdul the jihadist" with "Jorg the nazi" in the same cell and let them fight it out and leave us alone.

Cheese, sort of. Serbian, Bosnian restaurants.

Anyway, if that thing is a regular portion in Europe, then obesity is a much more serious threat for you guys than immigration can ever be.
Anyway, if that thing is a regular portion in Europe, then obesity is a much more serious threat for you guys than immigration can ever be.

One is enough. I wanted to post a pic with only one ball, but this one was so nice. :P
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